Versions Compared


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Table of Contents

CCCApply has created a new, optional non-credit workflow feature in the CCCApply Standard Application. Development requirements for the first version of the new feature were designed under the guidance of the CCCApply Redesign Workgroup, the CCCApply Advisory sub-committee for Non-Credit application; 

This Pilot Project Plan will outline the details of the CCCApply Non-Credit Application pilot project across the various stages of remaining pre-production development, testing and implementation. 


Pilot Project Outline 

Below is an outline of the CCCApply Non-Credit Application Pilot Project, including development and production phases: 

College Pilot Project

  1. Project Overview
    1. Project summary & objectives
    2. Project Timeline
  2. Goals & Success Criteria
  3. College Participation & Requirements
  4. UAT Plan & Objectives
    1. UAT Objectives & Success Criteria
    2. Required Documentation
    3. College IT Implementation Steps
    4. Data Fields & Downloads
    5. Admin Configuration & Reports
    6. Feedback Process

Production Phase

  1. Beta Version Plan
    1. College participation
    2. UAT Plan
  2. College Implementation Plan
    1. Working with Enabling Services
    2. Working with Support Services

Status of Development Phase

Development requirements for the initial version of this application (v.1.0) were drafted and implemented by the CCCApply Redesign Workgroup and sub-committee for the Non-Credit Application. Details of the v.1.0 development specification can be found here: Non-Credit Change Requirements and CCCApply Non-Credit Application

Pilot Project Overview

A soft launch release to a limited number of colleges for a 12-week pilot project deploy to the CCCApply pilot environment on February 2019, as part of the CCCApply release 6.4.0. 

The pilot project will be managed under the direction of the CCCApply Redesign Workgroup, the CCCApply Advisory Non-Credit sub-committee, and CCCApply product management. The pilot project will  and objectives of this pilot phase includes , will address the following project objectives and timelines:

The overarching goal for the project is to prepare the new feature for a larger scale Beta version release to more colleges in May 2019, and ultimately to production release to all colleges in June 2019.

Project Objectives

The objectives for the pilot project are designed to ensure that the new Non-Credit app workflow feature meets the minimum viable feature functionality and implementation requirements to support colleges comply with changes to the state residency requirements for non-credit students.

A set of pilot colleges will work with the Workgroup and sub-committee, as well as the CCCApply product development team, to ensure the initial development design and IT implementation processes meet the success criteria outlined below. A continuous feedback process has been outlined to ensure all bugs and missing critical requirements are identified and prioritized for production release.  

Project objectives that will be addressed: 

  1. Approved pilot colleges will commit two staff representatives to participate in the full 12-week project (One admissions office and one IT staff participants) and complete minimum UAT activities
  2. Participants should contribute to meeting project goals, objectives, and timelines in order to meet proposed success criteria
  3. Participants will attend scheduled meetings and provide feedback on development and implementation requirements and processes to ensure compliance with AB 3101
  4. Pilot project management will document and share college feedback and track progress of overarching goal to meet production phase timeline  

Project Timeline

A tentative schedule of project activities are detailed below (subject to change).


Non-Credit Pilot begins 12-Week Pilot Activities


Project Goals & Success Criteria 


Ensure MVP product complies with residency-exempt requirements in AB 3101

Ensure the design and development of the Non-Credit workflow path feature & functionality meets minimum viable product requirements for use with non-credit students as mandated in AB 3101


Ensure product functionality meets MVP requirements for college non-credit programs

Ensure the functional design (user interface and admin configurations) meet the minimum viable requirements for the majority of college non-credit programs .


Ensure IT implementation is simple and fully compatible with existing Standard Application implementation 

Ensure college IT implementation of the new Non-Credit workflow includes minimal risks and requires minimal reporting and admin configuration changes, and compatible data downloads changes to the CCCApply Standard Application IT setup (including pre- and post-application processes and web services) 


  • College IT successfully modifies existing Standard Application Format Definition XML file with new fields and changes to existing fields; successfully updates Download Client jar file for pilot & production
  • College using SuperGlue for Apply (with College Adapter) has modified process to export the new and updated data set to staging table; College using full SuperGlue SIS process can successfully import new and updated data set to college SIS
  • College admissions staff has added new Non-Credit data fields to Standard Application in the CCCApply Administrator Rules & Messages (optional);
  • College admissions/research staff has modified existing Submitted Applications views and reports in the Report Center (optional).

