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Request No.2019-13
Date of Request3.15.19
RequesterOmid Pourjanzani, Vice Chancellor, CCCCO
Section / Page

Needs & Interests Page

Steering Hearing DateApproved
Proposed Change to Download FileBackwards compatibility only
Proposed Change to Residency LogicN/A

Table of Contents

Problem / Issue

As part of the response to comply with AB 3101, the CCCApply Redesign Workgroup has determined that the Needs & Interests page should be removed from the Application workflow by default because - though the questions are valuable to the college and the system - the questions are not required to be asked at the time of application.  

Proposed Solution

Remove the Needs & Interests page from the Standard Application workflow by default (meaning for all colleges ) but ensure the page can be displayed/turned on for any college that wants to display it and collect the data.  Several options were discussed for implementing this change, including waiting for the next phase of the Redesign project which calls for the implementation of a new, backend form builder platform, by default, but allow them to opt-in (continue to display the page) upon written request. Do not implement the ability for admin configuration for "Show/Hide" in the Administrator (in the short-term) until the form builder platform - which is on the roadmap for FY2020. Unfortunately, waiting for the backend redesign is not an option and the Chancellor's Office is calling for an immediate response/solution. 

Therefore the following "short term" solutions will be 

  • Option 1 - Question-Level Opt-In:  Make each individual question on the Needs page optional, and allow the colleges to manage the display (opt-in) somehow at their discretion (like the Supplemental Questions). Admin configuration would be managed by authorized staff in the Administrator through a designated module or modal at the question level, versus at the page level; 
  • Option 2:  is we remove the Needs page for all colleges until such time as we can implement the new form builder backend platform which will allow colleges the display the questions or page, or not.
  • Approved solution: Remove the page from the Application for all colleges, but allow them to opt-in (continue to display the page) upon written request. Do not build admin configuration for this change in the Administrator (short-term) until the form builder platform is designed and implemented. 
  • Question-level Display vs. Page-level Display:  Make each section configurable on the Needs page so that colleges can display individual questions or sections, rather than the entire page (page level display) of the page - such as the Programs & Services section only, if they want.
  • Future change - not in the scope of this story for this fiscal year: depending on the level of effort for the form builder platform and configuration, reconfigure so that each individual question on the Needs page could be displayed upon request. The would allow colleges to turn on just the Athletic Interest question, or just the Programs & Services 

    early FY2019-2020 - is designed and we better understand how admin configuration will work for that backend platform. 

    Add a spike story to understand if we offer colleges two short-term options:

    1. Remove the full page of Needs questions from the Application by default for all colleges
    2. Remove the full page of Needs questions from the Application and display the full page upon request
    3. Remove the full page of Needs questions from the Application and display just the Programs & Services section upon request
    4. Remove the full page of Needs questions from the Application and allow the colleges to display individual questions upon request.*
    5. Remove the full page of Needs questions from the Application and implement the ability for colleges to control display of individual questions through some mechanism implemented in the Administrator
    6. Implement the new backend, form builder platform for the purpose of giving colleges full admin control over all individual questions/fields in the application (admin config controls would be implemented based on the backend form builder platform architectural design).


    Several options were discussed for implementing this change, including waiting for the next phase of the Redesign project which calls for the implementation of a new, backend form builder platform, which is on the roadmap for FY2020. Unfortunately, waiting for the backend redesign is not an option and the Chancellor's Office is calling for an immediate response/solution.

    Dependencies, Risks and/or Reporting Requirements?




    Which data field(s)?


    Would this change affect an existing question or data field on the Standard Application?

    Would this change affect an existing question or data field on the International Application?


    Would this change affect an existing question or data field on the Promise Grant Application?

    Would Account (OpenCCC) data be affected by this change?

    Does the question or data field align to an MIS reporting requirement now?

    Does this change affect any other state or federal regulations or requirements?


    Would this change affect existing residency logic?

    Would any other data fields be affected by this change?

    Would students users be affected by this change?

    Would colleges be affected by this change? 

    Would the Download Client be affected by this change?

    What other tech center web services will be affected by this change?

    i.e., Glue staging table?  Multiple Measur
    Other dependencies?

    Other implementation considerations?

    Supporting Documentation

    DescriptionFile TypeURLNotes