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Release v.6.14.4 will be deployed:

  • To pilot environment : [TBD] March 29target date: April 5, 2024

  • To production : [ TBD ]target date: April 12, 2024 (dependent on successful completion of pilot testing)


CCCApply v.6.14.4 requires a includes new data fields. An update to the latest College Adaptor schema update (SuperGlue v.4.10). See the Implementation Notes section for UAT and database changes version is strongly recommended. See New Data Fields & Data Deliverysection below for more information.

On This Page

Table of Contents

Release Summary

  • AIAN Tribes Expansion in Race & Ethnicity Section

  • Enhancement to Student Parent with Dependents Question in CCCApply and CC Promise Grant Application

  • 2024-25 CCPG Annual Update

  • Bug Fixes & Improvements

User Information

[ Use to provide key information or impacts to users and/or other stakeholders with link(s), if applicable. ]

Implementation Notes

Three new data fields have been added to the CCCApply Standard/Noncredit database with this release. Colleges that have implemented the Superglue College Adaptor will need to update their data schema to include the following cases:

  • New Tribal “Write-In” Field: <race_aian_other _description>

  • New Number of Dependents Under 18 years old

  • New Number of Dependents Over 18 years old


User Testing Information

Colleges are welcome to participate in User Acceptance Testing (UAT) in the pilot environment following the pilot release on April 4. For more information about testing and submitting feedback, please see the Implementation & Support section below.

Implementation Notes

Several new data fields are included in this release that will require a schema update to your College Adaptor in order to be received. In addition, an expansion to the number of tribes/ethnicities in the American Indian Alaska Native (AIAN) race group in the Race & Ethnicity section in CCCApply also deserves some attention by the colleges. As a reminder, all data changes in this release are backwards compatible and would not be a blocker for colleges or students following the release. For more information, see the New Data Fields & Data Deliverysection below.

Updates & Enhancements

Changes At-A-Glance

Product / Service

Brief Description

More Detail


College Action Required?

CC Promise Grant Application

Replaced all pop-up Help text hyperlinks with help icons. Moved all help text to custom titled Help windows

CCCApply Standard & Noncredit Applications

  1. 2024 American Indian / Alaska Native (AIAN) Expansion:

    1. 464 new AIAN tribes/ethnicities are now available once the AIAN race group (category) is selected. The full list of changes is available.

    2. A new “write-in” field has been added to allow students to submit up to five “Other American Indian/Alaska Native” tribes/ethnicities as part of their optional response in the CCCApply application;

  2. A new conditional display question called Number of Dependents, and two new corresponding data fields have been added to the Student Parent question in the CCCApply application.

New data fields have been added.

Recommended: Upgrade College Adaptor to the latest schema version to receive these fields.

California College Promise Grant Online Application (CCPG)

  1. A new conditional display question, Number of Dependents, and two new corresponding data fields have been added to the Dependency section in the California College Promise Grant (CCPG) application;

  2. The 2024-2025 California College Promise Grant Online Application Annual Update

New data fields have been added.

Recommended: Upgrade College Adaptor to the latest schema version to receive these fields.

OpenCCC Administrator

  1. Several small enhancements have been made to the OpenCCC Account Creation tool single account user interface and the multi-account creation import template.

No action required.


24/7 Student College Staff Support: The CCC Helpdesk provides account recovery help for students by phone at (877) 247-4836, or via the online support community.

[ Depending on scope of release, consider adding a sub-TOC here for each application breakdown of enhancements, changes.]

2024 AIAN Tribal Expansion Enhancement

In cooperation between the AIAN Group and the CCCCO, the current list

CCCTC provides staff support for colleges and district at For implementation support, contact your College Experience Manager for assistance.

2024 American Indian / Alaska Native (AIAN) Expansion

In collaboration with the CCC Chancellor’s Office AIAN Group, the CCCApply listing of American Indian/Alaska Natives (AIAN) tribal affiliations is being expanded in CCCApply to include the full in the Race & Ethnicity section has been expanded to align with the complete Federal Register of Indian Entities Recognized - which contains approximately 585 California state and national tribes. Currently CCCApply offers over 120 AIAN ethnicities in the Race & Ethnicity section; the additional 465 options have been integrated into the existing race & ethnicity data fields.

To accommodate adding 465 new tribal names to our existing list the large number of AIAN options, an a UI enhancement was made to the AIAN group in the Race & Ethnicity section that will allow users to search for and select one or more AIAN tribes /ethnicities and/or submit (write-in) a new tribe name that if their tribe does not appear in the expanded list.

