CCCApply Noncredit Pilot Project: June 7 Meeting

CCCApply Noncredit Pilot Project: June 7 Meeting

Meeting Information

Date:   Friday June 7, 2019

Time:  9:00 AM - 10:15 AM PST

Topic: CCCApply Noncredit Application Pilot Project - June 7 Meeting

Location: ONLINE

Zoom Meeting URL:  https://cccconfer.zoom.us/j/820806202

Phone:  Dial: +1 669 900 6833 (US Toll) +1 646 876 9923 (US Toll)

Meeting ID: 820 806 202

All meetings are held online via Zoom. 


June 7, 2019

9:00 AMWelcome & Roll Call
9:10 AMReview Release Notes & NewsRelease 6.5.0 Summary Notes
9:10 AMReview Implementation DocumentationCCCApply Noncredit Implementation Home
9:30 AM DEMO:  Noncredit Application (pilot environment)
10:00 AM Q&A

Close Meeting

Demo:  Setting Up & Configuring Your Majors/Programs of Study for the Noncredit Application in the Administrator  (begin 5:05m)

REMINDER: Today's meeting is the last official meeting of the Noncredit Application college pilot project.  NO MEETING on JUNE 21. 

CCCApply Noncredit Application Webinar - Thursday, June 27 - 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm OPEN TO ALL COLLEGES

 Pilot College Participant Roster...
Noncredit Application Pilot Members
Primary Contact
Primary Contact Email
College / District
IT Contact
IT Contact Email
Paulette Linoplino@chabotcollege.edu
Chabot CollegeStacy Followill

Monika Liu


City College of SF

Quyen Lu


Francine Luong


City College of SFSheila Pontanares


MaryLou Leyba


City College of SFWonda Wong


Liz Leisersoneleiserson@ccsf.edu
City College of SFChien Lin


Robyn Brammerrbrammer@gwc.cccd.eduX

Coastline College

Kyle Mack


Coastline CollegeTim Rigneytimr@cccd.edu
Anna SalazarSalazaal@elac.edu
East LA College

Tiffany Miller


El Camino CollegeJoshua Rosales


De Anza CollegeRoland Amit


Anthony Cervantes

Foothill College

Chien Shih

Elias Regaladoregaladoelias@fhda.edu
Foothill College

Jerrick Woo


Linda Koyamakoyamalinda@fhda.edu

Mahmood Hasan


Jyoti Gavaligavalijyoti@fhda.edu
Kristy Lislelislekristy@fhda.edu
Foothill College

Albert Ramirez


Glendale College

Simon Mirzayan


Tina King, Ed.D.tking@noce.edu

North Orange CCD (SCE)

Morgan Beckmbeck@noce.eduX
Triseinge Ortiztortiz@noce.eduXNorth Orange CCD (SCE)

Shontel Coronascorona@noce.eduXNorth Orange CCD (SCE)

Jason Makabali


North Orange CCD (SCE)

Thea Quigley

Thea.Quigley@rccd.eduXRiverside CCDAli Salinasali.salinas@rcc.edu
Paula Barrera


Riverside CCD

Esau Tovar, Ph.D.


Santa Monica College

Fai Fongfong_fai@smc.edu
Dione Cartercarter_dione@smc.edu
Santa Monica CollegeJose HernandezNEEDX
Luis Jaureguijauregui_luis@smc.edu
Santa Monica College

Sierra College

Julia Arreguyjarreguy@sierracollege.edu
Gerlie Jeltemagjeltema@socccd.edu
South Orange CCD

Elena Alcalaealcala@cccco.edu
CCC Chancellor's OfficeMichael Quiaoitmquiaoit@cccco.edu
Patty Donohue


XCCC Technology CenterMerrie Wales


Jennifer Coleman


CCC Technology CenterKasey Crosbykcrosby@ccctechcenter.org

Noncredit Application Release Timeline

May 31CCCApply 6.5.0 Pilot Release featuring the CCCApply Noncredit Application Release 6.5.0 Notes SummaryCOMPLETE
June 3 - 7
  • Finalize User Guide & Data Dictionary Documentation
  • Schedule support with Enabling Services

CCCApply Standard & Noncredit Application Data Dictionary v.2019.2


June 7

Noncredit Pilot Project Meeting - DEMO & Documentation Review

Noncredit Pilot Project Meeting - June 7COMPLETE
June 10 - 28Implementation Kick-Off Calls with Enabling Services

