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This is a worksheet for suggestions for revising the Parent Guardian Information/Dependency Status question in CCCApply.

Action Item: Send all information, existing question language and proposed language, and details of the meetings discussions to Mia Keeley, CCCCO - who attended the December 18 meeting and has offered to support this effort from the position of the CO. Next actions will be determined based on feedback from Ms. Keeley.

Purpose of the Parent Guardian Information Question

The Parent/Guardian Information question determines whether an applicant under 19 years of age on the residency determination date (RDD) is either subject to care and control of a parent or guardian for purposes of determining residency, or Independent because of one of the approved exceptions.

The Parent/Guardian Information question only appears in the CCCApply Standard & Noncredit Application IF the applicant is UNDER 19 years of age. If the question is displayed, a response is required. For residency purposes (unlike in general law), a minor is defined as someone under 19 years of age. This is specified in the SAAM, which cites the CA Ed Code 68062 (see below).

The data field behind this question is “Dependency Status” = <dependent_status> and the values are defined in the DED.

Additional Information - Data

In FY 2018-2019, over 2.6 million CCCApply applications were submitted. For the purposes of this breakdown, spam applications were not removed from the total = 2,647,615.

Of the 2,647,615 apps submitted:

  • MINORS = 730,716 (27.6% of all apps submitted)

    • DEPENDENT Minors = 679,566 (93% of minors) and 25.6% of all apps were from DEPENDENT minors.

    • INDEPENDENT Minors = 51,150 (7% of minors) self-reported as having one or more special circumstances (either married, emancipated, do not have a living parent, or were in foster youth any time after age 13 or - as of the RDD are in active military, or are self-supporting. (2% of all apps submitted.)

  • ADULTS = 1,916,899 (72.4% of apps submitted by Independent adults, 19 yrs or older)

In FY2018-19, only 7% of all minors self-identified as “independent minors”. all the rest are “dependent” and must provide their Parent or Guardian’s name and relationship.

Colleges Meeting Discussion Notes - December 2019

  1. Immigrants Rising, advocating for undocumented/nonresident students, has suggested that clear, non-threatening language be added to the Parent/Guardian Information question to better help these students understand, feel welcome and secure, and accurately self-identify

  2. Students want a streamlined, unambiguous question that clearly explains why they are being asked for their parent information (especially when they are 18 years old)

  3. Students want to know that their parent’s information is protected by state and federal laws and will not be used for discriminatory purposes

  4. Students who meet eligibility requirements need clear language so they can understand they can apply for tuition exemption through AB540 / SB 68.

  5. Colleges need to collect parent or guardian information from dependent minors (under 19 yro) in order to determine residency status for tuition purposes from the parent or guardian

  6. Colleges want a better layout in the P/G Info question in order to collect the minor student’s parent or guardian information

  7. Colleges also need to identify Independent minors and remove barriers for these students to apply & enroll

  8. Colleges want minimal changes to the data structure and the download files;

Next Actions:

Work with the Chancellor’s Office to confirm what language can be changed and whether the proposed layout changes are approved.

  1. Mia Keeley offered to work with us to ensure all changes are compliant and approved for development

  2. Review proposal for layout and language changes

  3. Review Immigrants Rising's original concerns and feedback:


Solution #1: Admissions & Records

College A&R want to track every single CCCApply application that is started for their college, especially the ones that never completed and submitted. a user-friendly and efficient process to identify every CCCApply track applications that have been started for their college but never completed or submitted so that they can provide support to achieve their goal of getting the prospect applicant across the finish line and enroll in their college. They want the ability to send custom emails on-demand (as needed) as well as customize the Messages that are sent to these applicants via the existing “Abandoned Application Emails” that are currently being sent out now by CCCApply to applications that are started but not submitted within 24 hours, and then again after 7 days.

College Admissions & Records (A&R) need the ability to retrieve /pull in and view/manage every incomplete application that was started for their college - but never submitted - and sitting in the in-progress database - in order to display / view in a UI summary table of Incomplete Applications in the Administrator - so that custom HTML email messages can sent after 24 hours, 7 days, or on-demand. 

Requirements Summary

  1. Implement API process to pull in-progress application data into the Administrator

  2. Implement new Administrator UI module for In-Progress Applications with minimal functionality

  3. Enhance Messages module functionality to send auto- and on-demand Emails to in-progress applicants

  4. Update Privacy Policy to protect and secure student information and comply with consent requirements

1. PULL In-Progress Data into CCCApply Administrator

 Develop an API or other process to GET and pull in pending, in-progress application data* into the CCCApply Administrator, store in separate Administrator db tables, and allow the college to update/refresh the incoming data on-demand (as needed). Only the data that is sitting in the in-progress database when the college pushes “Get Apps” will be pulled in and should override the previous data.

  • Each refresh updates the Administrator user interface and stores the in-progress data separately

  • The data pulled in includes the applicant’s contact information (Directory info) from their Account db) and application data responses available at the time of the pull request.

    • Must have data includes:

      • From Account database

        • Name

        • Home (permanent) Address (Street, City, State, Zip)

        • Homeless flag

        • Email 

        • DOB

        • Phone 

        • Auth Text Message

        • IP Address

        • CCCID

        • College MIS

      • From In-Progress database

        • Application Type (Standard or Noncredit)

        • App Language setting (English or Spanish)

        • App ID

        • Term

        • Major

        • Meta Major/Category

        • Ed Goal

  • New In-Progress data should be stored in Admin database tables, separately from submitted data, so it can be managed and used separately configuring custom Messages and Rules

College A&R needs to be able to pull in the Applications that are currently (real-time) in the In-Progress Database when ever they click on "Get Pending Apps" which calls API or glue service. 
Service must bring in the user's OpenCCC account directory information, and specific Application data fields from the In-Progress database.  

2. Add new Administrator UI module for ‘In-Progress Applications

Implement a UI summary table and minimal feature functionality in order for colleges to manage their incoming applicaitons on their own time

Summary table for colleges to manage their In-progress applications Ability for the college to request (pull) and refresh (update) the incoming data to the summary table

  • to get refresh or

User interface and admin configuration to manage

  • with applications that were started but never finished/submitted to their college all record for each application that was started but never finished for their college

Solution #2: Research & IT

A daily Glue delivery of in-progress data to the Data Warehouse/Report Center and the college’s staging table will provide our other primary stakeholder groups with the data they need for aggregate analysis and the ability to pull their data into their SIS/CRM systems and use as needed.

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