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Request No.2019-03
Date of RequestJanuary 18, 2019
RequesterCCCApply Redesign Workgroup
Section / Page


Steering Hearing DateTBDNov 23, 2018
Proposed Change to Download FileTBDYes
Proposed Change to Residency LogicTBD

Table of Contents


This change request document was formerly titled "2019-03: CCCApply Redesign Low-Hanging Fruit #3"

Problem / Issue

During the 1.18.19 January 18, 2019 CCCApply Redesign Workgroup meeting, the following list of no-brainer changes were discussed. Some of these changes pertain to the Standard Application and some pertain only to the Non-Credit Application.  Noncredit Application. Each proposed change is reviewed by the Workgroup, as well as the CCCApply Advisory Committee (formerly known as the CCCApply Steering Committee) and various administrators in the Chancellor's Office or other systemwide committee.

Proposed Solution

This page will list all the proposed changes, but separate change requests documents will be created for each page or component in order to consolidate changes on each page/area.

All changes pertaining to the Non-Credit Application will be reviewed and approved by the newly reformed CCCApply Advisory Committee (formerly Steering Committee) during Phase 2 of the Non-Credit Application Pilot Project.

Change Requests Summary Information

/ Section#Proposed ChangeNext StepsACCOUNT1

Collaborate with the OpenCCC  Redesign project team to itemize all fields that are proposed to be removed from OpenCCC Account creation because they will need to be added to CCCApply (BOG and/or International) because all fields are currently passed through Account to the application (merged) for download. Also any fields that are added to OpenCCC Account that may need to be downloaded by Apply should be considered.

Questions for the OpenCCC Redesign team:

  • What is the overall vision for the new OpenCCC redesign?
  • How will the new OpenCCC interact/integrate with CCCApply applications?
  • How will Edit Account functionality be handled in the new design?
  • How will data fields be passed from new Account to Apply?  Same way? > merge data fields to Apply apps - be affected by the Redesign?
  • Will the redesign consider all current functionality designed to streamline the transition between account creation and application? Such as:  Auto-direct from Account Creation to the enrollment page in the Application(s)?
  • Auto-population from Account data? Opt-in consent? 
  • My Applications link to Edit Account?


What is the new redesign vision? 

Review OpenCCC Redesign Charter

Review sprint demos and regular comm to Steering and colleges

EDIT ACCOUNT2Move the SSN question* from OpenCCC Account to the CCCApply Application(s) using the new proposed layout format. PENDING APPROVAL from LEADERSHIP

NOTE:  The OpenCCC Redesign project is happening and currently requirements are being gathered to completely redesign this front-load/front-facing account system to be more utilitarian towards authentication/authorizatIOn than PII / Directory information data collection  If the new OpenCCC design requires the removal of many of the existing personal information fields (Previous Name fields, Preferred Name fields, SSN, DOB, Main Phone, Second Phone, Perm Address, Homeless checkboxes, etc.) then we need to redesign the Account & Mailing Info page to accommodate all of these fields because they will need to move added to the application proper.  

This is a significant change to our existing configuration and would require - I believe - approval by the Advisory Committee (Steering), the Workgroup, and CCCApply.  

Further, any new fields added to Account that need to be added to Apply - such as additional consent to release OpenCCC data (maybe) or other new fields, may need to be added to the Applications downloads.



Account / Mailing Information3

This is a multi-part change request. 

  1. Simplify the Account & Mailing Information page by hiding OpenCCC Account Information at the top of the page (above the fold) IF student was re-directed to Application fresh from creating their OpenCCC Account.
    Hide the onscreen Account information details that appear in the Account Information section and hide behind the "Edit OpenCCC Account" button IF the applicant just created their account and was auto-directed to the application after creating their OpenCCC Account.  Similar to the solution employed for the "Hide the Review Application Page behind a button" in the 6.2.0 release, this change would hide and simplify the process for first time applicants.
  2. (Repeat) Consolidate the information behind an "Edit Account Information" Button:
    Add logic that hides this information behind the button IF they landed on the Enrollment page immediately after creating their account. 