All required Tech Center applications have Non-Credit application functionality & data

Ensure all dependent CCC Tech Center products and services have been updated with the new and revised Non-Credit Application data fields and reports are accessible to authorized college administrators and staff.


  • Authorized researchers can access the Non-Credit data fields and reports in the CCC Data Warehouse
  • All internal Tech Center product can access the new Non-Credit data fields in the Student Profile   


Develop (generic) best practices for college support, IT, and admissions implementation of the new Non-Credit feature

Identify, test, document and publish best practices for college support of and/or implementation of the Non-Credit workflow feature functionality for (general) college admissions non-credit programs. 


  • Best practices and other knowledge base support information is authored by college users and published in the CCCApply Public Documentation sites
  • Support FAQs is authored by college users and published in the Support Site

Pilot College Participation & Requirements

The CCCApply Non-Credit Application Pilot project will initially consist of 6 - 8* district colleges from the CCCApply Redesign Workgroup and the CCCApply Advisory Committee's sub-committee for Non-Credit Application.  Pilot project activities are scheduled across a 12-week period between February 19 - June 15, 2019.   

Participating Colleges

Colleges from within the CCCApply Redesign Workgroup and the CCCApply Advisory Committee that will be participating in the project:

  • City College of San Francisco
  • Coastline College
  • North Orange CCD
  • Santa Rosa College
  • Sierra College
  • Cerritos College


Participation activities and requirements include:

  • Attendance at all meetings
  • Complete all UAT Implementation activities and testing goals
  • Contribute to design and requirements discussions; provide feedback and support to other pilot colleges
  • Contribute to the development of best practices and support materials 

Pilot UAT Plan & Objectives

The user acceptance testing (UAT) plan process and objectives for the CCCApply Non-Credit Application Pilot project are listed below. 

  • UAT Objectives & Success Criteria
  • Required Documentation 
  • Getting to the Pilot Application 
  • IT Implementation Steps
  • Data Fields & Downloads
  • Admin Configuration 
  • Reports
  • Feedback & Support Processes

UAT Objectives & Success Criteria


  • New and revised Non-Credit app data fields have been added to their existing CCCApply Standard Application Format Definition XML and ran a successful job in Pilot
  • Download Client for the Pilot Standard Application has been updated with latest version of the "transfer-client.jar" file in Pilot environment
  • Colleges have tested downloads successfully using the Download Client
  • Colleges have modified and successfully exported new data set to Glue for Apply staging table 


  • non_credit
  • integrity_fg_81



The Non-Credit Application workflow path feature is an Optional special implementation in the CCCApply Standard Application - All Changes Are Backwards Compatible - No Actions Required: All the front-end changes deployed in the Non-Credit Application path within CCCApply Standard Application (user interface changes, hidden pages and questions, disabling of web services, etc.) should NOT AFFECT YOUR STANDARD APPLICATION. All Non-Credit Application back-end changes are optional and not mandatory for colleges to implement. Admissions, Financial Aid, and IT staff can rest assured there are no action REQUIRED by colleges that do not wish to implement the Non-Credit Application.

Required Documentation

Technical specifications for the Non-Credit Application feature in the Standard Application are included in the CCCApply Standard Application Data Dictionary. 

Change Specification:  2018-18R: New Race & Ethnicity Implementation 2018

Data Dictionaries:  CCCApply Standard Application Data Dictionary v.2018.2 

Getting to the Pilot Environment

Pilot colleges can begin previewing and testing the new Non-Credit Application feature after the CCCApply 6.4.0 pilot release on February 19, 2019.  

