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Request # 2020-03
Date of RequestFeb 10, 2020 
Application(s)Standard Application 
Approval StatusPending 
Changes to Download TBD
Changes to LogicTBD 

Table of Contents

What is the issue or problem?

SB 554, Roth. Public schools: adult school students: Advanced Scholastic and Vocational Training Program.

Existing law authorizes the governing board of a school district to allow pupils whom the district has determined would benefit from advanced scholastic or vocational work to attend community college as special part-time or full-time students, subject to parental permission. 
(SB554) authorizes the governing board of a school district overseeing an adult education program or the governing board of a community college district overseeing a noncredit program to authorize a student pursuing a high school diploma or a high school equivalency certificate to enroll as a special part-time student at a community college, as provided.
This bill will allow students enrolled in adult education or a noncredit program pursuing a high school diploma or equivalent (certificate) to attend college at the same time. 
CCCApply needs to be updated to identify these students and capture their enrollment status (SB15) and their education level (SB11).  
When do

What changes need to be implemented in CCCApply?

To comply with the new bill, the CCCApply Standard and Noncredit applications will need to be updated to identify these students* and capture their enrollment status (SB15) and their education level (SB11), as well as several other question changes and validity checks. All changes would be made to the Education page.  

User Interface changes:

  • Enrollment Status
    • Add a new response option to the Enrollment Status question, "Enrolling in adult school /  continuing education (or noncredit program) and college at the same time"
    • Add a corresponding value to the <enroll_status> data field for the new response option
  • High School Education Level 

    • Add a new response option to the High School Education Level question, "Will be enrolled in adult school/continuing education (or noncredit program) and college at the same time"

  • Last High School Attended 

    • Revise the question label from Last High School Attended to Last School Attended 

    • Change the field format from a radio-button field to a drop-down menu, and 

    • Add a new response option"I attended an adult or continuing education school"

Data field, logic, and validation changes:

In addition to user interface changes, these and several other dependent fields on the Education page will need to be updated to correspond with the new response options.

What other dependencies are there?

  • Ensure the School Finder includes California and national adult education, noncredit, and continuing education schools with corresponding CDS/CEEB codes;
  • Ensure the HS Transcript Information section is considered
  • Notify the SuperGlue team 
  • Notify the Data Warehouse team
  • Ensure all data documentation is updated accordingly

When do these changes need to be implemented?

SB554 takes affect on July 1, 2020. According to Raul A. and Devin Rodriguez, these changes should be implemented as soon as possible; however, based on current CCCApply release schedule, they are aware that these may not be able to be deployed until the next major CCCApply release (6.8.0) tentatively scheduled for September 2020.

Pending Questions & Requirements Decisions

Legal Analysis

  1. To summarize - What is the purpose of this law?  
    1. What legal doc will this appear in?  Ed Code? Title V? SAAM?
  2. How does this law affect residency for tuition purposes , if at all?
    1. Does this law affect the residency algorithm/logic?
    2. Does this law affect eligibility for admission? 
    3. Are any additional flags needed (integrity flags)?
  3. What are the characteristics of this special population?  
    1. Minors?

Who are Adult school students? 

  1. Do they have to be a specific age?  
  2. Can you be an adult special admit and have attended a college before?
  3. Can you be an adult special admit
  4. How are adult special admit students getting to the Application? 
  5. How do adult special admit students KNOW that they are adult special admits?

What are Adult schools? Are they the same as Continuation Schools?  

  • How many different types of schools fit this category? 
  • Continuing Education Schools
  • Adult Education Schools
  • Noncredit Programs? 
  • Noncredit Students?

Noncredit Students

  1. Do these changes pertain to Standard (domestic) and Noncredit students? Should all change requirements be implemented in the Noncredit Application?
  2. Specifically, how does this new law affect or pertain to noncredit students? 


Language / onscreen text decisions (questions, response options, error validation language, and Help language, 

Confirm what we are going to call the new "Adult Special Admit" response options - consistently - in the application (which does not have to be the official field value used by MIS).

