Versions Compared


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Table of Contents


The Chancellor’s Office, the CCC Technology Center, and the Foundation for California Community Colleges, in collaboration with the community colleges and in partnership with ideas42, are redesigning the CCCApply experience with a student-centered approach in mind.

Mission: Student-centered design in action

Goals:  Redesign CCCApply so that it is student-friendly, simple, straight-forward, and collects enough data to properly initiate the on-boarding of the students. 

Redesign Workgroup Members:  Anderson, Christopher; Deb Barker-Garcia; Bryan Miller; Tim Calhoon; Craig Hayward; Lou Delzompo; Emily Gerofsky; Emily Robinson; John Helmer (Unicon); Lu, Tonia; Laura Metune; Michelle Pena; Mike Caruso; Stephanie Murguia; Patricia Donohue; Michael Quiaoit; Randy Tillery; Andrea Reynolds; Rita Gorgan; Rob Rundquist; Justin Salenik; Tessa Carmen DeRoy; Paul Feist; Tina King.





Workgroup Committee & Description






Omid Pourzanjani, CCCCO
Barney Gomez, CCCCO

Overarching Objectives - See Table Below

  1. Streamline and simplify the CCCApply experience with a student-centered approach in mind that complies with the requirements of AB3101 

  2. Support Non-Credit Students with Residency-Free Workflow

Omid Pourzanjani, CCCCO
Barney Gomez, CCCCO

Click here > AB-3101 Community colleges.

"The bill would exempt a student seeking to enroll exclusively in career development and college preparation courses, and other courses for which no credit is given, at a community college from community college residency classification requirements."

Design & Business Requirements

Change Requests


titleSub-committee Team >

Patty Donohue

Michelle Pena
Josh Helmer
Stephanie Murguia
Mitch Leahy

Special Implementations

User Interface Changes

Glue for CCCApply 

  • Glue for Apply

  • Glue for BOG & International

  • SuperGlue for CCCApply

Questions & Fields: Sub-committee focused on reviewing questions and data fields required at the time of application to support Redesign project objectives

Omid Pourzanjani - Lead
Patty Donohue

Release Schedule

Redesign Release  1

Production Release: September 28, 2018
Pilot Release: September 14, 2018

Patty Donohue

Tim Calhoon
Lou Delzompo
Josh Helmer
Omid Pourzanjani

Release Roadmap

  • Sprint-based release deployment schedule for March 2019 Redesign deadline

Image Added

CCCApply Redesign Release Schedule Discussion.pdf

Redesign Release  2

Production Schedule:  December 7
Pilot Release Schedule: November 19



Redesign Release 3

Production Release:  March 15, 2019
Pilot Release:  February


19, 2019


Redesign Part 4

Production Release: June 2019
Pilot Release:  May 2019




  • Draft (TBD)


  • Recommendations based on Ideas42


  • research (TBD)

  • CCCApply &


  • CCPG mobile-friendly


  • platform

  • Spanish


  • version (CCCApply,


  • CCPG)

  • Requirements for


  • infrastructure upgrade: Backend micro-services

  • Requirements for Universal Form Engine architecture

  • Requirements for


  • Download Client EOL > Migrate to


Patty Donohue

Tim Calhoon
Lou Delzompo
Josh Helmer
Omid Pourzanjani

Release Roadmap


Image Removed


  • SuperGlue

Phase 2:  Long-Term Redesign


- Draft

The CCCApply Redesign Workgroup is still looking at a viable plan for the next phase of CCCApply. All plans to-date are exploratory.


  • Recommendations based on Ideas42


  • research (TBD)


  • CCCApply &


  • CCPG mobile-friendly


  • platform

  • Spanish


  • version (CCCApply,


  • CCPG)

  • Requirements for


  • infrastructure upgrade: Backend micro-services

  • Requirements for Universal Form Engine architecture

  • Requirements for


  • Download Client EOL > Migrate to


  • SuperGlue



User Group Committee

CCCApply Redesign Workgroup

Shared space under-development to track meetings, decisions, requirements reviews, approvals, and quarterly progress reports.



Noncredit Application Sub-



Noncredit App - Project Dashboard

Pilot Project Plan: CCCApply Noncredit App

Patty Donohue

titleSub-committee Team: >


As of 2/01/19 - Sub-committee has changed. See the CCCApply Noncredit Pilot Colleges for active participants

Patty Donohue
Michelle Pena
Tina King
Randy Tillerman

Stephanie Murguia
Rita Grogan
Tessa Carmen DeRoy


See the CCCApply Noncredit App Pilot Project - college participants

Non-Credit Sub-Committee Meeting Minutes & Discussions - Fall 2018

Low-Hanging Fruit Committee

Patty Donohue - Lead
Michelle Pena
MItch Leahy
Stephanie Murguia

Low-hanging Fruit #1 - Changes - DEPLOYED Q1

Low-hanging Fruit #2 - (Pending)


Questions & Fields: Sub-committee focused on reviewing questions and data fields required at the time of application to support Redesign project objectives

Omid Pourzanjani - Lead
Patty Donohue


Worksheet: MIS Requirements

CCCApply Field Removal Recommendation 102218.xlsx

Questions to be Removed Change Requirements (Worksheet)

Ideas42 Study behavioral study on CCCApply in response to AB3101

Harrison Neuert - Ideas42

Emily Gerofsky - CCC Foundation

CCC Diagnosis Deck Final (002).pdf  (Ideas42)

View file
nameCCC Design Principles.pdf



Changes & Low-Hanging Fruit 

Sub-committee focused on identifying changes and revisions that support Redesign project objectives and timeline.

