New Policy Creation or Policy Revision Process

New Policy Creation or Policy Revision Process

1. The need for a policy is identified by the Library Services Platform (LSP) Governance Committee or one of its functional work groups. A policy is an operational rule that users of the Library Services Platform (LSP) agree to follow in the best interests of a shared system. Policies are distinct from recommendations or best practices, which are non-binding suggestions that may be advanced by work groups at any time.

2. To create a policy, a functional work group of the LSP Governance Committee discusses and drafts a policy and posts it to to the LSP wiki via CCC Technology Center staff.

The following information should be included in the review document, as applicable:

  • Current policy text, if any
  • Proposed new policy text
  • Last revision date
  • Status (in process, approved, etc.)

3. A link to the proposed policy text will be sent by the work group lead or other work group representative to the LSP listserv for feedback. Turnaround time for feedback will be a minimum of one week, and more as appropriate, at the discretion of the work group lead.

4. Feedback will be compiled and discussed in an open meeting of the LSP Governance Committee.

5. Functional work group will draft a second version of policy as needed, based on open meeting discussion and written feedback

  • The second draft will be posted to LSP wiki with indication of changes made, providing no less than one week’s time for feedback.
  • If needed, additional rounds of feedback solicited through LSP listserv through as many iterations as the work group deems necessary.

6. The policy sent to LSP Governance Committee for review and approval by majority vote. If needed, the policy comes back to functional work group for revision.

7. Notice is sent to LSP listserv within two weeks of vote to indicate adoption or veto.

8. At least once a year, work groups will review all policies within their work areas to determine relevance and need for revision. Work group leads will report on results of their review to the LSP Governance Committee. It is recommended that work groups solicit suggestions for new policies and revisions from the at least two months before formal review of existing policies is conducted each year.

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Questions? Contact Amy Beadle, Project Lead at abeadle@ccctechcenter.org