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Page PropertiesRequest No.2018-38 - AB3101Target releaseNovember 2018

Page Properties

Request No.2018-38 - AB3101
Target releaseNovember 2018
Environment(s)All environments 

Standard DED 

Change to Download FileYES 
Change to Residency LogicYES 

Table of Contents



1.01.19:  The issues tracked in this request were reviewed by the CCCApply Redesign Workgroup. Issues that passed initial review moved to 2018-37B: CCCApply Redesign - Low-Hanging Fruit #2.  This change request is no longer open or pending.

Problem Statement or Business Need

The recently passed Assembly Bill 3101 (AB3101would exempt a student seeking to enroll exclusively in career development and college preparation courses, and other courses for which no credit is given, from community college residency classification requirements.

AB3101 calls to revise the [CCCApply] process so that only data that is required by the federal gov, state law, or that is otherwise collected during the process. the extent that data can be collected from the student at a later time, to delay the collection of that data until after the student has applied to a community college.

[AB3101] would exempt a student seeking to enroll exclusively in career development and college preparation courses, and other courses for which no credit is given...from community college residency classification requirements.

The application therefore needs to be updated to streamline the application process to exempt non-credit students from the residency determination, and only collect data that is required by the federal gov, state law, or that is otherwise necessary at the time of application.

CCCApply Proposed Solution

Questions to be Removed

DescriptionPage/SectionQuestion / Data Field(s)Remove or ReviseChange RequirementsLegal ImplicationsProposed Solution & Release Timeline

College Education Level


College education level as of <RDD>



Remove the question for users based on their Enrollment Status.

Add skip logic to the Enrollment Status <enroll_status> question which will hide this question (and all other conditionally displayed college questions) for all First Time in College users.  

Remove (hide) question if user's enrollment status is: 
"1 = First time in college after leaving high school"


This change was made to CCCApply in Release #3 March 16, 2019  (v.6.4.0)

Colleges/Universities Attended


Number of Colleges/Universities Attended



Remove the question for users based on their Enrollment Status.

Add skip logic to the Enrollment Status <enroll_status> question which will hide this question (and all other conditionally displayed college questions) for all First Time in College users.  

Remove (hide) question if user's enrollment status is: 
"1 = First time in college after leaving high school"

This change was made to CCCApply in Release #3 March 16, 2019  (v.6.4.0)
Comfortable with EnglishNeeds & Interests

"Are you comfortable reading and writing English"



Remove this question from the application for all users by default. 

Implement ability for colleges to "opt-in" to continue displaying the full Needs & Interests page. 

SG20 Student-Literacy-Status

This question is part of the Needs & Interests page which is scheduled to be removed from the application in the June 2019 release (Q4 - v.6.5.0).

NOTE: Colleges will have the opportunity to "opt-in" to continue displaying the Needs & Interests page by written request.

Financial Assistance sectionNeeds & Interests

"Are you interested in receiving information about money for college?"



Remove this question from the application for all users by default. 

Implement the ability for colleges to "opt-in" to continue displaying the full Needs & Interests page.


This question is part of the Needs & Interests page which is scheduled to be removed from the application in the June 2019 release (Q4 - v.6.5.0).

NOTE: Colleges will have the opportunity to "opt-in" to continue displaying the Needs & Interests page by written request.

Financial Assistance sectionNeeds & Interests

"Are you receiving TANF/CalWorks, SSI, or General Assistance?"



Remove this question from the application for all users by default. 

Implement the ability for colleges to "opt-in" to continue displaying the full Needs & Interests page.



This question is part of the Needs & Interests page which is scheduled to be removed from the application in the June 2019 release (Q4 - v.6.5.0).

NOTE: Colleges will have the opportunity to "opt-in" to continue displaying the Needs & Interests page by written request.

Athletic InterestNeeds & Interests

"Are you interested in participating in a sport while attending college?"





Remove this question from the application for all users by default. 

Implement the ability for colleges to "opt-in" to continue displaying the full Needs & Interests page.

Title IX 

80% of our colleges are using this question to facilitate their Title IX survey

This question is part of the Needs & Interests page which is scheduled to be removed from the application in the June 2019 release (Q4 - v.6.5.0).

NOTE: Colleges will have the opportunity to "opt-in" to continue displaying the Needs & Interests page by written request.

Programs & ServicesNeeds & Interests

Summary of values stored in the system ni_id table



Remove this question from the application for all users by default. 

Implement the ability for colleges to "opt-in" to continue displaying the full Needs & Interests page.

Needed for colleges using MyPath

This question is part of the Needs & Interests page which is scheduled to be removed from the application in the June 2019 release (Q4 - v.6.5.0).

NOTE: Colleges will have the opportunity to "opt-in" to continue displaying the Needs & Interests page by written request.

