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The purpose of this checklist is to provide IT staff and other key stakeholders with a step-by-step guide that to support a successful CCCApply International application implementation. This includes specific requirements, action items, deadlines, and notes to support a successful CCCApply International application implementation. A real-time version of this document (Google Doc) will be provided to your project team during the Project Overview meeting. 

Overview of IT & Business Operations Tasks

The tables below include tasks related to both the IT setup of your project and the business operations tasks, which play a key part in your successful implementation. Admissions staff, as well as the IT project team, should review this document to understand the different requirements involved in preparing this application for student use. The tables are organized in the order they should be completed:.

College Deployment Dates



Important Deployment Tasks



Confirm MOU signed and executed


The college MOU is completed during the CCCApply Standard application implementation project.

Confirm date college(s) want go LIVE on International Application*
*CCCTC / Help Desk requires two weeks notice


TBDThis date is discussed during the Project Overview meeting and periodically throughout the implementation process between the college/district and the CCC Tech Center (CCCTC) staff.
CCCTC / Help Desk requires two weeks notice prior to "going Live" with this application.

Confirm date college wants to begin testing in Production environment




discusses this with CCC Tech Center staff to ensure:

  • Users are enabled in Pilot & Production
  • (for the International Administrator & Report Center)
  • The Administrator configuration is complete in
production, and the download files have been duplicated
  • Pilot & Production
  • The Download files* are configured to download International data fields (from Pilot
to production
  • and Production)

  • *
Production Download Job & Format XMLs must be set up and ready to test downloads
  • There are two Download files: 1) Format Definition XML and 2) Job XML files that must be configured and tested for International Application data.

Confirm date that college will stop accepting


XAP Applications


XAP Terms closed. Should be same date as OpenCCCApply Go Live date

N/AMost college are no longer using the XAP applications. If your college is still using the Xap International application, please notify the
CCC Tech Center
CCCTC staff so they can ensure your historical application data is migrated to the new system.

Schedule Report Center Training

TBDThis is scheduled as needed. To schedule Report Center training for your staff, please contact Merrie Wales,

International Application URLs

The following URLs are used to submit an International application.

  • The Pilot URL


  • should be used for submitting test applications and implementation project. 
  • The Production URL will be the link your students


  • use to submit an International application.


PILOT Environment (INTL) (replace XXX with your college MIS code)

Production Environment (INTL)  (replace XXX with your college MIS code)

NOTE: CCCApply Administrator & Report Center URLs for Pilot & Production are also unique to your MIS code.   

Develop, Test & Deploy

The table below describes the tasks and action items to setup that need to be set up for the International application Application in the Pilot environment for testing and pre-production planning.

High Level Overview:

  1.  Once you have completed set up in Pilot, you can begin the migration process to the production environment.


  2. Colleges/


  1. districts should contact


  1. CCCTC staff to discuss


  1. readiness to move to production environment testing.


  2. The user account for the


  1. Primary User (with "Add User" control) on the college/district side is added by


  1. CCCTC staff. Once the Primary User account is set up, that person/user can set up additional users for the college/district.

Implementation Docs HomeInternational application project documentation 

User Guides:


 The Administrator, Download Client, and Report Center user guides

2015 International Application Data Dictionary


International Application Data



Development (Test) Tasks

Who’s Responsible?



Confirm MOU is signed & executed (from OpenCCCApply implementation)



Your MOU is most likely already in place. The International and BOG applications were part of the original OpenCCCApply MOU.  

Confirm college branding image is in place in Pilot



Your college logo branding should already be in place. Please confirm this by clicking on the Pilot Application URL above (remember to add your MIS code to the end of the URL).

Confirm Shibboleth IdP is implemented and locate your existing Administrator

Tool &

and Report Center URLs to the Pilot Environment




The college/district IT staff person who is actively implementing


your college's International application should locate

and make available to International Admissions staff,

the URLs to the Pilot and Production Administrator


and Report Center (configured from Shibboleth IdP installation)

. These are the same URLs

and make them available to International Admissions staff.

Note: The URLs are the same as those that are currently being used by the Admissions


Dept. for the Standard (domestic) application.

Once the

primary "Add

Primary User


for the college/district is added to the International Application in the Administrator (for both Pilot


and Production), the "International" application will appear in the Administrator's Application drop-down menu

in the Administrator Tool

. Until

that user

the Primary User is added, you will only see “CCCApply” and “Report Center” in the Administrator's Application drop-down menus

of the Administrator Tool



For more information, please

discuss with

contact your CCCTC implementation team.

Set up Downloads in Pilot Environment

CollegeTO DO

To set up the download files for the International application, the college/district will use their existing Download Client, but will create new Job


and Format Definition XML files for the International download job and data fields

and download job. These are created using the same Job & Format XML templates (that were used for the Standard Application) and a set should be created

. Sample Job and Format Definition XML files can be found here: CCCApply User Guides and Download Files. Create a set (Job and Format Definition XML files) for the Pilot and Production downloads.

See the


Download Client User Guide


for details and best practices for setting up your download files, testing in Pilot, and running production download jobs.  

