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Request No.2018-24 
Date of Request


Revised 10-11-18 

Patty Donohue
CCCApply Redesign Workgroup

CCCApply Steering Committee 
(Phase 1) 
Standard Application
Section / Page
Branch at the Enrollment page 
Unique College-Branded Noncredit URL
Approval Status
Proposed Change to Download FileYes 
Proposed Change to Residency LogicYes 

Table of Contents

Business Need

Implement a workflow path in CCCApply for "non-creditNoncredit" students , who are exempt from residency determination Existing law requires each student because they are enrolling exclusively in noncredit courses.

Until mid-2018, existing law required all students to be classified as a resident or nonresident at a California community college [for instruction provided to the student at the CCCs]. The recently . However, the recently passed Assembly Bill 3101 (AB3101)  would exempt a student seeking to enroll exclusively in career development and allows an exemption for students seeking to enroll exclusively in career development, college preparation courses, and other courses other courses for which no credit is given, from community college residency  from community college residency classification requirements.

The application therefore Therefore, the CCCApply application process needs to be updated to exempt non-credit students from the residency determination, and only collect data that is :

  • collect information/data on all students
  • provide colleges with an electronic admission application for noncredit students
  • exempt noncredit students from the residency determination
  • only collect data that is required by the federal gov, state law, or that is otherwise necessary at the time of application

Proposed Solution

The goal of the CCCApply Redesign Workgroup is to implement a solution by March 1, 2019 - possibly a short-term solution until the next version of CCCApply is developed (tentative TBD 2020 release)  in order to support students applying for Fall 2019 classes. The Workgroup put together a sub-committee to review which questions were no longer required now that residency determination is no longer required for non-credit students. One such meeting was held on October 11, 2018, which reviewed the language in the assembly bill and the objectives of the Workgroup.  The change requirements that resulted from one or more meetings are outlined (detailed) in the Change Requirements section below.

Additional Information


With the passage of Assembly Bill 3101, CCCApply has been working with the Chancellor's Office to determine how to comply with the new legislation requirements pertaining to non-credit students and their exemption from residency determination when enrolling exclusively in free, not-for-credit courses in the CCC system. 

In June 2018, the Chancellor's Office - led by V.C. Omid Pourzanjani, started a workgroup of stakeholders across the system called the CCCApply Redesign Workgroup. One of the sub-committees of that main group was dedicated to this non-credit revision issues.  The change requirements below were identified by way of this sub-committee.  Several options have been explored, including:

  • Option 1: Revise the Standard Application to include a non-credit "path" which would exempt the non-credit student from the residency determination. Ask the student to self-identify and then branch out or add skip logic to hide questions that are not applicable to the student
  • Option 2: Continue to allow colleges to use paper and other outside application methods for non-credit
  • Option 3: Modify the current Standard Application for non-credit and use a separate URL to differentiate between the Credit and Non-Credit applications.

Another immediate problem/issue is the timeline/schedule that the Chancellor's Office is requesting for one or more solutions in the short-term.  The goal is to have CCCApply revised by March 1, 2019 in order to support students applying for Fall 2019 classes. The Workgroup has put together a sub-committee to review which questions were no longer required now that residency determination is no longer required for non-credit students. One such meeting was held on October 11, 2018, which reviewed the language in the assembly bill and the objectives of the Workgroup.  The change requirements that resulted from one or more meetings are outlined (detailed) in the Change Requirements section below.

Change Requirements


The following change requirements were approved 10.26.18 by the CCCApply Redesign Workgroup.

The CCCApply Standard Application should be used for all students: Credit and Non-Credit
Revise the CCCApply Standard application to include two workflow paths, one that determines residency (Standard Credit) and one that is exempt from residency determination (Non-Credit)
The two workflow paths would be:
Standard Credit Path (includes residency determination) - For students seeking college credits for courses taken at a California community college. 
For all intents and purposes, this is the current Standard application - including all existing logic, services, field and error validation, pre- and post-submission services and processes (no change to the residency algorithm submission calculation service). 
To comply with AB3101, some questions/fields in OpenCCC and the Standard Application will be removed, revised, or hidden via skip logic, in order to ONLY collect data that is required by the federal government, state law, or that is otherwise required during the application process. These changes will be specified in a separate change request(2018-38: Questions to be revised or removed to comply with AB3101)  
Non-Credit Path: (does not include residency determination) - For students seeking to enroll exclusively in career development and college preparation courses, and other courses for which NO credit is given, this "path" is a variation of the Standard Application - accessed from a separate, unique URL - that uses skip logic to hide pages and questions, and collects only the data required by the federal government, state law, or that is otherwise necessary to uniquely identify the student during the application process. 
To comply with AB3101, this path will bypass/exempt the student from residency determination, including the residency submission calculation service,  and only display a set of questions that are required by the federal government, state law, or that are otherwise necessary to uniquely identify the student, during the application process.
The Standard "Credit" path is the Standard Application and will not change in this implementation 
  • If the applicant intends to enroll in one or more college credit course(s), they will use the existing college-branded application URL (or the generic, unauthenticated version via MyPath).  and complete all questions required to determine California residency; and questions required by the federal government, state law, and other necessary requirements; 
  • The Standard "Credit" workflow path will not change how it calculates the residency status implemented today;
  • The Standard "Credit" workflow path will not change any post-submissions processes, web services, calculations (residency, AB540, financial aid) etc. 
  • NOTE: All proposed changes to the Standard "Credit" path will be detailed in (2018-38: Questions to be revised or removed to comply with AB3101)
     The Non-Credit path SHOULD include the following questions required by state, local & federal mandates, as well as questions required to identify the student
  • All questions in the OpenCCC Account will be required in order to identify the student at the college, for OpenCCC account creation (CCCID) and account recovery, for federal IRS requirement
  • All questions on the Enrollment page (Term, Ed Goal, and Major) will be required 
  • All questions on the Account Info/Mailing page will be required - including the "Dependency Status" (Minors) question
  • All questions on the Education page will be required*
  • The "Programs & Services" checkbox section on the Needs & Interests page will remain
  • All questions on the Demographic Information page will be included
  • All questions on the Review, Consent & Submit page would be required
    The Non-Credit path SHOULD NOT include the following questions required exclusively to determine residency, or that are not required at the time of application
  • The Citizenship & Military page will be hidden from the applicant completely - (all questions on the Citizenship & Military page)
  • The Residency page will be hidden completely from the applicant - (all questions on the Residency page)
  • The following questions should be hidden from the applicant on the Needs & Interests page:
  • Main Language section: Are you comfortable reading and writing English?
  • Financial Assistance section:
    1. Are you interested in receiving information about money for college?
    2. Are you receiving TANF/CalWORKs, SSI, or General Assistance?
  • Athletic Interest set of fields:Are you interested in participating in a sport while attending college?
  • Yes, I am interested in participating in one or more sports, including the possibility of participating of playing on an intra-collegiate team.
  • Yes, I am interested in intramural or club sports, but not in playing on an intercollegiate team.
  • No, I am not interested in participating in a sport (beyond taking a P.E. classes).
  • Revise the Residency Status field and other specified residency logic changes
    1. To comply with the new residency exemption for Non-credit students in AB3101 - revise the Residency Status field to include a new value for "exempt" status
    2. Add a new value to the Residency Status field <res_status> for the "non-credit / exempt" status (= exempt from residency determination) TBD
    3. Suggestion: Add a value to the existing download values <res_status = N  or = 0 (zero)>
    4. Ensure all applicants via the "Non-Credit Application" default to the exempt status
  •  Add a new Integrity Flag (81) for "Non-Credit / Residency Exempt"-
  • Upon submission of application, IF "Non-Credit Status" = Yes (or indicates the student was exempted from residency determination) then set new flag 81 on Table G
  • Flag 81 will indicate that the res_status field is set to "non-credit/exempt" value
    Implement logic to allow a student who has submitted a non-credit application to re-apply to the same term, same college using the Standard Application one time, if they plan to transition from NC to Credit status or if they plan to enroll in one or more "for credit" courses
    NOTE: Current functionality restricts applicants from submit more than one application to the same Term at the same college. However, for this NC application proposal to work, we'd need to change the restriction and allow this process (be able to submit another application).
  • Implement logic in CCCApply to allow a non-credit student ONLY to re-apply (submit another application) to the same college for the same Term in order to transition from "Non-Credit" status to "Credit" status (in order to change their intention to exclusively enroll in non-credit courses - or enroll in one or more "for credit" courses).
  • Logic should be in place to prevent a duplicate status from being submitted (for example, if the first application was for Non-Credit, they should only re-apply as a Credit status)
    1. A full breakdown of use cases has been compiled to ensure functionality is in place- 
    2. Don't allow a duplicate Credit application to be submitted 
  • Implement ability to change the "Non-Credit Status" value in the <res_status> db
  • The response to the qualifying question will set the student on the standard credit workflow path, displaying all 
  • The re-application will require the student to answer required questions to determine residency, but will auto-populate all previously submitted responses during the non-credit path

