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  • This line was added.
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Download Client User Guide




Download Client Overview


Fields in the download file appear in the order they are defined in the format definitions XML file.


Attribute NameValue

Set the value to fixed or delimited.


For delimited files, specify the delimiter. The default is comma (",") if unspecified. Examples of delimited file:

outputFormat="delimited" delimiter="|" (pipe is the delimiter).

Note: You can use multiple characters as a delimiter, if desired.

outputFormat="delimited" delimiter="	" (tab is the delimiter; the 	 delimiter value results in tab delimited output)


Specifies which type of applications you are downloading (Standard, CC Promise Grant, or International). If not specified, it will default to Standard applications. For BOG, applicationType="bogfw". For International, applicationType="intl".
stripDiacritics The stripDiacritics attribute will convert certain diacritic (non-English or foreign) characters to standard ascii characters. If omitted, the data will be sent as originally entered in the application. To convert diacritic characters, add stripDiacritics="true". Important note: If you use this attribute, be sure to test thoroughly before using it in production so you know you are getting the results you expect.

Child Elements



<field len="10" name="app_id" /> Attributes

Attribute NameDescriptionRestrictions
len The fixed width of the field.Only applicable in the fixed format.
nameThe name of the field (from the application's Data Dictionary) to output


The whitespace element is only used in fixed format definitions when you want to insert fixed width spaces in between two fields. <whitespace len="3" />

Attribute NameDescription

len The fixed width of the whitespace.


The constant element is used to insert a constant string value into the file. If you specify the len attribute, it will right pad the text with spaces if the len is greater than the length of the text. If you do not specify len, if will not add any padding. <constant len="30">College one starts here</constant>

Attribute NameDescription


If specified, it will right pad the text with spaces if the len is greater than the length of the text. If omitted, if will not add any padding.


<dateFormatter pattern="yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss z" timezone="US/Pacific"/> </field>

Attribute NameDescription


A pattern string that is compatible with the Java programming language SimpleDateFormat.


The booleanFormatter allows you to configure what text displays/downloads for boolean-date type fields with true, false, and null values. <booleanFormatter trueValue="1" falseValue="0" nullValue="?"/>

Attribute NameDescription


Specifies the text to output in the field if the underlying value is true


<ssnFormatter removeDashes="false" /> </field>

Attribute NameDescription

name Name of the input field.


The following example translates the res_status field as follows:

Database Field ValueDownload File Value
Other ValueD4

Here are the attribute definitions:

Attribute NameDescription

Specifies the length of the output (<to>) field (fixed format only).

nameName of the input field.

Value to use if actual data does not match any of the from values If unmatched element is not specified, the actual data value will be used


The stringFormatter allows you to configure text field values to display/download as all upper-case or lower-case letters and what text displays/downloads for text fields with null values. <stringFormatter caseConversion="lowercase" nullValue="[null]"/>

Attribute NameDescription

The optional caseConversion attribute specifies the text string to output as all lower-case or all upper-case letters:

caseConversion="lowercase" caseConversion="uppercase"


The optional nullValue attribute allows you to specify the output if the text string value is null:

nullValue="null" (to download the value null if the underlying field value is null)

nullValue="X" (to download the value X if the underlying field value is null)

Attribute NameDescription

Note: If the nullValue attribute is not defined, then any text-type fields with null values will default to display/download an empty string: " ".


The phoneFormatter is used to format phone numbers. <field len="15" name="mainphone"> <phoneFormatter pattern="(999) 999-9999"/> </field>

Attribute NameDescription

len Specifies the length of the output field


Example for applying a format for currency: <field name="dep_other_income" len="20"> <numberFormatter format="%,d.00"/> </field>

Attribute NameDescription

name Name of the input field