Non-Credit Application URL

Accessing the Non-Credit application workflow path within the Standard Application requires a separate, college-specific URL. This unique, college-specific URL is one of the key characteristics that partitions the non-credit workflow path within the Standard Application, as well as distinguishes the submitted applications that started from the Non-Credit URL from those started from the original Standard Application URL.

The list of Non-Credit URLs can be found here.

When a user starts and submits a Non-Credit Application (using the college-specific URL) the new Non-Credit Status flag is set to True, which is appended at the end of the URL. 


College IT Implementation Steps

Follow the steps below to setup the Non-Credit Application workflow feature to conduct user acceptance testing: 


  1. NOTE: The 'transfer-client.jar" file is the same as the Download Client Jar file.
  2. Refer to the Download Client User Guide for instructions on replacing and running the Jar file for each application in each environment (Pilot and Production).


Data Field Information  

For detailed data specifications, please refer to the corresponding application Data Dictionary, as well as the breakdown of change specs in: 2018-24R: Revise CCCApply to Support Non-credit Students & AB3101.  



Non-Credit Application - Full Data Set in Glue for Apply 

The new Non-Credit Application data values will be included in this release, passed directly to colleges using the Glue for Apply feature. 

Updating Your Download Files

To download the new Non-Credit Application data fields and new values in existing CCCApply download files, you must add the new fields to your CCCApply Standard Application Format Definition XML and update the (transfer-client.jar) file for the Non-Credit v.1.0 Pilot release.  


Please be sure to backup your files before downloading new ones.

Update the Pilot Download Client Jar File

We recommend adding the new Non-Credit Application path data fields and updating your Download Client Transfer file in the Pilot environment  whether you plan to implement the Non-Credit application path or not.  The Pilot DLC jar file should be updated first, then repeat the process for your Production downloads. 

In your installed Pilot Download Client directory, replace the following files:

    • Replace transfer-client.jar (V6.4) with: transfer-client-V3.jar

Follow the instructions in the Pilot CCCApply Download Client User Guide.

Update the Download Client Jar File

To update your Download Client Transfer file for the Production environment, the process is the same as the Pilot environment update. The same jar file is used for both environment. 

In your installed Production Download Client directory, replace the following files:

    • Replace transfer-client.jar (V6.3.0) with: transfer-client-V3.jar

Follow the instructions in the CCCApply Download Client User Guide.


titleUAT Implementation Checklist

See the STEPS for UAT Testing and full implementation checklist here:  CCCApply Noncredit Pilot - UAT Implementation Checklist

Table of Contents


CCCApply has created a new, optional, noncredit workflow feature in the CCCApply Standard Application. Development requirements for the first version of the new feature were implemented under the guidance of the CCCApply Redesign Workgroup, the CCCApply Advisory sub-committee for Noncredit application and the CCCApply product development team. 

This UAT plan will outline the details of the CCCApply Noncredit Application pilot project across the remaining stages of pre-production development, testing and implementation. 

Product information is available here:  CCCApply Noncredit Application

CCCApply Noncredit Application: Pilot Phase


Pilot Project Outline 

Below is an outline of the CCCApply Noncredit Application Pilot Project, including development and production phases: 

Production Phase (coming)

  1. Beta Version Plan
    1. College participation
    2. ES Training Plan
  2. College Implementation Plan
    1. Working with Enabling Services
    2. Working with Support Services

Status of Development Phase

Development requirements for the first version of this application (v.1.0) were drafted by the CCCApply development team. Requirements and change specifications can be found here: Noncredit Change Requirements and CCCApply Noncredit Application


Pilot Overview

A soft launch release to a limited number of colleges for a 12-week pilot project deploy to the CCCApply pilot environment on February 2019, as part of the CCCApply release 6.4.0. 

A set of pilot colleges will work with the Workgroup and sub-committee, as well as the CCCApply product development team, to ensure the initial development design and IT implementation processes meet the success criteria outlined below. A continuous feedback process has been outlined to ensure all bugs and missing critical requirements are identified and prioritized for production release.  