    Additional Requirements & Considerations

    Workflow Considerations

    The bullets below include additional requirements and considerations that need to be included in the overall implementation.  Can you think of any other ones?


    • The "Non-Credit Application" has a college-branded, tiny-URL redirect and an official name 
    • Each college must have a unique URL
    • Colleges need to be able to easily identify that the student completed the NC path in their downloads/reports
    • We need to figure out any/all download client issues
    • The Non-Credit path should still function and adhere to all existing CCCApply standard application pre- and post-submission functionality, logic, and processes; such as:
      • All applications should still start the same way as they do today - from the My Applications page (started or resumed) or auto-direct from Account Creation (new Account applicants)
      • All applications must be able to be Saved and Resumed at any time
      • Resumed from the My Applications page 
      • Must still be auto-populated when a returning applicant starts a new application in CCCApply within 2 years of last application submitted
      • Adhere to all post-submission pages, processes, web services, and activities
      • Auto-populated from previously submitted application data 

    Considerations for students on the NC workflow path...

    • Must still see and respond to the Review App / "Consent to Release Information" / Submit page
    • Must still go through the Electronic Signature process (VERY important)
    • Must still Submit their application
    • Must still see the Confirmation page with all existing confirmation data (CCCID, confirmation number, etc.)
    • Must still see the Student Satisfaction Survey 
    • Must still see the Special Links & Opportunities page (TBD)
    • Must still be redirected into MyPath if college has adopted MyPath
    • Must still be routed through the Spam Filter web service and all other integrated post-submission web services (CCGI, CDE, student profile, etc.)
    • Must be included in the Download Client, Super Glue Jar files and all data must appear in the Report Center
    • Must still integrate with the CCCApply Administrator for the configuration of custom Terms, Majors, Major Categories, Spam Filter, Reset Downloads
    • Must still appear in the Submitted Applications and/or Resume Your Application tables in the My Applications page 

    Implementation & Communication Requirements

    The bullets below represent requirements that should be considered for communicating this change to colleges and the system overall.  Can you think of any other ones?
    • Communication with SIS vendors is CRITICAL - We must have a plan in place by end of November to get their buy-in.
    • Communication with colleges is CRITICAL - We must have a plan in place by end of November to get their buy-in.
    • Colleges MUST be informed about this impending change ASAP - We must have a plan in place by end of November to get their buy-in.

    Sub-Committee Meetings


    NOTE:  These meeting notes are for reference purposes ONLY.  They contain discussion details and proposal specs for a previous draft of the Non-Credit Workflow that as DECLINED by the CCCCO, CCCApply Redesign Workgroup on 10.26.18.

    Meeting DateNotes10.26.18 Workgroup meeting

    The proposal to add the new "Course Credit Status" question to the Enrollment page, asking students to "self-identify" their course credit status (credit vs. non-credit) was DECLINED by the committee 

    After presenting the proposal (see full copy of the proposal here: /wiki/spaces/PD/pages/808648705 - the subcommittee heard feedback from the participants.  

    First, Omid and the Workgroup approved the proposal and we were discussing options for the question language and additional requirements, then Tim Calhoon suggested an alternative iterative solution to  implement the "path" of questions and residency status changes, etc. via a separate URL instead of having the additional question added. His rationale was that most colleges with non-credit application processes outside of using CCCApply as-is, are not having students self-identify, but rather they are guiding the student to the paper app or non-credit online process through a lab or other advisory session. Therefore, we should not rush into a self-identifying process at this time and just move forward with the rest of the proposal (i.e., the non-credit path of  questions and special residency-exempt status, etc.).