For a detailed breakdown of change specifications, including the complete list of

For the complete breakdown and detailed list of new and existing AIAN race group/ethnicities and data fields, please see 2024 AIAN Expansion Enhancement in CCCApply.

Summary of AIAN Expansion

  • Expand the list of tribes/ethnicities available in the American Indian/Alaska Natives (AIAN) race group in the Race & Ethnicities section of the CCCApply;

    • Update our existing list of AIAN ethnicities by correcting names, removing duplicates, and discontinuing entities that are no longer in use;

    • Add 464 new AIAN tribes to the existing list from the Federal Register of Indian Entities Recognized

    • Add a new option for students to “write-in” up to 5 tribe names that do not appear in the new expanded list

  • Enhance the user interface in the Race & Ethnicities section with a new “search and select” modal exclusively for the AIAN race/ethnicity group

  • Search modal allows users to search for their tribe(s) and select one or more AIAN ethnicities to submit with application

  • Search results display can be easily selected or removed by the user

  • New optional abilityto“write-in” a tribe name that can’t be located in the list
  • Update the Race & Ethnicity data fields to include the vast number of AIAN tribes:

    • Maintain all existing <race_ethnic_full> data values in DB, and add & document new values

    • Add new AIAN tribes and codes to the existing <race_ethnic_full> field

    • Add new “write-in” field(s) to DED

    • Minimal changes to existing data fields; minimal impact to colleges is critical

  • Student Parent Question Enhancement: Collect Number of Dependents Under/Over Age 18

    [ Describe new or updated feature with brief description and screenshot (optional). ]

    Repeat this section for each key release item being announced.

    2024-25 CC Promise Grant Application Annual Update

    [ Describe new or updated feature with brief description and screenshot (optional). ]

    Repeat this section for each key release item being announced.

    Application.Fixes & Improvements

    [ Summary description or bulleted list of bug fixes & improvements being deployed in this release. ]

    Implementation & Support 

    Back to Top

    New Number of Dependents Enhancements


    The new Number of Dependentsquestion & data fields have been implemented in both applications: theCalifornia Colleges Promise Grant Application and the CCCApply Standard & Noncredit Application.

    For the purpose of identifying the number of children or dependents receiving more than half their support from a self-identified student parent, a new conditional question will now display if the applicant answers Yes to the Student Parent question. If displayed, the student is asked to identify the number of dependents in two age groups: 1) age 17 and younger, and 2) age 18 and older. The data field values align to MIS data element SB39.

    Note: This new follow-up question and data fields set has been added to both the CC Promise Grant application and the CCCApply Standard & Noncredit Application. Each application will collect and deliver this information independently of each other.

    For consistency purposes, the language and format of the new questions (Number of Dependents) and fields align with each other and to the change implemented to the Student Parent question in the2024-2025 CCPG paper application (Dependency section). For complete details including the data field information and screen shots, please see Number of Dependents of Student Parents: New Question & Data Fields.

    Back to Top

    2024-2025 California College Promise Grant Application - Annual Update

    The 2024-2025 annual update for the California College Promise Grant Application deploys to production in this release. The California College Promise Grant Online Application Data Specification for 2024-2025 provides all the details including the approved Method B Income Table and data element specs for the new Number of Dependents question (described below).

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    Fixes & Improvements: OpenCCC Account Creation Tool

    Based on feedback from early authorized adopters, several small improvements have been made to the Account Creation tool in the OpenCCC Administrator. The changes are mostly cosmetic for the purpose of making the existing processes more user-friendly.

    • Removed the Username field from the single account creation process. Including a Username is no longer required.

    • Added asterisks to the column header cells for required fields on the multi-account upload template.

    • Updated the Date of Birth column header on the multi-account upload template with the format that is required by the file validation service.

    • Added a new pass through/non-validated Notes column field to the multi-account upload template, allowing colleges to include an optional Note to aid in identifying and matching new accounts


    All updates have been added to the OpenCCC Administrator Tool user document.

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    New Data Fields, Access & Delivery

    Three new data fields have been added to the Data Warehouse and submitted applications databases. These fields are also available in the CCCApply Report Center, Data Warehouse Report Server, and the CCCApply Administrator (Rules & Messages) for the California College Promise Grant and CCCApply applications.

