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SuperGlue release 3.7.0 supports the data changes coming in CCCApply 6.7.0. Colleges using the SuperGlue College Adapter to stream CCCApply data or multiple measures student placements directly to their student information system (SIS) will need to upgrade to SuperGlue 3.7.0. The SuperGlue 3.7.0 College Adapter will be in production as of April 17, 2020.

What are the data field changes coming in CCCApply 6.7.0?

There are two data field changes being implemented in the CCCApply 6.7.0 release (spring 2020) that affect the Standard Application that require action from colleges receiving their Apply CCCApply data delivered directly to their college ERP/SIS systemsdirectly via SuperGlue. Both of these data field changes pertain relate to the “High High School Transcript Information section questions (also known as the self-reported Multiple Measures dataquestions) found on the Education page in the CCCApply Standard Application only.


Glue for Apply Field Name

Download Client Field Name


Application / Section

NEW Data Field



Highest Grade Completed

Added question to the CCCApply Standard Application

Deprecated Data Field



Completed Eleventh Grade

Removed question from the CCCApply Standard Application


For more information about the changes made to the High School Transcript Information (Multiple Measures) section in CCCApply, see the CCCApply Release 6.7.0 Summary Notes for details.


. This field remains in the SIS staging tables used to deliver student application and placement records, and will continue to deliver a Y/N value depending on the student’s answer to the new Highest Grade Completed question. In a future release this field will be removed from the SIS staging tables.

What do colleges using Glue have to do?

With the addition of the “highestGradeCompleted” field new Highest Grade Completed field (highestGradeCompleted) and the deprecation of the “completedEleventhgrade” field in Completed Eleventh Grade field (completedEleventhgrade) being implemented in the CCCApply 6.7.0 release, colleges receiving application data via direct delivery to the College ERP/SIS system CCCApply data directly from Glue will need to perform the steps outlined below

  1. Collaborate with the CCCTC Enabling Service team ( to add a new column for “highestGradeCompleted” in the Apply SIS and MMPS SIS staging table for “highestGradeCompleted” tables  

Apply Staging Table Names:

  • Staging table name in Colleague is XCTC.CCC.APPLY.APPL

  • Staging table name in PeopleSoft is PS_CCTC_APPL_STG

  • Staging table name in Banner is SZRAPLY

MMPS Staging Table Names:

  • Staging table name in Colleague is XCTC_PLMT_PLACEMENT

  • Staging table in PeopleSoft is PS_CCTC_PLCMT_STG

  • Staging table name in Banner is SZRPLMT

2. Contact the CCCTC Enabling Services team ( to schedule installation of the SuperGlue 3.7.0 college adapter version that supports CCCApply 6.7.0.  

  • Pilot version of the college adapter


  • was released on March 11, 2020

  • Production version of the college adapter is targeted for release


  • approximately one week after the CCCApply 6.7.0 production release (target date TBA)

3. College IT staff may need to update any college-specific processing required to move the new data from the staging tables into SIS core tables/forms



When do colleges using SuperGlue need to make these required changes



The updates detailed above must be completed prior to New Information as of 4/13/2020: The SuperGlue College Adapter will be released into Production on April 17, 2020 in advance of the CCCApply 6.7.0’s target release dates for Pilot and pro (February 28,2020) and production (March 27, 2020) dates in order for student application records to be delivered with the new “highestGradeCompleted” data. After CCCApply 6.7.0 is released, the “completedEleventhgrade” field in all college staging tables will be null. 0 release. Once CCCApply 6.7.0 is released to Production, the SuperGlue MMPS Placement service will be updated to generate student placements using the new “highestGradecompleted” field. This update to the SuperGlue MMPS Placement service will result in the generation of student placements for concurrently-enrolled ninth and tenth grade students.


Data Field Deprecation: After the SuperGlue College Adapter 3.7.0 production release is deployed at your college, the “completedEleventhgrade” field will continue to deliver a Y/N value depending on the student’s answer to the new Highest Grade Completed question. This is to allow colleges time to transition their processes to the new “highestGradecompleted” field. In a future release the “completedEleventhgrade” field will be removed from the SIS staging tables. 

Need more information about SuperGlue or these specific upgrade instructions? Contact the Enabling Services team at