Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
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Table of Contents



Date & Time


Product Release Version(s)

January 28, 2022


Pilot Release

December 2021


Release Type

Major Release / Upgrade


Watch this page for regular updates and more information as it is made available on the upcoming release.

Release Overview

The 2022-2023 California College Promise Grant Online Application was released to production on January 28, 2022. In addition to the required database updates and new income table for 2022-23, two new questions/data fields were added to the application and the Method A logic was updated to calculate in these two new special eligibilities.


Stay Informed On Release Activities: Register for an account on and set your Profile Notifications to follow the CCCTC System Alerts category posts, today.

Changes At-A-Glance

* Download Client to download these new fields.Both new CCPG data New Question Added for Exonerated for Crime/Pardon

Product / Service


Is College Action Required?

CCPG Database Updates

All required 2022-2023 CC Promise Grant Online Application database updates were implemented and deployed to Pilot and Production.


Data Field Changes

New data fields were added to the CCPG submitted application database. All data element details are documented in the CCPG DED.


New data field: COVID-19 Death Eligibility


New data field: Exonerated for Crime or Pardon Eligibility


Logic Changes

Applicant responses to the two new special eligibility questions were added to the Method A Eligibility logic.


Data Delivery Updates

New CCPG fields and SSN fields (see bug fix resolution below) are available for download and deliverable to staging tables via SuperGlue.


SuperGlue for Apply (CCPG)

Both new

New CCPG data fields


are now


delivered to staging tables


using SuperGlue College Adapter v.4.2.6

is required for 2022-2023 CC Promise Grant fields using SuperGlue for Apply (CCPG).


Download Client

New CCPG fields have been added to data fields can be accessed using the Download Client.


; Download Client jar file (v.6.9.1) must be run in your Pilot and Production



Download Client Jar file must be run (updated) for Pilot and Production environments. See the Download Client section below to link to the new DLC jar file for this release.

CCCApply Report Center

CCCApply Report Center

New CCPG data fields will be added to the CCCApply Report Center in June 2022.


CCC Data Warehouse Report Server

Both new New CCPG data fields have been added to the CCC Data Warehouse Report Server.


Bug Fixes

Deliver Social Security Number Data Fields with CCPG Submitted Application Data

A fix was made that will resume delivery of the SSN/TIN data fields with CCPG submitted application data downloads. No change is required by the college to their DLC Format Definition XML. See Bug Fixes section below for the list of fields.


Changes to the CCPG User Interface


New Question Added for COVID-19 Death Eligibility

New question on added to the Special Eligibilities page: “Are you eligible as a dependent/spouse/Registered Domestic Partner of a deceased physician, nurse, or first responder who died of COVID-19 during the COVID-19 pandemic state of emergency in California?”


New corresponding data field added to the CCPG database: <elig_exonerated_crime>

Question Added for Exonerated for Crime Eligibility

New question on added to the Special Eligibilities page: “Have you been exonerated of a crime by writ of habeas corpus or pardon?”

NONew corresponding data field added to the CCPG database: <elig_covid_death>

Changes related to the new student account system (OpenCCC 2.0) implementation in January 2022.

The following A series of UI/UX changes were made across all CCCApply applications, including the CCPG:

  • The Edit Account service was removed from inside the CCCApply applications, including the CCPG. All edits to the user’s Account must be made directly in the Edit Account system.

  • The “Account Information/Mailing” page was renamed Profile page in all CCCApply applications, including the CCPG.

  • The display of the user’s current Account information (OpenCCC) was moved from inside the application to the My Applications pages.

  • The Previous/Other Name fields were removed from the Account system and added to the new Profile page in all CCCApply applications, including the CCPG.



Product and user documentation has been updated to reflect the changes implemented with the 2022-2023 CCPG application.


CCPG Annual Database Updates

Each year the CC Promise Grant online application undergoes backend database updates and any other changes specified by the CCC Chancellor’s Office (referenced below) before being deployed to users. These changes include incremental year/date updates, a new year_code, and an update to the method B income table and tax year.

, in January 2022 (SSS Release v.1.0).
See Changes to the User Interfacebelow for details.


Documentation Updates

Product and user documentation updates reflect the changes impacted by the 2022-2023 CCPG application release.


