Below you'll find documentation to assist in the implementation of the Course Exchange with the Colleague SIS.
Colleague API and College Adaptor
Preparing Colleague for the College Adaptor
Includes information about preparing your environment for Colleague as well as the what specific custom Envision code / tables are delivered withÂ
CCCTC Colleague API Version History
Version history information for the Colleague API
Course Exchange - Colleague
Colleague School Questionnaire
Questionnaire that is used by the Enabling Services team to configure the Colleague API / college adpator for Course Exchange
Scheduling Course Exchange Courses in Colleague
Recommended best practices for scheduling Course Exchange courses in Colleague
Setting up Colleague WebAdvisor with Course Exchange Links
Recommended best practices for setting up Colleague's WebAdvisor to provide links to Course Exchange
Course Exchange Student Identifier Documentation - Colleague
Documentation regarding how Course Exchange students are flagged in Colleague at their home college
Colleague Financial Aid & BOG Fee Waiver Information (Course Exchange 2.0)
Includes information about the improvements to Course Exchange for version 2.0 in regards to Financial Aid and BOG Fee Waiver
Course Exchange 2.5 - EPPN lookups and Updating CCC IDs in the SIS - Colleague
Documentation regarding the Colleague-specific changes to Course Exchange for version 2.5. This includes the ability to search for students by EPPN and update their CCC ID if missing.