Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Release Schedule


Date & Time


Release No.


Pilot Release

05.31.19 - 9:00AM PST

Pilot Update06.21.19 - 9:00AM PST

Production Release

06.28.19 - 6:00PM PST

Release TypeMaintenance Window | Major Release

Application Types


CCCApply Standard Application (Apply)
CCCApply Noncredit Application (Apply)
CCCApply International Application (IA)
CCCApply Administrator 2.0

Changes to Residency LogicYes
Changes to Download ClientYes - (Download Client Jar 6.5.0)


Table of Contents

Release Scope

#Change RequirementApplicationNotes & Change Request Docs

CCCApply Noncredit Application (Production Release)

CCCApply Standard & NoncreditSee New CCCApply Noncredit Application
2CCCApply Redesign Project: Optional Needs & Interests PageCCCApply Standard & Noncredit

See "Changes to the CCCApply Standard Application" section


Approved Change Requests & Legal Updates

CCCApply Standard & NoncreditSee "Changes to the CCCApply Standard Application" section
4UPDATES:  Spam Filter Web ServiceCCCApply Standard & NoncreditModel and User Interface Changes
5SuperGlue for International Application (Staging Table)CCCApply International
6Maintenance & Support: Java Upgrade

CCCApply Download Client

See "Maintenance & Support" section


Bug Fixes

CCCApply Standard & NoncreditSee Bug Fixes in the "Maintenance & Support" section below

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Release Summary

The CCCApply v.6.5.0 Production release is scheduled for Friday, June 28 at 6:00 PM. The Production environment will be offline during the release. College staff can stay informed on the progress of release activities by following the CCCTC System Alerts page on

Schedule & Timeline

  • Pilot Release (30-Day Preview):  May 31 - 9:00 am - 1:00 pm 
  • Pilot Release Update: Friday, June 21 - 9:00 am - 1:00 pm
  • Production Release:  Friday, June 28 - 6:00 pm - 11:00 pm PST


Stay Informed during the pilot release!  Follow the "CCCApply System Alerts" page - and any other category, page or individual post, on

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CCCApply Noncredit Application

Development is complete on the production version of the CCCApply Noncredit Application.  Get started on implementation today:  Noncredit Application Implementation Home.

Key messages:

  • Noncredit App pilot phase is complete! The college pilot project is complete for the year.  Meeting minutes and zoom recordings can be found here: Noncredit Pilot Dashboard!  
  • Production version is now available: The CCCApply Noncredit Application workflow is now available to all colleges.
  • Implementation & Support Services:  Colleges ready to implement the Noncredit Application should reach out to the CCCTC Enabling Services team for support To get started, see the Noncredit Application Implementation Checklist and contact Enabling Services to schedule an implementation kick-off call.  

titleNoncredit Apps in the Spam Filter

6.28.19 - During post production release testing, we noticed a number of Noncredit applications were getting suspended in the CCCApply spam filter.  The reason for this is that they were submitted in under 90 seconds during testing. This is a confirmed trait associated with human spammers attempting to fraud our system through CCCApply. Please watch for this if you implement the Noncredit application at your college. If applications do get suspended please manage them in the Administrator spam filter.

About the Noncredit Application

The CCCApply Noncredit Application is a workflow path within the CCCApply Standard Application which only asks the questions required for students enrolling exclusively in noncredit courses at a California Community College. Developed to comply with the objectives outlined in Assembly Bill 3101, the new application path was designed to simplify the admission application process for the growing number of noncredit students across the system. 

Development objectives for the new Noncredit Application include:

  • For students:  Provide a simplified process for students enrolling exclusively in noncredit courses that does not require a residency determination status;
  • For colleges:  Design a new workflow path specifically for noncredit students  in a way that leverages existing technical and support services already in place for the Standard Application, and minimize the impact of implementation and support resources on both the college and the CCC Tech Center. 
  • Colleges can also benefit from the shared backend tools and resources  

titleGet Started on the Noncredit Application

Colleges that are interested in adopting the Noncredit Application should review the Noncredit Application Implementation Checklist and contact the CCCTC Enabling Services division to schedule an implementation kick-off meeting.

New Noncredit Application Features Added in the 6.5.0 Release

#Feature DescriptionRelease Notes

New Application Type Display Setting Added to the Majors Table in the Administrator

Implement an "Application Type" menu in the Majors module of the CCCApply Administrator to set the conditions of display for each individual "Intended Majors/Programs of Study" item in the CCCApply Standard & Noncredit Applications.

