CC Promise Grant Online Application - Implementation FAQ

CC Promise Grant Online Application - Implementation FAQ

Q:  How do I know if I have the latest version of the download client for the CC Promise Grant Online application?

Depending on the age of your download client, you may not have the sample job and format XML files specific to the Fee Waiver application. If you do not have these files in your respective jobs and formats folders, you can retrieve them from the CC Promise Grant Online project website here:

Download Client - Updated Files

You also need to update the transfer-client.jar file in your transfer-client folder, and the application-context.xml and ccctransfer.properties files with the ones found here:

 Download Client - Updated Files

Note: Be sure to update the ccctransfer-properties file with your college's keystore information. Your keystore gets you access to all downloads (CCCApply (Standard and International applications) and CC Promise Grant Online applications) so only one keystore needs to get configured in production when you are ready to go live. 

Q:  I am new to the implementation project. How do I set up our download file to include the CC Promise Grant Online application fields?
A: The User Guide (encompassing the CCCApply Download Client) includes instructions on setting up your download file. See the updated User Guide, located here, for details: User Guides.

Q:  Do I need specific job and format definitions XML files for the CC Promise Grant Online application?
A: Yes. Just like with standard applications, you will need a CC Promise Grant Online application job file and format definitions file. You must adjust the format file to match what your SIS import expects for CC Promise Grant Online application data.

Q: Is it okay for the CCCApply format definitions XML file and the BOG format format definitions XML file to be in the same directory?
A: It is fine to have multiple format definition XML files in a single directory as long as each format file has a unique “id” attribute in the “formatDefinition” element. As long as the unique “id” criteria is met, you can have CCCApply, CC Promise Grant Online, and International Application (to come) format files in the same directory.

Q:  Do I need to set up additional Authorized Users for the CC Promise Grant Online application?
A: Yes. You need to configure authorized users for the CC Promise Grant Online application in the Administrator. However, the only three tabs are available to the CC Promise Grant Online application: Rules, Reset Downloads, and Users. Request the initial user set up from the CCC Tech Center.

Q:  What is the BOG Academic Year and how do we configure that setting for our college?
A: The BOG academic year is on the College tab in the Administrator (accessed by clicking CCCApply from the Select the application to manage drop-down list ->Select your college -> College tab -> Academic (BOG) Year). Please ensure the Academic (BOG) Year field is set correctly for your college.

Important:  Even if the Academic (BOG) Year field shows the correct academic year for your college, you must click the Update button on the College tab in order to activate the setting. Otherwise, the year(s) will not display in the Application year to have your enrollment fees waived for drop-down list on the BOG application.

Q:  Where do we go to enter test applications for the CC Promise Grant Online?

A: You can enter test applications for the CC Promise Grant Online at the following two URLs:

Pilot Environment:

https://pilot.bog.opencccapply.net/gateway/bog?cccMisCode=XXX  (replace xxx with your college MIS code)

Production Environment:
This is the link that will replace (or will be added to) any URLs on your college website when you go live. This URL will also replace the URL that goes to the XAP application on cccapply.org on the day you go live. 

(Replace xxx with your college MIS code.)

Q:  What URL should our students use to submit a CC Promise Grant Online application?
A: Once your college is live on the CC Promise Grant Online application, your students will access is directly from your website. The URL they will use is unique to your college. Click the links below to obtain your college's Pilot and production application URLs.

Pilot Environment:

https://pilot.bog.opencccapply.net/gateway/bog?cccMisCode=xxx  (replace xxx with your college MIS code)

Production Environment:
This is the link that will replace (or will be added to) any URLs on your college website when you go live. This URL will also replace the URL that goes to the XAP application on cccapply.org on the day you go live. 

(Replace xxx with your college MIS code.)

Q:  What do we need to change on our college website for students to access the BOG application?
A: If you currently have a CC Promise Grant Online application link, or want a CC Promise Grant Online application link on your college website, you must update or add it.

The contents of the messaging and communication to students is determined strictly by college administration and related stakeholders. 

Q:  Is there a self-service support site for students?
A: Yes. Students can search through FAQs and request support at ccchelp.info - the community-powered support site for the California Community Colleges. 

Q:  If students go directly to CCCApply.org, can they get to our college's CC Promise Grant Online application? 

A: Yes. The CCApply.org site will be changed (by the Tech Center) on the day you go live to go to the new system for CC Promise Grant Online applications for your college. If you are not currently using the XAP CC Promise Grant Online application, your college will be added to cccapply.org.

Q:  How do we migrate our historical XAP CC Promise Grant Online student applications into the CCC Report Center?
A: The CCC Tech Center, XAP, and Unicon are migrating CC Promise Grant Online student applications to the CCC Report Center. For more information, contact IT Support, Denise Culley, dculley@ccctechcenter.org.

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