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CCPG Annual Database Updates

Each year the CC Promise Grant online application requires backend database updates and any other required changes specified by the CCC Chancellor’s Office before being deployed to users. These changes include incremental year/date updates, a new year_code, and an update to the method B income table and tax year. Changes align to the source documents, attached in the Reference Documentation below.

  • 2022-2023 California College Promise Grant paper application

  • 2022-2023 Type B Income Table

Data Field Changes

A number of data field changes will affect colleges using the CC Promise Grant online application, including new and deprecated fields from the CCPG data output. These changes are detailed in the table below.

Application / Service


Data Element


Download Client

Administrator Rules

2022-2023 California College Promise Grant

paper application


New field






Type B Income Table

Data Field Changes

A number of data field changes will affect colleges using the CC Promise Grant online application, including new and deprecated fields from the CCPG data output. These changes are detailed in the table below.

Application / Service

Data Element



Download Client

Administrator Rules

CC Promise Grant Application


New field




CC Promise Grant Application


New field





Important: All data field changes - including deprecated fields - across all SSS applications are backwards compatible with your existing data downloads and SuperGlue for Apply implementations.


Data Documentation: All data element details and specifications are documented in the 2022-2023 California College Promise Grant Online Application Specification & Data Dictionary.


California College Promise Grant Application

New field






Important: All data field changes - including deprecated fields - across all SSS applications are backwards compatible with your existing data downloads and SuperGlue for Apply (CCPG) implementations.


Data Documentation: All data element specifications are documented in the 2022-2023 California College Promise Grant Online Application Specification & Data Dictionary.

OpenCCC Account Data Fields

See the Changes to Data Fields & Data Deliverysection for a complete list of all new and deprecated Account data fields, as well as the data fields that were moved from the OpenCCC Account system to the CCCApply applications. Data dictionaries and other user documentation detailing data field specifications are linked in the User Documentation section below.

Deprecated Data Fields (NO LONGER USED)

When the new OpenCCC Account system design was released in January 2022, a number of questions /data fields were removed or deprecated from the legacy OpenCCC Account system. The data fields listed below are no longer collected and in the new Account, and data is no longer passed to colleges with the students CC Promise Grant submitted application dataapplications.

  • Main Phone Extension

  • Main Phone Authorized Text Message

  • No First Name (flag)

  • No Middle Name

  • PIN Number

  • Preferred Middle Name

  • Preferred Last Name

  • Second Phone Number

  • Second Phone Number Extension

  • Second Phone Authorized Text Message

  • Second Phone International

  • Security Questions 1 - 3


Note regarding deprecated fields: Following the Student Success Suite v.1.0 release in January 2022, a number of data fields are Although some information is no longer collected in the new Account (OpenCCC 2.0) system. Although deprecated system, legacy fields remain stored in the CCCApply and CCPG databases, legacy data cannot be updated by users through the new Edit Account interfacein the CCCApply and CCPG databases.

Logic Changes

Two changes were made to the Method A Flag & Algorithm logic to include applicable responses to the two new Special Eligibilities questions that were added in this release.

The Method A eligibility determination is based on Yes/No answers to questions about receiving benefits and about special eligibility circumstances.

  1. Exonerated of Crime/Pardon Eligibility
    IF eligExoneratedCrime = “yes” (or)

    then elig_method_a = "Yes";

    else elig_method_a = "No"

  2. COVID-19 Death Eligibility
    IF eligCovidDeath = “yes” (or)
    then elig_method_a = "Yes";

    else elig_method_a = "No"

If the applicant answers “Yes” (= True) to either or both questions, the <elig_method_a> flag is triggered, which is used to calculate the final elig_BOGFW status

For details see Appendix A: Algorithms > Method A Logic in the 2022-2023 California College Promise Grant Online Application Specification & Data Dictionary.

Data Delivery Updates

Delivery Method


Implementation Notes

Download Client / Downloads

New fields have been added to the DLC for Pilot and Production environments.
Get the Download Client User Guidefor more information.

Colleges using the DLC for Pilot and Production environments.Colleges using the DLC must update their Format Definition XML to include the new fields and run the version DLC for CC Promise Grant data must add the new fields to their Format Definition XML. Reminder: The DLC is backwards compatible.

