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This User Acceptance Testing (UAT) Guide is designed to help colleges understand the user interface and back-end data changes made to CCCApply Standard Application in the v.6.4.0 version release (Pilot environment release 2.19.19, and Production release 3.16.19) and provide acceptance criteria to support college implementation of those changes.  

Release notes for the CCCApply Release 6.4.0 include additional user interface enhancements and implementation guidelines that support this UAT plan. Background information about the CCCApply Redesign Project and other special implementations released in FY18-19 can be found in the CCCApply Redesign Project Dashboard. Data Dictionaries and User Guides have been updated for this release. 

UAT Goals & Objectives 

The objectives and success criteria for college user testing across the 6.4.0 release are detailed below.

#UAT ObjectivesSuccess Criteria Status

Ensure college admissions and support services staff have all release notes, change specifications, and project implementation materials needed to update existing business operations and support services processes, data reporting requirements, and outreach activities based on the new user interface changes implemented  as part of the CCCApply Redesign - Release 3 project enhancements. 


Ensure college IT staff have all required release notes, change request specs, and data spec documentation needed to update data downloads and Glue export processes for the updated Race & Ethnicity fields bug fixes resolved in the 6.4.0 release.

3Ensure college staff and administrators are able to implement new business rules and messages and view and run reports in the Admin configuration and reporting tools using new data fields added to the CCCApply Standard Application in 6.4.0 and prior releases.
  • College admission staff have created a new email Rule and Message in the CCCApply Administrator based on the new Race & Ethnicity Full data field <race_ethnic_full> (v.6.3.0) 
  • College admission staff have run the Standard Application Full Application Report that includes the Spam Filter data fields (v.6.2.0), and the Race & Ethnicity Full field (v.6.3.0):
    • Fraud Score <fraud_score>
    • Race & Ethnicity Full <race_ethnic_full>

It is recommended that colleges update their CCCApply Download Client Jar file to the latest version for every pilot and production environment releases. Find the latest version here: CCCApply User Guides > Download Client Jar File.

UAT Pilot: Participating Colleges

User acceptance testing with a limited number of pilot colleges will commence on or after February 20, 2019 (post 6.4.0 pilot release). 

The following colleges have agreed to participate in Release 6.4.0 UAT activities:

  • Santa Rosa College
  • Bakersfield College
  • Cerritos College

All Changes Are Backwards Compatible - No Actions Required: All the front-end changes (user interface enhancements) and all back-end changes (bug fix for Race & Ethnicity Full field) being deployed in this release are designed to be backwards compatible with previous CCCApply release version code.

UAT Implementation Steps

Follow the steps below to meet the expected success criteria for the UAT objectives.

  1. Log in to your college MIScode branded version of the /wiki/spaces/PD/pages/131465676 and start a new CCCApply Standard application from your My Applications page.

  2. Complete the new application from the Enrollment page to the Needs & Interests page. Continue on to the Demographic Information page.
    1. Note: This includes the Account Information/Mailing, Education, Citizenship/Military, Residency pages.
    2. Complete the Gender/Transgender section;
    3. Complete the Parent/Guardian Education Level;

  3. Review the new Race & Ethnicity layout changes and enter the following information:
    1. Hispanic/Latino question: Select the Yes radio button to expand the Hispanic/Latino sub-categories. Select one or more checkbox options.
    2. Race Group categories: Select one or more of the race group checkboxes to expand the corresponding ethnicity sub-categories.
    3. Click Continue to go to the last page;

  4. Complete the remaining required portions of the application and submit the application 
    1. This includes the Submission page sections: Review App, Consent to Release Information, and Submission
    2. After submission, note the application's Confirmation number (App_id) and your CCCID.

  5. Reference the CCCApply Standard Application Data Dictionary (v.2018.2) Pilot Version
    1. Jump to the Race & Ethnicity section from the Table of Contents (Race Group)
    2. Review the data element specifications for all four Race & Ethnicity section fields:
      1. Hispanic/Latino = <hispanic>
      2. Race Group = <race_group>
      3. Race Ethnicity = <race_ethnic>
      4. Race Ethnicity = <race_ethnicity>  (Note: This field has a different name in the International application) 
      5. NEW Race & Ethnicity Full = <race_ethnic_full>

  6. Add the new Race & Ethnicity FULL field to your Pilot environment Format XML (CCCApply Standard & International files must be updated separately)
    1. Follow the data specs for <race_ethnic_full> in the updated DED (CCCApply Standard Data Dictionary (v.6.3.0)
    2. For CCCApply & International: The new data field has the same name for both application:  <race_ethnic_full>
    3. For help updating your Format Definition file, see the CCCApply Download Client User Guide

  7. Update your existing Download Client Jar File with new version (v.6.3.0)
    1. Find and replace the "transfer-client.jar" file in your CCCApply Download Client with the latest version for this release (v.6.3.0).
      1. NOTE: The 'transfer-client.jar" file is the same as the Download Client Jar file.
      2. Refer to the Download Client User Guide for instructions on replacing and running the Jar file for each application in each environment (Pilot and Production).
    2. Run a test download Job in the Pilot environment.