NeedColleges need the ability to display different "Intended Majors/Programs of Study" in the Noncredit Application.

BenefitColleges control if and when an individual major, course, or program of study displays in each application, even if the offering should appear in both applications.

What"Application Type" menu added to the Majors configuration module, which must be set for each individual major or program of study with one of the following settings:

  • Standard = Major should display ONLY in the Standard Application
  • Noncredit = Major should display ONLY in the Noncredit Application
  • Both = Major should display in BOTH the Standard and Noncredit applications.

Where is the feature configured? Majors/Programs are set up and maintained by an authorized college user in the Majors module in the CCCApply Administrator.  Authorized users must complete setup tasks for both applications, even if you plan to display the same list of "Intended Majors/Programs of Study" for noncredit and standard end-users. Implementation support is available to colleges who plan to adopt the Noncredit Application. For setup steps, see the CCCApply Noncredit Implementation Guide or contact the CCCTC Enabling Services division to setup a "kick-off" meeting today.

RequirementTo use the Noncredit Application, colleges MUST RECONFIGURE YOUR EXISTING "MAJORS" FILE even if you intended to display the same list of Majors/Programs in both applications. This setup task must be completed in order for any Majors/Programs to appear in the Noncredit Application. For setup steps, see the Noncredit Application Implementation Checklist.


New Application Type Display Setting Added to the Supplemental Questions Module in the Administrator

Implement an "Application Type" setting in the Supplemental Questions module of the CCCApply Administrator to set the conditions of display for each page of Supplemental Questions that should be active/display in the CCCApply Standard & Noncredit Applications.

NeedColleges using the Noncredit Application need the ability to display different/unique "Supplemental Questions" to noncredit applicants.

BenefitColleges control whether or not supplement questions should display in their Noncredit Application, and their Standard Application. With this new feature, colleges determine which questions appear in which application(s), as well as the timing and duration.

What: Once configured and uploaded, the new "Application Type" setting - added as a line of code to the Supplemental Questions XML file, indicates to the system whether the page of questions should display in the Noncredit Application or not. Without the "Application Type" setting indicated, the page will default to only displaying in the Standard Application

Application Type setting/value:

  • "Standard" = Page ID should display in the Standard Application
  • "Noncredit" = Page ID should display in the Noncredit Application

Where is the feature configured? Authorized college users have the ability to configure pages of Supplemental Questions using XML file code and upload the file(s) in the Administrator.  Unlike the Majors table, supplemental questions cannot be added or edited individually via the Administrator user interface; instead an XML template is used to define the questions and formats, as well as other database information.  For more information about setting up Supplemental Questions, see the Working with Supplemental Questions User Guide.

Optional Setup: Supplemental Questions are an optional feature in the Standard Application and the Noncredit Application; they are not required - even during Noncredit App implementation. Unlike the Majors requirement- which pertains to ALL colleges that choose to implement the Noncredit Application; the Supplemental Questions enhancement is OPTIONAL and  only pertains to colleges that plan to implement the Noncredit Application AND display supplemental questions. For setup instructions, see the Noncredit Application Implementation Checklist and the Working with Supplemental Questions User Guide.

New Title Page for the "Noncredit Application to College"

Students will see the new "Noncredit Application to College" title page when they click on your college-branded, noncredit application URL - that guides them to the Noncredit App workflow. 

titleNoncredit Application URL
Just like your college-branded Standard Application URL, a unique, MisCode-based URL has been created for your college, which can be distributed and/or posted anywhere you choose, including on your Admissions (Apply to College) page on your college website or via recruitment campaigns, etc. 

Find your Noncredit Application URLs  (Pilot Environment& Production)

A different title page was implemented for the Noncredit Application so that there is no confusion on the part of the applicant as to what application they are about to submit. (See screen shot of the new title page, below.)

Noncredit Application: Key Features 


Notes & Links

CCCApply Noncredit Application - Overview Information

Read the overview here:  CCCApply Noncredit Application and here: Noncredit Application Path Requirements

Noncredit Application - No Residency Status Determination The Noncredit Application does not include any residency questions (see Hidden Pages & Questions below) and does not generate a residency status (the Submission Calculation Service (algorithm) is not run at time of submission); therefore this application should only be used by students enrolling exclusively in noncredit courses.  See "Transitioning from Noncredit to Credit for the Purposes of Establishing Residency Status" below.

Noncredit Application URL  (Customized for each college)

The Noncredit Application "path" has a different URL than the Standard Application. Each college has a unique URL, based on their MIS code, just like the Standard Application. 