New DLC Jar file (v.6.9.1) available here.

Run the DLC v.6.9.1 Jar file to get the new datafields. This must be repeated for each environment .

SuperGlue for Apply (CCPG)

New fields are delivered via SuperGlue for Apply (CCPG) to college staging tables and directly to SIS. SuperGlue for Apply v.4.2.6

Colleges using See the SuperGlue College Adapter for Apply (CCPG) Data Mappings for Banner, Colleague, or PeopleSoft will need the updated Adapter schemas for each SISand PS.

Colleges using SuperGlue for Apply (CCPG) will need to update their current version of the College Adapter.
Please contact your Implementation (ICE) Engineer at Enabling Services for assistance.

CCCApply Report Center

New fields will be added to the CCCApply Report Center in June 2022.

No action is required by authorized college users.

CCC Data Warehouse Report Server

New fields have been added to the Data Warehouse Report Server.

No action is required by authorized users.


Get Started on Your With SuperGlue for ApplyImplementation(CCPG)
Why wouldn’t you want real-time delivery of your CCCApply data directly to your college ERP/SIS? Contact your College Relationship Manager (CRM) at CCCTC Enabling Services & Support office to schedule a demo and get started with SuperGlue for Apply (CCPG) today.


IMPORTANT: Download Client Begins End-of-Life Cycle

Did you know that

As of June 30, 2023, the CCCApply Download Client data delivery service will


no longer be



data delivery service

by the CCCTC

as of June 30, 2023? End-of-life activities have already begun, including preparations to move the existing Download Client into maintenance mode and only adding

. Preparations to move the service into maintenance mode will begin following the 2022-2023 CC Promise Grant release. Only state, federal, and COMIS-mandated fields will be added to the

service following this CCPG release

Download Client database. All other non-mandatory fields will be available via SuperGlue for Apply (CCPG) only. If you have not started your

move to the

implementation of SuperGlue for Apply


, please contact your College Relationship Manager at CCCTC Enabling Services & Support to get started today.

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Bug Fixes

Problem Description



Social Security Number data stopped being delivered in the CCPG submitted applications downloads after SSS v.1.0 (Jan 2022).

A fix was made that will resume passing the applicant’s social security number data to the college with the CCPG submitted application data downloads IF values exists from a current submitted CCCApply Standard Application or the legacy OpenCCC account. If the SSN/TIN responses do not exist, a null value will be passed.

The fields that will be delivered are:

  • ssn

  • ssn_no

  • ssn_exception

  • ssn_type

  • ssn_last4

For colleges using the Download Client for CCPG downloads, they should already have the SSN/TIN data fields configured in their Format Definition XML file.


Reminder: Colleges using the Download Client for data downloads will need to run the new DLC Jar file v.6.9.x 1 for this release.

Changes to the User Interface

Two New Questions Added to the Special Eligibilities Page

Two new questions have been added to the CC Promise Grant Online Application, which display on the Special Eligibilities page beginning with this 2022-2023 annual release. Both questions are response-optional Yes/No (boolean) questions that may also contribute towards the applicant’s BOGFW eligibility.

New Question

Page Location

Database Field

Onscreen Label / Prompt Text

Validations / Logic

Database Field

Exonerated for Crime/Pardon Eligibility

Special Eligibilities<elig_exonerated_crime>

Have you been exonerated of a crime by writ of habeas corpus or pardon?

Optional response.

If this response/value is Yes, the temporary BOG Eligibility A flag is set to Yes.


COVID-19 Death Eligibility

Special Eligibilities


Are you eligible as a dependent/spouse/Registered Domestic Partner of a deceased physician, nurse, or first responder who died of COVID-19 during the COVID-19 pandemic state of emergency in California?

Optional response.

If this response/value is Yes, the temporary BOG Eligibility A flag is set to Yes.

For more information, contact College Staff Support or visit the online support community.


24/7 Support for Students - The CCC Helpdesk provides telephone support for students using the CC Promise Grant application at (877) 247-4836, or via the online support community.

19 pandemic state of emergency in California?

Optional response.

If this response/value is Yes, the temporary BOG Eligibility A flag is set to Yes.