TEST and propose some options

PROPOSE to Advisory

  1. Add logic to display onscreen message IF student hasn't re-applied or updated their OpenCCC Account information 6 months or greater than current date
  2. IF the applicant did not just create their account - in other words they have applied before and came into the application from their My Applications page - then display a message on screen to request that the user update their data if it's been 6 months or more since they last applied or last updated their OpenCCC account information.
  3. The section should be simplified into a simple section header and statement that returning applicants are encouraged to review and update their account (after 6 months or more)  
Question for Steering Committee: 
  1. Should we require applicants to update their account information every 2 years?  At least review and confirm that everything is up-to-date?
    This is a barrier though!

WAIT ON THIS ONE - revisit with committee

  1. Default "current mailing address" to be the same as their Permanent Address - and make it clear that they should input a "different" address if applicable. 

Image Removed

This would align to #1 

Scenario #2 - considering a message banner between the Zipped up account bar and the current mailing address bar (similar to the orange SSN reminder message)

Enrollment 6Revise the Education Goals to ensure they have to be collected at the time of applicationRESEARCH MIS 

CAP CHANGE?  Major Category Filter Enhancement for Non-Credit Path only OR add new field for Non-Credit Majors/Programs - which ever is easier (likely the Major Category filter would have to be revised either way). Implement functionality to allow Standard and International applications to have their own "Intended Majors/Programs of Study" fields OR revise the Major Category Filter to allow unique categories to only appear in the Non-Credit workflow path.

NOTE:  There is a separate change request for this feature enhancement already:  2018-24R: Enhance Major Category Filter for Non-Credit Application ONly

Desired outcome:  Have separate, unique categories for the Non-Credit application 




Research "Last HS Attended" section - Workgroup/Omid believes that section should also be conditional and per MIS requirements that I've seen, if the student is over age 25 (22?) then they are not "required" to provide details of their last high school, such as CDS code, name, address, city, state Zip (maybe State).

Research this with the Advisory Committee - SB12 - STUDENT-HIGH-SCHOOL-LAST (see attached)

RESEARCH ED CODE/ TITLE 59Dual Enrollment - Add to skip logic to hide college education sections (this is already a JIRA)10HS Completion Date - simplify this field by first asking for the YYYY the applicant graduated;  if the year is within ? 10 years of RDD, then ask for MM; if within 2 years, also ask for DD to best of ability, if not skip.  This will need to be considered from many perspectives: MIS requirements, Dual enrollment, residency, etc.RESEARCH MIS, ADVISORY CONSULTATIONResidency11AConfirm Null vs False values for all OOS activities and Special Residency questions hidden in 6.4.0 and planned for 6.5.0.RESEARCH MIS11BReview all pages in all three applications and look for formats that can be revised to make the application process simpler: Look for other fields across the application that have Y/N radio buttons implemented where we don't need them to be. REVIEW APPLICATIONNeeds & Interests12

Research whether we need to keep the TANF question on the Needs & Interests page (second question in the Financial Assistance section).  

Confirm we do or do not need it for Non-Credit students too.  This was reviewed and approved by the Workgroup but could be unreliable and needs Steering approval.

RESEARCH TANF mandate of 2017.  See attached.13Revise the Programs & Services Labels on the Needs & Interests page: Discuss better way to present the Programs & Services list to the applicant beyond just labels for each area.  We need to incorporate better/more superior Help support for vague language throughout the application .This section is one such area.  WORK with ADVISORY GROUP ON PROPOSALDemographic Info14Explore removing the Parent/Guardian Education Levels question- what are the requirements?  Can this be removed from MIS perspective?  Does it need to be asked?  If YES, does it need to be Required?  If yes, can we simplify the options we are asking?  Per Workgroup, there are fewer MIS required response options than we are asking now.  Why?RESEARCH MIS

Dependencies, Risks and/or Reporting Requirements?


