CCCApply DED Change Log 2018-2020

All changes to the CCCApply Data Dictionaries now appear in a Change Log on the last page of each data dictionary.

The changes below appeared in the CCCApply Standard & Noncredit Application Data Dictionary (v.2018 - v.2020.1)


CCCApply Standard & Noncredit Application Data Dictionary


Release Version

Changed By


Section / Page





Residency section note


Added a note under the “Residency” section heading, specifying when the residency page/questions do not display in the application.




Citizenship & Military section note


Added a note under the “Citizenship & Military” section heading specifying when the citizenship & military page/questions do not display in the application.




Special Residency Question changes:

Public School Employee

State College Employee

Seasonal Agricultural Worker


Revised data field specs for all three fields as follows:

Changed Condition from “Always” to “Only appears if user selects one or more Out-of-State activities and the most recent year is within 2 years of the RDD.”

Changed Default to:  Set default to Null if question is hidden.

Changed Page Error Checking to: “Required selection if appears onscreen; else error message,




Out-of-State Activities question changes:

Declared Residency Outside of California for Taxes

Registered to Vote Outside of California

Declared Residency at a College or University Outside of California

Lawsuit Outside of California


Made the changes below to all four Out-of-State Activities questions.

Changed Page Error Checking FROM: selection; else error message, “You must indicate whether or not <you have/your parent or guardian has> declared residency in another state for state income tax purposes.” TO   “Optional response”

Changed Question Text FROM:
Since <RDD minus 2 years>, have you [registered to vote] in another state?

[radio button] Yes        [radio button] No

"As of <RDD minus 2 years>, have you engaged in any of the following activities? Check each activity that applies."

[checkbox]  I paid taxes outside of California

[checkbox]  I registered to vote outside of California

[checkbox]  I declared residency at a college or university outside of California

[checkbox]  I filed for a lawsuit or divorce outside of California

Changed Default from: None TO: “Default set to False if checkbox is empty.”




New Residency Status Value



Added new data field value to <res_status> field:
“N” = Noncredit / exempt

Default set to “N” if <non_credit> = True




New Residency Areas Value


Area Criteria (p.269)

Added note under section: Area Criteria:
Note:  Areas A -D, set value = 9 when a Noncredit application is submitted using the Noncredit URL.


Updated Appendix E: Table of Downloadable Fields:
New value =  9
Set default if <non_credit> =True




New Integrity Flag data field

Integrity Flag 81


Table E: Integrity Flags

(p. 279)

Added new data field: <integrity_fg_81> to Appendix E: Table of Downloadable Data Fields

Added new Integrity Flag 81 row to Table F: Integrity Flags

“Applicant applied using the Noncredit URL”




Noncredit Status



Added new data field: <non_credit> to Appendix E: Table of Downloadable Data Fields


Added new data element table: Noncredit Status <non_credit>

See “Noncredit Status” data element table for all new data specs.




Appendix A: Submission Calculation Service


P. 268

Appendix A: Submission Calculation Service

Added note under “Receiving Data from CCCApply”

“Note:  The Submission Calculation Service doesn’t operate for Noncredit applications (Noncredit URL), or the International application (International URL). The non_credit status flag defaults to =True when the application is started and submitted using the Noncredit URL.”




College Education Level

<Higher Edu Level>


Changed Conditions from ALWAYS, TO:

Hidden by default;

Display if "College Enrollment Status" <enroll_status> is:
"2  = Transfer student from another college (Keep existing logic)" OR
"3  = Returning student to this college after absent for a main term" OR
"Y = Enrolling in high school (or lower grade) and college at the same time"

THEN DISPLAY and require a response.

ELSE do not display hidden college questions.




Colleges/Universities Attended


Colleges Attended

Changed Conditions from ALWAYS, TO:

Hidden by default;

Display if "College Enrollment Status" <enroll_status> is:
"2  = Transfer student from another college (Keep existing logic)" OR
"3  = Returning student to this college after absent for a main term" OR
"Y = Enrolling in high school (or lower grade) and college at the same time"

THEN DISPLAY and require a response.