    Also, this will allow Patty to work with the Ideas42 team (Harrison) to research the best approach and language for a question after engaging students via focus group, mock-ups, etc. 

    The Workgroup committee approved this new approach.  

    Next Steps: Patty to work with Harrison on whether self-identification would work for students and how best to implement that process.  Patty will also work with Harrison on a mock-up of the "path" in order to try it out with students.  

    9.14.18 Workgroup Meeting:
    • Request to implement a new question on the Enrollment page (or the most appropriate place) to identify "non-credit" students.  
    • Workgroup sub-committee was tasked to move this forward ASAP.  
    • CCCapply Redesign Meeting Minutes- 091418.docx

    See the shared Google doc notes from 9.14.18 Workgroup meeting:

    10.11.18 Sub-Committee DiscussionZoom Chat transcript:
    16:07:39 From Mitch Leahy : One thing we will need answered before we revise the app: if non-credit students do not have to complete residency, are they prevented from taking credit courses WITHOUT completing a credit application first?
    16:10:25 From Alejandra Pena : Will this presentation be sent via email as well
    16:10:37 From Mitch Leahy : Another thing- if we use the same app for both credit and non-credit, we need to give non-credit the ability to submit a credit app for the same term after they previously applied for non-credit.
    16:12:03 From Mitch Leahy : If SIS systems are not prepared for credit and non-credit apps, credit students could be self selecting as non-credit students. Then, they could be enrolling in credit courses without having residency collected.
    16:55:29 From Ali Salinas (Riverside City) : Can that question be asked before the Ed Goal, so it can then filter the ed goal so it only displays non-credit ed goals?
    16:57:10 From Ali Salinas (Riverside City) : I agree. The Y/N question needs to show for everyone.
    17:06:20 From Ali Salinas (Riverside City) : Ed goal won't work.
    17:09:11 From Ali Salinas (Riverside City) : Thanks, Patty!
    17:09:36 From Alejandra Pena : Thank you
    17:09:47 From Patty Donohue : Thank you ALL!

    Confirm the questions that should and should NOT be displayed in each workflow path.

    Per the sub-committee discussion on Thursday, October 11, the following pages could be removed completely for Non-Credit Path:  

    • Citizenship/Military
    • Residency

    During the sub-committee meeting, we reviewed each page in the Standard Application and specifically discussed the questions that have been pegged to be removed (not confirmed) by the Workgroup.

    • They agreed that all questions on the Enrollment page should remain and SHOULD be collected for both Credit and Non-Credit students (all applicants)
    • They strongly believe that all the questions on the Education page remain and SHOULD be collected for both Credit and Non-Credit students.
    • They agreed that the Citizenship/Military page is totally related to residency and therefore could be removed from the Non-Credit path.
    • They agreed that the Residency page could be removed from the Non-Credit path.
    • They agree that there are several questions on the Needs & Interest page that could be removed.  
    • They agree that all questions on the Demographic Info page must remain and SHOULD be collected for both Credit and Non-Credit students.

    All questions to be removed or revised should be reviewed with Ideas42 team prior to implementation. 

    Allow the Steering Committee to help to gather & approve these requirements, look for missing links, identify all the use cases, and explore all the implications and unanswered questions around the new AB3101 legislation, it's important that we hear from you to ensure we are combining your collective expertise before making this significant change to CCCApply. 

    Sub-Committee Minutes: 10/11/18 Change Request


    NOTE:  These meeting notes are for reference purposes ONLY.  They contain discussion details and proposal specs for a previous draft of the Non-Credit Workflow that as DECLINED by the CCCCO, CCCApply Redesign Workgroup on 10.26.18.


    Thank you to everyone who attended the CCCApply Non-Credit meeting last Thursday, October 11.  (Please forward this to anyone that I missed who either attended or responded.)



    Thank you to everyone who attended the CCCApply Non-Credit meeting last Thursday, October 11.  (Please forward this to anyone that I missed who either attended or responded.)

    The purpose of this email is to provide a recap of everything that was discussed during the meeting, and request your feedback and acknowledgment of the detailed change requirements captured to implement a "Non-credit Path" in the CCCApply Standard application in order to comply with the new legislation passed in Assembly Bill 3101 - which exempts non-credit students from residency determination and collects only the data required by federal, state, and other necessary requirements at the time of application. The revision to include this new residency exempt path also requires other changes that would allow the student to re-apply to the same term, same college - if the student changes status and then decides to enroll in "for credit" courses.

    Request for Your Acknowledgment of Change Requirements

    Due to the scope of this proposed change to CCCApply, and given the tight timeline/schedule we are trying to meet, we need your continued help in the following ways:

  • Review the Change Requirements that are outlined below and reply back to this email with an acknowledgment that they have been captured and documented accurately per the 10/11 meeting discussion;

    1. Please don't hesitate to call out any issues, omissions, or errors per your recollection
  • Review the Need Requirements section below and provide feedback on the three main items that need confirmed language and functionality. 
  • Course Credit Status question
  • Confirmation pop-up box
  • Help pop-up boxes
  • Additional requirements & considerations

    The goal here is to ensure I have accurately captured the requirements that were discussed throughout the course of the meeting. We covered a lot of ground; especially with regards to the specific questions that should or shouldn't be removed from the Non-Credit Path. These will be reviewed again in a second meeting (watch for meeting request/invite).




    Release Timeline / Schedule

    The anticipated release timeline for this response to AB3101 (Non-credit Path and other streamlining changes) is early March 2019. The exact release date has not be confirmed, but it will be a Friday night as typical of all major CCCApply releases. The first draft of these business and technical requirements need to be approved by Friday, October 26; the second draft scheduled to be confirmed by November 10.

    October 26 - First draft review by Chancellor's Office CCCApply Workgroup
    (We also need your acknowledgment of these requirements by this date. If you can respond sooner - especially regarding the Non-Credit question language (see below) that would be ideal.)

    December 7 - Iterative release (not related to non-credit issue) but may include some back-end preparations

    March 1, 2019 (TBD) - Implementation of the Non-Credit solution

    The goal here is to ensure I have accurately captured the requirements that were discussed throughout the course of the meeting. We covered alot of ground; especially with regards to the specific questions that should or shouldn't be removed from the Non-Credit Path. 

