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The Pilot environment release is scheduled for April 12, 2024.

Release Schedule

CCCApply v.6.14.5 will be deployed:

  • To pilot environment: April 16, 2024

  • Pilot refresh: April 25, 2024TBD

  • To production: May 3, 2024


College Action Recommended. See ImplementationNotes section below for more information.

On This Page

Table of Contents

Release Summary

  • New Enhancement: Education Goal/Majors Filter for Associate Degrees in CCCApply

User Information

The Education Goal/Majors Filter for Associate Degrees enhancement streamlines the user interface and flow for applicants seeking to obtain an Associate degree and transfer to a 4-year university.

Implementation Notes

The new Education Goal/Majors Filter for Associate Degrees filter is optional. Colleges are not required to implement the filter; however, enabling the filter does require some preparation and additional configuration of your CCCApply majors (and categories, if implemented) including setting an award type value each major and possible reformatting of your Majors CSV import file.

Feature Enhancement

New Education Goal/Majors Filter for Associate Degrees

In support of AB-928: Student Transfer Achievement Reform Act of 2021, CCCApply has implemented a simple display filter to the CCCApply user interface that - if enabled by the college - will show applicants only associate degrees and transfer degree programs based on their education goal selection. In Phase 1, the education goal that triggers the display filter is “Obtain an Associate degree and transfer to a 4-year institution”. By hiding programs that do not lead to a degree and/or transfer, the student will be able to focus on the Majors and categories that align with their goals.


How It Works for Colleges

Colleges have the ability to enable/disable the filter in the CCCApply Administrator at any time via checkbox added to the Majors summary page. By default the filter will be disabled, allowing colleges as much time as necessary to prepare their majors and categories before enabling the filter (reminder: major categories are optional).

When enabled, the display filtering of the majors is based on the Award Type value set and the Education Goal option selected by the student. That’s really it.

If enabled - and if the applicant selects the ed goal option to “Obtain an Associate degree and transfer to a 4-year institution” - only the majors (and categories) that have one of the following award types* values set - to the applicant in the Intended Major or Program of Study drop down:

  • AA_T = Associate of Arts Degree for Transfer

  • AS_T = Associate of Science Degree for Transfer

  • AA_degree = Associate of Arts Degree

  • AS_degree = Associate of Science Degree

Note: Majors display to students alphabetically based on its major description <major_description> defined by the college. Major descriptions can be edited at any time. If the filter is enabled and the applicant selects the Education Goal menu option to “Obtain an Associate degree and transfer to a 4-year institution”, the majors (and categories, if implemented) with one of the specified award types* will be included in the list.


See the links below for preparing your majors and categories for the filter and steps for testing your filter configuration. Colleges are encouraged to reach out to Enabling Services for assistance following the Pilot release for implementation documentation and assistance configuring their Majors for the filter.

Workflow Diagram

AB928 - Ed Goal Filter Flow - Page 1.png


Coming Soon: See more details in the Education Goal/Majors Filter for Associate Degrees Enhancement document.

Enabling & Configuring the Ed Goal/Majors Filter

Implementing the Education Goal/Majors Filter for Associate Degrees is optional, and colleges have the ability to enable/disable the filter themselves in the CCCApply Administrator.

To get started, please review the following sections of the CCCApply Administrator User Guide:


See a breakdown of How Your Majors & Categories Display in the CCCApply Applications when Major categories and filters are implemented.


Pilot Preview & Testing
During the Pilot release preview period, your feedback is essential towards ensuring the CCCApply Ed Goal/Majors Filter enhancement is operating correctly and implemented successfully. If you have questions, suggestions, or need to report an issue, please contact our Enabling Services implementation team at

Data Access & Delivery


There are no new or deprecated data fields associated with the Ed Goal/Majors Filter enhancement (CCCApply v.6.14.5).
The information below provides general information regarding data access and delivery for CCCApply and other Student Success Suite applications and services.

Superglue for Apply

As new features and functionality are developed for CCCApply and other systemwide technology applications, it may be necessary for colleges to upgrade their existing Superglue College Adaptor schema to the latest version. For information about the Superglue College Adaptor and your current schema version, please contact your College Experience Manager at Enabling Services for assistance.

