EPPN Mapping Report

EPPN Mapping Report

As a supplement to the EPPN Service API, a very simple report template is available to colleges in the CCC Report Center.  

Report TitleEPPN to CCCID Mapping Report
LocationCCC Report Center > Repository > EPPN Mapping Table
Data ColumnsReport table data columns

The student's CCCID stored in the SSO Proxy service.


The student's EPPN passed by the college or district's IDP which is mapped and stored with the CCCID in the SSO Proxy service.

Timestamp CreateThe date that the mapping is created.
Timestamp Update

The date that the mapping was last updated.

FiltersFilters have been added to each column which the college can use to define specific report outcomes

Important Note:  In order to identify the mappings for students of your college, enter in the IdP domain suffix into the EPPN filter.

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