ELSE do not display hidden college questions.




Date of Birth



Added logic statement below to the “Error Validation Checking” that prevents a birthdate from being entered that is in the future.

Date must be a valid date that is today’s date or prior to the current date, else error message, "Your date of birth must be before today’s date."



D. Bishop



Added new section for Noncredit Application






Added value of X for Noncredit application






Added value of X for Noncredit application




Table of Downloadable Data fields

Appendix E

Added column to table to indicate Noncredit application fields that would hold values other than null (i.e. showing those fields that either display in the Noncredit App UI and/or get a default value based on the Noncredit Application (non_credit) being true. Used data from this page to confirm:

Also included self-reported questions and some other residency questions in this category though they were not listed on the page above:















Release Version

Changed By


Section / Page





New Value added to Gender field

Gender / Demographic Info

New value and response option was added to the Gender question <gender> field:

New field value:  B = Non-binary
New Response option:  Non-binary




New Visa types added to Table F: Visa Types

Visa Types (Table F) / Citizenship

The following visa types were added to Table F: Visa Types.  All three visa types ARE eligible to establish residency:





Question & Response option changes to the Foster Youth Status question


Change to the Pop-Up Help Text for “Court-Ordered Foster Care” and “Exited Foster Care”

Foster Youth Status / Residency

Priority registration eligibility for foster youth is now 16 years of age, rather than 18 years of age. 

Therefore, a change was made to two of the response options in the Foster Youth Status question based on legislation update (SB 906) extending the age of eligibility for existing foster care from 18 years of age to 16 years of age. 

  1. The following changes were made to response options (2) and (5).

They now read as follows:

2 = I exited the foster care system on or after my 16th birthday.

5 = I exited the foster care system before my 16th birthday.

See change specification: 2019-04: Update Foster Youth Question Per Legislation SB906


  1. Changes were also made to the pop-up Help text information for two hyperlinks in the Foster Youth Status question:

The "Have you ever been in Court Ordered Foster Care?" question link opens the following pop-up help:


Court-Ordered Foster Care

You have been in foster care if you were removed from your biological family through an order by a court, which can include placement with foster parents, in a group home, or with relatives/extended family members. If you were living with relatives you must have been placed through the foster care system by an order of the court.

Foster Care includes, but is not limited to, placement in out-of-home care under the supervision of the Juvenile Probation Department. As long as you were placed within the foster care system by order of a court, you were in foster care. Having a legal guardian does not necessarily mean that you have been in foster care. If you need assistance with determining whether you were in foster care, you can contact the California Foster Care Ombudsman's office at (877) 846-1602 or


The "When did you exit foster care?" link renders a help pop-up which reads:

Foster Youth Exit Cases

Reasons for exiting foster can include adoption, entering legal guardianship, reunification with parent(s), emancipation at age 18, or disqualification or voluntary exit after age 18.

Not Sure

If you need assistance with determining when you exited foster care, you can contact the California Foster Care Ombudsman's office at (877) 846-1602 or




Add Clarifying Language to the Parent/Guardian Information Section to Support Foster Youth Minors

Parent/Guardian Information (Dependency Status)

To support foster youth minors who are unsure of which option to select in the Parent/Guardian Information section, a new option was added to the section which asks, "One of the statements below is true about me" to minimize the risk of incorrectly determining their residency status.

The Parent/Guardian Information section now reads as follows:

At least one of the following statements is true about me

I am or have been married

I am legally emancipated

I do not have a living parent or guardian

I was in foster care at any time after my 13th birthday

As of <rdd>, I will be on active duty in the armed services

As of <rdd>, I will have been self-supporting for at least one year

None of the statements above is true about me

Also, a new Help pop-up box was added to this section that aligns to the hyperlink/words "foster care" - which appears in the new bulleted statement added above. 



D. Bishop

Added Glue download fields to Table of Downloadable fields

Appendix E: Table of Data Fields

This addition to the Table of Downloadable Fields reflects the downloadable fields available via the College Adaptor (SuperGlue) for Glue-enabled colleges.