The overarching goal for the project is to prepare the new features for a larger scale Beta version release to more colleges in May 2019, and ultimately to production release to all colleges in June 2019.

Pilot Objectives

The objectives for the pilot project are designed to ensure that the new Noncredit workflow path meets the minimum viable functionality and data collection requirements to comply with changes to the state residency requirements for noncredit students as passed in AB 3101

  • Ensure the initial design meets MVP (minimum viable product) requirements for use with students
    • Ensure the code is free of bugs, issues and errors
    • Ensure the pre- and post-application workflow meets the needs of noncredit programs
  • Identify "must have" features required to meet MVP acceptable standards for majority of noncredit programs
    • Review requirements for collecting "Intended Major/Program of Study" question data to meet the needs of most noncredit programs?
    • Do the majority of noncredit programs require Supplemental Questions? What types of questions would the majority of noncredit programs ask?
    • What other enhancements are required for the MVP implementation?

Participating pilot colleges objectives: 

  1. Approved pilot colleges will commit two staff representatives to participate in the full 12-week project (One admissions office and one IT staff participants) and complete minimum UAT activities
  2. Participants should contribute to meeting project goals, objectives, and timelines in order to meet proposed success criteria
  3. Participants will attend scheduled meetings and provide feedback on development and implementation requirements and processes to ensure compliance with AB 3101
  4. Pilot project management will document and share college feedback and track progress of overarching goal to meet production phase timeline  

Project Timeline

A tentative schedule of project activities are detailed below (subject to change).

February 19CCCApply 6.4.0 release to the CCCApply Pilot environment (see Release 6.4.0 Summary Notes)CCCApply 6.4.0 Pilot
February 19Noncredit Application 1.0 - Soft launch release to the CCCApply Pilot environmentNoncredit v.1.0 Pilot
February 20 - 28

Noncredit Pilot begins 12-Week Pilot Activities

March 15CCCApply 6.4.0 Production release  (see Release 6.4.0 Summary Notes)CCCApply 6.4.0 Prod
April 8Deadline for development changes and bug fixes (Tentative)
May 14Code freeze for CCCApply 6.5.0 Pilot Release and Noncredit App v.1.2 
May 15 - 31Noncredit Pilot officially ends May 31, 2019
May 31CCCApply 6.5.0 Pilot release  (includes the Noncredit Application 1.2 Pilot release)CCCApply 6.5.0 Pilot
June 28CCCApply 6.5.0 Production release  (includes the Noncredit Application 1.2 Production release)CCCApply 6.5.0 Prod


Pilot Project Goals & Success Criteria 

GoalSuccess Criteria

Ensure MVP product complies with residency-exempt requirements in AB 3101

Ensure the design and development of the Noncredit workflow path feature & functionality meets minimum viable product requirements for use with noncredit students as mandated in AB 3101

  • Chancellor's Office Legal staff confirm NC app workflow meets AB 3101 requirements
  • CCCCO MIS confirms data reporting requirements are met with the new feature 
  • Pilot colleges confirm the feature functionality complies with residency changes for Noncredit students
  • Pilot colleges confirm MVP product meets general requirements for noncredit to credit status transition 
  • Colleges can easily identify noncredit submitted applications in downloads and reports 

Ensure product functionality meets MVP requirements for college noncredit programs

Ensure the functional design (user interface and admin configurations) meet the minimum viable requirements for the majority of college noncredit programs .

  • Colleges want to use the Noncredit feature (optional)
  • Colleges can customize the Noncredit workflow feature to display custom noncredit programs and courses on the Enrollment page (Intended Major/Program of Study field; Major Category filter);
  • Colleges can successfully customize and filter  the display of their noncredit programs and courses; 
  • Colleges can successfully 
  • Pilot colleges confirm that the feature functionality meets general requirements for Noncredit programs 

Ensure IT implementation is simple and fully compatible with existing Standard Application implementation 

Ensure college IT implementation of the new Noncredit workflow includes minimal risks and requires minimal reporting and admin configuration changes, and compatible data downloads changes to the CCCApply Standard Application IT setup (including pre- and post-application processes and web services) 

  • College IT successfully modifies existing Standard Application Format Definition XML file with new fields and changes to existing fields; successfully updates Download Client jar file for pilot & production
  • College using SuperGlue for Apply (with College Adapter) has modified process to export the new and updated data set to staging table; College using full SuperGlue SIS process can successfully import new and updated data set to college SIS
  • College admissions staff has added new Noncredit data fields to Standard Application in the CCCApply Administrator Rules & Messages (optional);
  • College admissions/research staff has modified existing Submitted Applications views and reports in the Report Center (optional).