Update your existing Download transfer-client .jar file with latest version



Locate the latest version here:


CCCApply Download Client

– Latest version  

Create IA Format XML file to download International data fields


 The IA Format XML template can be downloaded here. See

(JAR) - Latest Version

Note: See the Download Client System Requirements section in the Download Client User Guide

for instructions on creating the Format XML file


Map IA data fields to your SIS system



The IA data fields are listed in the Download Client User Guide (in the back of the guide).


IA Job XML file

schedule to run download

International data fields

Create schedule to run download job in Pilot


 Use your own

job in Pilot



Job XML template can be downloaded here. See the Download Client User Guide for instructions on creating the Job file and scheduling your download jobs.

Use your own system’s download job schedulers tool. For support, contact Merrie Wales

Point your Job file to the Pilot International Download URL Attribute to test downloads



The International Application Download URL Attribute is listed in the "Job File Configuration Details" section of the Download Client User Guide.

Set up the Pilot Administrator

After the college has the necessary Primary User
account(s) enabled to get into the International application in the Pilot Administrator, they can begin setting up Terms, Majors, Rules, Supplemental Questions and other Users. See the CCCApply Administrator User Guide for details and best practices.

Add authorized International


Primary User with "Add User" authority in Pilot Administrator and Pilot Report Center




The Tech Center must add the first

“Add User”

Primary User to the Pilot Administrator. At that point, the college sets up all additional users for the college (

Add Users

including more Primary Users, with "Add User" ability, and regular Data Users).  See the CCCApply Administrator User Guide for details on setting up User accounts for your college.

Add authorized International users with Add User and/or Data Use Only authority in Pilot Administrator and Pilot Report Center



See row above. Once the first


Primary User is created, that user will be able to set up all additional users for both the Administrator and the Report Center.

Set up IA Terms


and Majors in Pilot Administrator



See CCCApply Administrator User Guide for instructions.

Configure the English Proficiency settings in the Pilot Administrator (optional)



See CCCApply Administrator User Guide for instructions and the IA Data Specifications for data field information.

Set up IA Rules


and Email Messages in Pilot Administrator (optional)



See the


CCCApply Administrator User Guide for instructions. Setting up Email Rules is a two-step process:


  1. Create the Email messages first
; 2) then
  1. .
  2. Then incorporate the email message ID into the email rule code. The CCCTC implementation team will assist you. Make copies of all email messages for migration to the Production Administrator.

Set up Supplemental Questions in Pilot Administrator (optional)



Important: Please see the Working with Supplemental Questions User Guide for instructions on setting up your supplemental questions accurately.

Confirm Supplemental Questions are configured correctly



CCCTC will review your supplemental questions before you go live. All “required” questions must be configured accurately to ensure students are given the correct information should they skip a required question.

Business Operations


College/district Staff and Administrators register for CCC College Support SiteCollegeTo do
Important: All college / district staff and administration should register for an account on the CCC College Support Site:

Once your account is created, navigate to the CCCApply System Alerts page and click “Follow” to begin receiving critical system notifications by email. Other pages and posts can be followed as desired.

Notify college staff of new OpenCCC Helpdesk Support contact info



See support information below.

Ensure all staff and administration is aware of implementation dates


TBDThis is determined and implemented by the college/district.

Make all necessary student website changes using new URL


TBDThis is determined and implemented by the college/district.

Transfer information from


XAP International App Intro page to student website



ONLY IF you were using the


XAP International Application only!

Schedule Report Center training for IA admissions staff


OptionalTo schedule Report Center training for your staff, please contact Merrie Wales, CCCTC Support,

Ensure all marketing/recruitment materials are updated with new URL and support information


TBDThis is determined and implemented by the college/district.



Enter test applications to the Pilot application URL

(see above)

: 169705472



Test applications can be submitted to the college's Pilot application URL. See above for your branding Pilot application.

Run download job in Pilot environment to test downloads



The Download Job XML file that is configured by the college points to the Pilot Downloads server URL. See the"Job File Configuration Details" section of the Download Client User Guide for
the URL attribute for
both Pilot and Production downloads for the correct URL attribute.

Ensure all data is importing to SIS successfully



The activity is completed by the college/district. For assistance and best practices, please contact Merrie Wales, CCCTC Support,

Notify CCCTC team when Pilot testing is complete



When the college/district is ready to move forward with production setup and testing, contact the
CCC Tech Center
CCCTC team for assistance.



Deployment Tasks - Configuring the Production Environment

After all development tasks have been completed in the Pilot environment, begin setting up the Production environment for deployment.


Deployment Tasks

Who’s Responsible?



Confirm college branding image is in place in Production Application



Branding should be in place when the college/district begins the implementation project. If an issue with the college branding is identified, please contact CCCTC support for assistance.

Confirm Shibboleth IdP is implemented and locate existing Administrator


and Report Center URLs to the Production Environment



Note: These are not the Application URLs shown above. These are the URLs to the Production Administrator Tool


and Report Center (configured from Shibboleth IdP installation). See additional notes in the Development table above.