Find your college's PILOT site URLapplication URLs:  CCCApply Noncredit Application URLs

Noncredit Confirmation Numbers

To distinguish between Noncredit and Standard applications submitted to your college, we've added a prefix to the Confirmation number to help you easily identify which is which. This applies to all in-progress and submitted Noncredit Applications
NOTE: There is no change required to your existing <confirmation> number data field specification. Look for the prefix "NC-" to identify the application submitted using the Noncredit Application URL.  Example: "NC-4144323"

Hidden Pages

The following pages are hidden - not displayed to end users - in the Noncredit Application:

New Data Fields

Two new data fields were added to the CCCApply Standard Application data set for the Noncredit Application. Reminder: The Noncredit Application is based on the Standard Application data dictionary and uses the same Download Client and download files for data delivery. This includes the data delivery through Glue for Apply to the staging table.  

  1. Noncredit Status <non_credit> -  This new boolean field is a flag that is set to TRUE if an application is submitted using the Noncredit Application URL, otherwise it is set to (defaults) to FALSE.

  2. Integrity Flag 81: <integrity_fg_81>  - A new integrity flag (81) was added to help the college identify when a Noncredit Application is submitted. This is helpful to remind A&R staff why the applicant is not getting a residency status value. 

See more about the new data fields in the sections below. 

See New & Changed Data Fields section
See Changes to Download Client below.
See Noncredit Path Change Requirements

For complete data element specifications, see the CCCApply Standard & Noncredit Application Data Dictionary (v.2019.2).


In January 2019, Oracle discontinued support for Java 8 and earlier versions. The CCCApply Download Client has been upgraded to comply in this release (v.6.5.0).  Colleges using Java 8 or earlier version will need to upgrade to the Corretto Java 8 or OpenJDK Java 11 in order to continue downloading fields from CCCApply.  For information on the Java version upgrade, see "Java Version Update to the CCCApply Download Client". 

New Data Field VALUES

The Noncredit Application is a modified version of the CCCApply Standard Application - with a number of pages and questions hidden from display to the end user. This means that...

  • Responses are not collected from the user because the questions are hidden
  • Field values (responses) are not stored in the database because the questions are hidden and responses are not collected
  • College download files will have many more blank fields because responses were not collected
  • Some questions and data fields had to be reconfigured to ensure they did not include response requirements
  • Some data fields needed to be reconfigured to accept "blank" (no response) and "null" values 
  • Some derived fields needed to be reconfigured to accept "null" or, in some cases, such as the residency status calculations, the algorithms were not calculated because the questions weren't asked, etc. 

Therefore, a breakdown of all new or revised data fields is shown below to ensure college A&R and IT staff are aware of changes that may impact processes setup for your ERP or Student Information System.

See New & Changed Data Fields below
See Changes to Download Client below.

New Logic Allows a Student to Submit a Noncredit Application, then Submit a Standard Application for the Same Term, Same College (if the student ends up enrolling in a standard credit course) 

A Standard Application can now be submitted to the same term at the same college that a Noncredit application was submitted, in order to allow a student - who is no longer enrolling exclusively in noncredit courses - to provide the necessary information in order to be classified for residency (residency status determination) for admission.  

See Noncredit Path Change Requirements

Auto-population Expanded for Noncredit Application

Auto-population in the Standard Application has been expanded to include all questions/fields that are hidden in the Noncredit Application.  If a noncredit student ends up enrolling in credit courses they will need to complete the Standard Application for the same term at the same college; thus providing the necessary information for residency determination. With auto-population enabled, the student will only have to complete the questions that were hidden in the Noncredit Application, which greatly streamlines the application process.

New Residency Status Value to Identify Noncredit Applicant

A new value was added to the CCCApply residency status field and "residency area" calculated fields to identify "noncredit / exempt" status.  See the New & Changed Data Fields below table below for details.

The Self-Reported Multiple Measure Questions are NOT Included in the Noncredit Application

The Chancellor's Office and the AB705 Advisory Committee has determined that the self-reported, multiple measures questions should not appear in the Noncredit Application.


In January 2019, Oracle discontinued support for Java 8 and earlier versions. The CCCApply Download Client has been upgraded to comply in this release (v.6.5.0).  Colleges using Java 8 or earlier version will need to upgrade to the Corretto Java 8 or OpenJDK Java 11 in order to continue downloading fields from CCCApply.  For information on the Java version upgrade, see "Java Version Update to the CCCApply Download Client". 

Changes to the CCCApply Standard Application

The following changes and enhancements were approved and deployed in the 6.5.0 release code.

