How to Recover Your OpenCCC Account

How to Recover Your OpenCCC Account

This page provides information and instructions for resolving issues with accessing your OpenCCC 2.0 account.




Not sure why you can’t Sign In? See Resolving Sign In Issues to avoid getting blocked.

Ways to Recover Your Account

  • I have an account and I know my email address (or mobile phone number)…but I can’t remember my Password

  • I have an account…but I can’t remember my email address or phone number, or my password

  • I have an account…but it was created prior to February 2022 (Legacy account)


Note: Regardless of which type of account recovery issue you have (see list above) start each recovery process on the Sign In page.


I have an account and I know my email address (or mobile phone number)…but I can’t remember my Password.


Step 1: On the “Sign In” page:

  1. Enter the email address or mobile phone number you used to create your account in the input field.

  2. Click “Next” to continue.


Step 2: If you know your password enter it in the Password input field. Click “Sign In” to continue.


Step 3: On the Forgot Your Password? page, follow the steps below to reset your password.

  1. Enter your birthdate in the Date of Birth field.

  2. Enter your last name in the Last Name field.

  3. Click Next to validate your personal information.


Step 4: Select the way you want to receive your verification code to reset your password. Click “Next” to continue.


Step 5: Retrieve your verification code from your email inbox or your mobile phone depending on which method you selected in Step 4.

Step 6: Return to the OpenCCC “Sign In” page and repeat the sign in process.



I have an account…but I can’t remember my email address or mobile phone number


Step 1: Try to sign in with the email address or mobile phone number used to create your account.

  1. On the Sign In page, enter the email address or mobile phone number in the input field.

  2. Click “Next” to validate your credentials.


Step 2: Click the Forgot your password? link



Next step: Click the Forgot your password? link.

If you still can’t sign in after several tries, or if you’ve forgotten the credentials used to create your account, click the Forgot your password? link on the page to start the recovery process.


Step 2: The Account Recovery Process

When the sign in process cannot find your account using your email address (or mobile phone number), the system needs a bit more information from you. The first query will use your date of birth and your last name together to find a unique match. If more than one match is found, you’ll be asked for yet more information until a unique match is found.

To begin:

  1. From the Sign In page, click the Forgot your password? link below the sign in input field. The Forgot your password? page displays.

  2. Enter your birthdate in the Date of Birth field.

  3. Enter your last name in the Last Name field.

  4. Click Next to validate your personal information.


  1. Enter your password in the Password input field.

  2. Click Next to validate your password.


  1. Click the Forgot your password? link on the Sign In page.

  2. Follow the instructions below.


Forgot Your Password?

To recover your password, click the Forgot your password? link to have a password reset code sent to your preferred method of contact (email or mobile phone). The Forgot Your Password? page will display, providing three options to receive a new code:

  • Email - this option will send a validation code to your account email address.

  • Mobile Phone - this option will send a code in a text message to your mobile phone.

  • Helpdesk - this option will direct you to the Helpdesk support team.


To request a password reset code:

  1. Select one of the options provided on the Forgot Your Password? page to receive a reset code.

  2. Click Next to continue. The Validation Code page will display.



3. Find and copy the six-digit security code from the email or text message, as requested.

4. Enter the security code into the Validation Code input field.

5. Click Next to continue the password reset process.


Update Password Page

Successful validation of your password reset code will display the Update Password page. Users are required to create and validate a new password at this time.

On the Update Password page:

  1. Enter a string of letters, numbers, and special characters into the Password input field. The combination must meet the criteria requirements listed on the left, adjacent to the input fields.

  2. Re-enter the password in the Confirm Password field to ensure it matches the Password field exactly (both fields must match).

  3. Click the Submit button to validate your secure password.

Reminder: The password you choose must meet the following security requirements:

  • be at least 8 characters in length

  • contain at least one uppercase letter

  • contain at least one lowercase letter

  • contain at least one number

  • contain at least one of the following special characters ( !, @, #, $, %, ^, &, or *)

  • must NOT contain your name



New Password Validation

After creating a new password that meets all security requirements, a confirmation message containing a new security code will be sent to your email address or mobile phone, which ever is selected during the Forgot your password process.


Steps to validate your password reset code:

  1. View the email or text message sent from the California Community Colleges and promptly obtain your security code.

  2. Return to the Validation Code page and enter the code in the Enter Validation Code input field. Click Next to validate the code and your identity.

  3. Once the security code is validated, the Edit Profile page will display with the focus on the Contact Information fields.

  4. Review your profile entries and make any edits needed.

  5. Click Save at the bottom of the page, or Cancel to exit the Edit Profile section.



Contact the Helpdesk

Phone: (877) 247-4836
Email: support@openccc.net
TTY: (877) 836-9332

Online: ccchelp.info