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This page provides a step-by-step guide for signing in to a new OpenCCC Account.


About the Sign In Process

What is an OpenCCC account and why do students need one?

OpenCCC is the California Community Colleges federated identity initiative, which includes a student account system that assigns each user a unique California Community Colleges ID number (CCCID) and allows access to systemwide web-based technology applications via one common single sign-on account.

 Read more about the Student Account & the CCCID

Student Account System & The CCCID

When an account is created by a user, a unique identifier is created for that user called the CCCID (California Community Colleges ID) and the user's personal identification data is stored in an Identity Center. The CCCID is the master link between the Identity Center, admission applications, and other system wide technology services. 

CCCID & Student Data Passed to Colleges

When a user is authenticated to use a systemwide service or application such as CCCApply or MyPath, the CCCID is passed to that service to identify the unique individual. In this way, services and applications can maintain personal accounts for the user anonymously, thus ensuring privacy for the user.

Why do users have to sign in to access CCC applications?

The user sign in process provides security and privacy protection - as well as important student education data tracking - for students across the California Community Colleges system. The student account that delivers single sign-on functionality allows users to maintain one set of sign in credentials for all systemwide technology applications throughout their CCC educational history.

Will users be able to sign in with their legacy account?

Yes! The new account system will include all existing (legacy) account information, including the user’s CCCID and application records. These legacy account holders will have to create a new password and complete the new two-factor identity verification process - as will all new users - plus one additional matching step to ensure the system matches the user to their original CCCID account.

Where do users go to sign in?

The process to sign in to systemwide technology applications has not changed. Students will encounter the Sign In page as they engage with CCC applications such as CCCApply, MyPath, Career Coach, and other secure services.

See more FAQs below: Resolving Common Sign In Issues

User Requirements

  • All users must have an OpenCCC account in order to access many CCC systemwide applications.

  • If a user doesn’t have an account, they will have easy access to the Create an Account process.

  • Users must have a unique email address or mobile phone number to create an account and verify their identity.

  • Users must choose a preferred method of contact (an email address or a mobile phone number) to receive a validation (security) code.

  • At least one of the user’s two methods must be validated in order to sign in and/or recover an account.

  • All users must create and confirm a password that meets security requirements.

  • All legacy users must reset their legacy password the first time they attempt to sign in.

For security purposes, two-factor validation is used to verify (authenticate) your identity. A time-sensitive security code is sent to the user to their preferred method of contact. The code must be retrieved and entered within 10 minutes of request to validate the user’s identity. Below is an example of the verification code message received by email.

Steps in the Sign In Process

Step 1: Sign In Page

All users start on the Sign In page.

  1. Enter your email address or mobile phone number in the Email or Mobile phone input field.

  2. Click the Next button to validate your entry is unique.

User Sign In Credential Must Be Unique: Your email address or mobile phone number - whichever is preferred to sign in - must be unique to your account. Failed matches will prompt retry attempts or

Next: Follow the appropriate next step below.

After entry of your email address or mobile phone number, what happens next depends on the result of that first matching validation.

Your Sign In Credential is Unique: The email address or mobile number entered is a validated unique match in the system. The user is prompted to the Password page.

Your Sign In Credential is NOT Unique: If the system finds more than one match to the email or mobile number in the system. The user is prompted to enter their legacy Username.

Your Sign In Credential is NOT Validated: If the system can’t match the email or mobile number to a validated attribute in the system, the user is still prompted to the Password page.

Your Sign In Credential is Not Found. If the system doesn’t recognize the credential entered, the user will still be taken to the Password page and prompted to enter their secure password. If the password entered is not recognized, the user is returned to the Sign In page to try again or click the Recover Account link.

Step 2: Validation Process

If Your Email Address or Mobile Number IS Unique

If the email address or mobile phone number used matches a verified, unique account in the system, the Password page is displayed and the user is prompted to enter their secure password. From a user experience, this is known as the “happy path” and will apply to the majority of users after creating their account to the new system.

If the user forgets their password, or if the password doesn’t match their legacy account, they can use the Recover Account process, or click the Forgot Your Password? link.


After entering your unique, validated email or mobile number on the Sign In page:

  1. The Password page is displayed. Enter your secure password in the input field.

  2. Click “Sign In” to continue to your destination application.

The Password page prompts the user to enter their secure password or engage the Forgot your Password process.

If Your Email or Mobile Number is NOT Unique (Duplicate)

While user sign in credentials must be unique to an individual, it is possible that an attribute (email or phone) was being shared with a family member in the legacy system. When this happens, the individual who signs in and validates the attribute first will take ownership of that attribute and it will be unique to their account. Any subsequent attempts to use that attribute by another user will prompt the duplicate account process described below.

How will the user know if their sign in credential is not unique (duplicate)?

If the email address or mobile phone number used for sign in is not a unique match to an account found in the system, another user has already validated that specific attribute in the new system. The system will display the Username page.


After entering your email or mobile number on the Sign In page:

  1. If the system detects that the email or mobile number provided is a duplicate in the system, the Username page is displayed.

