Accessing Your CCCApply LGBTQ Data

Accessing Your CCCApply LGBTQ Data

In March 2018, the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office MIS office released a memo to colleges outlining the changes to the SB Student Basic Data Record reporting requirements, beginning Summer 2018.

New MIS Student Basic Data Elements & Reporting Changes

Two of the reporting changes include the AB620 data fields, SB36 & SB37.

SB Student Basic Data Reporting

An existing element has been amended and four new elements have been added. The record length has been increased to 230 characters.


  2. SB34 STUDENT-CCC-ID has been added

  3. SB35 STUDENT-SS-ID has been added

  4. SB36 STUDENT-TRANSGENDER has been added


The new data element definitions are here:

AB620 Data: Sexual Orientation & Transgender

Colleges can obtain their students’ unencrypted AB620 data for MIS reporting in real-time through the CCC Technology Platform’s (Project Glue) College Adaptor. The College Adaptor Release 2.5 supports the Glue for Apply project to securely deliver in real time CCCApply records into a staging table in the College SIS via the Glue College Adaptor. Records will include the entire CCCApply dataset, including the college's custom Supplemental Questions, and unencrypted AB620 data fields: Sexual Orientation and Transgender. Implementation of this delivery will require data to be stored in an encrypted database table at the college.

What is Project Glue?

The CCC Technology Platform (Project Glue) is the integrations framework for the products of the California Community Colleges Technology Center (CCCTC). Project Glue integrations facilitate data exchange between the system-wide products built by or purchased by the CCCTC for the California Community Colleges system. This includes the following applications:

  • Canvas Webapp

  • My Path Enterprise Student Portal

  • Career Planning Systems

  • Multiple Measures Student Placement Platform

  • CCCApply

  • California Promise Grant Application (BOG)

Colleges interested in upgrading or installing the College Adaptor 2.5 version in order to receive the unencrypted AB620 data can contact Keith Franco of the CCCTC Enabling Services team: kfranco@ccctechcenter.org 

Background Information on the AB620 data fields in CCCApply

SUMMARY: In September 2013, the CCCApply Standard application was updated to comply with AB620. Two new data fields, 'Transgender' and 'Sexual Orientation', were added to the Gender section of the Personal Information page. Disclosure language was added and specifications around how the data would be collected and sent to the Chancellor's Office were stipulated.

Review the 2013 change requisition here: 2013-24: AB620 - Inclusion Sexual orientation, Gender identity, and Gender expression questions FINAL-Approved