Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Note: This end-user resource pertains to the CCCApply 6.8.0 Pilot release and is subject to updates based on user feedback.


New data field values and question response options were added to specific CCCApply data fields to align with corresponding MIS data elements (see breakdown below). to identify special part-time adult education students who will be enrolled in adult school and also authorized to enroll in a California community college in pursuit of achieving a certificate of high school proficiency or equivalent. Similar to high school (or lower grade) special admit students, adult education special admits can now be identified separately by colleges per the new reporting values required by CCCCO MIS DED.


For a detailed summary of all changes, see Release 6.8.0 Summary Notes. For the technical data specifications, see the CCCApply Standard & Noncredit Application Data Dictionary v.2020.2.


Pro Tip: View the Change Log of the CCCApply Standard & Noncredit Application Data Dictionary v.2020.2for a quick glance of changes specifications made in release v.6.8.0

What is SB554? See About SB554 Changesbelow for specific Q&A

Q. When will these changes be available for students?

Changes related to adult special admit (SB554) will be deployed to the CCCApply Standard and Noncredit Pilot applications on November 1619, 2020 for a college preview and testing period. The Production release (student facing) is scheduled for December 4, 2020.


The changes related to SB554 will only appear in the CCCApply Standard and Noncredit applications.

Reminder: All changes to being implemented in CCCApply will be implemented deployed in both the Pilot and Production applications.



Pro Tip: Colleges using CCCApply have access to a PILOT (sandbox) version of each CCCApply application they’ve adopted, including all corresponding admin and reporting tools. See Pilot Environment for details.


On July 1, 2020, the CCCCO MIS revised the following data elements: SB11 (High School Education Status) and SB15 (College Enrollment Status). See the Breakdown of Changes with Screenshotsfor a detailed summary.

User Interface Changes

Q. How is the CCCApply user interface (UI) changing?


Breakdown of CCCApply 6.8.0 Changes


Release Version




Data Field






College Enrollment Status <enroll_status>


  1. New response option added to College Enrollment Status question in English & Spanish:

    1. English:  “Enrolling in adult school and authorized to enroll in college at the same time

    2. Spanish: “Inscribiendome en una escuela para adultos y estoy autorizado para inscribirme al colegio al mismo tiempo.”

  2. New data value added to <enroll_status> to correspond with new response option:

    1. “Z = Enrolling in adult school and authorized to enroll in college at the same time.”




Documentation update only: Text specification pertaining to an obsolete validation check removed from College Enrollment Status DED table.


College Enrollment Status: <enroll_status>


  1. Removed old validation check text in the College Enrollment Status data table.

Note: Code was never deployed but DED had been updated in error.

 “If College Enrollment Status is “Enrolling in high school (or lower grades) and college at the same time” and data is present in Colleges Attended section, then applicant is prompted to confirm or correct the responses: “Your College Enrollment Status and number of colleges attended indicate that you have previously attended college while in high school (or lower grades). If this is true, please check the confirmation box below. If it is not true, please correct your responses as necessary.”

“I confirm that I previously attended college while in high school or lower grades.”




High School Education Level: <hs_edu_level>


  1. New response option added to High School Education Level question in English & Spanish:

    1. English:  “Will be enrolled in adult school and authorized to enroll in college at the same time.

    2. Spanish: ““Inscribiendome en una escuela para adultos y estar autorizado para inscribirse al colegio al mismo tiempo.”

  2. New data value added to <hs_edu_level> to correspond with new response option:

    1. “7 = Will be enrolled in adult school and authorized to enroll in college at the same time”.

  3. New error validation added to <hs_edu_level> field:

    1. If High School Education Level is “Will be enrolled in adult school and authorized to enroll in college at the same time”, then College Enrollment Status must be “Enrolling in adult school and authorized to enroll in college at the same time”, else error message, “Your responses to the College Enrollment Status and High School Education Level questions are contradictory. Please fix one or the other.”




Changes to Last High School Attended <hs_attendance> question and data field


Last School Attended: <hs_attendance>


Change to question layout/format from radio button response to dropdown menu.