Change Specification
Additional Info

CCCApply Redesign Project Changes (Release #4) - User Interface Enhancements

Approved changes intended to shorten & streamline the Standard App
CCCApply Redesign Project (Release 4)

Make the Needs & Interests Page (and Sections) Optional

Individual section on the Needs & Interests page CAN be hidden on the application by college request:

  • Show/Hide the "Comfortable with English" section
  • Show/Hide the "Financial Assistance" section
  • Show/Hide the "Athletic Interest: section
  • Show/Hide the "Programs & Services" section

A configuration change was made to the Standard & Noncredit Application code that will allow the entire Needs & Interests page to be removed from the application workflow.  Alternately colleges can also request that one or more Sections be removed from the page instead- by request from the college or district.  

IMPORTANT NOTE:  If your college chooses to remove/hide the Needs & Interests page or sections from the Standard Application, they will also be removed/hidden in the Noncredit Application.   

To learn more about this configuration change, please see Colleges Can Opt-In/Out to Display the Needs & Interests Page in CCCApply.

Streamline the Account Information/Mailing page for first time applicants

This change is only for first time applicants to the OpenCCCApply system. The first time a student applies to a college through CCCApply, they must first create an OpenCCC account.  After completing the account creation process, two auto-forwarding functions take place:

  1. After completing account creation and presenting the student with the confirmation screen with their CCCID, upon clicking "Continue" the student is automatically dropped on to the Enrollment page, bypassing the My Applications page (this happens the first time only);

  2. After completing the Enrollment page, the student is presented with a condensed version of the "Account Information/Mailing" page - that hides the OpenCCC account information they just provided during Account creation, behind a button "Edit Your OpenCCC Account". 
    This enhancement benefits the student by removing unnecessary reading on the page and moves the "Current Mailing Address" section up closer to the top of the page; thus shortening the page contents considerably.

No changes are required by the colleges for this implementation.

New "Non-binary" Value Added to the Gender Field in the Standard & Noncredit Applications

titleClick here to see new screen shot...

A new value has been added to the Gender field question <gender> on the "Demographic Information" page in the CCCApply Standard & Noncredit Applications.   

To support recently passed legislation (SB179) and the Academic Senate resolution (F18 Non-binary Gender Option on CCCApply) calls for an additional value be added to the CCCApply Gender field to support all student populations, including LGBTQIA + students and others who identify as non-binary.  

See change specification:  2019-11: Add Value to Gender Field for Non-Binary Genders
See New & Changed Data Fields section below.

The following data values should appear in the Gender Field dropdown for the Apply application for both credit and non-credit paths in this order:

Male = M
Female = F
Non-binary = B
Decline to State = X
No Response = Null

Updates Foster Youth Status Question Language & Values Per SB 906

titleClick here to see the screen shot...

New Foster Youth Status Response Options per SB 906

Priority registration eligibility for foster youth is now 16 years of age, rather than 18 years of age. 

Therefore, a change was made to two of the response options in the Foster Youth Status question based on legislation update (SB 906) extending the age of eligibility for existing foster care from 18 years of age to 16 years of age. 

The changes were made to response options (2) and (5). They now read as follows:

2 = I exited the foster care system on or after my 16th birthday.

5 = I exited the foster care system before my 16th birthday.

See change specification2019-04: Update Foster Youth Question Per Legislation SB906

Add Clarifying Language to the Parent/Guardian Information Section to Support Foster Youth Minors


To support foster youth minors who are unsure of which option to select in the Parent/Guardian Information section, a new option was added to the section which asks, "One of the statements below is true about me" to minimize the risk of incorrectly determining their residency status.

The Parent/Guardian Information section now reads as follows:

  •  At least one of the following statements is true about me
  • I am or have been married
  • I am legally emancipated
  • I do not have a living parent or guardian
  • I was in foster care at any time after my 13th birthday
  • As of <rdd>, I will be on active duty in the armed services
  • As of <rdd>, I will have been self-supporting for at least one year
  •  None of the statements above is true about me

Also, a new Help pop-up box was added to this section that aligns to the hyperlink/words "foster care" - which appears in the new bulleted statement added above. 

Add Visa Types to Standard Application That Are Eligible for Residency Determination

Three new visa types have been added to Table F: Visa Types Eligible to Establish Residency in CCCApply. These will also trigger Integrity Flag 51 as well.  

