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Request No. 2018-34
Date of RequestJuly 25, 2018 
RequesterSteering; CCCApply Redesign Workgroup; 
Application(s)OpenCCC Account Creation, Edit Account, Recover Account 
Section / Page

Page 1 

Steering Hearing DateTBD 
Proposed Change to Download FileYes*
Change to Residency LogicNo 

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Table of Contents


August 16, 2019:  This is the official 2019 change request specification for the current two-part SSN revision project.  This issue is currently under advisement with the Chancellor's Office (Legal) via Michael Q. Various previous requests, implementations, and updates to SSN are now stored under "Requirements" in the restricted OpenCCCApply confluence space. As these forms are consolidated, this page will be update. See below in "Supporting Documentation" for links to all existing research and references. 

Research Notes:

  • In reviewing the LEGAL information - there are may be additional changes possible included to better serve our students.  

  • The noncredit application may not need to include the SSN

  • The International application may not need to include the SSN.  

  • The noncredit application does not need to include the SSN - this has been requested by NOCE as well.  

  • The International application may not need to include the SSN - this has been requested by LACCD several times.

  • When the SSN is moved out of OpenCCC and into CCCApply Standard App (which it must be asked by Federal law) - we could add logic to confirm that the SSN has been submitted (Student Profile = CCCID) and if yes, do not display the question in the SSN - pass that data to college via Glue or Report Center.
  • Instead of auto-population, for security purposes, if an applicant has already provided their SSN via OpenCCC account (associated to their CCCID) or Edit Account - do not display the question, but do pass the SSN data to the college from Student Profile via DLC, GLUE, or Report Center.

Problem / Issue

The current Social Security Number question in the OpenCCC Account has long been known as a barrier for applicants; attributing factors include the overall layout design, the look & feel, the legal jargon, etc. The feedback received from students and colleges is that the question is intrusive. Many students, including noncredit students, international students, minors, etc, don't have an SSN, or if they do have one, they don't know the number. Furthermore, the layout is confusing, and NOT user-friendly.  Though the question is optional, there are many state, federal and local reasons why we need students to provide their SSN.

In 2014, the IRS fined the California Community Colleges hundreds of thousands of dollars due to incorrect or missing SSNs for thousands of students. .  The Chancellor's Office worked with the IRS and then released Legal Opinion 13-05 (see attached) which dictates the language and layout specifications which CCCApply implemented in September 2014. 

  • Per IRS regulations, the SSN question must be implemented as an initial “statement” to all students and was required to include exactly what data is being collected, the purpose for collecting this data, and the consequences for not providing the data (penalties). In addition, State of California regulations required CCCApply to disclose what info needed to be collected for the CCCCO and why (shown in blue below). 

  • In addition to the full disclosure statement and all other collection compliancy, Per Legal Opinion 13-05, CCCApply cannot “require” that students provide their SSN/TIN; likewise, per the exceptions, some students will not have the info to provide. This checkbox will alert page verification to pop up a reiteration of the “statement” and consequences per IRS requirements (SSN/TIN Encouragement).

Later in 2015, we added Taxpayer Identification Number to all the question labels and language, and "SSN Type" field was added to identify format. Validation checking will determine if the number is a TIN (begins with the number 9) or an SSN.  OpenCCC Account Creation Data Dictionary will be revised to include new language, download values, etc.


Requirements for Redesigning SSN / TIN in OpenCCC & Apply

Current SSN Question & Layout

Click here to see screenshots of the current (legacy) implementation


SSN in Account Recovery

Historical Reference Information

These docs below provide some history around the layout and design of the legacy implementation: 

  1. 13-05 1098 Penalties.doc

  2. NEW Social Security Number language.CCCCO.Final.doc

  3. ssn specifications excerpt ammedits 22515(3).doc

  4. 2014-02 Revise SSN TIN Question on Application.doc

CURRENT Spec Details


Data Field 


Question Text

Label & Question

Prompt Text

Social Security Number (or Taxpayer ID Number)

The Social Security Number is used as a means of identifying student records and to facilitate financial aid.

Financial Aid Interest




     I plan to apply for admission to college or financial aid.

IRS Legal Language

Prompt Text

The Social Security Number is required to claim tax credits for higher education costs known as the American Opportunity Tax Credit in accordance with the Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997.

Federal law requires the California Community Colleges to provide specific information to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) for the purpose of filing an information return (IRS Form 1098-T “Tuition Statement”) for each student in attendance, with a few exceptions.

