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Request No.2016-15
Date of Request7.14.16
RequesterFullerton College
Residency Review Committee 
Application(s)Standard Application
Section / Page

Area B Residency Logic

Steering Approval StatusPending Approval
Steering Hearing Date7.14.16
Proposed Change to Download FileTBD
Proposed Change to Residency LogicYES

Problem / Issue

Colleges are reporting multiple instances of problems with the residency calculation <residency status> when students respond “yes” to the “Out-of-state Taxes” question on the Residency page. According to the Area B logic, all four of the “out-of-state-indicator” questions must be “No” (or =0) in step 1 to prevent being classified as a non-resident (= “B0”).

Proposed Solution

Add missing step to the Area B residency logic for the final calculation of the Class B0 status. 

On the current Area B step-by-step logic table, the final step in the process is to determine if the applicant's Area B status is B1 (Resident) or B2 (Possible Resident) or B0 (Non-Resident). 

On Step 12, the logic says, "Has Class B2 been set (anywhere in the stepped logic)?"  IF Yes, set Class B2; If NO, then set Class B1 (Resident).  The logic fails to identify if the applicant has been classified as "B0" anywhere along the way. By adding this step in as the second to the last step, any applicant who had be classified with "B0" in Step 1 will be classified as B0 in the final area calculation.

Extensive testing and a table of use cases and edge case results will be created and documented to ensure that this addition does not "break" any other step of the logic pertaining to "B1 - Residents" and/or "B2 - Possible Residents".  

Requirements Summary


 ALERT !! TYLER - Lets discuss this before I add any further rquirements or specifications. I know we have identified the correct issue, but I want to get your recommendation for where the missing step should be added. It may need to be added to Step 2 or 5, instead of at the end (Step 12). Talk to Patty before starting this work.

Add a new step 12 to the Area B residency logic (between steps 11 and 12) to identify students who had "Class B0" set in Step 1 of the logic and maintained that classification all the way through the remaining steps of the logic. Move the current Step 12 down one step to 13, and add in the new step 12 immediately above it. (See example in Proposed Technical Requirements table below). There are no other proposed changes to any other steps.

The new Step 12 will read as follows:

NEW STEP 12: "Has Class B0 been set?" IF Yes, set Class B0; If NO, go to step 13.

NOTE: After adding in new Step 12, the old step 12 is now Step 13. There is no change to that step, which reads: "Has Class B2 been set?" If Yes, set Class B2; If NO, set B1. :

2Run tests to ensure new Step 12 does not negatively affect any other step within the Area B: Stay and Intent logic. Create a test case matrix to record test results from a variety of use case scenarios, including edge cases. Post the Test Case Matrix as part of the Release Notes in Public Documentation for colleges to use as reference. 
3Update documentation:
  • Revise Table B:Residency Area B (Stay and Intent) in Appendix A: Submission Calculation Service of the CCCApply Standard Appliication Data Dictionary to include the new step 12 in the logic.
4Update the Area B Flowchart in Appendix A: Submission Calculation Service of the the CCCApply Standard Application Data Dictionary to reflect new step if necessary. 

Use Case Test Matrix

The table below demonstrates the problem we are having with the Area B logic with this specific Use Case (California Resident for 2 Yrs  who has OOS Indicator)

Use Case 1:  California Res 2 Yrs with OOS Indicator(s)


StepAREA B Step LogicResponseClass Set?Flag set?Next Action?Change in Class?Notes

Do out-of-state indicators support intent?

YesB0Nogo to step 2 Should there be a flag here?

Has the applicant lived in California for two years prior to RDD?

YESB0Nogo to step 5NoStill has B0 at this point. I think a flag is needed here.

Has the applicant been resident in CA for over a year prior to RDD?


Is the applicant a current or former foster youth, under age 20, and now residing in California?


Has the applicant completed HS outside CA in last 2 years?

NOB0Nogo to step 6No 

Is the applicant in military with non CA home of record?

NOB0Nogo to step 7No 

Is the applicant under the care and control of a guardian, under 19 and unmarried?

NOB0Nogo to step 8No 

Is the applicant’s current address outside of California?

NOB0Nogo to step 9No 

Is the applicant’s permanent address outside of California?

NOB0Nogo to step 10No 

Is the applicant under 19 as of RDD with last high school out-of-state?

NOB0Nogo to step 11No 

Was the applicant enrolled in an out-of-state college with a ‘To Date’ within the year previous to the term start date?

