Version 6.9.1
UpdatedLast Update: 05/18/2022
Note |
Note: The CCCApply Download Client was fully decommissioned on January 31, 2024. All servers have been turned off and no further student application data will be delivered through the Download Client. |
Table of Contents | ||||
If you experience issues downloading your application data after a major release, use the following steps to determine your Download Client version:
Type the following command at the ../transfer-client/ command prompt:
java -jar transfer-client.jar --versionIf you have Download Client V5.4.0 installed, this will display:
VERSION: 2016-03-08 12:35:19, 1.0-SNAPSHOTIf you have Download Client V5.3.0 installed, this will display:
VERSION: 2015-10-16 16:00:27, 1.0-SNAPSHOT 2If you have a Download Client version that is prior to V5.3.0, an error message displays. You can upgrade to the latest version of the Download Client jar file by obtaining the latest version here: Download Client Jar Filesor contact your Implementation & Configuration Engineer representative at the CCCTC Enabling Services & Support.
Note |
IMPORTANT: Upgrade to the Latest Version of the Download Client A new version of the Download Client Jar file, also called the “transfer-client” jar file, is made available to colleges each time changes are made to the CCCApply database or after each major release. |
Tip |
If you have already installed the Download Client you can skip to: Preparing to Download Applications:Configuring Your Job and Format Files. |
Contact your CCCTC Implementation & Configuration Engineer (ICE) representative (Enabling Services & Support) to order your Download Client. The ICE representative will deliver the Download Client zip file to you via Dropbox or some other secure method that they will arrange with you.
Once you receive your Download Client zip file, download the file to your local computer and extract it into a local file directory of your choice.
Once you extract your Download Client, it should look something like this, with the expanded files within the transfer-client root folder:
It is assumed that the FTT_HOME environment variable indicates the fully-qualified path to this directory, e.g. FTT_HOME=c:\downloads\transfer-client
Note |
Note: Refer to the following information for supported parameter key configuration in the file prior to changing your keystore password in the next steps: |
Key | Description | Required? | Default Value |
---|---|---|---| | Specifies the Java Keystore that contains the certificate to validate your college to the CCC Transfer Server | Yes | FTT_HOME/conf/client.jks | | Specifies the password for the keystore that indicates. | Yes | password |
3. Change your college keystore password using the steps in this section. When you first receive the Download Client from the CCC Tech Center, a certificate is created for your college that controls which MIS code(s) you can access for downloads. The default password for this initial certificate is “password.” The CCC Tech Center recommends that you change this password using the following steps.
After installing the Download Client and configuring your job and format XML files, use the following steps to run a job to download your college's student applications (in order to import them into your college's SIS).
Open a command prompt (Start Menu -> type command for Windows) or open your Terminal window (Mac/ *nix).
At the command, navigate to the directory where your job and format definitions XML files are located and then type the following command:
For Windows:
download.bat jobs\StandardJob.xmlFor Mac/*nix: .
/ jobs/StandardJob.xml
Press your enter key and the download file will run.
You can navigate to the downloaded file and open it in a text editor to see the downloaded data (remember that you set the directory for the download file to be saved to in the job XML file's file element directory attribute, in step 9, above). The data for all student applications that have not previously been downloaded appears in a single row, per student as in the image below.
Follow the data import steps for your college's SIS to import the download file data. It is highly recommended you perform this for a test SIS database to ensure the downloaded data imports into your SIS correctly.
Tip |
Tip: You can set up a Chron job to automate your application data downloads to occur on a regular basis. |
The format definitions file allows you to select the specific fields you want to retrieve from the student applications and control the format of the data that the Download Client delivers to you.
Sample Job file
Attribute Name | Description | Function |
url | Specify the server URL for the system from which you want to download (see list below). | This allows you to create different jobs to download different jobs to download from different environments. Choose the URL for the environment you want to download, from the table below. |
misCode | Specify the MIS code(s) for the college. | The college can only download applications for which they are authorized. |
Panel | ||
| ||
<job url="" misCode="311,312,313" <file directory="c:/temp" formatId="ccMainV1" prefix="contracosta" suffix=".txt" /> |
Environments for the URL Attribute
App Type/Environment | URL |
Standard & Noncredit PILOT | |
Standard & Noncredit PRODUCTION | |
International PILOT | |
International PRODUCTION |
<file> element
The file element specifies the directory to create the download file, how the file name is formatted and which format definition to use.