  1. Enrollment Status (SB11):  What language do we want to display to the user in College Enrollment Status?  (Again, this language does not have to match what the college sees for mapping for MIS reporting. Should fit (not too long) and be clear and unambiguous.
    1. Enrolling in adult school and authorized as a special part-time college student
    2. Enrolling in adult school and authorized to enroll in college at the same time
    3. Enrolling in adult school or continuing education/noncredit program and college at the same time"
    4. Enrolling in adult school and authorized to enroll in college at the same time"
  2. High School Education Level question (SB15): What language do we want to display for this new option in the HS Education Level field?  (Same as above, doesn't have to match MIS language as long as it maps correctly). 
    1. Currently enrolled in adult school and authorized as a special part-time community college student

Display conditions & field validation

  1. Currently in Enrollment Status, the "Enrolling in high school or lower grade and college at the same time" (AKA - K12 Special Admit) does NOT appear if the user is 22 years or older (per SB11).  
  2. Minors:  Is there regulations for the Adult Special Admit?  Like, can minors be enrolled in Adult school?  Should minors see the new response option?  Is there an age limit for Adult Special Admits?

Use Cases

Impacts & Changes to Application Data Fields

How do these changes affect the other data fields on the Education page?

Data Field
Are changes required?
Changes & Supporting Actions
College Enrollment Status<enroll_status>Yes
  •  Add new response option to College Enrollment Status question drop-down menu: "Enrolling in adult school and authorized as a special part-time college student"  (NOTE: Confirm the onscreen language we'll use for the new response option with CCCApply Steering Committee - ensure it is used consistently with other fields, help language, validation messages.)
  •  Add new corresponding data value to <enroll_status>: "Z = Adult Special Admit" (should align to Y per SB11)
  •  Confirm Conditions for Display to ensure the new response option displays to the appropriate applicants, including  if the applicant is over age 22 (unlike the K12 special admit). Update the display conditions to display new response option for all age 
  •  Confirm that a constraint exists between "enroll status" for adult special admit and "hs ed level" for adult special admit, just like the K12 special admit. (If user selects "Z" as their Enrollment Status, must they select "7" in the HS Education Level field?  If Yes, auto-populate and constrain.  
HS Education Level<hs_edu_level>Yes
  •  Confirm language for the proposed new response option with Steering Committee and ensure it aligns with all other language changes being implemented
  •  Add new response option to menu: "7 = Will be enrolled in adult school/continuing or noncredit program and college at the same time."
  •  Add new data value to field: "7 = Adult Special Admit" (should align to new 21000 MIS value in DED)
  •  Add new validations (ADD HERE)
HS Completion Date<hs_comp_date>NoN/A
Attended CA HS 3 Years<cahs_3year>TBD
  •  Confirm that this field should NOT display if HS Completion Date is not display
  •  NOTE: This is a factor in AB540 Waiver eligibility.  DED condition is "Always" - is that the actual behavior?
Graduated CA HS<cahs_graduated>NoN/A
Last High School Attended


  •  Revise the question label from "Last High School Attended" to "Last School Attended"
  •  Change the field format from radio buttons to a drop down menu
  •  Add a new response option to menu: "I attended an adult school / continuation education or noncredit program"
  •  Add corresponding new data value: "5 = I attended an adult school / continuing ed/noncredit program"
  •  Confirm this value
  •  Add new Validation check to ensure the HS ed level matches this response, see DED. "Must be "5 - attended adult school/..." if <hs_ed_level> = 7 or <enroll_status> = Z"

School Finder

High School Name & City 



  •  Update the display conditions from "Appears if Country is United States, and hs_attendance is 1 = I attended high school or 2 = I was homeschooled in a registered homeschool organization" to "Appears if Country is United States and <hs_attendance> = 1  or = 2  or = 5 I attended adult school or continuing education/noncredit program
  •  Revise the prompt text from "Enter the name or city of your high school or homeschool organization. Then make a selection from the list." to "Enter the name or city of the last school or homeschool you attended. Then make a selection from the list."
  •  Confirm all onscreen text displayed is updated as needed (such as in the search responses, validation, etc.)
  •  Update the Help information text for School Finder (that appears when user clicks the icon for the school finder) to, "Please make every effort to find your last school or homeschool using this school finder search field. Begin typing three or more characters of your school name, or the city name, into the search field to display a list of schools that match the criteria. Continue typing to narrow your search results. You may navigate the list using the up and down arrow keys. If your school is not listed, select "My school is not in the list" at the bottom of the list. This field is required." 
  •  Update the Help information text for "School or Organization" <hs_name> from "Enter the name of your high school, secondary school, or homeschool organization." to "Enter the name of your last high school, secondary school, adult or continuing education school, or homeschool organization."
  •  Update the Help information text for "City" <hs_city> "School or Organization" from "Enter the city in which your high school or homeschool organization was located." to "Enter the city in which your last high school, secondary school, adult or continuing education school, or homeschool organization was located."
  •    Enter the city in which your high school or homeschool organization was located.
  •  Confirm the Schools Maintenance table includes adult / continuing education schools 
  •  Check to see if Noncredit programs are included in the school maintenance table (I could not find NOCE in the school finder)