Special Implementations

User Interface Changes

Glue for CCCApply 

  • Project Glue for Apply

  • Glue for BOG & International

  • SuperGlue for CCCApply

titleSub-committee Team >

Patty Donohue

Michelle Pena
Josh Helmer
Stephanie Murguia
Mitch Leahy

Low-hanging Fruit #1  - DEPLOYED September Release

Low-hanging Fruit #2

Non-Credit Application Workflow 


Change Management Office procedures (Amanda)


Omid Pourzanjani - CCCCO


CCCapply Redesign Meeting Agenda 120618.docx

CCCAPPLY Notes 11-29-18.docx

CCCapply Redesign Meeting Minutes 102618 (1).docx

CCCapply Redesign Meeting Minutes- 091418 (1).docx

CCCApply Field Removal Recommendation 102618 (1).xlsx


Overarching Project Objectives

The following project objectives are in response to Assembly Bill 3101. In addition, all efforts are being made to address AB705 (multiple measures) across the Core Applications.



Requirements Info


Streamline and simplify the CCCApply experience with a student-centered approach in mind that complies with the requirements of AB3101 

The Redesign Workgroup is exploring ways to redesign CCCApply to be more student-friendly, simple and straightforward, and to collect just enough data to initiate the on-boarding of students.

Short-term Redesign:

  • Identify low-impact changes (low-hanging fruit) to implement to the current version

  • Support non-credit students with a residency-exempt version of the Standard Application

  • Incorporate recommendations from the Ideas42 behavioral study

Long-Term Redesign:

  • All-new micro-services-based form engine with new Download Client 2.0

  • All-new student-centric UI with mobile-friendly, multi-language, modern support services

  • Fully integrated with MyPath and SuperGlue for cohesive matriculation

  • Redesign & streamline the CCCApply Standard application and get the data to colleges quicker, easier and more frequently


OUT-OF-SCOPE for Phase 1: CCCApply FY18-19 Work plan

Major overhaul to the user interface and enhancements to implement modern micro-services architecture (APIs, backend, data integrations, web services, etc.)

  • streamlined data collection (major overhaul to the user interface)

  • New modern, micro-services-based backend, APIs, and responsive, modern UI 

  • Modern deployment process

  • Comply with AB705 and AB3101

  • Redesign & streamline the OpenCCC Account system and get the data to colleges quicker, easier and more frequently

OUT-OF-SCOPE for CCCApply FY18-19 Work plan - See Grant: Shared Infrastructure - OpenCCC

  • streamlined data collection (major overhaul to the user interface)

  • New modern, micro-services-based backend, APIs, and responsive, modern UI 

  • Modern deployment process

  • Comply with AB705 and AB3101


Support Non-Credit Students with Residency-Free Workflow

Collaborate with the CCC non-credit community and Ideas42 to design and implement a modern, user-friendly, electronic application that supports the needs of our diverse non-credit student populations - allowing colleges to collect only what's necessary at the time of application to comply with AB3101. 

  1. Using the existing CCCApply standard application, remove all residency questions and other questions that are not required at time of application;

    1. Remove the Residency page and all it's questions

    2. Remove the Citizenship & Military Status page and all it's questions

    3. Remove several questions on the Needs & Interests page

  2. Questions, language, and flow would be determined and approved through collaboration of the CCCApply Redesign Workgroup (CO) and other stakeholders (User Groups) and supported with recommendations from Ideas42 behavioral study);

    1. See "Non-Credit Application Sub-Committee" meeting notes


Phase 1 Redesign Development Roadmap

This roadmap outlines the work planned or completed in the first phase of the redesign project dedicated to simplifying the current version of CCCApply.


Roadmap Planner


Noncredit Application~~~~~2018-37A: CCCApply Redesign - Low-Hanging Fruit #1~~~~~2018-37B: CCCApply Redesign - Low-Hanging Fruit #2~~~~~2018-18R: New Race & Ethnicity Implementation 2018~~~~~CCCApply


Noncredit Application


Change Requirements Deadlines

*Due to the current budget and team capacity, even approved changes that do meet the deadlines below are not guaranteed inclusion in the release(s).


Change Management Activities

Q3 Release - March 2019

Q4 Release - June 15, 2019

Submit Change Request

December 31, 2018 (Jan 3, 2019)

February 28, 2019

T-Shirt Size Estimate

January 8, 2019

March 7, 2019

Budget Review

January 8, 2019

March 9, 2019

Written Sign-Off on Vetted Approved Changes

January 9, 2019

March 15, 2019

Resources & Capacity Estimates

Story / Epic Business Requirements

January 11, 2019

March 25, 2019

Technical Estimate

January 11, 2019

March 27, 2019

Release Management Activities

Code Freeze

January 31, 2019

May 16, 2019

Pilot Release (30 Days)

February 15, 2019

May 31, 2019

Pilot Release (2 Weeks)

March 1, 2019

June 14, 2019

Production Release

March 15, 2019

June 28, 2019