The information required by the IRS includes the student’s name, address, Social Security Number (SSN) or Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN/iTIN), and enrollment status, as well as the amount of tuition paid or billed, and scholarships received. (26 C.F.R. 1-60505-1(b)(2)(ii).)

Failure to provide a correct Social Security Number or TIN while claiming tax credits for specified education expenses may result in a penalty levied against the student by the IRS in the amount of $100, per year, until the missing or incorrect information is provided
(26 C.F.R.  1-60505-1(e)(4)).

In addition, California Education Code sections 68041 and 70901(b)(7) authorizes the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office (CCCCO) to collect information you submit through the OpenCCC Online Student Account and CCCApply Online Application for Admission for the purposes of completing and submitting California College admission applications and financial aid on your behalf. 

Further, information acquired by the CCCCO is subject to the limitations set forth in the Information Practices Act of 1977 (Title 1.8 (commencing with Section 1798) of Part 4 of Division 3 of the Civil Code). Compliance with these laws is identified in the Privacy Policy.

Help Boxes


Pop-Up Hyperlink

A Few Exceptions: Exceptions include students exclusively enrolled in noncredit courses, undocumented international students and nonresident aliens, unless the nonresident alien student requests that a return be provided to the IRS. (26 C.F.R. 1.60505-1(a)(2), (b)(5)(ii).)

Taxpayer Identification Number: 

Privacy Policy: Hyperlink to the existing Privacy Policy. Opens in a new page

Other Exceptions

SSN Type 


Radio Buttons

Please indicate the type of number:


    Social Security Number


    Taxpayer Identification Number

SSN / Confirm SSN


Text Input 

By providing my Social Security Number (or Taxpayer Identification Number) below, or indicating that I do not have a Social Security Number or decline to provide one at this time, I confirm that I have read and understand the federal regulations provided above, and the state regulations provided in the privacy policy.

Your Social Security Number must be accurate to ensure the integrity of your permanent record and to avoid potential penalties imposed by the IRS for providing an incorrect number.

Social Security Number (or Taxpayer Identification Number)

Repeat Social Security Number (or Taxpayer Identification Number)

(This statement ensured we are complying with regulations by having students “confirm” they have read and understand exactly what data is being collected and why, and the consequences for not complying with federal regulations. By wording the confirmation statement in this way, we were also removing the need for another download field.)

Decline to State




    Check this box if you do not have a Social Security Number (or Taxpayer ID Number), or decline to provide one at this time.

International Exception




    Undocumented international students, nonresident aliens, and other exceptions, may not have a SSN, or TIN, and should check this box.

Proposed Solution & Change Specifications

Breakdown of Change Requirements





Revise the overall layout, look & feel, question text, hyperlink pop-up boxes, etc., of the Social Security Number question to:

  1. Remove the "I plan to apply for financial aid" checkbox from this question/layout.

  2. Remove the SSN Type fields <ssn_type> from the user interface, but keep the existing logic around the number type and populate the field (for download and reporting). (Example, If the logic identifies that the number entered is a Social Security number vs. the Taxpayer ID number, populate the SSN Type field value accordingly).

  3. Keep both SSN / Confirm SSN input fields. Add field logic to the SSN input field to determine if the number entered is a SSN or TIN.

    (NOTE: maintain existing field validation for SSN/TIN that currently exists today, including A) must have 9 numbers; B) if number starts with a 9, then it is a TIN; etc.

  4. Keep the "No SSN" checkbox question/field and keep the existing language (Note - this is being reviewed by the Redesign Workgroup. The language in this question may change slightly.)

  5. Keep the "SSN Exception" checkbox, which is conditional based on the user selecting the "No SSN" box. Keep the existing language (Note - this is being reviewed by the Redesign Workgroup. The language in this question may change slightly.)

  6. Revise ALL onscreen text as specified:

    1. The question prompt text should read:

    2. Add a new hyperlink adjacent to the SSN/Confirm SSN fields that says, "Why am I being asked for my Social Security Number?"

      The hyperlink pops up text box with all the legacy legal information displayed (see next requirement in this table).

  7. See mock-up screenshot for layout

  8. Implement or maintain the following pop-up Help text boxes with new or modified text:

    1. New:  "Why am I being asked for my Social Security Number? (Display displaced legal information when user clicks this link. See row below for details.)