High School Country

Last HS : CDS Code<hs_cds>


Full HS CDS Code<full_hs_cds>NEED information from CCCCOTBD
  •  Do we need to incorporate Adult schools into CDE web service or CCGI?  
  •  Ask John Hadad to help with this.  See if he can take this action item.
HS Not Listed<hs_not_listed>No


HS Transcript Info Section<highest_grade_completed>
  •  Confirm whether these MM questions should be displayed for this population (Adult special admit) - similar to the K12 special admits.  Work with John Hadad - see if he can take this action item.  If this section SHOULD display, then revise existing validation from "ONLY display IF High School Education Level = "Will be enrolled in high school (or lower grade) and college at the same time" OR High School Education Level = "Not a graduate of, and no longer enrolled in high school " to: "ONLY display if High School Education Level = "Will be enrolled in high school (or lower grade) and college at the same time" OR "Will be enrolled in adult school / continuing ed / noncredit programand authorized to attend college at the same time" OR " Not a graduate of, and no longer enrolled in high school".
  •  Confirm all other changes for HSTI section is considered and approved.
College Education Level<higher_edu_level>Yes
  •  Update display conditions to if College Enrollment Status <enroll_status> is (also):

Display if "College Enrollment Status" <enroll_status> is:
"2  = Transfer student from another college (Keep existing logic)" OR
"3  = Returning student to this college after absent for a main term" OR
"Y = Enrolling in high school (or lower grade) and college at the same time" OR
"Z = Enrolling in adult school and authorized to enroll in college at the same time."

Higher Ed Completion Date<higher_comp_date>No


Highest Education Level<highest_ed_level>TBD
  •  Confirm whether data values need to be updated for this derived field based on new SB11 or SB15 MIS changes.
  •  Confirm whether DED needs to be updated with the new MIS data values 
College Degree Type<degree_type>NoN/A
Number of colleges attended<college_count>Yes
  •  Update the display conditions to ADD display if College Enrollment Status <enroll_status> is:

Display if "College Enrollment Status" <enroll_status> is:
"2  = Transfer student from another college (Keep existing logic)" OR
"3  = Returning student to this college after absent for a main term" OR
"Y = Enrolling in high school (or lower grade) and college at the same time" OR
"Z = Enrolling in adult school / continuing or noncredit program and and authorized to enroll in college at the same time."

College Country<co1-4_country>NoN/A
College Finder<col1-4_name>NoN/A

College State






College CDS Code<col1_cds>No


College Not Listed<col1_not_listed>No




Integrity Checks

  1. If Student Education Status (SB11) is coded as 7YYYY, 7XXXX, 8YYYY, 8XXXX, (indicating a degree), then SB15 must not be coded as “1” (first-time student).
  2. If Student Education Status (SB11) is coded as 10000 (special admit K-12), then this field must be coded as “Y”.
  3. If Student Education Status (SB11) is coded as 21000 (Adult Education Special Admit student), then this field must be coded as “Y”.

Data Quality Check:

(SB15) Enrollment status for CREDIT students must have: At least 50% coded “5” (continuing). 10% or less coded “X” (uncollected / unreported / unknown).





First-Time Student = 1 A Student enrolled in college for the first time after High School. The first time a student enrolls in a primary term, this element should be coded as '1', even if the student was previously enrolled in a summer or winter intersession. For example, if a student enrolls at the college for the first time during a summer term and subsequently enrolls during a fall term, the student should be coded as '1' for both terms.