    Thank you so much for your participation in last week's meeting.  We appreciate any additional feedback and participation you are willing to provide to move this forward.

    Non-Credit Sub-Committee Meeting - October 11, 2018

    On Thursday, October 11, 2018, approximately 18 California community college staff members - from non-credit, admissions, and research divisions - met to discuss and gather requirements for modifying CCCApply to comply with AB3101 - which now exempts non-credit students from California community college residency determination and only requires the collection of data that is required by federal government, state law, and other necessary information required to identify students.

    NOTE: The sub-committee is a sub-set of the CCCApply Redesign Workgroup, which meets bi-weekly under the direction of Vice Chancellor Omid Pourzanjani, for the purpose of providing feedback and gathering requirements for the revision of CCCApply in direct response to the new legislation passed in AB3101. 

    Meeting Objectives & Flow of Discussion

    • Review objectives of the CCCApply Redesign Workgroup project and the timeline expectations expressed by the CCCCO.
      • Review AB3101 language and implications on A&R to exempt non-credit students from residency determination
      • Revise CCCApply to support students seeking to enroll exclusively in non-credit courses
      • Streamline the number of questions in CCCApply for all students to remove questions that are not required at the time of application  
    • Review & discuss a proposal to create two unique workflow paths within the existing CCCApply standard application: Credit vs. Non-Credit "paths" using skip logic
    • Review & discuss how to support students transitioning from Non-credit to Credit status within existing CCCApply application
    • Review & discuss proposal to streamline CCCApply Standard Application required questions for all students regardless of the workflow path chosen

    Declined: Proposal to use the Education Goal question to help identify non-credit students

    A proposal was presented to the group asking for feedback on using the Education Goal field response options to help trigger a new "non-credit status" question and data field that would identify/qualify the applicant's intention to enroll in either 1) credit courses or 2) non-credit courses based on the ed goal they selected. The ideas was to look at the existing Ed Goal response options to see if they could be revised and/or re-ordered in the dropdown menu, and based on the option selected, display a new question that would confirm whether they intended to enroll in non-credit courses or not.  This suggestion also proposed a hyperlink to trigger a "help pop-up box" to clarify the Ed Goal response options. 

    This proposal to use the Education Goal field was unanimously rejected by the participants that attended the meeting, citing multiple reasons why using the student's self-reported response would not work for determining the applicant's Credit vs Non-Credit enrollment status.  

    1. The existing response options do not include clear options to determine the student's intention for course enrollment in the term being applied for.
    2. Feedback from students is that the existing response options are too long, too complicated, and they don't read them carefully. Responses tend to be random and uninformed.
    3. The existing response options would need to be shortened, re-worded, and re-ordered into logical groups if these were to be used in identifying the student's credit vs. non-credit status; and that would need to be approved by MIS.

    For reference only:  Notes regarding Non-Credit Grading & Tuition from Mitch Leahy, SRJC


    See Title V - 55022, 55023 (see Chapter 6, Subchapter 1 )

    § 55021. Grading Policies.
    (a) The governing board of each community college district shall establish a uniform grading policy for all colleges within the district. The policy shall be based on sound academic principles and be consistent with the requirements of this chapter.
    (b) The grading policy shall require that all work in all degree-applicable and nondegree-applicable credit courses shall be graded in accordance with a grading system adopted by the governing board consistent with section 55023.
    (c) The grading policy may provide for award of grades in noncredit courses, including courses which are part of a high school diploma program or may be accepted for high school credit by a high school.
    Note: Authority cited: Sections 66700 and 70901, Education Code. Reference: Sections 70901 and 70902, Education Code.
    § 55023. Academic Record Symbols and Grade Point Average.

    Q&A References

    Q. Do I need a Certificate of Residence to register for a noncredit course? A. No. However, you will need photo identification other than a passport.

    Q. Do I get units for noncredit classes? A. No.


    Q. Do I get grades for noncredit classes? A. Yes. Upon completion of a course, students will receive a grade of pass or no pass.

    Q. Can I enroll in a noncredit class and later transfer that course towards a credit certificate? A. No.

    Q. How much does a noncredit certificate cost? A. There is no tuition for noncredit courses. However, a few courses include a fee for materials provided to students. Students are also responsible for the purchase of books and supplies.

    Q. Do I need to apply for admission to the college? A. For noncredit courses, admission to the college as a credit student is not required. There is a short form for noncredit admission.

    Title 5 = 55023

    Notes from Workgroup Meeting 10.26.18

    Proposal to implement new "self-identifying" question  (Course Credit Status) was DECLINED.  See notes in the Sub-Committee Meeting Notes section below for details and Next Steps.   

    APPROVED REQUIREMENTS:  Non-Credit Application Implementation

    Feedback from Sub-Committee Members


    NOTE:  These meeting notes are for reference purposes ONLY.  They contain discussion details and proposal specs for a previous draft of the Non-Credit Workflow that as DECLINED by the CCCCO, CCCApply Redesign Workgroup on 10.26.18.

    << F/U response from Leigh Ann Unger, Rio Hondo College - 10/11/18 >>


    Thank you for your work on all of this. I know it isn’t an easy task and I want you to know we value you and the work that you do.

    I have a few thoughts, take them or leave them, I’m just trying to think outside the box.

    • There was already a lot of “you can’t take that off, we use that” being said yesterday. We have all grown accustom to using the data that is on the application. We are all going to have to learn to change and it isn’t easy.

    As I see it, we need to answer two questions when looking to remove a question from the application;

    1. Is it a mandated question; if yes, then it needs to stay, if not then go to question 2
    2. Can we identify the student and distinguish him/her from others without that specific information? If yes, we really don’t need the question, even though we may want to keep it.
    I know we are in need of removing questions, but what about adding one that will help filter out the questions that are needed for different audiences? Something like:
    • What are your goals in the term for which you are applying?
      • Enrolling in noncredit course(s) to improve my skills and/or prepare myself for college level coursework
      • Enrolling in college credit course(s) while enrolled in high school or adult student
      • Enrolling in college credit course(s)               

    This would not replace the Ed Goal question. That question would still appear for those who are going to take college credit courses.

    When we are ready to go live with the new version of the application with the noncredit adjustments, I think it would be important to share that this is a temporary fix. That we will be looking into a separate noncredit application in the future. However, in the time allowed it was not possible to develop a new application.  