All required Tech Center applications have Noncredit application functionality & data

Ensure all dependent CCC Tech Center products and services have been updated with the new and revised Noncredit Application data fields and reports are accessible to authorized college administrators and staff.

  • Authorized researchers can access the Noncredit data fields and reports in the CCC Data Warehouse
  • All internal Tech Center product can access the new Noncredit data fields in the Student Profile   

Develop (generic) best practices for college support, IT, and admissions implementation of the new Noncredit feature

Identify, test, document and publish best practices for college support of and/or implementation of the Noncredit workflow feature functionality for (general) college admissions noncredit programs. 

  • Best practices and other knowledge base support information is authored by college users and published in the CCCApply Public Documentation sites
  • Support FAQs is authored by college users and published in the Support Site


Pilot College Participation

The CCCApply Noncredit Application Pilot project will initially consist of 6 - 8* district colleges from the CCCApply Redesign Workgroup and the CCCApply Advisory Committee's sub-committee for Noncredit Application. The minimum number of pilot participants to provide validation is 6. Pilot project activities are scheduled across a 12-week period between February 19 - June 15, 2019.   

Participating Colleges

Colleges from within the CCCApply Redesign Workgroup and the CCCApply Advisory Committee that will be participating in the project:

  • Chabot College
  • City College of San Francisco
  • Coastline College
  • DeAnza College
  • Foothill College
  • Glendale College
  • NOCE: North Orange Continuing Education
  • Riverside CCD
  • Santa Monica City College
  • Santa Rosa College
  • South Orange CCD

Participation Requirements

Participation activities and requirements include:

  • Attendance at all meetings
  • Complete all UAT Implementation activities and testing goals
  • Contribute to design and requirements discussions; provide feedback and support to other pilot colleges
  • Contribute to the development of best practices and support materials 


Pilot UAT Plan

The user acceptance testing (UAT) plan process and objectives for the CCCApply Noncredit Application Pilot project are listed below. 

  • UAT Objectives & Success Criteria
  • Required Documentation 
  • Getting to the Pilot Application 
  • IT Implementation Steps
  • Data Fields & Downloads
  • Admin Configuration 
  • Reports
  • Feedback & Support Processes

UAT Objectives & Success Criteria

See Noncredit Application UAT Plan Slide Deck

UAT ObjectiveSuccess Criteria
IT Implementation Steps & Testing
  • College navigates successfully to Noncredit Application path using college-specific URL
  • College submits new Noncredit Application using new workflow feature / URL 
  • College can identify an In-progress and submitted Noncredit application based on the new confirmation number prefix for Noncredit path in the My Applications page 

