Joining InCommon Federation

Last Update: June 28, 2021

To facilitate our federated identity initiative to allow single sign-on access to all systemwide technology offerings,  CCCCO and the CCC Technology Center have put together an agreement for InCommon Membership for all California Community Colleges to be paid centrally moving forward.  Ongoing funding for this effort is a part of the Technology Initiatives for Student Success funded by the legislature.

InCommon, operated by Internet2, provides a trust fabric for higher education, their vendors, and partners to facilitate single sign on from local campus accounts. InCommon also operates a related assurance program, and offers security certificate and multi-factor authentication services. 

The addition of CCC's 112 members will boost InCommon to 824 participants, including 585 higher education institutions, 30 government and non-profit research centers, and 209 corporate sponsored partners. InCommon will now serve more than 10 million users.


Immediate Savings for Security Certificates

As InCommon members, colleges should see an immediate savings in using the security certificate program.

Single Sign-On for Higher Education Vendors

Microsoft, Blackboard, Canvas, Box, Dropbox, National Student Clearinghouse, rSmart, Parchment, EBSCO, are among the many participants of InCommon providing online services to colleges.

Single Sign-On for CCC Systemwide Technology Offerings

Low or no-cost offerings to the colleges such as Common Assessment, the Common Course Management System (Canvas), Education Planning, Degree Audit, Retention (Hobsons/Starfish), MyPath (Student Services Portal), CCCApply, and all systemwide technology applications will be available to the colleges via the InCommon Federation.


Resources & Links


How do we sign up?

Attached is the standard Participation Agreement+Addendum that modifies the Agreement so that Membership Fees can be paid centrally by the CCC Technology Center for the system.

Please sign and return these documents to:

InCommon, LLC c/o Internet2

100 Phoenix Drive, Suite 111

Ann Arbor, MI 48108

Email address:

Facsimile: 734-913-4255

Telephone: 734-913-4250