This section will need to be completed for each of the change requests above that get approved OR these concerns should be included in each item that makes it to a Jira for Q4.  For now, keeping this list here for reference.

Other implementation considerations?




Which data field(s)?


Does this change affect an existing question or data field on the Standard Application?
Does this change affect an existing question or data field on the International Application?
Would this change affect an existing question or data field on the Promise Grant Application?
Would Account (OpenCCC) data be affected by this change?
Does the question or data field align to an MIS reporting requirement now?

Does this change affect any other state or federal regulations or requirements?

Would this change affect existing residency logic?
Would any other data fields be affected by this change?
Would students users be affected by this change?
Would colleges be affected by this change? 
Would the Download Client be affected by this change?
What other tech center web services will be affected by this change?
i.e., Glue staging table?  Multiple MeasurOther dependencies?Field(s)Remove or ReviseChange RequirementsLegal Implications
Needs & InterestsNeeds & Interests Page<comfortable_english>








Remove the Needs & Interests page from the Application* (and Noncredit app) by default for all users (Hide) and reconfigure each question/section to be turned ON (Show) per college request.

  • Reconfigure each question/section so that it can be implemented in new N&I table

  • The "Programs & Services" should be considered one section (each label/field will not be reconfigured individually.

Implement a table within the submitted_app database for each question (see list) with rows that include a True or False flag (on/off). 

Phase I:  The Needs page would be turned off by default; the table will be implemented in the DB,  the Programs & Services section is one combined "section", and if the college wants to "opt-in" (show) one or more sections, the Tech Center Support would have to manually support request(s) because we won't be able to implement the Admin module in the initial phase.

Phase II:  Implement new functionality in the CCCApply Administrator to allow colleges to Hide/Show these questions/sections/pages as needed (without submitting a ticket to the Support team)

Redesign Workgroup is reviewing legal implications to removing the Needs page.

As of 4/1/19 - the only question/section that relates to a specific law or mandate is the Athletic Interest set of questions that supports Title IX.

Each of the individual questions/sections below are part of the change summary above. All individual questions/sections on the Needs & Interests page - including the Programs & Services section - will be reconfigured to be shown or hidden as part of this change. The "Programs & Services" section (identified on the <ni_id> table) are considered ONE COMBINED SECTION for the purposes of this change. 
LanguageNeeds & Interests<comfortable_english>REMOVE & REVISE

Remove the "Are you comfortable reading and writing English" from the application - as part of the approved change to remove the entire Needs & Interests page for all non-MyPath colleges. 

  1. Remove entire page for all colleges
  2. Remove the first three questions for all colleges - but allow colleges to Opt-In to display the Athletic Interest question.
  3. Allow colleges to Opt-in to display the Programs & Services section.
Financial Assistance SectionNeeds & Interests



Remove the entire section called "Financial Assistance" from the application

Remove the "Are you interested in receiving information about money for college?" from the application

Financial Assistance SectionNeeds & Interests



Remove the "Are you receiving TANF/CalWorks, SSI, or General Assistance?" from the application

These questions are on the Promise Grant

Athletic InterestNeeds & Interests





MAKE THE Athletic Interest question/section "opt-in" - allow the colleges to request display

Otherwise - remove the Athletic Interest section in the application

This would remove the athletic interest question:
"Are you interested in participating in a sport while attending college?"

However, as this question is used by 80% of the colleges (who have implemented the supplemental Title IX survey) we could make this question an "opt-in" section, allowing colleges to decide if they want to "turn on" the athletic questions or not.

(make configurable but set to False by default. So it shows up for nobody in the first phase.)