  • E-2C
  • SIV - Special Immigrant Visa
  • T6

(Per Area A residency logic and Table F: Visa Types step ):

Change Spam Filter User Interface Table Column from Confidence % Column Header to "Fraud Score" 

Change Confidence % Column in Spam Filter Table UI for Better User Efficiency

  1. Ensure the Confidence % column header now reads "Fraud Score" and

  2. The % value that appears in the Fraud Score column is only 3 digits (ex: 99.9%).

Enable Spam Filter Search feature to find multiple Applications

Enable the search field feature in the Spam Filter module to find and reset multiple App IDs in order to expedite processing of large numbers of fraudulent applications.

  1. Search functionality in the Spam Filter UI will allow multiple application IDs to be entered.

  2. Upon search return, Application IDs will be displayed one per line.

  3. Upon search return, all application IDs brought into the Spam summary table will be ready to be processed as "Spam" or "Valid" by the spam filter.

  4. All valid application IDs searched will be found and displayed at the top of the Spam Filter table for processing.

  5. All validation errors will be handled via a generic error message that advises the user that there were no applications found for the specific <appid(s)>.

  6. An application can be searched for and returned multiple times.

  7. The fraud status field will be updated every time the Application is processed in the Spam filter.

Maintenance & Support Updates

Below are non-user facing changes and updates made to the CCCApply applications and web services.

Bug Fixes

Bug or Issue


Solution or Fix
Several Visa types were not displaying the Residency page as required in the Standard ApplicationStandard Application Only

Area A of the CCCApply residency algorithm outlines citizenship and immigration criteria - including visa types - that the CCC considers eligible for residency determination. Visa types that are eligible to determine residency trigger the display of the Residency page ti the user; otherwise the visa type(s) do not display the Residency page.  This logic has been fixed and all eligible visa types now trigger the display of the Residency page.

CCCApply Administrator is not processing dates and times correctly in the Rules module.CCCApply AdministratorA problem with the way dates and times are being Problems preventing the processing of dates and times within the Rules functionality in the Administrator have been corrected. 
A bug allowed applicants to submit multiple applications to the same term at the same college*Standard Application This has been fixed. 
Note: The asterisk denotes the exception with the new Noncredit Application enhancement that was added to allow a student to submit a Noncredit Application to a specific term at a college, and then submit a Standard Application to the same college for the same term if the college is required to collect residency information for that student because the student is not enrolling exclusively in noncredit courses as previously intended.
Resuming an in-progress application was landing the user on the Demographic Information page instead of the user's "last page"Standard ApplicationThis has been fixed. Now when an in-progress application is resumed it will open to the last incomplete page that was not complete and validated.
A bug in the SSN Lookup function in the OpenCCC Helpdesk application was not finding accountsOpenCCC HelpDesk ApplicationThis has been fixed.  The OpenCCC Helpdesk Application can now locate and recover OpenCCC accounts, including duplicate accounts, and will                                                                                                                    
When applicant(s) enters a family size in the supplemental questions section the value entered is not populating on the applicationStandard & International ApplicationsThis has been fixed. A problem with the XML code 
The Spam Filter User Interface was not allowing the user to mark bulk applications in the table for processingStandard ApplicationThis has been fixed.  The Spam Filter interface can now bulk select up to 100 applications per page in the table and all marked application are being processed correctly (either as confirmed spam or confirmed valid).
Special characters entered into supplemental question types were throwing errors.Standard & International ApplicationsThis has been fixed. Special characters are now throwing the proper error message when they are entered into various supplemental question type formats.

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Updates to the Spam Filter Web Service

Over the past several weeks the CCC Tech Center has been monitoring of a number of issues related to the CCCApply spam filter system, which was implemented in September 2018 to help combat fraudulent applications across the system. 
A major update to the machine-learning model was deployed on May 10. In the weeks after this deployment we noticed that the system was generating a high volume of mistakes. After daily analysis and multiple attempts at deploying other solutions, on June 7 we rolled the new model back to the static model used before May 10. We have been observing the results of this model continually since the rollback and have seen the patterns normalize. 
At this time, we consider the spam filter system to be stable to the same standards that it displayed in the previous deployment between September 29, 2018, and May 10, 2019.
Meanwhile, we have made a number of improvements to the retraining model, including the integration of personal identifiable information (PII) data and enhanced our testing environment with daily analysis of the issues seen between May 10th and June 7.  

Spam Filter Enhancements

We have also made several enhancements to the spam filter user interface - some of which are being deployed in this release. We continue to work on improvements to the web service for future deployments.   