June 27Webinar: CCCApply Noncredit ApplicationAnnouncement Email going out todaySCHEDULED
June 28CCCApply 6.5.0 PRODUCTION release - Noncredit Application

Implementation Information

Demo:  View a demo on setting up & configuring your Majors/Programs of Study and optional Supplemental Questions in the Administrator for the Noncredit Application (begin 5:05m)

Noncredit Implementation Homepage

Noncredit Implementation Homepage

CCCApply Noncredit Pilot URLs

CCCApply Noncredit Application

CCCApply Noncredit Pilot UAT Plan

CCCApply Noncredit - Project Implementation Checklist

Getting to the Pilot Environment

All colleges can begin previewing the new Noncredit Application now.  

Enabling Services - Implementation Support 

Need help getting setup on the Noncredit Application? 

Support Services (Post-Implementation)


 Last Meeting Info & Recording

Topic: CCCApply Noncredit App Pilot Project Meeting
Start Time : June 7, 2019 08:59 am

Meeting Recording:

Topic: CCCApply Noncredit App Pilot Project Meeting
Start Time : May 24, 2019 08:49

Meeting Recording:

Topic: CCCApply Noncredit App Pilot Meeting
Start Time : May 10, 2019 08:53

Meeting Recording:

NOTE:  See a demo on how to setup and configure your Majors/Programs of Study and Supplemental Questions (not required) for the Noncredit Application in the link above. 

Topic: CCCApply Noncredit App Pilot - Q&A Call
Start Time : May 03, 2019 08:54

Meeting Recording:

Topic: CCCApply Noncredit App Pilot Regular Meeting
Start Time : Apr 12, 2019 08:45

Meeting Recording:


Issues with Noncredit URL not working for some collegesCCSF, othersHIGHGet status as of 4/12/19 
Per Esau - after deleting in-progress/submitted apps - he was able to access the App for the same term
Request for a paper version of the Noncredit application

Not a requirement at this timeRESOLVED
Keep SS# as an option (primarily for WIOA II agencies)Dione Carter, SMC
Santa Monica College, NOCERESOLVED
Include/align with California Adult Education Program (CAEP) MIS data elements


Dee Dee Carter
Tina King

North Orange Continuing Ed + Santa Monica College both brought forward information about the new MIS data requirements, as well as the requirements that align to the California Adult Education Program, formerly known as the AEBG Adult Education Block Grant.

There was back and forth discussion about whether these would need to be added to the Application proper, but the immediate response is to ensure colleges that these could be added by way of the Supplemental Questions feature - available to each college - which can now be unique to the Noncredit Application (per current changes under-development for the NC application).

WIOA MIS requirements - MIS requirements - Title 5 buckets

Revised NOCE MIS Supplemental Questions Draft 3-27-19 (1).docx

Revised NOCE MIS Supplemental Questions Draft 3-27-19.docx

Revised NOCE MIS Supplemental Questions Draft Spanish 4-1-19.docx

Sample NOCE 2018 New MIS Elements Capture Sheet.xlsx

Ensure the CCCApply ID # is the same for students transitioning from noncredit to credit and credit to noncredit (which I believe the CCCApply ID# is the sameDione Carter, SMC

The OpenCCC account system, which sits in front of all CCCApply applications, as well as all other CCC Tech Center applications, produces the student's CCCID, which, like the K12 SSID, follows the student through their educational journey - lifetime- in the CCC. Colleges are now required to report the CCCID with MIS reporting. 

CCCID = OpenCCC Statewide Identification Number - one time account

Make sure the filter IS turned on for noncredit CCCApply apps like it is turned on for creditEsau Tovar, SMC

Question was asked if the Noncredit application will go through the Spam filter? Santa Monica feels they should, "the filter needs to stay on for noncredit apps" 

YES - Noncredit apps are going through the Spam Filter


 References & Resources

Several documents were shared during the April 12 meeting in reference to the MIS required data elements:

 Change Requests

New Change Requests

Field / FeatureStatusNeed / Proposed ChangeImplementation 
Make SSN/TIN Optional for Noncredit Applicants
TBD4/12/19: The SSN question currently appears in the OpenCCC Account system process - not in the CCCApply applications (currently) and is already optional Already in there - already implemented

Enhance the Account Creation language and button on the Welcome landing page

Include/align with California Adult Education Program (CAEP) MIS data elements



Approved Changes 

Field / FeatureStatusNeed & Proposed Change*Implementation Status

Implement a different introduction/landing page for the Noncredit Application


Add a Noncredit Intro page (landing page) that appears when the user enters the application using the Noncredit URL. 