Set up Downloads in Production Environment


Using your existing Download Client, copy the


download Job


and Format Definition XML files used in your Pilot environment to use them to set up your Production download job

and begin testing


Update your existing Download transfer-client .jar file with latest version



Locate the latest version here:


CCCApply Download Client

– Latest version  

Create IA Format XML file to download International data fields



We recommend you make a copy of the Pilot files for your Production downloads

Create IA Job XML file to download International data fields in Production



We recommend you make a copy of the Pilot files for your Production downloads

Create schedule to run download job in Production Environment



For support, contact Merrie Wales

Point your Job file to the Production server to test prod app downloads


 The International Application Download URL Attribute for the Production server is listed in the Download Client User Guide.

(JAR) - Latest Version 

Note: See the Download Client System Requirements section in the Download Client User Guide.

Point your Job file to the Production server to test prod app downloads


See the"Job File Configuration Details" section of the Download Client User Guide for both Pilot and Production downloads for the correct URL attribute.

Create schedule to run download job in Production Environment


For support, contact Merrie Wales

Set up the Production Administrator

Setting up the Production Administrator is easy. Ask your CCCTC implementation team for suggestions on a quick and easy migration.

Add authorized International


Primary User with "Add User" authority in Production Administrator and Production Report Center.



The Tech Center must add the first

“Add User”

Primary User to the Production Administrator. At that point, the college can set up all additional users (

Add Users

other Primary Users with "Add User" authority and regular Data Users). See the


CCCApply Administrator


Guide for details on setting up User accounts for your college.


authorized International users with Add User

additional Primary Users and/or Data

Use Only authority

Users in the Production Administrator and Production Report Center



See row above. Once the first


Primary User is created, that user can set up all additional users for both the Administrator Tool and the Report Center in Production.

Set up IA Terms


and Majors in Production Administrator



Terms and majors can be migrated by exporting the files from the Pilot Administrator and importing to the Production Administrator.



the CCCApply Administrator


Guide for instructions.

Configure the English Proficiency settings in Production Administrator (optional)



The English Proficiency settings must be

set up by hand

manually configured in the Production Administrator. Please ensure that

settings match

your configuration between


your Pilot and Production Administrators matches.

 See CCC

See the CCCApply Administrator


Guide for instructions and the


CCCApply International Application Data


Dictionary for data field information.

Set up IA Rules


and Email Messages in Production Administrator (optional)





and paste your email messages and Rules from the Pilot Administrator to the Production Administrator. Ask your CCCTC implementation team for help if needed.

Set up Supplemental Questions in Production Administrator (optional)



Your Supplemental Questions XML file can be


exported and then imported to the


Production Administrator. Ensure all “required” supplemental questions are configured correctly. See the Working with Supplemental Questions User Guide for details.

Business Operations


Notify college staff of new OpenCCC Helpdesk Support contact info



See support information below.

Ensure all college staff and administration is aware of implementation dates



College/district should communicate regularly with all internal stakeholders relative to the details of this project.

Make all necessary changes to your student-facing listing the production application URL



These activities are planned and implemented by the college. All internal stakeholders should be included in these decisions.

Transfer information from Xap International App Intro page to student website



IF you were using the


XAP International Application only!

Schedule Report Center training for IA admissions staff



To schedule Report Center training, please contact Merrie Wales,

Ensure all marketing/recruitment materials are updated with new URL and support information



Marketing and recruitment are planned and implemented by the college. All internal stakeholders should be included in these decisions.



Enter test applications to the Production application URL (see above)



College/district perform testing in production as needed.

Run download job in Production environment to test downloads



College/district perform testing in production as needed.

Ensure all data is importing to SIS successfully



College/district perform testing in production as needed.

Notify CCCTC team when Production testing is complete



Go Live Day Synchronization



Who’s Responsible?



Date and time of deployment is confirmed with CCC Support Services so that the Helpdesk is ready to support students
The Go Live date and TIME must be communicated to the
CCC Tech Center
CCCTC at least



to two weeks prior to your planned deployment date.

The Helpdesk must be made aware of the approximate time of day that students will begin contacting the Helpdesk if necessary.

Audit website for Xap or other International app URLs (hidden pages, etc.)



The CCC Support Services team will audit the college/district website to ensure there are no remaining/hidden links to a previously used electronic application (Xap or homegrown). If any links are found, the college is notified.

Disable any former electronic applications (Xap or homegrown) to prevent new applications being submitted.



To ensure all applications are accounted for - any previous electronic applications should be closed in synchronization with the OpenCCCApply International application deployment.


Student Help Desk / Support


Services for Students

Call:  (877) 247-4836



College Staff Support

Online support site:

(Register for an account and the “Follow” the CCCApply System Alerts category page (and any other category pages you choose) to receive email notifications when new Alerts and information is posted.)


For technical issues specific to your college implementation, send email to:

Emails automatically generate support tickets, which are tracked and managed by CCCApply College Support and/or OpenCCC Help Desk Support (if issue pertains to student).