  8. Repeat the process for the Production environment.

Repeat this process for your Production application after the production release on December 7, 2018. 

Testing in the Pilot Environment

User acceptance testing and implementation support for colleges in the Pilot Environment can begin on November 20 upon the completion of the Pilot deployment activities. 

CCCApply Pilot Environment


Data Field Specifications & Mapping


  • Feedback should be categorized as bugs and enhancements. Only Severity 1 issues (issues that prevent critical business functions from being accomplished) will be considered as release blockers.
  • Reporting: User feedback should be noted in the result section. The following criteria should be followed and documented:
    • Any identified bugs with severity and priority 
    • Enhancement requests with priority identified

Data Field Information  

For detailed data specifications, please refer to the corresponding application Data Dictionary, as well as the breakdown of change specs in: 2018-18R: New Race & Ethnicity Implementation 2018.  

Data Field NameTypeData ElementFormat / LengthDownloadableReport Center / Admin RulesApplication
Hispanic / LatinoExisting, unchangedhispanicboolean Yes / No / XYesComing SoonCCCApply Standard & International

Race Group

Existing, unchanged


CSV string

YesComing SoonCCCApply Standard & International

Race Ethnicity

Existing, unchanged


bpchar, 22 

Yes Coming SoonCCCApply Standard Only

Race Ethnicity

Existing, unchanged


bpchar, 22 

Yes Coming SoonCCCApply International Only

Race Ethnicity Full



CSV string, no spaces

Yes  (Must be added)Coming SoonCCCApply Standard & International

Race Ethnicity Full

NEW - SuperGlue


CSV string

Yes (Must be added)Coming SoonCCCApply Standard & International

Race Ethnicity Full Data in Glue for Apply 

The new Race & Ethnicity values included in this release will be passed directly to colleges using the Glue for Apply feature. However, the new  full Race & Ethnicity field is not yet available through Glue for Apply at this time. An upcoming release of the SuperGlue College Adaptor will include this new data.


Data Field:  hispanic
Data Element:

Notes: No changes, this field is a boolean true/false field that continues to work as in previous version

Example Format: boolean (true/false/null)

Race Group

Data Element: <race_group>

Notes: No changes, this field was intentionally left unchanged

Example Format: Apply: "04, 05, 08, 09, 14, 15, 17, 19, 20, 21", International:  "04,05,08,09,14,15,17,19,20,21" (note lack of spaces for Intl)

Maximum Expected Width: 78 characters (unchanged) (20 * 2 character long values + 18 commas + 18 spaces  + 2 surrounding quote marks for CSV delimiting in the output format)

Race Ethnicity

Data Element: <race_ethnic> (Apply) /  <race_ethnicity> (International)

NotesNo changes, this field was intentionally left unchanged


Maximum Expected Width: 22 characters (unchanged) (22 character long string)

Race Ethnicity Full

Data Element: <race_ethnic_full>

Notes: race_ethnic_full is a new field that will store the CSV separated values for all the ethnicity section selections for both the higher level ethnic groups and the associated sub groups as listed above in the chart.

Example Format: "100,101,117,118,200,205,08,09,500,15,600,601,17,19,602,700,701,713,800,802,803"

Maximum Expected Width: 804 characters (201 * 3 character long values + 199 commas + 2 surrounding quote marks for CSV delimiting in the output format)

College Adaptor (SuperGlue) Data Element

For SuperGlue colleges, the new race_ethnic_full data element is called "raceEthnicFull"


To download all the new Race & Ethnicity Full response values in your existing CCCApply download files, you must add the new <race_ethnic_full> field and update the (transfer-client.jar) file for this release (Release 6.3.0).  

Please be sure to backup your files before downloading new ones.

Update the Pilot Download Client Jar File

We recommend adding the fields and updating the Download Client Transfer file in the Pilot environment first before updating your Production Download Client with these fields. 

In your installed Pilot Download Client directory, replace the following files:

    • Replace transfer-client.jar (V6.3) with: transfer-client-V3.jar

Follow the instructions in the Pilot CCCApply Download Client User Guide.

Technical specifications for the Race Ethnicity Full data field can be found in: 

Change Specification:  2018-18R: New Race & Ethnicity Implementation 2018

Data Dictionaries:  CCCApply Standard Application Data Dictionary v.2018.2 

Copy of UAT: Race & Ethnicity Implementation 2018

Update the Production Download Client Jar File

To update your Download Client Transfer file for the Production environment, the process is the same as the Pilot environment update. The same jar file is used for both environment. 

In your installed Production Download Client directory, replace the following files:

    • Replace transfer-client.jar (V6.3.0) with: transfer-client-V3.jar

Follow the instructions in the CCCApply Download Client User Guide.

Technical data element specifications for the Race & Ethnicity data fields are listed in the CCCApply Standard Application Data Dictionary V.2018.2

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