    Application / Database

    Data Dictionary Name

    Apply Data Field

    Superglue Data Field

    CCCApply Standard & Noncredit Application

    Other American Indian / Alaska Native



    California College Promise Grant Application
    CCCApply Standard & Noncredit Application

    Number of Dependents Under 18



    California College Promise Grant Application
    CCCApply Standard & Noncredit Application

    Number of Dependents 18 & Over



    Superglue for Apply

    As new features and functionality are developed for CCCApply and other systemwide technology applications, it is necessary for colleges to upgrade their existing Superglue College Adaptor schema to the version capable of delivering the new enhancements and data fields. This release includes new data fields that require such an update.

    To get the latest College Adaptor schema version, please contact your College Experience Manager at Enabling Services for assistance.


    Schema Update Required: This release requires a schema version update for the College Adaptor. Please contact your College Experience Manager through the CCCTC Enabling Services to expedite this process.

    Data Warehouse Access

    All new and existing data fields are ultimately stored in the CCC Data Warehouse which can be accessed directly through the Data Warehouse Direct Access Connection service, or for authorized staff through the Data Warehouse Report Server.


    CCCApply Admin Tools
    College staff can access all the new data fields in the CCCApply Report Center for ad hoc reporting. They also have the ability to create custom email rules and messages with the fields in the CCCApply Administrator.


    Reminder:The CCCApply Download Client reached end-of-life on June 30, 2023. The service is no longer support and the Download server is scheduled to be taken offline on March 31, 2024.

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    Pilot Testing: Send Your Feedback

    Pilot testing for CCC Apply 6.14.4 is targeted to start on Friday, April 5, 2024. After this date, colleges can test out the new features of this release and send feedback. Pilot and Production deployments are announced on

    See the pilot testing instructions below. Communicate your pilot test feedback or log any bugs with our Staff Support team:

    Open Pilot Testing Instructions for CCCApply Standard Application

    1. Go to your college’s CCCApply pilot site or the “Unicollege” generic pilot site listed below.

      • Unicollege CCC Student Account & Application System login:

      • Tip: Forgot to bookmark your college-branded CCCApply Standard Application pilot site?? Copy the Unicollege link above and replace the ZZ1 at the end of the URL with your college’s MIS code.

    2. Sign in with an existing pilot testing account, or create a new account for pilot testing

    3. Don’t forget to tell us of any issues you encountered during your testing. Send feedback or log any bugs with our Staff Support team:

    Testing Instructions for the Online CA Promise Grant Application

    1. For colleges that have implemented the online CCPG, go to your college’s CCPG pilot site or to the “Unicollege” generic pilot site listed below.

    2. Sign in with an existing pilot testing account, or create a new account for pilot testing

    3. Don’t forget to tell us of any issues you encountered during your testing. Send feedback or log any bugs with our Staff Support team:

    Back to Top

    Implementation & Support

    To get started with onboarding, implementation and deployment, or support for a service update for any Student Success Suite technology solution provided through the CCC Technology Center, please contact the CCCTC Enabling Services office for free consultation and/or support services. Please contact your College Experience Manager who can guide you every step of the way.  

    Enabling Services

    Adoption & Implementation Services


    College Support Services


    Support for Colleges


    NEW! Support for Colleges space for troubleshooting guides and FAQs.

    College Staff Support


    Online Support Community


    Support for Students

    CCC Helpdesk

    Phone: (877) 247-4836 or
    TTY: (877) 836-9332

    Online Support Community



    NEW! Visit theSupport for Students space page for support information, How To Guides and FAQs.

    Back to Top


    Product and user documentation is updated and published as needed with each Student Success Suite application release.

    Data Dictionaries & User Guides


    All Data Dictionaries and User Guides for this release are posted in the CCCApply Public Documentation space..


    Featured Documentation

    Related to CCCApply release v. 6.14.4



    2024 AIAN Expansion Enhancement in CCCApply

    Complete change information related to the 2024 AIAN Expansion Enhancement in CCCApply

    Number of Dependents of Student Parents: New Question & Data Fields

    Complete change information related to the new Number of Dependents questions & data fields.

    Data Dictionaries & User Guides


    Doc Version / FILE



    Date Published

    CCCApply Standard & Noncredit Application Data Dictionary



    Release 6.11.0


    CCCApply Administrator User Guide



    Release 6.9.0


    CC Promise Grant Online Application Data Dictionary



    Release 6.9.0


    CCCApply International Application Data Dictionary



    Release 6.9.0


    SuperGlue for Apply Data Table Mappings



    Release 6.9.0


    Documentation Sites


    Visit the CCCApply Public Documentation space for CCCApply product information, release notes, data dictionaries and user guides.

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