Note that as of 6/24/19, Colleague and PeopleSoft have incorporated the integrity_fg_81 and non_credit fields but Banner has not.  Also note that “esignature” and “signature” are not currently written to the college’s SIS staging table for any of the SIS’s via the College Adaptor.



D. Bishop

Removed extra entry for orientation

Appendix E Table of Data Fields

Removed a duplicate entry for “orientation” from the list of downloadable fields and left the original that appears after online_classes.



D. Bishop

Download Client availability of esignature, major_id, salt, and signature fields

Appendix E Table of Data Fields

Added note to each of the four fields (esignature, major_id, salt, and signature) indicating that future Download Client options will be deprecated for these fields as they are internal only



D. Bishop

Added “col1_cds_full, col2_cds_full, col3_cds_full, col4_cds_full” to main DD and list of downloadable fields.

Appendix E Table of Data Fields

Added “col1_cds_full, col2_cds_full, col3_cds_full, col4_cds_full” to main DD and list of downloadable fields.



P. Donohue



Education page

Fixed bug on the Education page for dual enroll students. Removed the blocker preventing students from stating they had previously attended college while still enrolled/enrolling in high school (or lower grade) and college at the same time.

Dual enrolled (concurrent) (Special Admit) students should not be prevented from declaring truthfully whether they have or have not attended a college previously, including selecting one or more colleges attended, and from declaring they obtained a degree or certificate. 



P. Donohue

Added the word “Immigration” to section/field label


For the section header and question label, “& Immigration” was added. Text below the “—Select Status—” drop-down list was added: “This information will be used for admissions and state reporting purposes. Your responses will be kept private and secure, and will not be used for discriminatory purposes.”



D. Bishop

Area B Residency Logic updated for no_mailing_address_homeless and


Area B Residency Logic

Updated text:  Is the applicant’s current mailing address outside of California and he or she is not homeless?    ‘Mailing address – state’ != CA AND no_mailing_address_homeless = 0

Is the applicant’s permanent address outside of California and he or she is NOT homeless?         ‘Permanent address – state’ != CA AND no_perm_address_homeless = 0

Updated Area B Flowchart graphic for steps 8 and 9 to include the new logic to exclude homeless from these residency validation steps.



D. Bishop

New self-reported question data element added: highest_grade_completed


Added highest_grade_completed to data dictionary and list of downloadable fields; updated completed_eleventh_grade to indicate it will be deprecated.

All instances of “Common Assessment’ in this guide have been updated to be “Multiple Measures Placement”.




D. Bishop

New Spanish translation enhancement


A “Spanish Translation” section has been added to the Overview section that describes the new Spanish translation of the CCCApply and California College Promise Grant that is available by clicking a button in the applications.



D. Bishop

Social Security Number updates

Account Data

Indicated that the ssn_type field has been deprecated—updated in data dictionary data element detail and in list of downloadable fields.

Updated ssn_no field description, page validation, and additional text to match updates in UI.

Updated the ssn field details to include updated UI display for the text entry fields:

Please enter your 9-digit social security number or taxpayer identification number.

Confirm your social security number or taxpayer identification number.

Updated error validation messaging.

Updated Social Security (ssn) prompt text and error checking to match new UI text displayed; removed duplicate entry for ssn field



D. Bishop

Updated conditional field display logic

High School Transcript Information

High School Transcript Information updated to include new conditional display of fields due to the highest_grade_completed field and the deprecation of the completed_eleventh_grade field.



D. Bishop

Updated details for Spanish language display


Updated Spanish Translation section to include information on accessibility translation and that applications will also display in Spanish automatically for web browsers that have set for Spanish language; all other language settings display the applications in English.



D. Bishop

Added in help text from application display for each field

All sections

Updated help text as it appears in the application for links and Information icon for all fields.



D. Bishop

ssn_type field correction

Account data

Corrected field-level info for the ssn_type to match requirements.