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Version 20182019.21
Updated: 1102.19.18


Table of Contents


Download Client Overview


Attribute NameValue

Set the value to fixed or delimited.


For delimited files, specify the delimiter. The default is comma (",") if unspecified. Examples of delimited file:

outputFormat="delimited" delimiter="|" (pipe is the delimiter).

Note: You can use multiple characters as a delimiter, if desired.

outputFormat="delimited" delimiter="	" (tab is the delimiter; the 	 delimiter value results in tab delimited output)


Specifies which type of applications you are downloading (Standard, CC Promise Grant, or International). If not specified, it will default to Standard applications. For BOG, applicationType="bogfw". For International, applicationType="intl".
stripDiacritics The stripDiacritics attribute will convert certain diacritic (non-English or foreign) characters to standard ascii characters. If omitted, the data will be sent as originally entered in the application. To convert diacritic characters, add stripDiacritics="true". Important note: If you use this attribute, be sure to test thoroughly before using it in production so you know you are getting the results you expect.
charsetSets the charset that the output from the download client will utilize.

charset="ASCII" will place question marks (?) where non-standard/non-English characters are in the output. Multiple question marks can stand for a single non-standard/non-English character, meaning that if you have specified a specific length for a field's output, the end could get cut off if there are too many question marks in the user's value for that field.

charset="UTF-8" will print most non-standard/non-English characters in user output without unnecessarily adding to the length of the output.

If this attribute is not specified, it will default to ASCII.

Child Elements

