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Page Properties

Request No.2018-03
Target release6.2.0.0
Application(s) BOG FW
Environment(s) Production


Change to Download File TBD
Change to Residency Logic N/A




Table of Contents




Business Need

The CCC Chancellor's Office will hear a proposal to adopt the California College Promise Grant.and rename the BOG Fee Waiver application to the "California College Promise Grant" during the September 2017 board meeting. This motion is expected to be approved. This name change will significantly impact the CCCApply BOG Fee Waiver Online Application and development should begin soon to identify all instances and references to be changed. 

Bryan Dickason, CCCCO Financial Aid Specialist will review the current BOGFW application and make the appropriate change recommendations. I believe it does not have to go into effect until 2019-20 (to give colleges time to make all the necessary changes to web sites, forms, and documentation). Since 2018-19 is coming up it will only be a recommended change (CCPG, formerly called BOGFW).

There is national pressure that California did not have a statewide Promise Program. This change, along with the individual Promise Programs allows CA to been in step with the rest of the nation.

College Promise: Background Information

More than 400 education leaders, including the heads of all public education systems in California, have gathered on August 29th, 2017 with their partners to discuss and develop strategies to improve and expand College Promise partnerships, which offer financial, academic, and community support to eligible students throughout the state. College Promise initiatives are part of a growing national movement to support college access and completion, especially for low- to middle-income students, creating a "college-going culture" in the communities where they exist and strengthening local economies.

College Promise partnerships are much more than scholarship programs. They have the potential to be a framework for student and community success by developing an ecosystem of low- to no-cost pathways that allow students to achieve their higher education goals. In addition to funding, College Promise initiatives often provide student support structures at various stages of a student's education. At the high school level, these supports can include field trips to college campuses, assistance to complete FAFSA and college applications, dual enrollment programs, academic and personal counseling, mentoring, and tutoring. At the college level, student support can include cohort models, summer courses and orientation programs, priority registration, guaranteed course availability, and academic counseling and tutoring.

Proposed Solution

  • Work with Bryan Dickason to identify changes and timeline
  • Draft full set of change requirements for Steering approval
  • Begin drafting user stories and get in to JIRA
  • Add to 2017-2019 roadmap

Requirements Summary

#TitleUser StoryImportanceNotes
1Overarching Program ChangesAs a CCC student, I want to apply for a California College Promise Grant online via CCCApply.High
  • Ensure name changes and all high level programmatic changes that will impact the online application UI and documentaiton.
2 Name Change across all instances

Change the name of the BOG Fee Waiver application from "Board of Governors Fee Waiver Application" to:
California College Promise Grant 
formerly Board of Governors (BOG) Fee Waiver Application 


Changes across all environments
Change name on

Change name within the Application (Introduction page)
Change name within the My Applications page
Change name on the (all BOG and Financial Aid pages) 

Change Specifications

General Requirements

  •  All changes all UI changes at this time.
  • Keep the DNS domain ""
  • Change Favicon to

Below is a list of all the onscreen changes required:




Proposed Change


OpenCCC: BOG Fee Waiver

OpenCCC: Promise Grant Application

(Change the name of the favicon only)

BOG Welcome page

BOG Fee Waiver Application

Before applying for the BOG Fee Waiver, you must first have an OpenCCC Account.

The OpenCCC single sign-in account allows you to access the online services of the California Community Colleges.

OpenCCC is a service of the California Community Colleges Chancellors Office. The information in your account is kept private and secure.

California College Promise Grant Fee Waiver Application

(Formerly known as the BOG Fee Waiver Application)

Before applying for the Promise Grant Fee Waiver, you must first have an OpenCCC Account.

The OpenCCC single sign-in account allows you to access the online services of the California Community Colleges.

OpenCCC is a service of the California Community Colleges Chancellors Office. The information in your account is kept private and secure.

BOG Welcome Page

My BOG Applications Page

  1. Page Heading:  My BOG Fee Waiver Applications 

  2. Button:  Start a New BOG Fee Waiver Application

  3. Table 1:  BOG Fee Waiver Applications In-Progress

  4. Table 2:  Submitted BOG Fee Waiver Applications

  1. New Heading: My Promise Grant Applications

  2. Button:  Start a New Promise Grant Application

  3. Table 1: Promise Grant Applications In-Progress

  4. Table 2: Submitted Promise Grant Applications

My BOG Applications Page


Changes to Data Download File


Changes to Logic




Supporting Documentation 

Below is additional documentation (i.e., CCCCO legal opinions, residency and/or education code citations, legislation citations, supplemental information, etc.) to be referenced in support of this change request.