Find your Noncredit Application PILOT URL

Data Fields & Downloads Configuration Testing
  • New and revised Noncredit app data fields have been added to their existing CCCApply Standard Application Format Definition XML and ran a successful job in Pilot
  • Download Client for the Pilot Standard Application has been updated with latest version of the "transfer-client.jar" file in Pilot environment
  • Colleges have tested downloads successfully using the Download Client
  • Colleges have modified and successfully exported new data set to Glue for Apply staging table 
  • College can see new residency status field value <res_status = N> for NC residency-exempt status in download file
  • College can see new residency Areas A-D default value = 9 (for NC applications = nonCredit=True
  • College can identify a Noncredit status application based on Flag 81 in the Integrity Flags Table
  • College can identify that a Noncredit application was submitted based on Null / blank values appearing in all fields hidden in the Noncredit App workflow 
MVP Admin Configuration (Optional) Testing
  • College creates new Email Rule using the Noncredit Status field in Standard Application in Administrator
  • College staff receives Rule email based on new Noncredit status field
Modifying & Running Noncredit App Reports Testing
  • College can successfully look-up a submitted Noncredit application using new Noncredit Confirmation number using the Standard Full Application Look-Up modal in the Report Center
  • College confirms new Noncredit Status data field and Integrity Flag 81 flags appear on the Standard Full Application report for a Noncredit application
  • College can view and add new Noncredit data fields into a new report using the Submitted Application - Noncredit Topic (domain).
Using the Pilot Feedback & Support Process
  • Pilot college can submit an S1 critical issue to Support Services using Pilot Feedback & Resolution process (using the Support Email:
  • Pilot college can submit an S5 high-priority change requirement using the Pilot Change Requirement template (using the Support Email:
  • Pilot college can successfully post a comment or question on the CCCApply category page in Get Satisfaction site: 


The Noncredit Application workflow path feature is an optional special implementation in the CCCApply Standard Application - All Changes Are Backwards Compatible - No Actions Required: All the front-end changes deployed in the Noncredit Application path within CCCApply Standard Application (user interface changes, hidden pages and questions, disabling of web services, etc.) should NOT AFFECT YOUR STANDARD APPLICATION. All Noncredit Application back-end changes are optional and not mandatory for colleges to implement. Admissions, Financial Aid, and IT staff can rest assured there are no action REQUIRED by colleges that do not wish to implement the Noncredit Application.


Required Documentation

Technical specifications for the Noncredit Application workflow feature are included in the CCCApply Standard Application Data Dictionary. 

Project Docs

Additional Docs

Getting to the Pilot Environment

Pilot colleges can begin testing the new Noncredit Application feature after the CCCApply 6.4.0 pilot release on February 19, 2019.  

Noncredit Application URL

Accessing the Noncredit application workflow path within the Standard Application requires a separate, college-specific URL. This unique, college-specific URL is one of the key characteristics that partitions the noncredit workflow path within the Standard Application, as well as distinguishes the submitted applications that started from the Noncredit URL from those started from the original Standard Application URL.

See here for the list of College Noncredit URLs.

When a user starts and submits a Noncredit Application (using the college-specific URL) the new Noncredit Status flag is set to True, which is appended at the end of the URL. 


Pilot Project: Feedback & Support

During the Pilot Project (see pilot schedule above), pilot colleges will meet bi-weekly to provide feedback and discuss pilot objectives with the Pilot committee and CCCApply product manager.  Non-critical bugs, change requirements, and change enhancements will be reviewed and prioritized during each meeting. 


product manager.  Non-critical bugs, change requirements, and change enhancements will be reviewed and prioritized during each meeting. 

Severity Levels

S1 - Application / service is unavailable.  

S2 - Required business process is prevented from being used.  No workaround is available

S3 - Less important business process is impacted and/or workaround is available.

S4 - Low impact or cosmetic issue

Below is a breakdown of the pilot support and change management process and response times.

Issue TypeDescription
Operations PriorityFeedback Process
High -
Critical Issue
Application / service is unavailable.  Pilot college cannot access the
Non-Credit Email details to
Noncredit application in the Pilot environment using their custom URL24-48 hr response 
Hot Fix resolution TBD
Email details to College Support Services:
High - S1Critical IssuePilot college cannot access the Non-Credit application due to error message24-48 hr response
Hot Fix resolution TBDBug: Critical
S1Application / service is unavailable.  Pilot college cannot access the Noncredit application due to error message24-48 hr response
Hot Fix resolution TBD
Email details to College Support Services:
S2Required business process is prevented from being used.  No workaround is availablePilot college identifies a critical bug in the Noncredit app user interface or backend systems that prevents implementation or testing 24 - 72 hr response
Set priority level TBD
Email bug information to College Support Services: 
High - S2
S3Less important business process is impacted and/or workaround is available.Pilot college identifies a non-critical bug in the
Noncredit app user interface or backend
does not prevent implementation or testing 
24 - 72 hr
1 week response
Set priority level TBD
Email bug information to College Support Services: staffsupportccctc@openccc Med- S2Bug: Non-criticalPilot college identifies a non-critical bug in the Non-Credit app user interface or backend that does not prevent implementation or testing 1 week response
Set priority level TBDEmail bug information to College Support Services: Med - S4Must Have RequirementPilot college identifies a missing IT or business requirement per state, federal or local mandate (example: AB 3101)1 