Revised section/question label text to “Last School Attended”.


Revised Help and error message text from “Last High School Attended” to “Last School Attended” as needed.


Added new data value & response option in English & Spanish (5):

  1. Value: 5 = “I attended an adult school”

  2. English: “I attended an adult school”

  3. Spanish: “Asisti a la escuela de la adultos”


Revised response option for data value #4 FROM: “I did not attend high school and was not homeschooled.” TO:

  1. English: “4 = I did not attend high school or adult school and was not homeschooled.”

  2. Spanish: “4 = No asisti a la escuela preparatoria ni fui educada en casa.”




Changes to the (High School) School Finder table which populates:


School Finder




  1. Update the conditions that display the School Finder search table to include new adult school value in <hs_attendance>
    TO: "Appears if Country is United States and <hs_attendance> = 1 or = 2 or = 5 - I attended adult school.

  2. Revised the prompt text for the School Finder search table TO: "Enter the name or city of the last school or homeschool you attended. Then make a selection from the list."

  3. Revised the Help information text for School Finder (that appears when user clicks the icon for the school finder) TO, "Please make every effort to find your last school or homeschool using this school finder search field. Begin typing three or more characters of your school name, or the city name, into the search field to display a list of schools that match the criteria. Continue typing to narrow your search results. You may navigate the list using the up and down arrow keys. If your school is not listed, select "My school is not in the list" at the bottom of the list. This field is required."




Changes to text in High School: Name



Last School Attended / High School Name: <hs_name>


  1. Revised the Help information text for "School or Organization" <hs_name> TO: "Enter the name of your last high school, adult school, or homeschool organization."




Changes to text in High School: City


Last School Attended / High School City: <hs_city>


  1. Revised the Help information text for "City" <hs_city> "School or Organization" TO: "Enter the city in which your last high school, adult school, or homeschool organization was located."




Changes to Highest Grade Completed question in the High School Transcript Information section


Highest Grade Completed: <highest_grade_completed>


  1. Updated display conditions for Highest Grade Completed to “also display IF the <hs_edu_level> = 7 – Will be enrolled in adult school and authorized to enroll in college at the same time.”

  2. Revised existing response option text from: “Currently enrolled in 9th or lower grade” TO: “Currently enrolled in 9th or lower grade, or no high school at all”




Change to College Education Level


College Education Level: <higher_edu_level>


  1. Updated conditions to also display “College Education Level” <higher_edu_level> to:
    ”Display IF College Enrollment Status <enroll_status> is
    "Z = Enrolling in adult school and authorized to enroll in college at the same time."




Change display condition for “Number of Colleges Attended”


Number of Colleges Attended: <college_count>


  1. Updated conditions to display “Number of Colleges Attended” <college_count> to also display if College Enrollment Status <enroll_status> is: "Z = Enrolling in adult school and authorized to enroll in college at the same time."

  2. REMOVED the following validation checks from DED which were not removed after code change in 2019:

“Must be ‘None’ if Enrollment Status is ‘First-time student in college (after leaving high school)’ or ‘Enrolling in high school (or lower grade) and college at the same time’; else error message, “Your Enrollment Status and number of colleges attended indicate that you have previously attended college while in high school (or lower grades). If this is true, please check the confirmation box below. If it is not true, please correct your responses as necessary.

[checkbox] I confirm that I previously attended college while in high school or lower grades.” This edit will never get activated because the same edit related to college data present will get triggered first. It is the same confirmation/error message.





Change Summary


Spanish: “Inscribiendome en una escuela para adultos y estoy autorizado para inscribirme en el colegio al mismo tiempo”

Itemized Changes


  1. Data Value: Z = Adult Special Admi


New data value added to the <enroll_status> field:

  1. "Z = Adult Special Admit" (should align to “Y” per SB11)


Condition: Always display the new response option regardless of age.


Help text has been updated across the College Enrollment Status section where necessary.


MIS Correlation: SB11

Note: All new and revised onscreen text changes have been made in English and Spanish.


See the CCCApply Standard & Noncredit Data Dictionary v.2020.2 for updated data specifications.


