Debugging Message Broker Connections

The YOUnite API service and the adaptor logs will generally signal a JMS or ActiveMQ error in their respective logs in the form of a stack trace. Use the following steps as starting points to gather more information and hopefully solve any Message Broker issues.

View AMQ Logs

Log into the Message Broker and tail the log e.g. if running AMQ inside of a Docker container:

  1. Get the Docker image ID and use it to log into the Docker container:

    IMAGE_ID=`docker ps -f name=openmdm-amq -q`
    docker exec -i -$IMAGE_ID /bin/bash

  2. Once logged in, tail the log output:

    tail -f /opt/activemq/data/activemq.log

Check AMQ Connections

  1. Using a browser, log into the AMQ Management Console. It often runs on port 8161. 
  2. Select the "Connections" option in the menu bar: