Versions Compared


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Purpose of the Parent Guardian Information Question: To identify if the Minor is Dependent or Independent for the purposes of determining residency for tuition purposes. If the minor is a “Dependent” - residency for tuition purposes will be based on their parent or guardian’s information. This is mandated This question determines whether someone who will be under 19 on RDD is subject to care and control of guardian for purposes of determining residency. For residency purposes (unlike in general law), a minor is defined as someone under 19 years of age. This is specified in the SAAM, which cites the CA Ed Code 68062 (see below).


Dependency Status: The data field behind this question is: <dependency_status> and the question only displays IF the applicant is UNDER 19 years of age (based on the DOB). If the question is displayed, a response is required. The question asks the student to self-report whether they are minors or if they meet the circumstances for being an Independent minor, under age 19, and married or emancipated - or foster youth, or under the care & control of a guardian. NOTE: If the minor is Dependent (i.e., the response = 1, THEN parent/guardian questions are asked and many residency-related questions are reworded to refer to parent/guardian rather than the minor applicant.

Data Information: In FY 2018-2019, over 2.6 million CCCApply applications were submitted. For the purposes of this breakdown, spam applications were not removed from the total = 2,647,615.

Of the 2,647,615 apps submitted:

  • Minors MINORS = 730,716 (27.6% of all apps submitted)

    • DEPENDENT MINORS = Minors = 679,566 (93% of minors) and 25.6% of submitted all apps were from DEPENDENT minors; 93% of minors are Dependentsminors.

    • INDEPENDENT MINORS = 2% of submitted apps were from self-reported INDEPENDENT minors; 7% of minors are Independent, which means they have Minors = 51,150 (7% of minors) self-reported as having one or more special circumstances (either married, emancipated, do not have a living parent, or were in foster youth any time after age 13 or - as of the RDD are in active military, or are self-supporting.

    • (2% of all apps submitted.)

  • ADULTS = 1,916,899 (72.4% of apps submitted by Independent adults, 19 yrs or older)


In FY2018-19, less than 8% only 7% of all minors self-identified as “independent minors”. all other minors the rest are “dependent” and should must provide their Parent or Guardian’s name and relationship.