Must Have Requirement

Required business process is prevented from being used.  No workaround is available

Pilot college identifies a missing IT or business requirement per state, federal or local mandate (example: AB 3101)1 week response
Set priority TBD

Use Change Requirement template

Pilot college documents requirement(s) via Change Requirement form template; sends as link or attachment to Pilot Project Manager to be prioritized for bi-weekly meeting agenda.


Nice to Have Request

Low impact or cosmetic issue

Pilot college identifies a med/high-priority change enhancement to the MVP application 2 week response
Set priority TBD

Use Change


Request template

Pilot college


submits change requirement(s)


using Change


Request form template;


send as link or attachment to Pilot Project Manager to be prioritized for bi-weekly meeting agenda.

Med - S5Nice to Have Requirement


Delighter Enhancement

Low impact or cosmetic issue

Pilot college identifies
a med/high-priority change
an enhancement to the
MVP application 2
user interface or backend service(s) that includes unauthorized feature development (Out of FY scope)

2 - 4 week response
Set priority TBD

Use Change Request template

Pilot college submits change


request(s) using Change


Req form template; send as link or attachment to Pilot Project Manager to be prioritized for

bi-weekly meeting agenda

committee review.

Low - S5Delighter EnhancementPilot college identifies an enhancement to the user interface or backend service(s) that includes unauthorized feature development (Out of FY scope)

2 - 4 week response
Set priority TBD

Use Change Request template

Pilot college submits change request(s) using Change Req form template; send as link or attachment to Pilot Project Manager to be prioritized for committee review.

High Varies Request for Implementation SupportPilot college requests advice and/or general support for IT implementation, operations, best practices, and/or additional help from Product management, support services, other college pilots, or general colleges - in support of the new project.

24 - 48 hr response

Depending on item; TBD

Pilot college should review existing community discussions for self-serve support, or post new question or topic in any CCCApply or System Alerts category on the support site:

Issue Resolution During Pilot Project


Request for Implementation SupportPilot college requests advice and/or general support for IT implementation, operations, best practices, and/or additional help from Product management, support services, other college pilots, or general colleges - in support of the new project.

24 - 48 hr response

Depending on item; TBD

Pilot college should review existing community discussions for self-serve support, or post new question or topic in any CCCApply or System Alerts category on the support site:

Issue Resolution During Pilot Project

  • Feedback will be categorized as bugs, MVP requirements, or change enhancements. Only Severity 1 issues (issues that prevent critical business functions from being accomplished) will be considered as release blockers.
  • Pilot colleges should include the following information in the support request email:
    • Identification of issue
  • Reporting: User feedback should be noted in the result section. The following criteria should be followed and documented:
    • Any identified bugs with severity and priority 
    • Enhancement requests with priority identified

BUG Prioritization Levels


Priority - Value set by the Product manager with project team to identify when issue should be fixed.

P1 - Issue must be addressed as soon as possible as it affects the application / service severely and cannot be used until fixed.

P2 - Issue should be resolved as soon as possible during normal course of development activities.  It can wait until the next scheduled release.

P3 - Consider with future work during normal road-mapping and release planning processes.

P4 - Lower priority.  Will be addressed as capacity is available after addressing higher priority issues.


Critical bugs and incidents encountered during IT implementation should be reported directly to College Support Services via the Staff Support email:

Pilot college participants should also copy Pilot Project Manager, Patty Donohue, on critical or high priority issues.

Change Request Form Templates

  • High-Priority Change Requirement Form
  • Change Request Form