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Release Schedule


Date & Time


Release No.




UAT Pilot Release

6.28.18  12:00PM

Apply & Admin 2.0Pilot Update (1.0.1)7.12.18 - 8:00AMAdministrator 2.0Pilot Update (1.0.2)


- 8:00AMAdministrator 2.0Pilot Update (1.0.3)9.06.18 - 5:00PMAdministrator 2.0Pilot Update (1.0.4)9.14.18 - 12:00PMCCCApply ApplicationsProduction Black-Out9.25

Production Release

12.07.18 - 6:00PM

(No further data changes)Admin 1.0

Production Release

9.30.18 - 12:00PM - 5:00PM



Release TypeMaintenance Window |
Minor Release





OpenCCC Account
CCCApply Standard Application (Apply)
CCCApply International Application (IA)
CC Promise Grant Application (BOG)CCCApply Administrator 2.0 (Admin 2.0)
SSO Proxy User Interface

Changes to Residency LogicNo
Changes to Download ClientYes - (Download Client Jar 6.23.0)
Changes to AdministratorYes - (New College URLs)No
Changes to Report CenterYes - (New College URLs)No
Changes to DocumentationYes - New CCCApply Administrator 2.0 User GuideData Dictionaries & User Guides


Table of Contents

Release Scope  

#Change RequirementApplicationNotes

New Race & Ethnicity Disaggregation Implementation 

CCCApply Standard
& International

2019-2029 CC Promise Grant Application 

CC Promise Grant ApplicationWill become available on January 1, 2019

OpenCCC User Interface Update -


Align to MyPath Styles

CCCApply Standard Application
OpenCCC Account Creation, Edit Account, Recover Account

CCCApply Standard App - User Interface Update -


 Align to MyPath Styles

CCCApply Standard Application

CC Promise Grant - User Interface Update -


 Align to MyPath Styles

CCCApply Standard
CC Promise Grant Application

International App - User Interface Update -


 Align to MyPath Styles

International Application
7Fraud Web Service - App Export Hotfix CCCApply Standard Application

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Release Summary & Strategy

The CCCApply Release 6.23.0 combines the efforts of three project teams, closely coordinated to support the CCCApply 2018 annual update traditional fall release, which primarily consists of the development and integration of the new version of the CCCApply Administrator 2.0 and the launch of a new shared SSO-based staff and faculty "user and access management" system called the CCC Administrator

  • The new CCCApply Administrator 2.0 upgrade will completely replace the current version of the CCCApply Administrator (Admin 1.0), which means that all 110 colleges that have adopted the CCCApply applications will be affected by the cut-over of users and data to the new system as part of this deployment.  
  • Therefore, implementation support and online materials are available to help colleges with pre-migration data review, IT and operations tasks, implementation and training. To schedule a one-on-one support session for the purposes of walking you through the migration and implementation process, please Schedule A Support Session as soon as possible.

    Overall, Minimal Changes to CCCApply Applications - No New Required Data Fields

    The good news is there are

    is a minor release on the FY2019 release roadmap, featuring a feature upgrade to the Race & Ethnicity section in CCCApply (Standard & International) applications.  This implementation was is under the direction of the CCCApply Redesign effort under the direction of the CCC Chancellor's Office. The scope includes a significant change to the Race & Ethnicity section in the Demographic Information page in the Standard & International applications, and a set of styling changes for the purpose of aligning the admission applications to the existing look of the CCCMyPath portal. 

    Due to the tight timeline of this release, the Pilot environment release is scheduled for November 19, which provides only  Pilot preview period  disaggregation implementation, proposed by the RP Group and approved by the Chancellor's Office  one major   - in but includes an important change to the highly regulated Race & Ethnicity section in CCCApply (Standard & International). The change includes a new layout of expand/collapse high-level race groups and nearly 200 new ethnicity options xyz.  Because the Race & Ethnicity data is regulated by the federal government and managed by the Office of Civil Rights, the  very few changes to the CCCApply applications themselves in this release. There are no new required questions or data fields that need to be added to data downloads. We took advantage of this release to fix a long list of bugs and technical debt issues across Apply, Promise Grant, and International which are listed below (by Application).   