High School Education Level


Itemized Changes

  1. New response option added to High School Education Level question on the Education page.

    1. English: “Will be enrolled in adult school and authorized to enroll in college at the same time”

    2. Spanish: “Estara matriculado en una escuela para adultos y autorizado para matricularse en la universidad al mismo tiempo”.

  2. New data value added to <hs_edu_level> field:

    1. "7 = Will be enrolled in adult school and authorized to enroll in college at the same time”

  3. Condition: Always display the new response option regardless of age.

  4. New validation check added to <hs_edu_level>:
    IF <enroll_status> = “Z = Enrolling in adult school and authorized to enroll in college at the same time”
    THEN set/constrain the <hs_edu_level> response to “7 = Will be enrolled in adult school and authorized to enroll in college at the same time.”

  5. Note: Per MIS, 7 = 21000 - Adult Education Special Admit

  6. Help text language has been updated across the High School Education section where necessary.

Note: All new and revised onscreen text changes have been made in English and Spanish.


Last School Attended


Itemized Changes

  1. The Last High School Attended section/question label was revised to: Last School Attended

  2. The format of the question was also changed from radio buttons to a dropdown menu format.

  3. A new response option and data value were added to this data field <hs_attendance> to include an option for adult schools:

    1. Response Option: “I attended an adult school”

    2. 5 = I attended an adult school

  4. The response option text for the data value “4 = I did not attend high school and I was not homeschooled” was revised to accommodate adult schools. The new response option reads: “I did not attend high school or adult school and I was not homeschooled”; however, this text change does not affect its corresponding data value (4).

  5. Help text has been updated across the Last School Attended section where necessary.

Note: All new and revised onscreen text changes have been made in English and Spanish.


School Finder Table

Legislation Details

  • Approved by Governor October 4, 2019: Advanced Scholastic and Vocational Training for Adult School students to attend college

  • Authorizes community college districts overseeing a noncredit Adult Education program to enroll students who are seeking their High School Equivalency as a special part-time student (concurrent enrollment) for up to 11 tuition free units per semester

  • College are credited or reimbursed the apportionment process

  • The intent is to support adult high school equivalency students with a smooth transition from secondary education to college by providing greater exposure to the collegiate atmosphere

  • Assigns a low enrollment priority to special part-time students

Upcoming Changes to CCCApply

  • Three questions on the Education page of the Standard and Noncredit applications are being updated to comply with SB554

  • A new response option is being added to the College Enrollment Status question, and the High School Education Level question, specifically for adult school students who are seeking their High School Equivalency (HSE) as a special part-time student (concurrent enrollment)

  • User interface changes are minimal but necessary to identify adult special admit students

  • Backend data changes are also minimal, with no new or deprecated data fields or changes to your downloads or Glue delivery

  • New data values anChanges align with MIS DED requirements for SB11 and SB15

Changes are being implemented in both the Standard & Noncredit Applications

No new or deprecated data fields are being added; however three existing fields will gain an additional data field value

Data field updates align to MIS DED requirements for SB11 and SB15

Existing school finder service already includes adult schools and continuation schools

Students who select the new adult school special part-time admit options will be presented with the high school transcript questions, including the Highest Grade Completed question

Saddleback College Launch January 2021


SB 554 Workgroup Comprised of Multidisciplinary Team

  • District IT

  • Admissions and Records

  • Adult Education

  • CTE

  • Counseling o Marketing


Updates to CCCApply

  • Are you pursuing a High School Equivalency Certificate?

  • Please enter your anticipated High School Equivalency completion date (up to 2 years)

  • Assign codes for education status (21) and enrollment status (Y)

  • Permit to register letter and email with link to HSE Special Admission Form

  • Limited to enrolling in approved courses

Internal Process


Student orientation


Assist students with CCCApply


Counselors sign the Special Add permit form and create prescriptive course menu


Admissions and Records inputs Special Add permit and courses


Free High School Equivalency textbook and device loan program


Q. Where can I find a summary of the changes being made in the CCCApply 6.8.0 release?

A detailed summary of the change specifications are available here: Breakdown of Changes with Screenshots.