Out-of-State Activities Residency Questions


Revise the format of the four "Out-Of-State" questions from four separate Yes/No radio button questions with conditional "Year" field to one question and change the radio buttons to checkboxes and set the default to "No".

In effect, this removes three questions from the application.

"As of <RDD minus 2 years>, have you engaged in any of the following activities? Check each activity that applies." 

  •  I paid taxes outside of California
  •  I registered to vote outside of California
  •  I attended a college or university outside of California
  •  I filed for a lawsuit or divorce outside of California

This set of questions is required to determine residency.

This change was made to CCCApply in Release #3 March

16, 2019  (v.6.4.0)

16, 2019  (v.6.4.0)

In 2018, the percentages of Yes responses across all Out-of-State activities:

<ca_outside_tax> = 1.5%
<ca_outside_voted> = 1.1%
<ca_outside_college> = .005%
<ca_outside_lawsuit> = .001%

Special Residency SectionResidencyLayout changeREVISE

Move the Special Residency section down below the "Out of State Activities" section and implement skip logic to hide the first three questions in Special Residency unless...

  • IF applicant answers YES to the new OOS Activity question, THEN, display the three Special Residency questions shown below, otherwise do not display those questions and implement "Null" value

  • Seasonal Agricultural Worker
  • F/T Public School Employee
  • F/T State University Employee
NOTE: No change to the Homeless Youth or Foster Youth questions. These would ALWAYS display on screen as currently implemented.
  • .

Hiding the first three questions will shorten the application process for 97.2% of users

This change was made to CCCApply in Release #3 March 16

, 2019  (v.6.4.0)

, 2019  (v.6.4.0)

2018 Data
*Based on 2,451,319 applications submitted by 12/15/18

Special Residency:
Seasonal Worker

Have you been employed as a seasonal agricultural worker for at least a total of two months in each of the past two years?



Remove this question from the application unless user answers Yes to the Out-of-State activity question

Shortens app for 97.4% of users

This change was made to CCCApply in Release #3 March 16, 2019  (v.6.4.0)

Special Residency:
Public School Employee

Are you a full-time credentialed employee of a California public school enrolling in college for purposes of fulfilling credential-related requirements?



Remove this question from the application user answers Yes to the Out-of-State activity question

Shortens app for 97.2% of users

This change was made to CCCApply in Release #3 March 16, 2019  (v.6.4.0)

Special Residency:
State University Employee

Are you or your spouse a full-time employee of any of the following colleges/universities?



Remove this question from the application user answers Yes to the Out-of-State activity question

Shortens app for 97.4% of users

This change was made to CCCApply in Release #3 March 16, 2019  (v.6.4.0)

Enrollment Status

(Hide College Education & Colleges Attended if first time in College)

Education page<enroll_status>REMOVE & REVISE

Add skip logic to the Enrollment Status question to 


remove the College Education & Colleges/Universities Attended sections IF user selects:

  • 1  = First-time student in college (after leaving high school

  • )

Shortens application for 40% of users

This change was made to CCCApply in Release #3 March 16, 2019  (v.6.4.0)

In 2018*, enrollment status breakdown is as follows:

40% = First time student 

48.5% = returning to college

11.5% = Dual enrollment (high school or lower grade)

*Based on 2,451,319 applications submitted by 12/15/18

Colleges/Universities AttendedAttendance Dates<attendance_from>
REMOVERemove the attendance dates in the Colleges/Universities Attended section when user is reporting prior college attendanceTBDTBD
SSN Encouragement Pop-upEdit Account & Account Mailing<ssn_encouragement>REMOVERemove the SSN Encouragement pop-up box which natters (reminds) students who have not provided their SSN to complete the SSN question. 
This change was made to CCCApply in Release #1 September 2018 (v.6.2.0)
Introduction PageIntroduction Page

Remove the Introduction page from the application for all users.  

This eliminates three clicks for every student in the application workflow.

This change was made to CCCApply in Release #1 September 2018 (v.6.2.0)
Review Application PageReview Application Page
REMOVERemove the Review Application page from being a required page and set of clicks in the application workflow for all users. Move to the Submission page as an optional, collapsed function hidden behind a button.
This change was made to CCCApply in Release #1 September 2018 (v.6.2.0)
Consent to Release Information PageConsent to Release Information
REMOVERemove the Consent to Release Information page from being a separate page (and set of clicks) in the application workflow for all users. Move to the Submission page.
This change was made to CCCApply in Release #1 September 2018 (v.6.2.0)
Personal Information pageDemographic Information page
RENAME & MOVERename the Personal Information page to the Demographic Information page and move to the end of the application workflow.  This will decrease the number of students abandoning the application because they will be more invested in completing the process.
This change was made to CCCApply in Release #1 September 2018 (v.6.2.0)