    New Spam Filter Web Service 

    However, one new service being added to the CCCApply Standard application - the Spam Filter Web Service - is being implemented to combat the large number of fraudulent applications coming in through the Standard application. This service does have a required user component that colleges will need to monitor regularly in order to ensure the machine-learning prediction model behind the service continues to grow, learn and identify fraud as the spammers change their tactics to avoid being detected. This service sits in the post-submission application pipeline and will not affect the user experience; however colleges will be given training on how to monitor and process spam applications through the new CCCApply Administrator 2.0 as part of their implementation & UAT session.

    Release Strategy

    On June 28, 2018, the Pilot versions of the CCCApply Administrator v.2.0 - along with the new core CCC Administrator platform - was released to the Pilot environment. All college pilot data was migrated over to the new Admin 2.0 system, which is now fully integrated with the Pilot CCCApply applications, database(s), download servers, and Report Center.

    titleCCCApply Administrator 1.0 - LIVE through production release on September 28

    The existing Production CCCApply Admin 1.0 system will remain live and accessible to all CCCApply college users up to the production release on September 28. Colleges will continue to use their existing college URLs and user accounts to access their CCCApply admin data and settings. 

    Pilot Release & Recurring Updates

    Due to the tight timeline for this release, the Pilot Preview period has been reduced to two weeks from the Production release on December 7.

    • November 19 (Pilot 1.0):  Initial Pilot environment deployment

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    Pilot User Acceptance Testing Plan

    Release Schedule & Timeline

    • November 19 - 9:00AM - 4:00PM (Note the Pilot Site will be down during this release).
    • December 7 - 6:00PM - 11:00PM - Production Maintenance Window

    NOTE: Due to the tight timeline for this release, the Pilot Preview period will span from November 19 - December 7.

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    Pilot User Acceptance Testing Plan

    UAT and implementation support in the Pilot Environment will commence as early as the evening of November 19, following the Pilot release scheduled for morning.

    The objectives for the user testing include:  

    • Ensure colleges are able to get race group, hispanic, and race ethnicity data in a format consistent with their legacy format when they add the new data field to their downloads or not
    • Ensure colleges are able to get the legacy data formats if they do nothing - if they don't add the new field and they don't run the jar file
    • Colleges are able to get the legacy R&E data format in addition to the new Full R&E data if they add the new field and run the jar file


    The new Race & Ethnicity Implementation 2018 is a revision to the highly regulated, Race & Ethnicity section in CCCApply which is protected by federal law and the Office of Civil Rights and aligns to MIS reporting requirements (SB29). The new implementation will be in place before the MIS requirements, which will align closely to these changes but will not be instituted until Fall 2019. Therefore our goal for this roll-out is twofold: 1) implement the new layout, race groups and extensive ethnicity values so that researchers can start collecting data in this area; and 2) but provide colleges with a smooth transition relative to data collection by giving them the same download formats they are getting now in addition to the new data, by way of a new data field (race_ethnic_full). 

    Colleges that want to collect the new data should add the new data field to their download files and update the download jar file.

    UAT Participating Colleges

    We will do UAT testing for all three SIS systems:

    • Bakersfield College (Banner)
    • Butte College (Colleague)
    • Cerritos, Palomar (PeopleSoft)

    Pilot Success Criteria

    • Colleges are able to get the legacy R&E data format either way: if they add the new data field or not
    • Colleges are able to get the legacy R&E data format if they do nothing - if they don't add the new field and they don't run the jar file
    • Colleges are able to get the legacy R&E data format in addition to the new Full R&E data if they add the new field and run the jar file
    • Colleges are able to comply with MIS requirements successfully with the new R&E implementation in place

    UAT Instructions to Colleges

    • Use the updated specs for each repurposed and new data field and make necessary changes specified in the CCCApply & International Data Dictionary (v.6.3.0)
    • Update your Pilot Standard App & International App Format Definition XML files - as detailed below:
      • Add the new race & ethnicity FULL data field to the Format XML
        • CCCApply:  <race_ethnic_full>
        • International:  <race_ethnic_full>
      • Update the format spec for the existing <race_ethnic> fields in both applications:
        • remove spaces in the comma-delimited format
        • Note: the data field has a slightly different name in the International application:  <race_ethnicity>
    • Update your custom Import file or process to absorb the changes and the new FULL data field - for Pilot & Production
    • Update the Pilot Download Jar file with the latest version (v.6.3.0)
    • Run a test download Job in the Pilot environment

    Feedback & Resolution Process 

    • Feedback should be categorized as bugs and enhancements. Only Severity 1 issues (issues that prevent critical business functions from being accomplished) will be considered as release blockers.
    • Reporting: User feedback should be noted in the result section. The following criteria should be followed and documented:
      • Any identified bugs with severity and priority 
      • Enhancement requests with priority identified

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    Data Dictionaries & Release Documentation

    The following links point to the most current versions of the CCCApply Data Dictionaries and User Guides.