    Leigh Ann

    Leigh Ann Unger, MBA
    Director of Admissions and Records/Registrar

    << End F/U response email >>

    << Feedback from Redesign Workgroup Committee >>
    Craig Hayward, Bakersfield College: Other discussions:
    Continue work on the Ed Goal Alignment filter to better serve colleges in identifying non-credit students and getting them on the appropriate Pathway
    Encourage colleges to use the Major Category filter to better direct non-credit students to the appropriate Pathway

    Assembly Bill 3101


    Key Points:

    • Existing law requires each student to be classified as a resident or nonresident at a California community college [for instruction provided to the student at the CCCs]
    • AB3101 calls to revise the [CCCApply] process so that only data that is required by the federal gov, state law, or that is otherwise collected during the process.
    • the extent that data can be collected from the student at a later time, to delay the collection of that data until after the student has applied to a community college.
    • [AB3101] would exempt a student seeking to enroll exclusively in career development and college preparation courses, and other courses for which no credit is given...
      from community college residency classification requirements

    AB-3101, Carrillo. Community colleges.

    Existing law establishes the California Community Colleges, under the administration of the Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges, as one of the segments of public postsecondary education in this state. Existing law establishes community college districts, administered by governing boards, throughout the state, and authorizes these districts to provide instruction to students at the community college campuses maintained by the districts. Existing law requires each student to be classified as a resident or nonresident at a California community college.
    This bill would require the Chancellor of the California Community Colleges, on or before July 31, 2019, to revise the California community college online application process so that only data that is required by the federal government, state law, or that is otherwise necessary, as determined by the chancellor, is collected during the process. The bill would authorize the chancellor, to the extent that data can be collected from the student at a later time, to delay the collection of that data until after the student has applied to a community college. The bill would exempt a student seeking to enroll exclusively in career development and college preparation courses, and other courses for which no credit is given, at a community college from community college residency classification requirements.
    To the extent this bill would impose additional duties on community college districts, the bill would impose a state-mandated local program.
    The California Constitution requires the state to reimburse local agencies and school districts for certain costs mandated by the state. Statutory provisions establish procedures for making that reimbursement.
    This bill would provide that, if the Commission on State Mandates determines that the bill contains costs mandated by the state, reimbursement for those costs shall be made pursuant to the statutory provisions noted above.

    Vote: majority   Appropriation: no   Fiscal Committee: yes   Local Program: yes 

    Supporting Documentation

    April 2018: Response to AB3101 (before it passed)

    Letter to Governor AB 3101 (Carrillo) - Request for Signature.pdf



    More:  CCCApply Low-Hanging Fruit 2018 Slide deck

    See pages, docs & sections dedicated to the Redesign efforts 

     See "CCCApply Redesign Project" summary and Google drive  for ongoing effort to support AB3101

    What is your goal in attending college?  Approach


    What requirements are established for California community colleges in AB3101?


    Existing law requires each student to be classified as a resident or nonresident at a California community college.

    This bill would require the Chancellor of the California Community Colleges, on or before July 31, 2019, to: 
    1. revise the California community college online application process so that only data that is required by the federal government, state law, or that is otherwise necessary, as determined by the chancellor, is collected during the process.
    2. The bill would authorize the chancellor, to the extent that data can be collected from the student at a later time, to delay the collection of that data until after the student has applied to a community college. 
    3. The bill would exempt a student seeking to enroll exclusively in career development and college preparation courses, and other courses for which no credit is given, at a community college from community college residency classification requirements.
    4. To the extent this bill would impose additional duties on community college districts, the bill would impose a state-mandated local program.

    Read the full bill here: Assembly Bill 3101 (AB3101)

    As a "noncredit" student, identified as such by a college or high school, I need a user-friendly process within CCCApply that is free from residency questions and other unnecessary questions, and exempts me from the CA residency determination status/process (per AB3101). I should only have to answer questions required by state or federal regulations for someone enrolling exclusively in noncredit courses at the time of application. If my college credit status should change, I need to re-apply using CCCApply Standard workflow and will have to answer all residency questions that were hidden/exempt during the noncredit process.

    Additional Information
    In response to & support of AB3101, the Chancellor's Office is requesting a version of the Standard Application which is exempt from the CA residency determination specifically for noncredit students. There are two pieces to AB3101: 1) exempt noncredit students from residency requirements; and 2) make the process for noncredit and ALL students as streamlined and barrier free as possible by only collecting info and data that is required by state and federal law at the time of application, in other words remove questions that aren't required at application or that can be collected by the college at a different time.

    It's important that the Standard Application be the basis for this new "residency-exempt" application so that there is limited hassle and time-savings if and when the noncredit student transitions to "college credit courses" which will require the student to re-apply to the college using CCCApply and thus, classified for residency. See section on additional requirements for the transitioning student.

    Concerns about AB3101 Legislation: Policy & Procedures 

    Non-Credit Application Issues

    ISSUE:  In order to comply with the new AB3101 - in order to  legislation to address the following questions

    IF noncredit students are not subject to residency classification requirements:

    1. What is their official residency status?
      1. Are we allowed to automatically classify them as a non-resident, according to the law?

    2. What fees should they be charged?
      1. Non-resident or resident fees if taking credit courses at the same time or transitioning to credit courses?

    3. Are they allowed to transition to credit courses while they are taking noncredit courses?
      1. If not, would they have to re-submit an application before transitioning to credit.

    4. If we are not collecting residency for noncredit, how does this impact apportionment?
      1. Are noncredit non-residents included in apportionment?

    ISSUE: AB3101 does not address, or provide guidance, on how colleges are supposed to track and manage residency for a "noncredit" student who decides to cross over and take "credit" courses.

    • Can they do that without completing the full standard application? 
      (Feedback:  The approved solution in-progress will require that the student must submit a Standard Application to determine residency. However, the previously submitted answers on the Noncredit Application will auto-fill into the new Standard Application. Only the residency-related questions will remain to be answered and submitted.)

    • Do students need to agree to "terms" that they understand the noncredit status? 
    • Does CCCApply need to incorporate a disclaimer that noncredit students are completing the noncredit application?
      (Feedback: Currently, this requirement is not included in the first iteration for March 2019.)