<file directory="/somedir/downloads" prefix="main" suffix=".txt" formatId="fixedMain1" />
Attribute Name | Description | Conditions | ||
directory | The directory the download file will be created in. | The directory must exist. | ||
prefix | The prefix of the download file. | |||
suffix | The suffix of the download file. | i.e. .txt or .csv | ||
formatId | The format id to use. | The format id must exist in a formatdefinitions.xml file, specified by the id attribute.
| ||
os | Defines the type of carriage return or line feed character. | os="windows" (Uses CR/LF) os="unix" (Uses LF) If os is omitted, it uses "windows" as the default. |
Full File Name
Besides the prefix and suffix, the date and time are also included in the file name. Based on this example: <file directory="/ somedir / downloads" prefix="main" suffix=".txt" formatId="fixedMain1" /If the transfer job ran on feb 6 2014, the file name would be / somedir / downloads / main-140206-081228.txt where "140206" represents the date and "081228" represents the run time of the job.
Fields in the download file appear in the order they are defined in the format definitions XML file.
Attribute Name | Value |
outputFormat | Set the value to fixed or delimited. |
Delimiter | For delimited files, specify the delimiter. The default is comma (",") if unspecified. Examples of delimited file: outputFormat="delimited" delimiter="|" (pipe is the delimiter). Note: You can use multiple characters as a delimiter, if desired. outputFormat="delimited" delimiter="	" (tab is the delimiter; the 	 delimiter value results in tab delimited output) |
applicationType | Specifies which type of applications you are downloading (Standard, CC Promise Grant, or International). If not specified, it will default to Standard applications. For BOG, applicationType="bogfw". For International, applicationType="intl". |
stripDiacritics | The stripDiacritics attribute will convert certain diacritic (non-English or foreign) characters to standard ascii characters. If omitted, the data will be sent as originally entered in the application. To convert diacritic characters, add stripDiacritics="true". Important note: If you use this attribute, be sure to test thoroughly before using it in production so you know you are getting the results you expect. |
charset | Sets the charset that the output from the download client will utilize. |
Child Elements
<field len="10" name="app_id" /> Attributes
Attribute Name | Description | Restrictions |
len | The fixed width of the field. | Only applicable in the fixed format. |
name | The name of the field (from the application's Data Dictionary) to output |
The whitespace element is only used in fixed format definitions when you want to insert fixed width spaces in between two fields.
<whitespace len="3" />
Attribute Name | Description |
len | The fixed width of the whitespace. |
The constant element is used to insert a constant string value into the file. If you specify the len attribute, it will right pad the text with spaces if the len is greater than the length of the text. If you do not specify len, if will not add any padding.
<constant len="30">College one starts here</constant>
Attribute Name | Description |
len | If specified, it will right pad the text with spaces if the len is greater than the length of the text. If omitted, if will not add any padding. |
The newline causes a carriage return (line feed). The newline element is aware of the operating system. For Windows it will add CR & LF. For Unix it will just add LF.
<dateFormatter pattern="yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss z" timezone="US/Pacific"/> </field>
Attribute Name | Description |
pattern | A pattern string that is compatible with the Java programming language SimpleDateFormat. |
timezone | A time zone attribute that allows you to specify the time zone for downloaded dates. The timezone attribute value can be any of the values supported in the java.util.Timezone class (note that "US/Pacific" will work and be applicable for all California Community Colleges. If no time zone is specified, the downloaded time zone defaults to Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) as measured from Pacific Standard Time Zone. That is:
Note: Daylight savings time takes effect from the second Sunday of March through the first Sunday of November. For example, an application submitted to a California Community College at 3:30 pm/15:30:00 on November 15 will appear as 23:30:00 in the downloaded data--an eight hour time difference--if no timezone attribute is applied to the dateFormatter for timestamp fields. An application submitted to a California Community College at 3:30 pm/15:30:00 on April 15, 2016 will appear as 22:30:00 in the downloaded data--a seven hour time difference--if no timezone attribute is applied to the dateFormatter for timestamp fields. The time is seven hours different than the actual application submit time due to Daylight Savings time. |
The booleanFormatter allows you to configure what text displays/downloads for boolean-date type fields with true, false, and null values.