Add a new landing page for the Noncredit application workflow, with the following language:

Noncredit Application to College

Before applying to college you must first have an OpenCCC account.

The OpenCCC single sign-in account allows you to access the online services of the California Community Colleges.

OpenCCC is a service of the California Community Colleges Chancellors Office. The information in your account is kept private and secure.

4/12/19:  As of today, a unique Welcome page will appear if the student intends to apply using the Noncredit Application.  This will now be implemented when the Noncredit App goes live to production in June 2019.

Field / FeatureStatusNeed & Proposed Change*Implementation Status

Implement the ability for colleges to specify which Application(s) each Intended Major/Program of Study should appear

Applicable Field: Intended Major / Program of Study


Colleges need to be able to display different Majors in the Noncredit Application

Colleges need to be able to display the same Majors in the Noncredit application.  

Implement the ability for the college to designate which application each Major should appear in. (This should be an "Application Type" flag - or similar - which is set for each individual major.)  

The Application types should include:  

  • Standard App
  • Noncredit App
  • Both Standard & Noncredit

But still need to be able to display all majors

  • Implement a tag/toggle in the "Add/Edit Major" modal that identifies if  a Major/Program should appear in the Standard App, the Noncredit App, or Both apps.  otherwise it will NOT appear.
  • Implement logic that will only display the Majors that have the Noncredit tag in the NC App. (NOTE: This means that these Majors/Programs would also appear in the Standard, but would ONLY appear in the Noncredit app)

4/12/19: As of today, the development team has completed work on a process by which colleges will be able to identify which application a specific "Intended Major / Program of Study" appears in by adding a new filter/field to the Majors table that colleges will use to identify which application the IM/POS appears in.  The values/options in this new filter/field are:

  • Standard
  • Noncredit
  • Both

Repeat: A new filter was added to the Majors table which requires college to identify if the individual "Intended Major / Program of Study" should display in the Standard Application, the Noncredit Application, or Both application.

There will be implementation process details added to the set-up documentation for colleges.

Field / FeatureStatusNeed & Proposed Change*Implementation Status

Implement the ability to display different Supplemental Questions in the Noncredit Application


Colleges need the ability to ask different supplemental questions of their Noncredit students.  

  1. Best case scenario: College needs the ability to specify which application each question appears in (Standard, Noncredit or both)

  2. Next best scenario: Colleges want the ability to display the same page of supplemental questions in both applications or not. 

  3. At the very least: Colleges would rather have supplemental questions turned OFF in their Noncredit application if they can't have either of the other two scenarios. 


Implement an "Application Type" flag that includes:

  • Standard App
  • Noncredit App
  • Both Standard & Noncredit

Data Fields: Ensure that the existing set of Standard Supplemental Question data fields can be used by the Noncredit application as well as the Standard Application so that the college doesn't have to add/create any new data fields just for the noncredit 

Ideally, a mix of questions with varying Application Types would be configured in the same Format Definition XML (adding a line of code designating the App Type that the question should appear in). 

For example: If the college has 12 supplemental questions total, but:

  • 10 of them pertain to Standard App only = Standard App
  • 6 of them pertain to both Standard & Noncredit apps = Both Apps
  • 2 of them are exclusively for Noncredit students  = Noncredit App

Could all of these questions be configured on the same XML - with the Application Type determining which ones should display in each application or both?

Deferred Change Requests

DescriptionStatusNeed / Proposed ChangeConsiderations for Implementation

Disable the Major Category Filter in the Noncredit Application Only

Applicable Field: <category>

  • Disable the Major Category filter in the Noncredit App
  • Even if the Major is set to display in the both the Noncredit and Standard Apps AND there is a category associated with the Major.
  • The Major Category filter should ONLY display / integrate with the Standard Application


  • This change should only be implemented in conjunction with the change above pertaining to the Intended Major/Program of Study field.
  • individual Majors can be flagged to display in both application, but if a category is also associated with the Major, the additional Major Category filter should only display in the Standard Application;