Changes Related to the New Student Account System

Several significant interface changes were made to the CCCApply applications, including the CC Promise Grant online application, with the release of the new student Account system in January 2022 (Release: SSS v.1.0). These changes include the removal of the Edit OpenCCC Account service that was available within each CCCApply application, and the revisions to the Account Information/Mailing pages. These changes are documented in detail in the Student Success Suite Release v.1.0 release notes.

The following changes were made across all CCCApply applications, including the CCPG:

  • The Edit Account service was removed from inside the CCCApply applications, including the CCPG. All edits to the user’s Account must be made directly in the Edit Account system.

  • The “Account Information/Mailing” page was renamed Profile page in all CCCApply applications, including the CCPG.

  • The display of the user’s current Account information (OpenCCC) was moved from inside the application to the My Applications pagesAccount system.

  • The Previous/Other Name fields were removed from the Account system and added to the new “Account Information/Mailing” page was renamed Profile page in all CCCApply applications, including the CCPG

For details, jump to SSS v.1
  • .

0 release notes sections:

More: Read more about the new student Account system in the Student Success Suite Joint Release 1.0 Release Notes


What is the New Account System?

In January 2022, the Student Success Suite Joint Release v.1.0 included the launch of the all-new Account system (OpenCCC 2.0). Much more than a mere upgrade, the new Account system included a top-to-bottom redesign of the OpenCCC student account system and federated identity initiative, integrated across all CCC systemwide technology applications. This new, streamlined Account system has fewer questions, more security, smarter account recovery options, and better data validation than the legacy OpenCCC system.
  • The display of the user’s current Account information (OpenCCC) was moved from inside the application to the My Applications pages.

  • The Previous/Other Name fields were removed from the Account system and added to the new Profile page in all CCCApply applications, including the CCPG

For more details, jump to these sections:


More: Read more about the new student Account system in the Student Success Suite Joint Release 1.0 Release Notes


See New Account Features & Benefits to Users for more information.

Implementation & Support 

To get started with adoption or deployment of any or all of the Student Success Suite technology solutions provided through the CCC Technology Center, free implementation and support services are available through the CCCTC Enabling Services division. To get started, contact your College Relationship Manager who will guide you every step of the way.  

Enabling Services

Adoption & Implementation Services


College Support Services


Support for Colleges

College Staff Support


Online Support Community


Support for Students

CCC Helpdesk

Toll Free: (877)   247-4836

Online Support Community



24/7 Support for Students - The CCC Helpdesk provides account recovery help for students by phone at (877) 247-4836, by email, or via the online support community.

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The tables below provide current product and user documentation for the 2022-2023 CC Promise Grant Online application release.

Data Dictionaries & User Guides


All Data Dictionaries and User Guides for this release are posted in the CCCApply Public Documentation space.


Doc Version / FILE



Date Published

2022-2023 CC Promise Grant Online Application Specification & Data Dictionary



Release 6.9.0


SuperGlue for Apply Data Table Mappings



Release SGv.4.2.6

May 2022

CCCApply Report Center User Guide



Jasper V 6.0.1

Fall 2021

CCCApply Download Client User Guides



Release 6.9.1

May 2022

CCCApply Download Client Jar File V.6.9.1



Release 6.9.1

May 2022

Reference Documentation 

Below is additional documentation (i.e., CCCCO legal opinions, residency and/or education code citations, legislation citations, supplemental information, etc.) corresponding to this release. 


File or Link

2022-2023 CC Promise Grant Paper Application (English)

View file
name2022-23-promise-grant-application-english-a11y (1).pdf

2022-2023 CC Promise Grant Paper Application (Spanish)

View file

2022-2023 Type B Income Table

View file
name2022-23-ccpg-income-maximums-a11y (2).pdf

Bill Text - AB 703 - Public postsecondary education: fee waiver for exonerated persons.

How To Articles & FAQs


NEW How To Articles and FAQs are posted to the CCC Support Services space and other Student Success Suite college-facing sites.

Application / Service


Intended Audience


FAQ: 2022-2023 CC Promise Grant Online Application

College Staff

College Documentation Sites

Back to TopLast Revision 05-04-2022