<booleanFormatter trueValue="1" falseValue="0" nullValue="?"/>
Attribute Name | Description |
trueValue | Specifies the text to output in the field if the underlying value is true |
falseValue | Specifies the text to output in the field if the underlying value is false |
nullValue | The optional nullValue allows you to specify the output if the underlying value is null (i.e. replace the in nullValue="?" to be the value you want to display for underlying values that are null) Note: If the nullValue attribute is not defined, then any fields with null values will default to display the falseValue attribute in your download data. If neither the nullValue nor the falseValue attributes are defined, then a null value downloads as a string of "false." |
The ssnFormatter applies formatting to social security numbers to include or remove dashes. <field name="ssn" len="9">
<ssnFormatter removeDashes="false" /> </field>
Attribute Name | Description |
name | Name of the input field. |
len | Specifies the length of the output field |
removeDashes | If removeDashes="false", len should be 11. This will format an SSN field with dashes. |
The simpleMapper formatter provides a way to make simple translations of data.
The following example translates the res_status field as follows:
Database Field Value | Download File Value |
1 | A1 |
2 | B2 |
3 | C3 |
Other Value | D4 |
Here are the attribute definitions:
Attribute Name | Description |
len | Specifies the length of the output (<to>) field (fixed format only). |
name | Name of the input field. |
unmatched | Value to use if actual data does not match any of the from values If unmatched element is not specified, the actual data value will be used |
The stringFormatter allows you to configure text field values to display/download as all upper-case or lower-case letters and what text displays/downloads for text fields with null values.
<stringFormatter caseConversion="lowercase" nullValue="[null]"/>
Attribute Name | Description |
caseConversion | The optional caseConversion attribute specifies the text string to output as all lower-case or all upper-case letters: caseConversion="lowercase" caseConversion="uppercase" |
nullValue | The optional nullValue attribute allows you to specify the output if the text string value is null: nullValue="null" (to download the value null if the underlying field value is null) nullValue="X" (to download the value X if the underlying field value is null) Note: If the nullValue attribute is not defined, then any text-type fields with null values will default to display/download an empty string: " ". |
The phoneFormatter is used to format phone numbers.
<field len="15" name="mainphone">
<phoneFormatter pattern="(999) 999-9999"/>
Attribute Name | Description |
len | Specifies the length of the output field |
pattern | See following table for sample patterns |
name | Name of the input field |
Here are some sample patterns:
Database Field Value | Pattern | Download Field Result |
530-332-2233 | 9999999999 | 5303322233 |
530-332-2233 | 9999999 | 3322233 |
530-332-2233 | (999) 999-9999 | (530) 332-2233 |
5303322233 | (999) 999-9999 | (530) 332-2233 |
The numberFormatter can be used for applying a variety of formats to numbers.
<field name="dep_other_income" len="20">
<numberFormatter format="%,d.00"/>
Attribute Name | Description |
name | Name of the input field |
len | Specifies the length of the output field |
format | See the following table for sample formats |
Database Field Value | Format | Download Field Result |
25000 | "$%,d.00" | $25,000.00 |
25000 | "%,d.00" | 25,000.00 |
Note |
Note: To view more format value examples, see: Formatter.html#syntax |
When you configure your format definition XML file for supplemental question download by including the database field name below, the "nn" in the Database Field Name column example below is replaced with the number for each field of that type that you included in your supplemental questions (i.e. <field name = "supp_secret_01"/>, <field name = "supp_secret_02"/>, etc.).
Database Field Name | Format / Length | Max | Question Type | Comment |
supp_check_nn | boolean | 50 | Check box | nn=01 thru 50 |
supp_country_nn | Character (2) | 5 | Country code | nn=01 thru 05 |
supp_date_nn | Date | 5 | Date | nn=01 thru 05 |
supp_secret_nn | Character Varying (20) | 5 | Hidden Text Field | nn=01 thru 05 |
supp_menu_nn | Boolean | 30 | Menu | nn=01 thru 30 |
supp_phonenumber_nn | Character varying (25) | 5 | Phone Number | nn=01 thru 05 |
supp_state_nn | Character (2) | 5 | State code | nn=01 thru 05 |
supp_text_nn | Character Varying (250) | 20 | Text | nn=01 thru 20 |
supp_yesno_nn | Boolean | 30 | Yes/No | nn=01 thru 30 |
Reminder: Supplemental Question data fields are only available in the CCCApply Standard & Noncredit Application and the CCCApply International Application.
The table below shows a mapping of all OpenCCC Account data field names across all CCCApply applications.