First-Time Transfer Student = 2 A student enrolled at the reporting college for the first time and who transferred from another institution of higher education.

Returning Student = 3 A student enrolled at the reporting college after an absence of one or more primary terms.

Continuing Student = 5 A student enrolled in the current session and was enrolled in the previous regular session.

Not Applicable  Y A Special Admit student (see Student Education Status SB11).

Uncollected / Unreported=  X Uncollected / Unreported / Unknown

This element may be coded with "X" if a student is enrolled in only noncredit courses.

Change History:
Revision: Summer 2020 Updated meaning for code “Y” and referential edits related to new SB11 value ‘21000’ (Adult Education Special Admit student)

Additional Background Info & Feedback from Colleges

Email Dual Enrollment students enrolling in non-degree applicable courses for DSPS_.pdf


Email discussion on the CCC-ADMISSIONS listserv - Feb 2020


Hello Folks,

During a meeting last week, a question came up regarding dual enrollment students utilizing DSPS services.  Currently, the DSPS department has students enroll in a non-degree applicable course (EA-907), which allows the student to schedule meetings in the DSPS office throughout the semester to complete learning disability testing.

Current policy does not allow dual enrollment students to enroll in non-degree applicable, or non-college level courses.  Since the EA-907 course is not degree-applicable, my first thought is we shouldn’t allow dual enrollment students to enroll.  However, this course is used as a means of providing DSPS services to students.  Education code 48800 states the “school district may determine which pupils would benefit from advanced scholastic or vocational work.”  The term “advanced scholastic” is what concerns me as the non-degree applicable course would not fit into this category.  That being said, can students who are enrolled with DSPS, and who are dual enrollment, enroll in a non-degree applicable course if the course is used to assess DSPS needs?

Hi Larry,

This is an interesting question.  We allow high school students to take non credit classes (there’s ed code that supports this but I can’t lay my hands on it at the moment).  We do NOT allow high school students to take non transferable credit courses based on ed code.  And our AEC (Accessible Education Center aka DSPS) does not allow high school students to participate in AEC classes because the thought is that they are receiving services/learning evaluation from their primary high school.  AEC would help the high school students receive accommodations in any college classes they were taking, based on the IEP from the student’s High school.  The premise of college classes not “supplanting” what is available to high school students through their high schools is the guiding force for us.

Candice Whitney, M.Ed., M.A.

Registrar/Director of Admissions & Records

Candice Et Al,

Thank you all for the feedback.  Linda Vann from the CCCO replied directly to me with some of the same information regarding the students receiving those services at the high school.  Below is a copy of what I sent to her in my response, which may muddy the waters, but also help clarify my question.

Let me muddy the waters a little more by altering the scenario.  New legislation allows students attending an Adult School enrolled in a program leading toward a high school diploma or certificate of proficiency, to enroll in courses at the college as a dual enrollment student.  Thus, these students would not be charged enrollment or non-resident fees, which is a big deal since a lot of our adult learners may be undocumented.  This is actually where the question came from.  Can an adult learner, who is attending courses as a dual enrollment student, enroll in a non-degree applicable course if it is used for LD testing? 

In this scenario, the student may not have testing options at the high school because they are not enrolled in a high school, and as such, may not have an IEP or 504 plan.  However, since they are admitted to the college as a dual enrolled student, they must abide by all requirements of the dual enrollment program.  This is why I posed the question a little more generic because it could be an issue for high school students, but the original scenario that prompted the question was regarding adult learners attending an adult school as dual enrollment.

Now that I’ve muddied the waters a bit more, do you have any thoughts or suggestions?


Here is an update for you.

On SB 554, we are currently working with MIS on an update to identifier SB 11, in order to track adult students. In addition, we are working with CCCApply with regards to the blocker that is currently in place that does not allow a special admit student to be over the age of 22. Once we have these issues addressed a guidance memo will be released.

Regarding AB 1729, legal is currently working on a legal opinion for dual enrollment and we are in discussion about what the content will include. We hope to have the legal opinion by the end of the month and then can issue the guidance.

