Release 6.2.0 Schedule

Release 6.2.0 Schedule

Following is the preliminary schedule for the CCCApply 6.2.0 and CCC Administrator (CAP 1.0) release activities. More dates and links will be added to this table detailing specific implementation and communication activities, 

Need Support?

For assistance with any aspect of the CCCApply 6.2.0 or CCC Administrator release, including migration, implementation, using new features, or using the user documentation, please post questions or concerns on the College Support Site:  CCCTechnology.info

Release Activities Schedule

DateEnvironmentApplicationDescriptionNotes & Links
6.27.18PilotCCCApply AdministratorLast day to access the Pilot Administrator
Last day for data changes
Last day for user changes
Last day for any data or user changes to the CCCApply Administrator (legacy) in Pilot environment 


7:00AM - 4:00PM

PilotCCCApply AdministratorBlack-out:  No access to the Pilot Administrator

Colleges do not have access to the Pilot CCCApply Administrator - all day

CCC Tech Center migrates all existing Pilot CCCApply Administrator (legacy) users to new Pilot CCC Administrator
CCC Tech Center migrates all existing Pilot CCCApply Administrator (legacy) data & settings to the Pilot CCCApply Administrator 2.0 (upgrade) 



PilotCCC Administrator
CCCApply Administrator
Canvas Webapp

OpenCCCApply Release 6.2.0

CCC Administrator (CAP 1.0)

  • CCCApply Administrator 2.0 Upgrade
  • Canvas Webapp

Release 6.2.0 code is deployed for OpenCCCApply applications 

New CCC Administrator is launched/deployed to Pilot 
CCCApply Administrator 2.0 is deployed; accessible through CCC Administrator
Canvas Webapp (College Adaptor 2.5 for Canvas) is accessible through CCC Administrator



PilotCCC Administrator
CCCApply Administrator
Canvas Webapp

Colleges are allowed access to the new Pilot admin systems and manage data and users
Users are required to have a user account (same process)

Pilot Preview: June 29, 2018 to July 26, 2018 



PilotCCC Administrator
CCCApply Administrator
Canvas Webapp

The official "Pilot Preview" ends - however, colleges continue to have access to the Pilot environment as well as the Production environment
Colleges are allowed access to the PRODUCTION admin systems and manage data and users
Users are required to have a user account (same process)

7.26.18ProductionCCCApply AdministratorLast day to access the Production CCCApply Administrator
Last day for data changes
Last day for user changes
Last day for any data changes or user changes to the CCCApply Administrator (legacy) in the Production environment 


7:00AM - 4:00PM

ProductionCCCApply AdministratorBlack-out:  No access to the Production CCCApply Administrator

Colleges do not have access to the Production CCCApply Administrator - all day

CCC Tech Center migrates all existing Production CCCApply Administrator (legacy) users to new Production CCC Administrator
CCC Tech Center migrates all existing Production CCCApply Administrator (legacy) data & settings to the Production CCCApply Administrator 2.0 (upgrade) 



ProductionCCC Administrator
CCCApply Administrator
Canvas Webapp

OpenCCCApply Release 6.2.0

CCC Administrator (CAP 1.0)

  • CCCApply Administrator 2.0 Upgrade
  • Canvas Webapp

Release 6.2.0 code is deployed to Production for OpenCCCApply applications 

New CCC Administrator is launched/deployed to Production environment 
CCCApply Administrator 2.0 is deployed; accessible through CCC Administrator
Canvas Webapp (College Adaptor 2.5 for Canvas) is accessible through CCC Administrator

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