Update DNS Server for CCCApply Email Rules

Update DNS Server for CCCApply Email Rules

Notice: This action request was distributed to CCCApply colleges in May 2017.

ACTION REQUIRED: Update your college DNS records to continue sending emails from CCCApply


Please Update by May 5, 2017 

As part of the OpenCCC infrastructure migration on Friday, May 5, 2017, colleges will need to update their DNS records in order for CCCApply email-rule messages to be sent out through CCC Tech Center servers on their behalf.  This change is time sensitive and should be completed on or before May 5th in order to prevent delays in messages to your students from CCCApply email rules. 



CCCApply is a hosted application used by the California Community Colleges (CCCs) and their students. One of the features in CCCApply is the ability to set up optional Email Rules - configured by the college in the Administrator - to send email messages to students based on their responses to questions in the CCCApply applications. Most colleges have these email rules set up at this time. 

These CCCApply emails are actually sent out by the California Community Colleges Technology Center (CCCTC) servers on the colleges' behalf. In order for these emails to be sent without interruption after the migration on May 5, a small DNS record change is required. 
IMPORTANT: Your attention to this matter is necessary to avoid interruption to this email service for CCCApply. 

Follow the instructions here: Updating DNS for CCCApply Emails 

  1. Follow the link and read the information 

  2. Make the necessary DNS change 

  3. Send confirmation email back to the Tech Center 

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Please don't hesitate to contact us directly at ccctcstaffsupport@openccc.zendesk.com for clarification and/or assistance. 

CCC Technology Center