NOB0Nogo to step 12NoStill has a B0 at this point - herein lies problem #1. All other indicators point to CA so there is no point along the way where the class is changed to B2

Has Class “B2” been set?
If Yes, set class B2
If No, set class B1 

NOB1NOSet class B1 as a RESIDENT PROBLEM!!! Here's what's happening with this Use case. The B0 user is making it to the end with B0, and gets to the final step which doesn't account for B0, thus re-classifying them as a B1.

With our user in this scenario, the applicant should clearly be a "B2 - Possible Resident". IF WE ADD new Step before final step to look for any B0's that make it this far (make it past step 4) they should continue to be classified as B0 = Non-Resident.
12Is Class "B0" set?
If YES, set Class B0
If No, go to final step (new Step 13) 
YESB0NoSet final class and ENDNOFor THIS scenario - there should be a flag set in Step 1 indicating that they have an out-of-state-indicator is Yes, thus explaining why the user was clssified as a Non-Resident. Otherwise there is nothing to validate the classification.
13Has Class "B2" been set?
If YES, set Class B2
If NO, set Class B1 





Proposed Technical Specifications

  1. Update Area B of the residency algorithm to include a new step in the process which will be used to calculate part of the final Area B calculation.. 
    1. Add new Step 12:  "Has Class B0 been set?"
      1. If yes, set Class B0 as the final Area B classification.
      2. If no, advance one step in the logic to Step 13:  "Has Class B2 been set?". Keep existing logic here for the final classification.

Existing Logic Specifications

Current Area B Logic

Table B. Outline of Area B (Stay and Intent) Criteria in Residency Algorithm



Evaluation Statement

Data Elements & Logic

If Yes

If No


Do out-of-state indicators support intent?

ca_outside_tax = 0 AND

ca_outside_voted = 0 AND

ca_outside_college = 0 AND

ca_outside_lawsuit = 0

Go to step 2

Class B0

(go to step 2)


Has the applicant lived in California for two years prior to RDD?

ca_res_2_years = 1

Go to step 5

Go to step 3


Has the applicant been resident in CA for over a year prior to RDD?

ca_date_current ! = null AND ca_date_current < RDD minus 1 year

Class B2
(flag 59)
go to step 5

Go to step 4


Is the applicant a current or former foster youth, under age 20, and now residing in California?

foster_youth_status is != 0 AND RDD minus Birthdate < 20 years

Class B2
(flag 70)

go to step 5

Class B0 end


Has the applicant completed HS outside CA in last 2 years?

education: hs_state’ ! = CA AND education: hs_comp_date RDD minus 2 years

Class B2
(flag 61)

go to step 6

Go to step 6


Is the applicant in military with non CA home of record?

Military_status = 2 AND

(military_home_state != CA OR

Military_legal_residence = CA)

Class B2
(flag 62)

go to step 7

Go to step 7


Is the applicant under the care and control of a guardian, under 19 and unmarried?

‘over19OrMarried’= 0 AND

‘guardianOrParentRelation= G

Class B2
(flag 58)

go to step 8

Go to step 8


Is the applicant’s current address outside of California?

‘Mailing address – state’ != CA

Class B2
(flag 01)
go to step 9

Go to step 9


Is the applicant’s permanent address outside of California?

‘Permanent address– state’ != CA

Class B2
(flag 02)
go to step 10

Go to step 10


Is the applicant under 19 as of RDD with last high school out-of-state?

minus19 years > personal_info: birthdate AND education: hs_state != CA

Class B2
(flag 03)
go to step 11

Go to step 11


Was the applicant enrolled in an out-of-state college with a ‘To Date’ within the year previous to the term start date?

In any rowofcolleges_attended

table: If state != CA AND

to_date is greater than the term start date minus 1 year.

Class B2
(flag 04)
go to step 12

Go to step 12


Has Class “B2” been set?

Class “B2”

Set Class B2

Set Class B1


Proposed New Steps 12 & 13



Evaluation Statement

Data Elements & Logic

If Yes

If No


Has Class “B0” been set?

Class “B0”

Set Class B0

Go to step 13


Has Class “B2” been set?

Class “B2”

Set Class B2

Set Class B1



This issue was reviewed by the CCCApply Residency Review Sub-Committee on 7-14-16. A committee of residency experts, including Michael Quaioit from the Chancellor's Office, reviewed several examples whether the logic was incorrectly calculating the final area B calculation and proposed the solution recommendation listed above. 


Supporting Documentation


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