Data Warehouse Access

All CCCApply and Student Success Suite data fields are ultimately stored in the CCC Data Warehouse which can be accessed directly via the Data Warehouse Direct Access Connection service and/or, for authorized admins and staff, through the Data Warehouse Report Server.


CCCApply Admin Tools
College staff can access all the new data fields in the CCCApply Report Center for ad hoc reporting. They also have the ability to create custom email rules and messages with the fields in the CCCApply Administrator.


Reminder:The CCCApply Download Client reached end-of-life on June 30, 2023. The service is no longer support and the Download server is scheduled to be taken offline on March 31, 2024.

Pilot Testing: Send Your Feedback

Pilot testing for CCCApply v.6.15 begins on April 13, 2024. After this date, colleges may continue to test the new features of this release in the Pilot environment and send feedback. Pilot and Production deployments are announced on

See the pilot testing instructions below. Communicate your pilot test feedback or log any bugs with our Staff Support team:

Testing Instructions for CCCApply Standard Application

  1. Navigate to your college’s Pilot CCCApply Administrator and sign in with your authorized staff admin account.

  2. From the CCC Administrator homepage, select CCCApply Administrator from the Administrators drop down menu.

  3. From the CCCApply Administrator landing page, select CCCApply Application from the Applications menu.

  4. Select the Majors from the module toolbar to review and configure your majors and categories for the Ed Goal/Majors Filter.

  5. Once your Majors have been configured for the filter, check the Enable Major Transfer Filter toggle on the Majors summary page. After checking the box (enabling the filter) sign out of the CCCApply Administrator completely (both windows) and close both tabs.
    (Following sign out you may return to the Majors module by following the instructions above.)

  6. Test your configuration in your college’s Pilot CCCApply application. If necessary, return to the Administrator to make any modifications.

  7. As an alternative to using your college’s Pilot application, use our “Unicollege” test college today using the link in the blue highlight box below.

  8. Sign in with an existing Pilot OpenCCC student account or create a Pilot OpenCCC account for testing.

  9. From the Enrollment page, select “Obtain an Associate degree and transfer to a 4-year institution” from the Education Goal menu to see your Intended Major or Program of Study list filtered for Associate degrees and transfer degrees. To see ALL Majors, select any other Education Goal option.


Reminder: Each CCCApply development environment requires a unique OpenCCC sign in account to access the applications; one for the Pilot environment and one for the live Production environment.

Sending Feedback

Don’t forget to tell us of any issues you encountered during your testing. Send feedback or log any bugs with our Staff Support team:


Forgot to Bookmark Your Pilot Application? Use our generic test college in the pilot environment.

Copy the Unicollege link above and replace the ZZ1 at the end of the URL with your college’s MIS code.

Implementation & Support 

To get started with onboarding, implementation and deployment, or support for a service update for any Student Success Suite technology solution provided through the CCC Technology Center, please contact the CCCTC Enabling Services office for free consultation and/or support services. Please contact your College Experience Manager who can guide you every step of the way.  

Enabling Services

Onboarding & Implementation Services


College Support Services


Support for Colleges


NEW! Support for Colleges space for troubleshooting guides and FAQs.

College Staff Support


Online Support Community


Support for Students

CCC Helpdesk

Phone: (877) 247-4836 or
TTY: (877) 836-9332

Online Support Community



24/7 Student Support: The CCC Helpdesk provides account recovery help for students by phone at (877) 247-4836, or via the online support community.


Product and user documentation is updated and published as needed with each Student Success Suite release.

Feature Documentation


Brief Description


Release Version

Date Published

CCCApply Administrator User Guide

College-facing configuration and user guide for the CCCApply Administrator.





Data Dictionaries & User Guides


All Data Dictionaries and User Guides for this release are posted in the CCCApply Public Documentation space..


Doc Version / FILE



Date Published

CCCApply Standard & Noncredit Application Data Dictionary


SuperGlue for Apply Data Table Mappings


Documentation Sites