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Request No. 2018-16
Date of RequestApril 3, 2018 
RequesterMichelle Pena
Betty Glyer-Culver 
Section / Page


Approval StatusDEFERRED / DECLINED / Under Review
Steering Hearing DateMay 2, 2018 
Proposed Change to Download FileYes 
Proposed Change to Residency LogicTBD 

Table of Contents


Deployment Timeline:  

Phase 1 of this work is currently under-development and will be available with the Apply 6.2.0 release (including the new CCCApply Administrator 2.0) at the end of June.   

Please see the "Approved Solution" section below for details on accessing the AB620 data fields via two possible scenarios (in Phase 1).  or college research staff can access these fields via report export in the Data Warehouse (a Jasper-based reporting tool identical to the Report Center.)

Problem / Issue

Per the recent changes to MIS reporting requirements , announced recently through a memo and webinar from Todd Hoig, CCCCO (March 1, 2018 attached), colleges are calling for the LBGTQ AB620 fields to be added to the Download Client and the CCC Report Center as soon as possible so that colleges can begin reporting this data for Summer 2018 term.

In addition, if the AB620 fields are to be made available and the reporting requirements are changed, the onscreen text that appears to students in CCCApply would need to be amended to accurately disclose who has access to the data and how that data is compiled and used. 

This change request is specifically related to the two AB620 fields (Sexual Orientation, Transgender) and the onscreen language that describes how the data is collected and used. 

MIS was amended to include new reporting elements (SB amended)

  • Sexual Orientation (Want added to downloads, (encrypted) but keep it out of the Report Center) (Adjust the onscreen language)
  • Transgender (Want added to the downloads, (encrypted) but keep it out of the Report Center) (Adjust the onscreen language)
  • CCCID - You're already getting this now.
  • SSID (maybe needed for the on-boarding process) Need support from the CO (Ask Tim to take the lead on this). 
  • Apprenticeship status (different levels of apprenticeship and adult ed (maybe part of the AEBG stuff) SB23 - look at this via DED

recently mandated by the CCCCO MIS division (see Memo 3.01.18), CCCApply is being asked to comply with certain requirements regarding data fields that are currently either not being collected, or are being collected but are currently restricted from download (restricted from access) to the CCC colleges based on data sharing agreement restrictions or existing data handling security concerns. Several of the new reporting requirements include adding or amending CCCApply in some way, or will require CCCApply to make previously restricted data fields (AB620) available, or may require CCCApply to actually remove questions - assuming the data can be collected at different points in the matriculation process. These data requirements and solutions are currently being reviewed and approved by the CCCApply Steering Committee, the CCCCO, and the CCC Tech Center.

This change request captures details pertaining to the MIS requirements listed below:

CCCApply should be revised to comply with MIS reporting requirements outlined in the Memo 03.01.18, which include the elements below:

intrusive list
  • Sexual Orientation (See Approved Change Solution: /wiki/spaces/OPENAPPLY/pages/173501157)
  • Transgender  (See Approved Change Solution: 2018-16R: Make AB620 Data Fields Available to Colleges Using Project Glue)
  • CCCID - NOTE:  Colleges are already downloading this field through CCCApply now
  • SSID - (NOTE:  Currently this field is restricted from access/download via CCCApply per a data sharing agreement with the CDE. However, this agreement is currently being reviewed and petitioned to be revised in order to comply with MIS and new CCGI + MMAP web service agreement, currently under-development.) 
  • Apprenticeship status (NOTE:  This field is not required from CCCApply.) being reviewed by Steering and the CO to better understand if CCCApply is the best vehicle to collect and store this data. See below for details. ) Allow different types 
  • See Other fields that follow Adult Ed (data elements) -
 are an 
  •  which appear to be a large list of questions that will add a great deal of questions to the application

The memo is attached below. Not yet updated on the CO MIS website (should be updated by August 2018)


These MIS requirements were discussed during the May 2, 2018 Steering meeting. Below are some notes and comments from that meeting.

Action ItemConsult with Todd Hoig - new elements are required for AEBG, Perkins, and other areas.  So far, CCCApply (via the Tech Center) hasn't received any direction on these changes.

 There is a lot of push back from colleges if these are required to be added to CCCApply. 

<< Comments from Michael Q during April 3 meeting: >>
"StrongWorkforce did meet with Tim and provided a heads up that these may be coming. I informed the group that the committee was not necessarily going to put new questions on the application. I was not aware that there were new MIS elements added and that the expectation was that the data


must come from CCCApply. Who said that it needed to come from CCCApply?

Questions to the Apply development team (via Tim/Patty)

  • How quickly could we get the AB620 fields into the downloads?
  • How quickly could we get the AB620 fields into the Report Center?  NOT APPROVED
  • If we added these fields into the RC, would colleges be able to run a report going back to November 2017?

Need a way for researchers and admissions to get that data from Report Center (user accounts). 
Need it for the Summer 2018 (so each college needs this data based on their Summer term dates). 

NEED to prepare change requirements
Onscreen language that needs to be reviewed:

  • This information is only used for summary demographic reporting.
  • Your responses are kept private and secure.
  • Providing this information is optional.
  • It is not available to admissions personnel and will not be used for a discriminatory purpose.


UPDATE: 4.26.18

Per direction from Vice Chancellor, Omid P., college access to the sensitive and currently encrypted AB620 data fields should NOT be added to the download client or the CCC Report Center, as both instruments have been deemed insecure for transmission of this data.  

