Preparing Colleague for the College Adaptor
The College Adaptor relies on custom envision code to handle some of its processes as well as a proxy DMI user to handle requests to Colleague. This document details how to install the custom envision code and setup the proxy DMI account.
Obtaining the latest version of the custom envision code
Please contact the implementation team to obtain the latest version of the custom envision code.
Installing the custom envision code
The custom envision code is a standard package created using CPIE from the development school's Colleague environment.
Note: This code contains custom transactions, subroutines and tables used exclusively by the College Adaptor. It does not contain any changes to Ellucian delivered code.
Follow these steps to import it into your system:
- Get the .zip file of the latest version of the software above. Upload the zip file to a folder of your choice on the application server of the environment you are first installing the software. Unzip the file.
- Run CPIE to import the software into the Colleague LPR.
- Run MSUG to install the package into the Colleague environment(s).
Creating the Proxy DMI Account
The proxy DMI account is a DMI account that you create on DRUS. This account is used by the College Adaptor to perform data reads and the envision transactions that you installed in the previous step. Depending on your setup you may have different standards for creating DRUS accounts, so the following steps are just a suggested method:
- Create a PERSON record for the DMI account using ORGP (or NAE if you prefer). This will give you a Colleague ID. Suggested name: Glue Proxy.
- Create a DRUS record for the PERSON you just created. Suggested login name: glueproxy
- The Env Operator Equivalent is required but not important for this user. Security for DMI connections of this type is not dictated by the Env Operator Equivalent record, hence anything will work. If in doubt, use the account you use for WebAdvisor students.
- The implementation team will need to know the username and password of the DRUS account. You can communicate with them the best way to send that password securely (don't email the password). Per the note below, make sure the password does not expire!
- Log in to a service to verify the DRUS account before sending over, such as WebAdvisor or Colleague Studio, just to ensure that the password is valid.
Important note!
- You need to create a DMI account with a password that does not expire! Generally I believe this can be accomplished by having your registry linked to Active Directory so that you can set the password policy there.
Sharing the Shared Secret and DMI Account Information
The College Adaptor, like other web services including WebAdvisor, requires the Shared Secret to connect. Please send the shared secret along with the Proxy DMI Account information to the implementation team securely (don't use email). You will also need to provide the following connection information to the implementation team: environment name, server and port. These items can be found on DWEB if you're not sure what they are off hand.
If you have not yet set up a shared secret for the environment, you may do so on WSPD.
Custom Code Details
The custom code consists entirely of Colleague Transactions. Colleague transactions are pretty much the same as subroutines: they accept parameters, perform actions and return data. They may read and write data, call subroutines, etc - basically anything that a subroutine could do.
The following pieces of custom code are being deployed:
Name | Colleague API Version | Type | Description | Read/Write | Dependencies |
Course Exchange | |||||
X.CCCTC.BOGW.UPDATE | 1.1 | Transaction | Update BOGW data in Colleague and store the log of the transaction in a new table XCTC.BOGW. | Write | |
X.CCCTC.CCC.ID.UPDATE | 1.3 | Transaction | Set the CCC ID of a student. Will only assign the student a CCC ID if they do not have one and no other student has the given CCC ID. | Write | |
X.CCCTC.CHECK.PREREQ | 1.0 | Transaction | Check a prerequisite and return whether the pre-requisite has been completed or not. If the pre-requisite is not complete, it will also return a message indicating why. | Read | S.EVALUATE.REQUISTE.COURSES |
X.CCCTC.COHORT.ASSIGNMENT | 1.1 | Transaction | Add or remove student from a cohort. Used to flag Course Exchange students for a term. | Write | |
X.CCCTC.ENROLL.STUDENT | 1.0 | Transaction | Attempt to enroll a student in a section. If the enrollment is not successful, messages will be returned indicating why. | Write | I_DYN.ARRAY.REG.PARAMS.EQUATES S.READ.REG.USERS S.READ.REG.CONTROLS S.REG.STU.COURSE.SECTIONS S_GET_HELPMSG |
X.CCCTC.EVAL.RULE | 1.0 | Transaction | Evaluate rule(s) and return true/false indicating whether the rule(s) passed. If the rule(s) did not pass, messages will be returned indicating why. | Read | I_EVALUATE.RULES (calls S.EVALUATE.RULES) |
X.CCCTC.FA.ADDITIONAL.CRED | 1.1 | Transaction | Manage Additional FA Cred | Write | S.FA.GET.ADDITIONAL.CREDITS |
X.CCCTC.STUDENT.BALANCE | 1.0 | Transaction | Get the account balance for the student. Depending on whether a term is passed in, this will get their overall account balance or the balance for a term. | Read | S.GET.AR.ACCT.BALANCE |
X.CCCTC.VERSION.CE | 1.2 | Transaction | Returns the version of Course Exchange code deployed | Read | |
XCTC.BOGW | 1.1 | Table | Audit table that stores BOG Fee Waiver data that has been sent to X.CCCTC.BOGW.UPDATE. Contains all the BOG Fee Waiver data from the transaction, including some fields that do not have an explicit place in Colleague. Additionally, data that cannot be imported into Colleague because of an error or because the student already has a BOGW record for the year will be included in the table with a status code indicating that it could not be written. | Write | |
CCC Assess | |||||
X.CCCTC.IMPORT.PLACEMENT | 1.2 | Transaction | Import placement information from CCC Assess into Colleague. | Write | XS.CCCTC.EVALUATE.PLACEMENT |
XS.CCCTC.EVALUATE.PLACEMENT | 1.2 | Subroutine | Evaluate placement information from CCC Assess and create non-course records and non-course equivalencies for the student. | Write | S.UPDT.PST.TEST.REC, S.EVAL.NON.CRS.EQUIV, S.CUSTOMIZE.STNC |
XS.CCCTC.PLACEMENT.SUBR.TMPL | 1.2 | Subroutine | Subroutine template to use for developing custom pre and post processing hooks for the CCC Assess import. | Write | |
XCTCS001 (XCTCAP) | 1.2 | UI Form | CCC Assess Import Parameters UI Form | Write | |
XCTC.PLACEMENT.IMPORT.METHODS | 1.2 | Val Code | Val Code - Method used when importing CCC Assess placement data | ||
XCTC.PLACEMENT.IMPORT.TIMING | 1.2 | Val Code | Val Code - Timing of the user subroutine for CCC Assess | ||
XCTC.PLACEMENT.STATUSES | 1.2 | Val Code | Val Code - Statuses associated with the import of data from CCC Assess into Colleague | ||
XCTC.PLC.TRANSACTION | 1.2 | Table | Table that contains the placement data from CCC Assess as well as the import status and error messages | ||
XCTC.PLC.SUBJECT.AREA | 1.2 | Table | Table that contains the placement data from CCC Assess as well as the import status and error messages | ||
XCTC.PLC.PLACEMENT | 1.2 | Table | Table that contains the placement data from CCC Assess as well as the import status and error messages | ||
XCTC.PLC.COMPNT.CCCASSESS | 1.2 | Table | Table that contains the placement data from CCC Assess as well as the import status and error messages | ||
XCTC.PLC.COMPNT.MMAP | 1.2 | Table | Table that contains the placement data from CCC Assess as well as the import status and error messages | ||
XCTC.PLACMENT.SETUP | 1.2 | Table | Table that contains the setup information maintained on XCTCAP |