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Online Meeting Information

This meeting will be held online via Zoom.

titleMeeting Information

Date    Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Time   1:00 pm - 3:30 pm

Location  ONLINE 




Meeting Recording & Slides

(May 12) Zoom Meeting



(May 12) Change Review Slide DeckCCCApply Steering Meeting - May 12, 2020

Table of Contents





Talking Points / Visuals

1:00 pm

Welcome & Roll Call

News & Updates

Product Marketing Presentations (slide decks)

1:15 pm

Discussion: Impacts of Covid-19 on CCC (Quick survey)

What could we be doing to support the changes coming with online learning?

Discussion: Leveraging User Feedback - Students & Colleges

Share survey results

1:30 pm

Release 6.7.0 Recap

Highlights: Spanish & Mobile Design

Other notables: SSN, Homeless logic fix, Multiple Measures

Implementation Notes & UAT

Translation of Supplemental Questions (User Guide update)

1:40 pm

Other Active Projects 

In-Progress App Data to Report Center


Report Center Upgrade Status



Roadmap & Development (FY20-21 DRAFT)

Review draft for whole year, Releases:  September2020 & March 2021- focus on Q1 and Q2

6.8.0 September 2020: Highlights - Styles, 6.8.0 and Integration with OpenCCC 2.0

Planned Projects

  • Styles redesign (alignment with CCCCO)

  • Changes for New OpenCCC Integration 

  • Present slides of proposed design -show mock-up presentation

    • Redesign of  My Applications > Account Info read-only and confirmation of accuracy

    • Remove Apply's Edit Account forms > direct students to new OpenCCC Edit Account

    • Add questions removed from OpenCCC to Applications (SSN, Previous name) remind steering of language update to SSN from last meeting

  • Revised Privacy Policy (align to CCCCO) will cover in-progress and Authorized Text Message confirmation for colleges 

Planned Changes 

Review SB 554 (Adult School Special Admit( Changes
Review Parent/Guardian Info Layout changes
Review Noncredit App changes (prioritize the changes in case something has to get pulled) 

Planned Maintenance (Infrastructure, Architecture, etc.)

Support for Glue (Delivery Flag) - Other infrastructure WIP

6.9.0 March 2021 Release 

Show draft plan for Q3 / Q4

Proposed Projects 

In-Progress Apps in Administrator, Promise Grant Redesgin, MyApplications P2

  • In-Progress App > Administrator 

Need to organize sub-committee now

Proposed Changes 

Gender changes, International App focus - integration with MyPath

Proposed Maintenance 

Highlights - Retire Download Client, Dockerize, micro-services, etc.

3:10 pm

Parking Lot - Needs Attention

  • Different language needs to be used in the Abandoned Application emails (24hr/7d) for the Noncredit Application

3:20 pm

Schedule 2020 quarterly online meeting schedule

3:30 pm

Close Meeting - Next meeting reminder


News & Updates

CCCApply 6.7.0 Release scheduled for this Friday, May 15 - 5:00pm

CCCApply Report Center Upgrade - Planned for Fall 2020

Student Satisfaction Survey - in the Report Center - template in Public Folder > Submitted Applications
Satisfaction survey has three questions:  Rate experience, Recommend to Others, and Comments (text input)
This report is ready to run for your college (set date range filter is important)

MyPath Release - June 2020

Release focus on:

Slight revision to look & feel (styles alignment)
integration with SIS with SuperGlue!  Yay!  Direct data delivery with your local SIS - bi-directional with trigger of rules for on-boarding

Bi-directional = Can you pass a use from MyPath to a college's portal?  Without having to use local login (sso authentication).  This is not part of Glue delivery at this time.  
Bi-directional updates data status between Tech center applications and the college SIS

According to PM Jane Linder and John Sills - we haven't had colleges able to integrate to that level (per Mitch's request for authentication integration), however, we see the value and will explore options. (update notes from recording

Glue Integrations

Glue integrates with all three primary SIS systems:
Rules can be set up on MyPath to trigger updates 
Customization in MyPath is powerful value (task customization)

May 27 1200pm  MyPath / Glue Integration Webinar - Look for invitation

Current Surveys

CCCApply Report Center Feedback Survey

International Application College Feedback Survey


Discussion Topics

Topic: Impact of Covid-19 on CCC Admissions & Financial Aid

What are the impacts you are facing at your college? 

