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This FAQ is intended for colleges using the CC Promise Grant online application for 2022-2023. |
Below are some frequently asked questions and responses that may arise by students using the CC Promise Grant online application. If you encounter other questions not listed here, please contact your College Relationship Manager at CCCTC Enabling Services & Support.
What’s New in the 2022-2023 Application
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Answer: The 2022-2023 California College Promise Grant Online Application was released to production in January 2022. In addition to the required database updates and new income table for the 2022-23 application year, two new Special Eligibility questions/data fields were added to the application and CCPG eligibility logic was updated to calculate in the user’s responses for these new eligibilities. For a complete summary of all changes, see Changes At A Glancesection of the release notesfor the 2022-2023 California College Promise Grant Online Application. |
Were any new questions added to the 2022-2023 California College Promise Grant Online Application?
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Answer: Yes. Two newdata fieldquestions were added to the Special Eligibilities page in the online applicationand paper applications. Both questions were added to help identify students who may be eligible for a tuition fee waiver through the California College Promise Grant program. User response is optional. The two questions are:
How are responses used in determining CCPG eligibility?
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Answer: The CCPG online application includes several backend algorithms that provide information to the college when determining CCPG (BOGFW) eligibility. The CCPG online application does not confirm eligibility, but gives the college the data it needs to make that determination based on CCCCO requirements. One of the algorithms calculates special eligibilities - also called Method A eligibility (elig_method_a). If the applicant answers Yes to one or more of the questions in the Special Eligibilities section, the <elig_method_a> = True. This status, along with the response to the question data field, is delivered to the college in the applicant’s submitted application data. The college can then use that information to notify their student of their eligibility. |
For more information, see Appendix A: CCPG Algorithms in the 2022-2023 California College Promise Grant Online Application Data Specification.
Were any new data fields added?
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Answer: Yes. Two new data fields were added to the application database that correspond with to the new Special Eligibilities questions , listed above. The new fields are: <elig_covid_death> and <elig_exonerated_crime>. |
For details, see the 2022-2023 California College Promise Grant Online Application Data Specificationlocated on the CCCApply Data Dictionariespage.
our collegecolleges automatically get the new data fields
using ourin their current method of data delivery?
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Answer: Yes and no, but not automatically. The data collected from the new questions is stored and delivered with submitted applications to your staging table tables via SuperGlue for Apply (CCPG) and, if implemented, directly to your college or district’s SIS with via the College Adaptor (SGv.4.2.6). The data is also available to download using your existing via the Download Client; however, as with every CCCApply database change, you colleges will need to add the new fields to their CCPG Format XML file and run the latest version of the Download Client Jar file (v.6.9.1). For more information, please see the release notes for the 2022-2023 CC Promise Grant Application, or contact your College Relationship Manager (CRM) for assistance. |
Will the new fields be available for ad hoc reporting?
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Answer: Yes. Both new fields have been added to the CC Promise Grant data source in the Data Warehouse Report Server and will be added to the CCCApply Report Center (June in the summer 2022). Authorized college users will be able to access the fields data with their existing user accounts to for each of these systems. |
Info |
About the CC Promise Grant Application |
AB 19 created the California College Promise that provides funds to districts to advance the goals of the legislation. One specific use of funds in the law allows colleges to, if a district chooses to use the funds in this way, cover the fees for first time, full-time students. However, a grant for students to pay their fees is not required. Find answers to all your questions about the California College Promise. Click the thumbnail below to open and download.
View file | ||
About the Account System
The information below pertains to the new Student Success Suite Account System (OpenCCC) which every California Community Colleges applicant must have before submitting a CC Promise Grant application.
Common Account Recovery Issues
Is customer support available if I get stuck during account recovery?
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Yes! User support is available 24/7 through the CCC Helpdesk. Support is accessible by phone (877) 247-4836), by email: support@openccc.net and through our online community support site, CCCHelp.info. |
What information do I need when going through account recovery?
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If you have already created an OpenCCC account but you're unable to sign in to your account, you’ll need to be able to access either your mobile phone or email account - whichever was validated during account creation - in order to retrieve a reset security code. More times than not, the account recovery process will require that you create a new password, which involves getting a new security code to your verified method of contact (email or mobile phone). |
In addition to your Email address, Mobile Phone number, and Password, you may be asked to provide the information below, depending on the recovery path you’re on.
Last Name
Date of Birth
City & Zip Code
How do I get to the Recover Account link?
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Since an OpenCCC account is required to access services such as CCCApply, the online admission application to every California Community College, the vast majority of students and other users will land on the OpenCCC Sign In page when they begin or resume a CCCApply application. Therefore, if you are unable to sign in to OpenCCC, the system recovery algorithm will guide you through the recovery process. |
How long will it take to recover my account?
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The simple, mobile-friendly account creation process is designed to be clean, clear, and convenient - allowing users to create & validate a new account and complete their profile in under 7 minutes. |
Common Account Sign in Issues
I can’t sign in because I’m getting an error message saying my email address hasn’t been validated yet. What do I do?
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One of your two attributes is not validated during account creation. Therefore, return to the Sign In page and enter either your email address or mobile phone number, whichever was not initially rejected. |
I’m trying to sign in with my home phone number. Why am I getting an error message?
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For security purposes, our sign in process requires an email address or a mobile phone that can be used to validate your identity. A landline cannot be designated as a validated sign in credential. Sign in with your unique email address to access the Edit Profile service. Edit the Primary Phone number entered with a mobile phone number then complete the validation process. Once validated, you’ll be able to sign in using your mobile phone or your email address in the future. |
General Account Issues
I need to update or remove some of my contact information. What do I do?
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To remove optional personal information from your OpenCCC account, sign in and click OpenCCC Account from the Settings link in the header menu. |
I need to update or remove some of my personal information. What do I do?
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To remove optional personal information from your OpenCCC account, sign in and click OpenCCC Account from the Settings link in the header menu. |
I want to delete my OpenCCC account. What do I do?
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To remove your account, please contact a Support Representative for assistance. |