    *This would mean they would be restricted to noncredit only and could not transition without reapplying and being classified for residency.

    College Implementation

    The Noncredit Path is designed to be an optional user/stand-alone application , meaning implementation and use policies are determined by the college or district (or the Chancellor's Office).

    • The college determines if they want to implement the Noncredit Application
    • The college determines how they want to implement the Noncredit Application
    • The college identifies the noncredit student. (IMPORTANT: The NC Application does not identify noncredit students.)
    • The college sets policies around tracking the noncredit students admission application
    • The college determines if the student can (or should) complete the Standard or Noncredit version of the application.
    • The college tracks residency status for all students, including noncredit students
    • The college tracks transitioning students from noncredit to credit status

    Setting Up the Noncredit Application

    Downloading Noncredit Applications

    Running Reports on Noncredit Applications

    Suggested Use Cases

    Student plans to enroll exclusively in Noncredit coursesStudent MAY submit a Noncredit Application (College sets the policy.)

    residency determination is not required

    College may still want the student to submit the full Standard Application. 

    Student plans to enroll in mostly Noncredit courses, as well as one (or more) credit courses (a mix of Noncredit and credit courses)Student MUST submit the Standard (Credit) Applicationresidency determination is required
    Student plans to enroll exclusively in credit coursesStudent MUST submit the Standard (Credit) Application residency determination is required
    Student plans to enroll in mostly all credit courses, as well as one (or more) career development (Noncredit courses)Student MUST submit the Standard (Credit) Application residency determination is required
    Student planned to enroll exclusively in Noncredit courses at your college for Fall 2019, completed and submitted the Noncredit Application, but then ended up enrolling in one or more credit courses in the same term at the same college

    Student MUST ALSO submit a Standard (Credit) Application for the same Term, same College*

    (Suggested process: Student returns to CCCApply via Standard Application URL and submits a second application for the same Term at the same College. Auto-population logic will auto-fill all previously answered questions, requiring only the residency-related questions for the student to answer and submit.)

    Some questions were not answered in the NC application and

    residency determination is now required

    Note: Logic has been revised to allow the submission of a second application for the same term, same college, when transitioning from Noncredit to credit status only. 

    Student planned to enroll exclusively in credit courses at your college for Fall 2019, completed and submitted the Standard (Credit) Application, but then ended up enrolling in one or more Noncredit courses in the same term at the same college

    Student MAY submit a Noncredit Application for the same Term, same College. 

    For rShould the student be required to submit a 

    All application questions were answered in the previously submitted application - including residency questions and

    residency status has already been determined

    Student enrolled in credit courses at Your College in Fall 2018 - and submitted the Standard Application at that time. During the next consecutive term (no break in enrollment) the student is now enrolling exclusively in Noncredit courses for a different term, at the same college

    SHOULD the student be required to submit a Noncredit Application? Who sets this policy?

    What is the policy?

    All application questions were answered in the previously submitted application - including residency questions and

    residency status has already been determined

    Student enrolled in credit courses for Fall 2019, completed and submitted the Standard Application, but then ended up enrolling exclusively in Noncredit courses for the same term at the same college

    Student MAY submit a Noncredit Application but not required to determine residency.  College sets policy.

    All questions were already answered and 

    residency status has already been determined

    Proposed Solution


    Design and implement a streamlined variation of the online Standard Application for students enrolling exclusively in Noncredit courses

    that is free from the CCC residency-determination questions and

    The application should have a unique URL for tracking purposes that sets the Noncredit applicant on a residency-exempt "path" through the Standard Application

    hiding all questions that are not specifically required by local, state, and federal mandate or required to identify the student's personal information and CCC student ID account. 


    The Noncredit workflow is basically a custom residency-free variation of the Standard Application, and all pre-application and post-submission workflows are exactly the same

    In the first version of the application - college-configured Terms and Majors (and Major Categories) are the same as your Standard Application (configured in the Administrator)

    Noncredit Rules and Messages can be configured in the Administrator under the Standard application

    Noncredit applications can be "reset" for download using the same module in the Administrator

    The student's submitted Noncredit applications will appear in their "My Applications" page for Standard Applications and In-Progress applications behave the same as in the Standard Application


    The Noncredit application path is basically a custom, Noncredit version of the Standard Application, showing only the questions that are required for the Noncredit applicant - everything else functions the same

    All Standard Application questions that are hidden (not required) to the Noncredit applicant will store a "null" response value in your existing Standard Application download file

    The Noncredit application uses the same database as the Standard Application - all data fields are the same 

    All questions that appear in the Noncredit workflow are the same as the Standard Application and uses the same data fields from the same submitted applications and in-progress databases


    Noncredit submitted applications are downloaded the same way as your current Standard Applications, using the same Download Client (or College Adapter for SuperGlue)

    Noncredit submitted app data will be included in your existing Standard Application downloads (submitted applications)

    The Noncredit applications do not require a separate set of download files

    Other than adding the new data fields* to your existing Format Definition XML file and running the Download Client Jar update file (as usual), there are no special implementation requirements for and no separate download file for this implementation

    The Standard Application Job XML doesn't need to change either (again, Noncredit Apps will be included in all existing download processes) (there is not a separate download file or process with the Noncredit application)


    as the college's Standard Application implementation


    Users of the Noncredit application are tracked in the following ways:

    URL:  The unique college-branded URL tracks the workflow path

    Report Center: Noncredit submitted application data is stored in the Report Center under the Submitted Applications folders and reports 

    Noncredit Status Field:  A new field is being added to track the Noncredit application status (<non_credit> = T or F) - which is set when the applicant uses the Noncredit URL and completes/saves the Enrollment page

    Noncredit Application Confirmation Numbers: for submitted and in-progress Noncredit applications will have the following format:  NC-12345 (each Noncredit application confirmation number - and App ID - will begin with "NC-")

    Residency Status Field:

    Integrity Flag (81):

    By implementing the new Noncredit workflow via separate URL process, users  will not be adding a self-identifying question to the application - there will be, in effect, two front doors (URLs) to the same application. The colleges will be responsible for managing/distributing the different URLs to students.

