PeopleSoft School Questionnaire

PeopleSoft School Questionnaire

General Questions

  1. Quarter or Semester System?
  2. Single or Multi College?
  3. What are the MIS Code(s) of the college(s)?
  4. What e-mail addresses identify faculty and staff (ex: staff@school.edu)?
  5. What e-mail addresses, if any, identify students (ex: student@student.school.edu)?
  6. Have you populated C-ID on courses?
  7. What's the name of Peoplesoft table that maps CCCID to EMPLID for a student if any?
  8. What PeopleTools version is currently in use?

Financial Aid Questions

  1. What data (PS table/fields) do you need determine BOGFW eligibility?
  2. Is BOGFW eligibility determination process manual or automatic, or both? 
  3. What query can be used to report all students that are BOGFW eligible?

SSO Authentication to MyPath, Course Exchange, Canvas, etc

  1. What EPPN suffix is used to identify students who use SSO to log in to MyPath, Course Exchange, Canvas, etc? (ex: if the student authenticates as student@student.school.edu then the suffix is student.school.edu)
  2. What EPPN suffix is used to identify faculty and staff who log in through SSO to log in to MyPath, Course Exchange, Canvas, etc? (ex: if the student authenticates as staff@school.edu then the suffix is school.edu)