Phase 1:  Med (making it configurable included)

Phase 2:  To make it optional Requires a CAP story 

Programs & ServicesNeeds & Interests<n_i_table>REMOVE & REVISE

The individual programs and services on the Programs & Services section include:

ni_id   Question

1         Comfortable with English = No

2         Financial Aid Info = Yes

3         Receiving TANF, SSI, General Assistance = Yes

4         Foster Youth = Yes (Question removed from application – October 2014)

5         Athletic Interest = Yes, including intercollegiate

6         Athletic Interest = Yes, but not intercollegiate

7         Academic Counseling/Advising = Yes (checked)

8         Basic Skills (reading, writing, math) = Yes (checked)

9         CalWorks = Yes (checked)

10       Career Planning = Yes (checked)

11        Child Care = Yes (checked)

12        Counseling - Personal = Yes (checked)

13        DSPS - Disabled Student Programs and Services = Yes (checked)

18        Employment Assistance = Yes (checked)

14        EOPS - Extended Opportunity Programs and Services = Yes (checked)

15        ESL - English as a Second Language = Yes (checked)

16        Health Services = Yes (checked)

17        Housing Information = Yes (checked)

19        Online Classes = Yes (checked)

20        Re-entry Program (after 5 years out) = Yes (checked)

21        Scholarship Information = Yes (checked)

22        Student Government = Yes (checked)

23        Testing, Assessment, Orientation = Yes (checked)

24        Transfer Information = Yes (checked)

25        Tutoring Services = Yes (checked)

26        Veterans Services = Yes (checked)

See MIS data element below.
SectionPageField(s)Remove or ReviseChange RequirementsLegal Implications
OpenCCC Account Information Account Information/MailingSummary of Account information that appears on the Account Information/MailingHIDE for first time users

Simplify the Account Information/Mailing page by hiding OpenCCC Account Information for first time applicants that just created their OpenCCC Accounts

  1. Zip up the 'Review OpenCCC Account' section on the Account Information/Mailing page in CCCApply and hide behind a new button "Edit OpenCCC Account" with clear language that explains the action
  2. This implementation should only appear IF the applicant just created their account and was auto-directed into the application after creating their Account. 
  3. This new format should NOT appear if the applicant had already applied before (to any college) and already had an OpenCCC Account
  4. The new format is similar to the solution employed for the "Hide the Review Application Page behind a button" in the 6.2.0 release, this change would hide and simplify the process for first time applicants.

Image Added

Approved Noncredit Application Change Requests

These are under-development and will be released in June 2019 v.6.5.0 release.

Page / Section#Proposed ChangeNext Steps
Noncredit App1

Implement the ability for colleges to display different "majors/programs of study" in the Noncredit Application

2018-24R: Enhance Major Category Filter for Non-Credit Application Only

CAP CHANGE Implement functionality to tag Majors/Programs of Study in the Administrator.  Tag would be similar to new field "Application Type" - identifying whether the individual Major/Program should display in the Standard, Noncredit, or Both

See Noncredit App Pilot Project - March 4 Meeting Minutes

Approved - 6.5.0

Noncredit App2

Implement the ability for colleges to display different Supplemental Questions in the Noncredit Application

CAP CHANGE Implement functionality in the CCCApply Administrator that will allow the college to upload and enable two separate Supplemental Questions XML files for the Standard and Noncredit applications. The uploads would function the same way it does now but there would be a toggle field added to the SQ module that the college sets to identify which page should appear in which app.

See Noncredit App Pilot Project - March 4 Meeting Minutes

Approved - 6.5.0
Noncredit App3

Implement new Welcome landing page for the Noncredit Application

See Noncredit App Pilot Project - March 4 Meeting Minutes

Approved - 6.5.0

Supporting Documentation

DescriptionFile TypeURLNotes
CCCAPPLY Required QuestionsGoogle Sheet CA Ed Code, Title 5, and MIS alignments

2017 Enacted Bills - Legal 

View file
name2017 Enacted Bills - Legal Update.pdf

SB - Basic Student Record summary
View file