    The goal of the CCCApply Redesign Workgroup is to implement a solution by March 1, 2019 - possibly a short-term solution until the next version of CCCApply is developed (tentative TBD 2020 release)  in order to support students applying for Fall 2019 classes. The Workgroup put together a sub-committee to review which questions were no longer required now that residency determination is no longer required for Noncredit students. One such meeting was held on October 11, 2018, which reviewed the language in the assembly bill and the objectives of the Workgroup.  The change requirements that resulted from one or more meetings are outlined (detailed) in the Change Requirements section below.

    Additional Information


    With the passage of Assembly Bill 3101, CCCApply has been working with the Chancellor's Office to determine how to comply with the new legislation requirements pertaining to Noncredit students and their exemption from residency determination when enrolling exclusively in free, not-for-credit courses in the CCC system. 

    In June 2018, the Chancellor's Office - led by V.C. Omid Pourzanjani, started a workgroup of stakeholders across the system called the CCCApply Redesign Workgroup. One of the sub-committees of that main group was dedicated to this Noncredit revision issues.  The change requirements below were identified by way of this sub-committee.  Several options have been explored, including:

    • Option 1: Revise the Standard Application to include a Noncredit "path" which would exempt the Noncredit student from the residency determination. Ask the student to self-identify and then branch out or add skip logic to hide questions that are not applicable to the student
    • Option 2: Continue to allow colleges to use paper and other outside application methods for Noncredit
    • Option 3: Modify the current Standard Application for Noncredit and use a separate URL to differentiate between the Credit and Noncredit applications.

    Another immediate problem/issue is the timeline/schedule that the Chancellor's Office is requesting for one or more solutions in the short-term.  The goal is to have CCCApply revised by March 1, 2019 in order to support students applying for Fall 2019 classes. The Workgroup has put together a sub-committee to review which questions were no longer required now that residency determination is no longer required for Noncredit students. One such meeting was held on October 11, 2018, which reviewed the language in the assembly bill and the objectives of the Workgroup.  The change requirements that resulted from one or more meetings are outlined (detailed) in the Change Requirements section below.

    Stakeholder Feedback

    Change Requirements


    The following change requirements were approved 10.26.18 by the CCCApply Redesign Workgroup.

    1. The CCCApply Standard Application should be used for all students: Credit and Noncredit

    2. Revise the CCCApply Standard application to include two workflow paths, one that determines residency (existing Standard Application path) and one that is exempt from residency determination (new Noncredit path).
      The two workflow paths should be:

      1. Standard Credit Path (includes residency determination) - This is for students seeking college credits for courses taken at a California community college. 
        This is the current Standard application - including all existing logic, services, field and error validation, pre- and post-submission services and processes (no change to the residency algorithm submission calculation service). 

      2. Noncredit Path: (does not include residency determination) - This is for students seeking to enroll exclusively in career development and college preparation courses, and other courses for which NO credit is given. This "path" will be a variation of the Standard Application and will be accessed from a separate, unique URL that uses "skip logic" to hide certain pages and questions, and collects only the data required by the federal government, state law, or that is otherwise necessary to uniquely identify the student during the application process. 

        To comply with AB3101, this path will bypass/exempt the student from residency determination, including the residency submission calculation service, and only display a set of questions that are required by the federal government, state law, or that are otherwise necessary to uniquely identify the student, during the application process.

    3. The Standard "Credit" path will function exactly like the current, existing Standard application; no significant changes have been identified for the existing, residency path.
      1. If the applicant intends to enroll in one or more college credit course(s), they will use the existing college-branded application URL (or the generic, unauthenticated version via MyPath) and complete all questions required to determine California residency; and questions required by the federal government, state law, and other necessary requirements; 
      2. The Standard "Credit" workflow path will not change how it calculates the residency status implemented today;
      3. The Standard "Credit" workflow path will not change any post-submissions processes, web services, calculations (residency, AB540, financial aid) etc. 

    4. The Noncredit path SHOULD include the following questions required by state, local & federal mandates, as well as questions required to identify the student
      1. All questions in the OpenCCC Account will be required to identify the student at the college, for OpenCCC account creation (CCCID) and account recovery, for federal IRS requirement
      2. All questions on the Enrollment page (Term, Ed Goal, and Major) will be required 
      3. All questions on the Account Info/Mailing page are included - including the "Dependency Status" (Minors) question
      4. All questions on the Education page are included
      5. All questions on the Demographic Information page are included
      6. All questions on the Review, Consent & Submit page are included in the NC workflow

    5. The Noncredit path SHOULD NOT include the following questions required exclusively to determine residency, or that are not required at the time of application
      1. The Citizenship & Military page will be removed completely - (all questions in the Citizenship section)
      2. The Residency page will be removed completely - (all questions in the Military Status section)
      3. The following questions may be removed from the Needs & Interests page:
        1. Main Language section: Are you comfortable reading and writing English?
        2. Financial Assistance section:
          1. Are you interested in receiving information about money for college?
          2. Are you receiving TANF/CalWORKs, SSI, or General Assistance?
        3. Athletic Interest set of fields:
          1. Are you interested in participating in a sport while attending college?
            1. Yes, I am interested in participating in one or more sports, including the possibility of participating of playing on an intra-collegiate team.
            2. Yes, I am interested in intramural or club sports, but not in playing on an intercollegiate team.
            3. No, I am not interested in participating in a sport (beyond taking a P.E. classes).

    6. Residency Status Field Requirements
      To comply with the new residency exemption for Noncredit students in AB3101, we need to revise the Residency Status field to include a value for "exempt" status. We willdo the following:

      • Add a new value of "N" to the Residency Status field <res_status> for "Noncredit / exempt".
      • Ensure all applicants via the "Noncredit Application" default to the exempt status.
    7. Add a new field to identify Noncredit applications from Standard (credit) Applications:
      1. Noncredit Status:  <non_credit>
      2. Boolean field
    8. Add a New Integrity Flag (81) for "Noncredit / Residency Exempt"
      • Upon check if Noncredit flag is set, then set the residency status to N and trigger an int flag of 81.
      • Hard code res_area A,B,C,D to "9". "9" means a student is not eligible in that area so using 9 would be an appropriate value in this use case.
      • Add integrity_fg_81 to the Download Client, Admin Rules, and Report Center.
      • Add to Apply submit-ws and integration testing with college adaptor.