    2. Existing:  Privacy Policy - keep linking this out to the OpenCCC Privacy Policy

    3. Existing:  Exceptions: (keep existing hyperlink(s) and text boxes/language)

    4. Existing:  Few exceptions (keep existing hyperlink(s) and text boxes/language)

    5. Existing:  Taxpayer Identification Number (keep existing hyperlink(s) and text boxes/language)

  1. (Spike: Confirm this field is not used in any logic or other purposes. It could be moved to the Needs & Interests page. For the initial revision, don't remove the data field from the Download Client (DLC), but it will no longer collect data.

Add pop-up help box under a new hyperlink: "Why am I being asked for my Social Security Number?"

"Why am I being asked for my Social Security Number?" Pop-Up Help Box Hyperlink

The Social Security Number is required to claim tax credits for higher education costs known as the American Opportunity Tax Credit in accordance with the Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997.

Federal law requires the California Community Colleges to provide specific information to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) for the purpose of filing an information return (IRS Form 1098-T “Tuition Statement”) for each student in attendance, with a few exceptions.

The information required by the IRS includes the student’s name, address, Social Security Number (SSN) or Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN/iTIN), and enrollment status, as well as the amount of tuition paid or billed, and scholarships received. (26 C.F.R. 1-60505-1(b)(2)(ii).)

Failure to provide a correct Social Security Number or TIN while claiming tax credits for specified education expenses may result in a penalty levied against the student by the IRS in the amount of $100, per year, until the missing or incorrect information is provided
(26 C.F.R.  1-60505-1(e)(4)).

In addition, California Education Code sections 68041 and 70901(b)(7) authorizes the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office (CCCCO) to collect information you submit through the OpenCCC Online Student Account and CCCApply Online Application for Admission for the purposes of completing and submitting California College admission applications and financial aid on your behalf. 

Further, information acquired by the CCCCO is subject to the limitations set forth in the Information Practices Act of 1977 (Title 1.8 (commencing with Section 1798) of Part 4 of Division 3 of the Civil Code). Compliance with these laws is identified in the Privacy Policy.

(See CSU disclosure in the screenshot below:

"pursuant to Section 41201, Title 5, Code of Regulations, and Section 6109 of the Internal Revenue Service...

Keep the pop-up Help textbox and hyperlink for "Exceptions" in the "SSN Exceptions" checkbox


Exceptions include students exclusively enrolled in noncredit courses, undocumented international students and nonresident aliens, unless the nonresident alien student requests that a return be provided to the IRS. (26 C.F.R. 1.60505-1(a)(2), (b)(5)(ii).)

Keep the pop-up Help text box and hyperlink for "Taxpayer Identification Number" - keep all existing 

Keep existing

Keep the existing link out to the Privacy Policy (OpenCCC)

Keep existing but check that it's pointing to the correct doc.

View file
name13-05 1098 Penalties.doc
View file
name1098-T Legal Opinion 13-05 IRS_Penalties (1).pdf

Update Account Matching logic to reduce duplicates for Account & proxy Account

Account Matching 


Currently our duplication rate is .003 and we need to protect that number

What can be done to remove reliance on SSN?

Account Creation, Matching & Verification Specification v5.4.0


Account Matching

Redesign SSN Question

Keep in OpenCCC Account for now

Remove the SSN Encouragement pop-up 

Consider: Why am I being asked for my SSN?

See Patty's version of revision to the language in our existing Account app here:  /wiki/spaces/PD/pages/729514134

SSN Original Specs:

SSN in the Common Application

Image Added

SSN in the CSU Apply

Image Added


Notes regarding "mobile support" conversion work - in-progress now for Apply, Promise, IA:

One more thing on this...on a phone or tablet, you won't see the second scrollbar for the notification because browsers for phones and tablets hide scrollbars. I'm not sure if that would be considered a plus or a minus, but that's how it'll be. It will still be scrollable though



Supporting Documentation

NEW Social Security Number language.CCCCO.Final.doc

ssn specifications excerpt ammedits 22515(3).doc

For Internal Use Only

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Jira Legacy
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Dependencies, Risks and/or Reporting Requirements?




Which data field(s)?


Would this change affect an existing question or data field on the Standard Application?

Would this change affect an existing question or data field on the International Application?

Would this change affect an existing question or data field on the Promise Grant Application?

Would Account (OpenCCC) data be affected by this change?

Does the question or data field align to an MIS reporting requirement now?

Does this change affect any other state or federal regulations or requirements?


Would this change affect existing residency logic?

Would any other data fields be affected by this change?

Would students users be affected by this change?

Would colleges be affected by this change? 

Would the Download Client be affected by this change?

What other tech center web services will be affected by this change?

i.e., Glue staging table?  Multiple Measur
Other dependencies?

Other implementation considerations?

Supporting Documentation