Data Item | Account Data Element | Standard / Noncredit Data Element | CC Promise Grant (BOG) Data Element | International App Data Element |
CCCID | cccid | ccc_id | ccc_id | ccc_id |
Date of Birth | birthdate | birthdate | birthdate | birthdate |
Email Address | ||||
Legal Name: First | firstname | firstname | firstname | firstname |
Legal Name: Last | lastname | lastname | lastname | lastname |
Legal Name: Middle | middlename | middlename | middlename | middlename |
Legal Name:Suffix | suffix | suffix | suffix | suffix |
Main Telephone | mainphone | mainphone | mainphone | main_phone_number |
Main Telephone Extension | mainphone_ext | mainphone_ext | mainphone_ext | main_phone_ext |
Permanent Address: City | city | perm_city | city | perm_addr_city |
Permanent Address: Country | county | perm_country | country | perm_addr_country |
Permanent Address: Non-U.S. State/ Province | nonusaprovince | perm_nonusaprovince | province | perm_addr_nonusaprovince |
Permanent Address: Postal Code | postalcode | perm_postalcode | postalcode | perm_addr_zip_code perm_addr_non_us_postal_code |
Permanent Address: State | state | perm_state | state | perm_addr_state |
Permanent Address: Street 1 | streetaddress1 | perm_streetaddress1 | streetaddress1 | perm_addr_streetaddress_1 |
Permanent Address: Street 2 | streetaddress2 | perm_streetaddress2 | streetaddress2 | perm_addr_streetaddress_2 |
Preferred Name: First | preferred_firstname | preferred_firstname | preferred_firstname | preferred_firstname |
Preferred Name: Last | preferred_lastname | preferred_lastname | preferred_lastname | preferred_lastname |
Preferred Name: Middle | preferred_middlename | preferred_middlename | preferred_middlename | preferred_middlename |
Previous Name: First | otherfirstname | otherfirstname | otherfirstname | otherfirstname |
Previous Name: Last | otherlastname | otherlastname | otherlastname | otherlastname |
Previous Name: Middle | othermiddlename | othermiddlename | othermiddlename | othermiddlename |
Second Telephone | secondphone | secondphone | secondphone | secondphone |
Second Telephone Extension | secondphone_ext | secondphone_ext | secondphone_ext | secondphone_ext |
Social Security Number: Other Exception | ssn_exception | ssn_exception | ssn_exception | ssn_exception |
Social Security Number: None | ssn_no | ssn_no | ssn_no | ssn_no |
Social Security Number/TIN | ssn | ssn | ssn | ssn |
Social Security Number/TIN Type | ssn_type | ssn_type | ssn_type | ssn_type |
Text Permission: Main Telephone | mainphone_auth_txt | mainphone_auth_txt | mainphone_auth_txt | main_phone_auth_text |
Text Permission: Second Telephone | secondphone_auth_txt | secondphone_auth_txt | secondphone_auth_txt | second_phone_auth_txt |
Accepted Terms | acceptedTerms | acceptedTerms | acceptedTerms | acceptedTerms |
Accepted Terms Timestamp | acceptedTerms_timestamp | acceptedTermsTimestamp | acceptedTermsTimestamp | acceptedTermsTimestamp |
Address Validation Override | addressValidation_override | addressValidationOverride | addressValidationOverride | addressValidationOverride |
Address Validation Override Timestamp | address.validation_override_timestamp | addressValidationOverrideTimestamp | addressValidationOverrideTimestamp | addressValidationOverrideTimestamp |
Email Verified | emailVerified | emailVerified | emailVerified | emailVerified |
Email Verified Timestamp | emailVerified_timestamp | emailVerifiedTimestamp | emailVerifiedTimestamp | emailVerifiedTimestamp |
Phone Type | phoneType | phoneType | phoneType | phoneType |
Phone Verified | phoneVerified | mainPhoneVerified | mainPhoneVerified | mainPhoneVerified |
Phone. Verified Timestamp | phoneVerified_timestamp | mainPhoneVerifiedTimestamp | mainPhoneVerifiedTimestamp | mainPhoneVerifiedTimestamp |
Preferred Method of Contact | preferredMethodOfContact | PreferredMethodOfContact | PreferredMethodOfContact | PreferredMethodOfContact |
Verification Code | verificationCode | verificationCode | verificationCode | verificationCode |