Best regards,

Linda Vann, MBA

DSPS Specialist/Region A Programmatic Support

MIS Information





< from email thread attached between Todd Hoig, MIS, and Raul Arambula, CCCCO>

FW_ SB 554 MIS Changes Discussion.pdf

Hi Raul,

I believe we can amend our SB11 STUDENT-EDUCATION-STATUS specification to allow districts to report adult education students enrolled as special part-time students as allowed by SB 554.  We currently allow districts to report education status for students who are not high school graduates as “Not a graduate of, and no longer enrolled in high school”, “Special Admit student currently enrolled in K-12”, or “Currently enrolled in adult school”.  If we need to be able to differentiate students who are in adult education programs and participating in special admit as provided by SB 554 from those students who are in adult education programs and enrolled in community college but not as special admit students, we can add a new code for SB11, such as “Currently enrolled in adult school and authorized as a special part-time community college student”

For example, the current SB11 STUDENT-EDUCATION-STATUS coding specification for non-high school graduates…

Not A High School Graduate


Not a graduate of, and no longer enrolled in high school


Special Admit student currently enrolled in K-12


Currently enrolled in adult school

would become…

Not A High School Graduate

MISMIS ValuesApply ValueCCCApply <hs_edu_level> response optionsCCCApply Conditions / Logic


Not a graduate of, and no longer enrolled in high school


Special Admit student currently enrolled in K-12

Enrolling in high school (or lower grade) and college at the same timeOnly displays if applicant is under 22 yro at RDD


Currently enrolled in adult school


Currently enrolled in adult school and authorized as a special part-time community college student


Do we need to continue to allow reporting for adult education students who are not authorized as special admit students under SB 554?


Todd Hoig

Director of Management Information Systems

Digital Innovation & Infrastructure

O (916) 445-8505

California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office

1102 Q Street, Sacramento, California 95811

Change Specifications


Data Element Changes (Aligns to MIS DED Reporting Changes)

Current Data Element Specifications

College Enrollment Status

Data Element:



Applicant’s response to College Enrollment Status question

Format, Length:

bpchar, 1


1 = First-time student in college (after leaving high school)

2 = Transfer student from another college

3 = Returning student to this college after absent for a main term

Y = Enrolling in high school (or lower grade) and college at the same time

Allows Null:





Correlates to MIS SB15


education table

Revision Log:

March 2019

Question Text:

As of <RDD>, I will have the following college enrollment status:  [menu]



Additional Text:

If a student is applying for a term that starts in May or June, then the College Enrollment Status and the High School Education labels have "as of 7/1/<RDD year>" listed.

Response Options:

1 = First-time student in college (after leaving high school)

2 = First time at this college; have attended another college

3 = Returning student to this college after absent for a main term

Y = Enrolling in high school (or lower grade) and college at the same time


Select the response that best indicates your college enrollment status on <date>

Field Error Check:


Page Error Check:

Required selection; else error message, “You must select your College Enrollment Status.”

If (RDD minus <birthdate>) => 22 years, then do not display the response option “Y = Enrolling in high school (or lower grade) and college at the same time”.

Cannot be “First-time student in college” if college degree is indicated in “Higher education level” field; else error message, “You cannot have a College Enrollment Status of ‘First-time student in college’ if you have received an associate or bachelor’s degree.”

If College Enrollment Status is “Enrolling in high school (or lower grades) and college at the same time”, then High School Education Level must be “Enrolled in college and high school (or lower grades) at the same time”; else error message, “Answers to College Enrollment Status and High School Education Level do not agree: please fix one or the other.”

If College Enrollment Status is “Enrolling in high school (or lower grades) and college at the same time” and data is present in Colleges Attended section, then applicant is prompted to confirm or correct the responses: “Your College Enrollment Status and number of colleges attended indicate that you have previously attended college while in high school (or lower grades). If this is true, please check the confirmation box below. If it is not true, please correct your responses as necessary.”

“I confirm that I previously attended college while in high school or lower grades.”


Correlates to MIS SB15.

Note: Per SB11, If student is 22 years or older at <RDD> they are prohibited from enrolling in high school or lower grade in California. Steering Committee approved request to remove the response option, “Enrolling in high school (or lower grade) and college at the same time” from the drop down menu to minimize errors in classification.