    Allow Students To Apply For Same Term - Exclusively For Non Credit Students

    We need to Implement logic to allow a Noncredit status student to re-apply to the same term, same college using the "credit" version of CCCApply, if they plan to transition from NC to Credit status.

    NOTE: Currently - CCCApply does not allow an applicant to submit more than one application to the same Term at the same college. For this proposal to work, we'd need to allow this process (be able to submit another application).

    1. We need to implement logic in CCCApply to allow aNoncredit student ONLY to re-apply (submit another application) to the same college for the same Term in order to transition from "Noncredit" status to "Credit" status (in order to change their intention from enrolling exclusively in Noncredit courses to enroll in one or more college credit courses). Note - this applies to transitioning from Noncredit to credit at any college/any terms - not just the same college/same term. 
    2. Logic should be in place to prevent a duplicate status from being submitted.  Example, if first application was for Noncredit, they should only be able to re-apply as a Credit status.
    3. We should not allow a duplicate Credit application to be submitted to the same term/same college.
    4. To re-apply as a credit status (to transition from Noncredit status to credit status) the student would have to use the college's Standard application URL.

    Additional Requirements & Considerations

    Workflow Considerations

    The bullets below include additional requirements and considerations that need to be included in the overall implementation.  Can you think of any other ones?


    • The "Noncredit Application" has a college-branded, tiny-URL redirect and an official name 
    • Each college must have a unique URL
    • Colleges need to be able to easily identify that the student completed the NC path in their downloads/reports
    • We need to figure out any/all download client issues
    • The Noncredit path should still function and adhere to all existing CCCApply standard application pre- and post-submission functionality, logic, and processes; such as:
      • All applications should still start the same way as they do today - from the My Applications page (started or resumed) or auto-direct from Account Creation (new Account applicants)
      • All applications must be able to be Saved and Resumed at any time
      • Resumed from the My Applications page 
      • Must still be auto-populated when a returning applicant starts a new application in CCCApply within 2 years of last application submitted
      • Adhere to all post-submission pages, processes, web services, and activities
      • Auto-populated from previously submitted application data 

    Considerations for students on the NC workflow path...

    • Must still see and respond to the Review App / "Consent to Release Information" / Submit page
    • Must still go through the Electronic Signature process (VERY important)
    • Must still Submit their application
    • Must still see the Confirmation page with all existing confirmation data (CCCID, confirmation number, etc.)
    • Must still see the Student Satisfaction Survey 
    • Must still see the Special Links & Opportunities page (TBD)
    • Must still be redirected into MyPath if college has adopted MyPath
    • Must still be routed through the Spam Filter web service and all other integrated post-submission web services (CCGI, CDE, student profile, etc.)
    • Must be included in the Download Client, Super Glue Jar files and all data must appear in the Report Center
    • Must still integrate with the CCCApply Administrator for the configuration of custom Terms, Majors, Major Categories, Spam Filter, Reset Downloads
    • Must still appear in the Submitted Applications and/or Resume Your Application tables in the My Applications page 

    Implementation & Communication Requirements

    The bullets below represent requirements that should be considered for communicating this change to colleges and the system overall.  Can you think of any other ones?

    • Communication with SIS vendors is CRITICAL - We must have a plan in place by end of November to get their buy-in.
    • Communication with colleges is CRITICAL - We must have a plan in place by end of November to get their buy-in.
    • Colleges MUST be informed about this impending change ASAP - We must have a plan in place by end of November to get their buy-in.

    Supporting Documentation

    Assembly Bill 3101


    Key Points:

    • Existing law requires each student to be classified as a resident or nonresident at a California community college [for instruction provided to the student at the CCCs]
    • AB3101 calls to revise the [CCCApply] process so that only data that is required by the federal gov, state law, or that is otherwise collected during the process.
    • the extent that data can be collected from the student at a later time, to delay the collection of that data until after the student has applied to a community college.
    • [AB3101] would exempt a student seeking to enroll exclusively in career development and college preparation courses, and other courses for which no credit is given...
      from community college residency classification requirements

    Read the full Assembly Bill language.


    AB-3101, Carrillo. Community colleges.

    Existing law establishes the California Community Colleges, under the administration of the Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges, as one of the segments of public postsecondary education in this state. Existing law establishes community college districts, administered by governing boards, throughout the state, and authorizes these districts to provide instruction to students at the community college campuses maintained by the districts. Existing law requires each student to be classified as a resident or nonresident at a California community college.

    This bill would require the Chancellor of the California Community Colleges, on or before July 31, 2019, to revise the California community college online application process so that only data that is required by the federal government, state law, or that is otherwise necessary, as determined by the chancellor, is collected during the process. The bill would authorize the chancellor, to the extent that data can be collected from the student at a later time, to delay the collection of that data until after the student has applied to a community college. The bill would exempt a student seeking to enroll exclusively in career development and college preparation courses, and other courses for which no credit is given, at a community college from community college residency classification requirements.

    To the extent this bill would impose additional duties on community college districts, the bill would impose a state-mandated local program.
    The California Constitution requires the state to reimburse local agencies and school districts for certain costs mandated by the state. Statutory provisions establish procedures for making that reimbursement.
    This bill would provide that, if the Commission on State Mandates determines that the bill contains costs mandated by the state, reimbursement for those costs shall be made pursuant to the statutory provisions noted above.

    Vote: majority   Appropriation: no   Fiscal Committee: yes   Local Program: yes 

    Archive: Sub-Committee & Workgroup Meeting Notes

    This design proposal for this project has gone through multiple revisions. To avoid confusion, sub-committee discussions and meeting notes have been moved to a separate page for reference purposes.  See Noncredit Sub-Committee Meeting Discussions

    2018 CCCApply Redesign Project - Noncredit Application

    9.14.18CCCapply Redesign Meeting Minutes- 091418 (1).docxMinutes

    9.30.18Worksheet: CCCApply MIS RequirementsG-SheetUp to date

    PREVIOUS YEARS:  2016 - 2018 Noncredit Sub-Committees and Discussions

    20162016-36: Issues with CCCApply for Noncredit StudentsChange Request DECLINED

    The Past, Present and Future of Noncredit Education in California 2016

    View file
    nameThe_Past_Present_and_Future_of_Noncredit_in_CA (1).pdf

    CCC Report
    20162016-28: Standard Application Takes Too Long to CompleteChange RequestDEFERRED