Changes & enhancements include:

  • New Application Data Pop-Up Report in the spam filter interface
  • Bulk spam application search & retrieve input field
  • Revise the spam filter table column header: Fraud Score %
  • Enhancements to the Spam Filter Retraining Model (P2) 
  • Temporary Spam Block for Multiple Email Addresses 
  • Temporary Spam Block for Multiple Submitted Apps from same CCCID 
  • Temporary Spam Block for Apps Submitted Under 2 minutes
  • App-export Service Updates
We regret any negative impact related to the recent model update and roll back, and we appreciate all feedback from the colleges that have informed us of the issues they encountered.

Questions and concerns related to the Spam Filter Web Service may be directed to Support Services at

Changes to the CCCApply Download Client

The following data fields have been added or changed in the CCCApply applications.  The section below pertains specifically to the CCCApply Download Client; see below for information related to data fields being added to SuperGlue. For updated data specification documents, please see the CCCApply Data Dictionaries and User Guides space.


NEW Download Client Jar File for v.6.5.0

Update your CCCApply Download XML files for the v.6.5.0 release in order to download new or revised data fields with your CCCApply Download Client.  All changes must be made to your CCCApply Format Definition XML file(s) and the Download Client Jar file must be updated with the latest version = transfer-client.6.5.0.jar   
For more information, please see the CCCApply Download Client User Guide >  User Guides

Java Version Update for the CCCApply Download Client

Beginning with Release 6.5.0 (06.28.19), the CCCApply Download Client Jar will no longer support Java 8 or OpenJDK 8.  CCCApply recommends that colleges running the Download Client v.6.4.0 or earlier version upgrade to Corretto Java 8 or OpenJDK Java 11 in order to stay in compliance and continue to be supported by CCCApply technical support.

Read more about the Java update for the Download Client here.

New & Changed Data Fields

The tables below provide an overview of the new or changed data fields in the CCCApply Applications, including the new Noncredit Application path within the Standard Application, in the v.6.5.0 release. Any changes to the "Glue for Apply" data sets are also noted.

NOTE: To download the new Noncredit data fields, you must add them to your CCCApply Standard Application Format Definition XML file  and update your Download Client Jar file.  See complete data specification changes in the CCCApply Standard & International Application Data Dictionary V.2019.2 in the Data Dictionaries space.

Data Element
TypeValue / Response Options
Format / Length
Allows NullRequired
Visa Type<visa_type>New ValuesE2C =  E-2C
SIV  =  Special Immigrant Visa
T6   =  T-6
20YesNoThese new values are now added to the CCCApply Visa Table F  "Visa Types Eligible to Establish Residency"
Non-binary Value Added to Gender Field<gender>New ValueNon-binary = Bbpchar, 1YesYes"Non-binary" has been added as a response option in the Gender field dropdown in the CCCApply Standard application for both credit and non-credit paths in this order:Male = M
Female = F
Non-binary = B
Decline to State = X
No Response = Null

Noncredit Application Database Field DocumentationAll new and revised data fields are documented in the CCCApply Standard & Noncredit Application Data Dictionary v.2019.2 and here.

NOTE: The data field changes below pertain to the implementation of the CCCApply Noncredit Application, as well as the reconfiguration of the Needs & Interests Page sections that are now optional and can be hidden, or no longer displayed, upon request by your college to the CCCApply College Support Services or by posting a request on the CCCApply category page on site). Contact College Support Services to "turn off" or "opt-out" of one or more section on the CCCApply Needs & Interests page.