  2. Enter your legacy Username in the input field. Click “Next” to go to the Password page.

  3. Enter your secure Password in the input field. Click “Sign In” to validate.

At this point, the system is queried using the email or mobile number, username, and password to try to identify the user.

If the system cannot find a match, the user can:

  • Retry the full process, re-entering the same email or mobile number, or by providing another email or mobile number. The system will query for status.

  • Click the Forgot your password? link.

  • Contact the Helpdesk for support.

If the system finds a match to the account, the system then looks to see if the attribute is then Validation Code page is displayed and a security code is sent to the user via the email or mobile number they entered.

  1. The user must obtain their six-digit security code from their email or mobile phone device.

  2. Return to the Validation Code page and enter the code in the input field. Click “Next” to validate the account. 

  3. The Update Password page is displayed. The user must reset their password with a new string of characters that meet the security requirements displayed.

  4. Click “Update Password” to save password.

  5. The user is auto-directed and auto-logged in to their original destination application.

Once a user successfully validates their account, the system will advise the user that this method should be used for future sign in.

error message and will be prompted to 1) use the other method; or 2) enter an alternate email or phone number that can be validated using the Verification process.

How will the user know if the credential used is not unique (duplicate)?
If the email address or mobile phone number entered is not unique, an error message displays like the one shown below.

Example Workflow:

  1. On the Sign In page: the user enters her email address.

  2. The validation service finds the email address is being associated with two or more accounts. Error message is displayed.

  3. User has several options:

    1. Change the preferred method of contact and enter a new unique attribute. (ex: select Use email instead or Use mobile phone instead.)

    2. Click on the Recover Account link to get help recovering your sign in credentials or password.

  • The system should check the users password to see if a password reset is required.

    • If password reset is not required, user should be auto logged in and proceed to where they need to go.

    • If a password reset is required, the user should be prompted to reset their password. If the password matches the new requirements, the system should save the new password in the database and the user should be auto logged in and proceed to where they need to go.

If Your Email or Mobile Number is Not Validated

If the system detects that the email address or mobile phone number used to sign in has not been validated, the user will be directed to the Password page and prompted to enter their password. If the password is identified, the user will be authenticated but required to validate the attribute they used to sign in.

Reminder: Sign in credentials must be unique to an individual and validated to verify the individual’s identity.


After entering an email or mobile number on the Sign In page:

  1. The Password page is displayed. Enter your secure password, then click “Sign In”. The user has been authenticated but must continue to validate the attribute before auto-login to their destination.

  2. If the system does not find a duplicate, but does identify that the email or mobile number has not been validated, the Validation Code page is displayed with the following message:

    “We were able to locate your account. Enter the verification code sent to [partially masked email]. If you didn’t get the [email], check your junk folder or resend or try again.”

4. The system sends the user an email with a time-sensitive security (validation) code.

5. Return to the Validation Code page and enter the six-digit security code in the Validation Code input field.

6. Click “Next” to continue.

7. The user is taken to the Edit Profile page to confirm that the attribute has been validated and verified. The user can then accept the attribute as the Preferred Method of Contact, or choose to verify a valid mobile phone number as the preferred method.

If Your Email or Mobile Number is Not Found

Step 2: Enter Your Secure Password

Users are required to enter a valid password in order to sign in.


  1. In the Password input field, enter your secure password.

  2. Take a moment to save your password.

  3. Click the Sign In button to continue.

Forgot Your Password? If you forgot your password, or if the system can’t find your password, click the Forgot your password? link to validate a new one.

User Flow: Sign In Process

The user flow diagram shown below highlights the sign in “happy path” used most frequently by the majority of users.

Diagram of the User Sign In process for OpenCCC authentication.

Resolving Common Sign In Issues

Issue: The user doesn’t have an account.

Resolution: Click on the Create Account link on the Sign In page to establish an OpenCCC account.


Issue: The system doesn’t find a match to the Email address or Mobile Phone number entered.

Resolution: Confirm that the correct email address is being used and spelled correctly and try again. Or, click on the Recover Account link to verify your identity.


Issue: The Email address is not unique to the user.

Resolution: Click the Recover Account link to verify your identity and regain access to your account. Enter a unique email address on the Contact Information screen of the Edit Profile system and complete the validation process.


Issue: The attribute being used to sign in has not been validated yet.

Resolution: One of your two attributes is not validated during account creation. Therefore, return to the Sign In page and enter either your email address or mobile phone number, whichever was not initially rejected.


Issue: The user is trying to sign in with a landline phone number.

Resolution: The sign in process requires an attribute (email or mobile phone) that can be validated to confirm your identity. A unique email address or mobile phone number is required. Sign in with your unique email address to access the Edit Profile service. Edit the Primary Phone number entered with a mobile phone number then complete the validation process. Once validated, you’ll be able to sign in using your mobile phone or your email address in the future.


Issue: The user needs a new password.

Issue: The user needs to validate their unique sign in attribute, also known as their Preferred Method of Contact: email address or mobile phone number.

Issue: The user needs to update or remove their contact information.

Issue: The user needs to update or remove their personal information.

Issue: The user wants their account deleted from the OpenCCC system.

Have a different issue? If you’re encountering an issue that isn’t listed here, please contact a CCCTC Support Representative for assistance.

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