    DescriptionVersion / FILEFormatReleaseDate Published
    CCCApply Standard Application Data DictionaryV.2018.1PDFRelease
    Download Client transfer-client-V.6.2.0V.
    CCCApply International Application Data DictionaryV2017.2PDFRelease 6.1.0No change for 6.1.2

    Changes to the OpenCCC Account

    The following changes were implemented in the 6.2.0 release. 

    Change Specification
    New Data Field or Change to Data Values
    Change to Logic

    Update logic and text in the Birthdate <birthdate> field to allow users under the age of 13 to create an OpenCCC Account

    Per clarification of the COPPA laws, students under the age of 13 are eligible to create an OpenCCC account as the purpose of the account is related to educational institutions, and the educational journey of the student, and required to apply to a California Community College. 


    Removed logic that prevents users under the age of 13 to create an OpenCCC Account based on their date of birth.

    Changes to the CCCApply Standard & International Applications

    The following changes were implemented in the 6.2.0 release code.

    Change Specification
    New Data Fields or
    Changes to Data Values
    Change to Logic
    Spam Monitoring & Email Notifications

    Standard Application Only. To support college's adapt to the new spam filter, monitoring has been implemented to alert the college by email if one or more submitted applications has been suspended in the Spam Filter (Summary Table). The two email messages are: 

    • Daily Spam Alert Email:  Sends an email to the Admissions Office Contact Email" to alert the college that one or more applications have been suspended from the post-submission download process and need to be managed in the Spam Filter User Interface in the new CCCApply Admin 2.0.
    • Reminder Spam Alert Email: Sends an email to the Admissions Office Contact Email" to alert the college that one or more applications has been sitting in the suspension folder (Spam Filter User Interface) for 3 days or more. This email alert is a reminder to the college that all applications suspended in the Spam Filter need to be "confirmed" by the college in order for the model to continue to grow and learn.  

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    Changes to the Promise Grant Application (BOG)

    The following changes were implemented in the 6.2.0 release code.

    Change Specification
    New Data Fields or
    Changes to Data Values
    Change to Logic
    Implement 2019-2020 CC Promise Grant Application 

    2019-2020 CC Promise Grant Application. 

    All Bug Fixes

    The following bugs or defects were fixed in this release. They are displayed below 

    Area or Section

    Bug DescriptionNotes

    OpenCCC Account Bugs

    Account CreationImproved Password hashing

    Standard Application Bugs

    Post Submission

    Application surveys are not being pushed to submitted_applications database

    CC Promise Grant Application Bugs

    Account / Mailing Information

    Fixed issue where editing the Date of Birth Year didn't change options in the BOG Application

    International Application Bugs

    General Application

    Implemented logic to make checkbox fields behave consistently throughout the application and across applications. Any time a checkbox hides a field, and the checkbox is cleared, the data will be restored to the field if they re-check the box if the page hasn't been Saved first.

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    Changes to the Download Client

    The following fields have been added or have been revised in the database. Please see specific implementation steps to update your files and download client below.


    Reminder: In order for your college to download the new Race & Ethnicities added to the legacy race & ethnicity section in this release, you must update your Download Format Definitions XML file(s) for CCCApply Standard and International Applications, AND you must update your Download Client with the new Jar file v.6.3.0.  Find the latest Jar file here: User Guides



    Data Field




    NoNOTE: There was no changes made to this data field in the database; no changes are required to your download files.
    REVISEDRace Group<race_group>character varying (60)


    OPTIONAL field added to the Majors module in the Administrator. 
    REVISEDRace Ethnicity (Aligns to MIS SB29)



    character varying (100)No

    OPTIONAL field added to the Majors module in the Administrator. 

    NOTE: Major categories must be separated by a comma in the export formatting. 

    NEWNEW!  Race Ethnicity Full



    character varying (100)No

    OPTIONAL field added to the Majors module in the Administrator. 

    NOTE: Major categories must be separated by a comma in the export formatting.