Data Element
TypeValue / Response Options
Format / Length
Allows NullRequired
Noncredit Status<non_credit>New Field1 = True0 = FalseBoolean, 1YesNoOptional; Value set to "True" if applicant applies using the new Noncredit Application URL; otherwise it is "False"
Integrity Flag 81<integrity_fg_81>New Field1 = TrueNullBoolean, 1YesNoFlag triggered if applicant applies with the new Noncredit Application URL; otherwise it is blank.NOTE - this is consistent with how we have all the other integrity flags structured. 
Confirmation Number<confirmation>Revised ValueIF non_credit=True then
<confirmation> has prefix = "NC-"
StringNoSystemNOTE: This change pertains to the Noncredit Application only. IF an application is submitted using the Noncredit URL then the value for <confirmation> = "NC-"
Residency Status<res_status>New Value Added specifically for the Noncredit ApplicationNew NC default value = N1 = resident
2 = possible resident
3 = non-resident
N = non-credit / exempt
bpchar, 1No
Residency status is calculated at time of submission for the Standard Application only. 
For the new Noncredit Application path (in the Standard Application) if applicant applies using the new Noncredit URL then:
<non_credit> status is set =True   and
<res_status> status is set ="N"
Residency Area A<res_area_a>New ValueNew NC default value = 9Boolean, 1No
Residency area status defaults to "9" when (non_credit =True)
Residency Area B<res_area_b>New ValueNew NC default value = 9Boolean, 1No
Residency area status defaults to "9" when (non_credit =True)
Residency Area C<res_area_c>New ValueNew NC default value = 9Boolean, 1No
Residency area status defaults to "9" when (non_credit =True)
Residency Area D<res_area_d>New ValueNew NC default value = 9Boolean, 1No
Residency area status defaults to "9" when (non_credit =True)
Declared Residency Outside California for Taxes<ca_outside_tax>Default values = False / Null Values = True / False / Null1 = True0 = FalseNullBoolean, 1YesNoIF the question is displayed:
  • IF checkbox is NOT empty, value = True
  • IF checkbox IS EMPTY, then value = False
IF question is hidden:
  • Set value = Null
NOTE: IF hidden, such as in the Noncredit application, then default to NULL For a standard application, it will default to False, unless the user checks the checkbox.
Declared Residency at a College Outside California<ca_outside_college>Default values = False / Null Values = True / False / Null1 = True0 = FalseNullBoolean, 1YesNoSame as Above.
Registered to Vote Outside California<ca_outside_voted>Default values = False / Null Values = True / False / Null1 = True0 = FalseNullBoolean, 1YesNoSame as Above.
Lawsuit Filed Outside California<ca_outside_lawsuit>Default values = False / Null Values = True / False / Null1 = True0 = FalseNullBoolean, 1YesNoSame as Above.
Public School Employee<ca_school_employee>Default value = NullValues = True / False / Null1 = True0 = FalseNullBoolean, 1YesRequired response If appears onscreen
State College Employee<ca_college_employee>Default value = NullValues = True / False / Null1 = True0 = FalseNullBoolean, 1YesRequired response If appears onscreen
Seasonal Agricultural Worker<ca_seasonal_ag>Default value = NullValues = True / False / Null1 = True0 = FalseNullBoolean, 1YesRequired response If appears onscreen
Citizenship Status<citizenship>New ValueDefault to value = X when (non_credit = True)character(1)NoRequired to have non-null value in DB.In the new Noncredit Application workflow, the Citizenship status question is hidden; value stored = "X"
Military Status<military_status>New ValueNew NC default value = XDefault to value = X when (non_credit = True)character(1)NoRequired to have non-null value in DB.In the new Noncredit Application workflow, the Military status question is hidden; value stored = "X"
Comfortable with Englishcomfortable_englishAllow Null NC default value = nullBoolean, 1YesNoIn the new Noncredit Application workflow this question is hidden; value stored = Null
Financial Assistancefinancial_assistanceAllow NullNC default value = nullBoolean, 1YesNoIn the new Noncredit Application workflow this question is hidden; value stored = Null
TANF-SSI-GAtanf_ssi_gaAllow NullNC default value = nullBoolean, 1YesNoIn the new Noncredit Application workflow this question is hidden; value stored = Null
Athletic Interest: Intramuralathletic_intramuralAllow NullNC default value = nullBoolean, 1YesRequired response If appears onscreenIn the new Noncredit Application workflow this question is hidden; value stored = Null
Athletic Interest: Intercollegiateathletic_intercollegiateAllow NullNC default value = nullBoolean, 1YesRequired response If appears onscreenIn the new Noncredit Application workflow this question is hidden; value stored = Null
Athletic Interest: Noathletic_not_interestedAllow NullNC default value = nullBoolean, 1YesRequired response If appears onscreenIn the new Noncredit Application workflow this question is hidden; value stored = Null


In January 2019, Oracle discontinued support for Java 8 and earlier versions. The CCCApply Download Client has been upgraded to comply in this release (v.6.5.0).  Colleges using Java 8 or earlier version will need to upgrade to the Corretto Java 8 or OpenJDK Java 11 in order to continue downloading fields from CCCApply.  For information on the Java version upgrade, see "Java Version Update to the CCCApply Download Client". 

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Changes to the User Interface

Page / SectionDescriptionCurrent UI StateNew Revised UI StateNotes
Noncredit Application

Noncredit Application Confirmation Number Prefix

Confirmation numbers for submitted Standard Applications have numeric values only. 

With the deployment of the Noncredit Application, submitted application's will include a prefix to the Confirmation number if the application is started and submitted using the Noncredit URL.

