Scheduling Course Exchange Courses in Banner

Scheduling Course Exchange Courses in Banner

Creating a course exchange section hidden from Self Service Banner.

Courses displayed in the course exchange should not be available to students through the Self Service Banner interface.  In order to enforce this and prevent enrollments from exceeding the maximum students allowed, follow these instructions.

Disabling the ability to enroll in a hidden class on SSB.

Banner allows students to enroll in a hidden CRN if the student knows the CRN number of the section.  These instructions guide you through disabling the ability to type in a CRN that is not listed in Self Service Banner.

Create an exchange specific enrollment code (optional).

These instructions guide you through creating a new enrollment code that is specific to course exchange enrollments.  You must let the implementation team know what code you wish to use other than RW in the implementation Questionnaire or the code will not be used.