Implementing the YOUnite Ecosystem

Implementing the YOUnite Ecosystem

TODO - This pages covers how to bring YOUnite up in a production environment.

  • Background on whats involved
    • Who is the MDM Admin and DGS ?– SSO ID ?
    • configuration - components, sizing requirements
    • deployment w/pipelines, steps
    • adding in adaptors
    • Managing, and monitoring  (propbably a separate page dedicated to this)
  • The various sub-systems (AMQ, Datahub, etc) ,
  • other useful pieces of info (e.g. docker)

Setting Up the YOUnite Docker Stack 

Deploying YOUnite Jenkins Pipelines to Rancher

TODO LINK: Configuring and Deploying Adaptors


From PUBS-27:

Pilot-ready document on how to configure the logging platform to work with YOUnite and the YOUnite zones. This includes:

  • Obtaining and starting the docker container
  • Container IP configuration
  • Logging security configuration
  • Background on indexes
  • Securely Retrieving docker images
  • Securely Starting/Stopping images
  • Setting up Secure Access to the docker image
  • Seeding the Service
  • Starting/Stopping the Service
  • Enabling log access for zones
  • Property file changes
  • Running with Docker Compose
  • Verifying that the logging system and YOUnite are talking to each other
  • Validate that zone creation creates the appropriate logging indexes and required logging objects including whatever security entries/config is needed.
  • Common Problems and Their Remedies


This may provide some useful insights for use with Docker and the YOUnite docker stack.

Deploying YOUnite with Docker and Docker Compose