In June 2019 – added skip logic to hide the College Education Level and Colleges Attended section if the college enrollment status is “First time in college (after leaving high school)”. 

Data Element:

education: enroll_status

High School Education Level

Data Element:



Applicant’s response to High School Education Level question

Format, Length:

bpchar, 1


3 = Received high school diploma from U.S. school
4 = Passed a high school equivalency test and received a certificate of high school equivalency
5 = Received a Certificate of California High School Proficiency
6 = Received a diploma/certificate of graduation from a Foreign secondary school
1 = Will be enrolled in high school (or lower grade) and college at the same time
2 = Currently enrolled in adult school
0 = Not a graduate of, and no longer enrolled in high school

Allows Null:






SB11, SB15

Xap Field:


Revision Log:


Question Text:

High School Education Level as of <RDD, or ‘July 1, RDDyear’ if RDDmonth is May or June> [menu]



Response Options:

3 = Received high school diploma from U.S. school
4 = Passed a high school equivalency test and received a certificate of high school equivalency
5 = Received a Certificate of California High School Proficiency
6 = Received a diploma/certificate of graduation from a Foreign secondary school
1 = Will be enrolled in high school (or lower grade) and college at the same time
2 = Currently enrolled in adult school
0 = Not a graduate of, and no longer enrolled in high school


Select the High School Education Level you will have attained when you enroll.

Field Error Check:


Page Error Check:

Required selection; else error message, “You must select your High School Education Level.”

If (RDD minus <birthdate>) => 22 years, then do not display the option “1 = Will be enrolled in high school (or lower grade) and college at the same time”.

If High School Education Level is ‘Will be enrolled in high school (or lower grade) and college at the same time’, then College Enrollment Status must be ‘Enrolling in high school (or lower grade) and college at the same time’; else error message, “Your responses to the Enrollment Status and High School Education Level questions are contradictory. Please fix one or the other.”

If High School Education Level is “Enrolled in high school (or lower grades) and college at the same time”, then Higher Education Level cannot be “Received an associate degree” or “Received a bachelor’s degree or higher”; else error message, “Your responses to the High School Education Level and College Education Level questions are contradictory. Please fix one or the other.”


Relates to SB11.

Note: If student is 22 years or older at <RDD> they are prohibited from enrolling in high school or lower grade in California. Steering Committee approved request to remove the response option, “Will be enrolled in high school (or lower grade) and college at the same time” from the drop down menu to minimize errors in classification.

education table


Tracked Changes/Edits to Data Elements

College Enrollment Status

Data Element:



Applicant’s response to College Enrollment Status question

Format, Length:

bpchar, 1


1 = First-time student in college (after leaving high school)

2 = Transfer student from another college

3 = Returning student to this college after absent for a main term

Y = Enrolling in high school (or lower grade) and college at the same time

Z = Enrolling in adult school and authorized to enroll in college at the same time

Allows Null:





Correlates to MIS SB15


education table

Revision Log:

July 2020

Question Text:

As of <RDD>, I will have the following college enrollment status:  [menu]



Additional Text: 

If a student is applying for a term that starts in May or June, then the College Enrollment Status and the High School Education labels have "as of 7/1/<RDD year>" listed.

Response Options:

1 = First-time student in college (after leaving high school)

2 = First time at this college; have attended another college

3 = Returning student to this college after absent for a main term

Y = Enrolling in high school (or lower grade) and college at the same time

Z = Enrolling in adult school and authorized to enroll in college at the same time


Select the response that best indicates your college enrollment status on <date>

Field Error Check:


Page Error Check:

Required selection; else error message, “You must select your College Enrollment Status.”

If (RDD minus <birthdate>) => 22 years, then do not display the response option “Y = Enrolling in high school (or lower grade) and college at the same time”.

Cannot be “First-time student in college” if college degree is indicated in “Higher education level” field; else error message, “You cannot have a College Enrollment Status of ‘First-time student in college’ if you have received an associate or bachelor’s degree.”

If College Enrollment Status is “Enrolling in high school (or lower grades) and college at the same time”, then High School Education Level must be “Enrolled in college and high school (or lower grades) at the same time”; else error message, “Answers to College Enrollment Status and High School Education Level do not agree: please fix one or the other.”

If College Enrollment Status is “Enrolling in high school (or lower grades) and college at the same time” and data is present in Colleges Attended section, then applicant is prompted to confirm or correct the responses: “Your College Enrollment Status and number of colleges attended indicate that you have previously attended college while in high school (or lower grades). If this is true, please check the confirmation box below. If it is not true, please correct your responses as necessary.”

“I confirm that I previously attended college while in high school or lower grades.”


Correlates to MIS SB15.

Note: Per SB11, If student is 22 years or older at <RDD> they are prohibited from enrolling in high school or lower grade in California. Steering Committee approved request to remove the response option, “Enrolling in high school (or lower grade) and college at the same time” from the drop down menu to minimize errors in classification.

In June 2019 – added skip logic to hide the College Education Level and Colleges Attended section if the college enrollment status is “First time in college (after leaving high school)”. 

Data Element:

education: enroll_status

High School Education Level

Data Element:



Applicant’s response to High School Education Level question

Format, Length:

bpchar, 1


3 = Received high school diploma from U.S. school
4 = Passed a high school equivalency test and received a certificate of high school equivalency
5 = Received a Certificate of California High School Proficiency
6 = Received a diploma/certificate of graduation from a Foreign secondary school
1 = Will be enrolled in high school (or lower grade) and college at the same time
2 = Currently enrolled in adult school
0 = Not a graduate of, and no longer enrolled in high school

7 = Will be enrolled in adult school and authorized to attend college at the same time.

Allows Null:






SB11, SB15

Xap Field:


Revision Log:


Question Text:

High School Education Level as of <RDD, or ‘July 1, RDDyear’ if RDDmonth is May or June> [menu]



Response Options:

3 = Received high school diploma from U.S. school
4 = Passed a high school equivalency test and received a certificate of high school equivalency
5 = Received a Certificate of California High School Proficiency
6 = Received a diploma/certificate of graduation from a Foreign secondary school
1 = Will be enrolled in high school (or lower grade) and college at the same time
2 = Currently enrolled in adult school
0 = Not a graduate of, and no longer enrolled in high school


Select the High School Education Level you will have attained when you enroll.

Field Error Check:


Page Error Check:

Required selection; else error message, “You must select your High School Education Level.”

If (RDD minus <birthdate>) => 22 years, then do not display the option “1 = Will be enrolled in high school (or lower grade) and college at the same time”.

If High School Education Level is ‘Will be enrolled in high school (or lower grade) and college at the same time’, then College Enrollment Status must be ‘Enrolling in high school (or lower grade) and college at the same time’; else error message, “Your responses to the Enrollment Status and High School Education Level questions are contradictory. Please fix one or the other.”

If High School Education Level is “Enrolled in high school (or lower grades) and college at the same time”, then Higher Education Level cannot be “Received an associate degree” or “Received a bachelor’s degree or higher”; else error message, “Your responses to the High School Education Level and College Education Level questions are contradictory. Please fix one or the other.”


Relates to SB11.

Note: If student is 22 years or older at <RDD> they are prohibited from enrolling in high school or lower grade in California. Steering Committee approved request to remove the response option, “Will be enrolled in high school (or lower grade) and college at the same time” from the drop down menu to minimize errors in classification.

education table

Coding Meaning
The year in which the degree or status was achieved is entered in the last four positions
Not A High School Graduate      
00000   Not a graduate of, and no longer enrolled in high school.   
10000    Special Admit student currently enrolled in K-12.   
20000    Currently enrolled in adult school. 
21000   Adult Education Special Admit student
High School Graduate Without A College Degree 
"YYYY”= year received diploma or certificate
3YYYY  Received High School Diploma.
4YYYY  Passed the GED, or received a High School Certificate of Equivalency / Completion / Completion.
5YYYY  Received a California High School Proficiency Certificate.
6YYYY  Foreign Secondary School Diploma/Certificate of Graduation. College Degree “YYYY” = year received degree
7YYYY Received an Associate Degree.
8YYYY  Received a Bachelor degree or higher.
Unknown  XXXXX  Unknown / unreported
If only the year is unknown, enter the appropriate value for the highest educational status attained followed by "XXXX".