The approved solutions are:

  1. Deliver CCCApply data (including unecrypted LGBTQ fields) to participating colleges via the Glue College Adaptor (see Solution currently under-development now, below). Development is underway to implement this solution as early as June 29, 2018. 
  2. Allow approved researchers access to the data via the new Data Warehouse system, due to be launched in conjunction with the late June release.

Colleges can access the data via the Data Warehouse while integrating the Glue College Adaptor.

For the second part of this request, to update the onscreen text/language of disclosure to students about access and use of the data will be DEFERRED - until the two alternative distribution systems have been implemented to best determine the requirements for update of this text.

Project Glue Support for CCCApply

Executive Summary

Phase 1

The goal of Phase 1 of the Glue Support for CCCApply/OpenCCC project is to securely deliver in real time CCCApply records into a staging table in the College SIS via the Glue College Adaptor. Records will include the entire CCCApply dataset, including unencrypted LGBTQ data fields* and Supplemental Questions. Implementation of this delivery will require data to be stored in an encrypted database table at the college.

Note: The two LGBTQ fields referenced above are:

  • Sexual Orientation
  • Transgender

We foresee colleges using this dataset in two possible scenarios:

Scenario 1

College continues to use their existing Download Client (DL Client) workflow to manage and process new applications without disruption to existing business processes. The college uses the new College Adaptor dataset to join LGBTQ data via the Application_ID field to applications processed through the Download Client, for storage in the College SIS and MIS reporting purposes.

Scenario 2

College discontinues using the DL Client and uses the staging table data. In this scenario the college would need to point their post processing scripts at the new table and adjust the scripts to consume the newly delivered LGBTQ data. With minor adjustments the scripts would run as before, storing the data in the college SIS or preparing the necessary files for upload.

Phase 2

The second phase of this project will include in scope a complete replacement of the DL Client. This Glue enabled College Adaptor replacement will include the ability for colleges to determine the dataset delivered, and format fields according to SIS requirements, as well as write CCCApply data to the college SIS in real-time. Phase 2 will also include delivery of the International Application and College Promise datasets, as well as logic and processes for adding new fields, deprecating old fields, and changing field data types in CCCApply.

Supporting Documentation

View file

View file

View filenameSB35.pdfheight250

New MIS Data Elements & Reporting Changes

Per memo (3.01.18) issued by the CCCCO MIS Division, the following data element changes will be implemented beginning Summer 2018. The new data element definitions are attached.

SB Student Basic Data Reporting

An existing element has been amended and four new elements have been added. The record length has been increased to 230 characters.
  2. SB34 STUDENT-CCC-ID has been added
  3. SB35 STUDENT-SS-ID has been added
  4. SB36 STUDENT-TRANSGENDER has been added

NOTE: Regarding SB36 and SB37, please see separate CR# 2018-16R: Make AB620 Data Fields Available to Colleges

SC Student CalWORKs Data Reporting

A new element has been added.


(To support Adult Ed.)

SG Special Populations Data Reporting

An existing element has been amended and eight new elements have been added. The record length has been increased to 60 characters.
SG10 STUDENT-CAA-STATUS has been amended
SG16 STUDENT-HOMELESS-STATUS has been added  (Colleges get this now)
SG19 STUDENT-SEASONAL-FARM-WORK-STATUS has been added (Colleges get this now through CCCApply)
(To support Adult Ed and West Ed requests.) Being collected now at the colleges through various means. Program efficacy and funding models.)
Adult Ed providers are eager to get it reported through MIS.
Per Stephanie - mostly these are for Non-Credit.  Transitioning between non-credit ESL and credit ESL.  AEBG - but not every colleges qualifies for AEBG.

SF and FA Student Financial Aid Reporting

An existing element has been amended.

SF21 STUDENT-AID-AWARD-TYPE has been amended to allow for reporting of new award types.
• New Award Type: GH = Completion Grant (CCCG)
• New Award Type: GI = Cal Grant A
• New Award Type: GJ = Dreamer Grant
• New Award Type: GQ = Equity Grant
• New Award Type: GR = SSSP Grant

Coming for 2018-19: New award program coming. Won't affect CCCApply or Promise Grant applications, but is coming.:

SA Student Assessment Data Reporting

A new element has been added.

Using federal instruments, used to track student progress. Shouldn't affect CCCApply.



Regarding SB36 and SB37, these data fields are being collected by CCCApply now and the CCCCO has proposed that they be made available to colleges immediately via Project Glue (College Adapter). The request that these fields be added to the existing CCCApply Download Client and Report Center was DECLINED for security reasons.  Please see CR# /wiki/spaces/OPENAPPLY/pages/173501157 for details on those two data elements and the approved change specifications 

Relative to the remaining new data elements being added or amended, the review process has begun to determine which of these affect CCCApply and which, if any, will require changes to our existing application specification.  

Questions for Steering Review:

  1. What additional data fields are required beyond the bulleted list in the SB - Student Basic Data section above?

    Per meeting 5/17/18 - the majority of these data elements are not required to be collected through CCCApply.  The SB data set (4 of 5 elements) could come from Apply and each is specified above.

  2. How will the Apprenticeship data be collected?
    Per meeting 5/17/18 - this field is collected via other means outside of CCCApply.
  3. Is CCCApply the best avenue to collect this data?
    Though AEGB may want these collected through Apply, most will not be collected via Apply at this time.