Are you facing technology challenges?  If yes, what are they?

Are you working remotely during this period of campus closures?

Noncredit App (Santa Rosa College) - using their own homegrown app - because they don't feel comfortable using technology

Recommends a video tutorial (bilingual) with screencasts - detailed step by step 

Account creation is the biggest need (short videos)

Mitch can attest that students still don't use Email (they use phone SMS texts, but still not using email)


Topic: Opportunities to Get Student Feedback on CCCApply Changes


CCCApply Spring 2020 Release (6.7.0)


CCCApply Spring 2020 Release (v.6.7.0) Slides


  • PRODUCTION Release:  May 15, 2020 - 5:00pm 

  • Pilot Release: March 4, 2020

  • Pilot Update:  May 13, 2020 - 5pm


Spanish Support for All CCCApply Applications

  • Spanish translation for Standard & Noncredit Applications

  • Spanish translation


  • for International Application

  • Spanish translation


  • for CC Promise Grant Application

Mobile & Spanish Support for OpenCCC System

  • Mobile-friendly User-Interface

  • Spanish-language translation throughout the OpenCCC Account creation & recovery 

New Social Security Number Question - Language & Layout

  • Shortened and streamlined all onscreen language, including legalese

  • Simplified the layout with unambiguous Yes/No format

  • Removed SSN Type and SSN Exceptions from layout

  • No backend data field changes - No IT hassles for colleges

New Highest Grade Completed Question in HS Transcript Info Section

  • New question and data field: Highest Grade Completed

  • Replaced question: Completed Eleventh Grade

  • Revised display conditions for "all US high school graduates or equivalent" 

Redesign Enhancements

  • Revised residency logic to support Homeless

  • Replaced AB540 Eligibility Affidavit on Special Links Page

  • Added URL for California Dream Act Application in Special Links & Opportunities

  • Bug Fixes


Glue for Apply 3.7.0 - Find out more here

Could we offer the data values in Spanish?


Update: Ongoing Projects

Alignment to Chancellor's Office Styles & Brand Guide

In-progress now; planned release = Fall 2020 September 6.8.0

Sharing In-Progress Application Data - Phase 1

Project to import in-progress application data into the Report Center and refresh every 24 hours. A report template will allow colleges to run or schedule to run on a daily basis.

CCCApply Report Center Upgrade

Planned for Fall/Winter 2020.


Roadmap & Development

Review of the roadmap and development projects are covered in the slide deck (link shown below).


CCCApply Steering Meeting - May 12, 2020 - Review & Feedback PPT

Recap FY19-20



Review Fall 2020 Release (6.8.0)

  • Scope & Schedule

  • Review Slides: Changes to Integrate with OpenCCC 2.0 

  • Review Slides: Application Changes

    • SB554 - Adult School Special Admit

    • Parent/Guardian Info Layout changes

    • Noncredit Application enhancements



2020 Steering/User Group Meeting Schedule





February 11, 2020

1:00 pm - 3:30 pm

CCCApply User Group Meeting - 2020 Q3


Meeting Chat: Feb2020-steering-meeting_saved_chat.txt

April 22, 2020

TBD - Usually 12:00pm

CACCRAO Conference 2020 - Sacramento Hyatt Regency

In-Person - TBD

May 12, 2020

1:00 pm - 3:30 pm

CCCApply User Group Meeting - FY19/20 - Q4


August 11, 2020

1:00 pm - 3:30 pm

CCCApply User Group Meeting - FY20/21 - Q1


November 10, 2020

1:00 pm - 3:30 pm

CCCApply User Group Meeting - FY20/21 - Q2