Noncredit ApplicationHide the Residency Page in the Noncredit Application pathIn the Standard Application, the Residency page is part of the application workflow and logic. When a student applies to your college using your Noncredit URL, the user interface and the user experience will be very similar to the Standard Application but the residency page is not included in the workflow.  No residency page questions are required at the time of submission.
Noncredit ApplicationHide the Citizenship & Military Page in the Noncredit Application pathIn the Standard Application, the Citizenship & Military page is part of the application workflow and logic.The Citizenship & Military page DOES NOT APPEAR in the Noncredit Application workflow
Standard & Noncredit Applications

Show/Hide sections from the Needs & Interests page (per college request).

Currently, the Needs & Interests page appears in the Standard Application workflow.  With the 6.5.0 release, each section on the Needs & Interests page has been reconfigured to be hidden from display to users by request from each college.  This is a new change for the Standard & Noncredit Applications.
Noncredit ApplicationAuto-population of Noncredit Application responses in the Standard Application (or a new Noncredit Application) within two years of a previously submitted application.
Note: Auto-population will pre-fill previously submitted responses from the last application submitted within 2 years of current date.
Noncredit ApplicationAdd logic to allow applicants to re-apply to the same college and the same term when transitioning from Noncredit to Credit statusCurrently, the Standard Application prevents a user from submitting two applications to the same college for the same term.  This With the implementation of the Noncredit Application path, a student who submits a Noncredit Application to college (A) for term (A) is now able to re-apply with the Standard Application to college A for term A.  This logic has been modified for Noncredit > Standard Application only.  
NOTE: This means that a student who has submitted an application to a college (example: College A, Term A) using the Noncredit Application, can now re-apply (submit a Standard Application to the same college for the same term A). However, this only applies to students transitioning from Noncredit status to Credit status; otherwise they will be blocked from submitting a second Standard Application to the same college, same term.

Changes to "Glue for Apply" and the SuperGlue College Adapter


Data Field

Format / Length



Noncredit Status<non_credit>Boolean (True/False)NoOptional field set to "True" if applicant applies with the new Noncredit Application URL; otherwise it is "False"
Integrity Flag 81<integrity_fg_81>Boolean (Y/N)NoFlag triggered if applicant applies with the new Noncredit Application URL; otherwise it is blank.
Race Ethnicity Full


CSV delimited

Maximum Expected Width:  805 characters (201 * 3 character long values + 200 commas + 2 surrounding quote marks for CSV delimiting in the output format)


NOT AVAILABLE in the Release 6.3.0. 

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User Acceptance Testing (Pilot)

User acceptance testing for this release involves previewing the user interface changes that are being deployed as part of this release.  Other than the two new (optional) data fields being added for the Noncredit Application, as well as the other data field revisions being made for that application, there are no new fields being added.

Colleges are encouraged to log in to their CCCApply Pilot environment and review the Standard application, as well as the new Noncredit Application path, after the release on May 31, 2019.  

UAT Plan: CCCApply Release 6.5.0

UAT Feedback & Resolution Process 

  • Gathering Feedback: Feedback should be categorized as bugs, issues or enhancements. Only Severity 1 issues (issues that prevent critical business functions from being accomplished) will be considered as production release blockers.
  • Reporting Feedback: User feedback should be noted in the result section. The following criteria should be followed and documented:
    • Any identified bugs with severity and priority 
    • Enhancement requests with priority identified
    • Issues that prevent critical business functions

Preview & Send Us Feedback: During the Pilot release preview, your feedback supports our commitment to continuous improvement. If you find a bug or experience any issues, please let us know by posting in the CCCApply Support category on

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Data Dictionaries & Release Documentation

The following links point to the most current versions of the CCCApply Data Dictionaries and

Data Dictionaries & Release Documentation

The following links point to the most current versions of the CCCApply Data Dictionaries and User Guides.

DescriptionVersion / FILEFormatReleaseDate Published
CCCApply Standard & Noncredit Application Data DictionaryV.2019.23PDFRelease
Download Client Jar File V.6.5.0transfer-client.6.5.0.jarjarRelease
CCCApply Download Client User Guide V.6.5.0ONLINERelease  Online document
CCCApply Administrator User Guide/wiki/spaces/PD/pages/758546724ONLINERelease  Online document
2019-2020 CC Promise Grant Data DictionaryCCPG-V2019PDF2019-2020See Data Dictionaries page
CCCApply International Application Data DictionaryV.2019.2PDFRelease 6.5.0See Data Dictionaries page

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