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Note: This end-user resource pertains to the CCCApply 6.8.0 Pilot release and is subject to updates based on user feedback.

Table of Contents


General Information



Why are changes


implemented in CCCApply to comply


with SB554?

CCCApply has implemented a series of small changes to a handful of Education page questions/data fields in order to align with specific CCCCO MIS DED data value changes (SB11, SB15) that took effect on July 1, 2020. These changes to both CCCApply and MIS comply with the revisions made to California Senate Bill 554 (SB554) which now allows students currently enrolled in an adult education program to concurrently enroll at a California community college to support their pursuit of a Certificate of High School Proficiency.


What is SB554? See About SB554 Changesbelow for specific Q&A.

Q. What changes were made in CCCApply to support SB554 for adult special admits?

New data field values and question response options were added to specific CCCApply data fields to align with corresponding MIS data elements (see breakdown below). to identify special part-time adult education students who will be enrolled in adult school and also authorized to enroll in a California community college in pursuit of achieving a certificate of high school proficiency or equivalent. Similar to high school (or lower grade) special admit students, adult education special admits can now be identified separately by colleges per the new reporting values required by CCCCO MIS DED.

A summary of the changes implemented in CCCApply to comply with SB554 changes are listed below. All technical specifications are documented in the latest CCCApply Standard & Noncredit Application Data Dictionary v.2020.2.


Pro Tip: View the Change Log of the CCCApply Standard & Noncredit Application Data Dictionary v.2020.2for a quick glance of changes specifications made in release v.6.8.0


What is SB554? See About SB554 Changesbelow for specific Q&A

Q. When will these changes be available for students?


With the changes being implemented to comply with SB554, students who are enrolled/attending adult school and also authorized to enroll in a California community college will see a clear, specific response option in the College Enrollment Status, High School Education Level, and Last School Attended questions. Students will also be able to search for and select their adult schools from the School Finder, similar to the process used for high schools and homeschool students. Colleges will be responsible for identifying these students and doing all related outreach.

Q. How will colleges be affected by


the SB554 changes?

With the changes being implemented to comply with SB554, colleges will be able to identify and capture data on The changes will enable colleges to identify adult school students who are also authorized to enroll in a California community college through . The new data values being added to existing data fields, including College Enrollment Status, High School Education Level, and Last School Attended questions will be available in data downloads and for reporting.

Note: Colleges


are responsible for


all MIS data reporting as well as all related student outreach.


Pro Tip: Colleges have the ability to configure custom Error and Email Rules in the CCCApply Administrator to streamline outreach and communication to these adult special admits. For information on configuring custom Rules, see the CCCApply Administrator User Guide.



Change Summary

College Enrollment Status

Spanish: “Inscribiendome en una escuela para adultos y estoy autorizado para inscribirme en el colegio al mismo tiempo”

Itemized Changes

  1. A new response option was added to the College Enrollment Status question (data field: enroll_status) on the Education page to comply with the recent data reporting change implemented by the CCCCO MIS for SB11. The language implemented for the new response option was suggested and approved by the Chancellor’s Office and the CCCApply Steering/User Group.

    The new response option will display to all users and reads as follows:
    “Enrolling in adult school and authorized to enroll in college at the same time”

    1. Data Value: Z = Adult Special Admi

  2. New data value added to the <enroll_status> field:

    1. "Z = Adult Special Admit" (should align to “Y” per SB11)

  3. Condition: Always display the new response option regardless of age.

  4. Help text has been updated across the College Enrollment Status section where necessary.

  5. MIS Correlation: SB11

Note: All new and revised onscreen text changes have been made in English and Spanish.


See the CCCApply Standard & Noncredit Data Dictionary v.2020.2 for updated data specifications.

High School Education Level

Itemized Changes

  1. New response option added to High School Education Level question on the Education page.

    1. English: “Will be enrolled in adult school and authorized to enroll in college at the same time”

    2. Spanish: “Estara matriculado en una escuela para adultos y autorizado para matricularse en la universidad al mismo tiempo”.

  2. New data value added to <hs_edu_level> field:

    1. "7 = Will be enrolled in adult school and authorized to enroll in college at the same time”

  3. Condition: Always display the new response option regardless of age.

  4. New validation check added to <hs_edu_level>:
    IF <enroll_status> = “Z = Enrolling in adult school and authorized to enroll in college at the same time”
    THEN set/constrain the <hs_edu_level> response to “7 = Will be enrolled in adult school and authorized to enroll in college at the same time.”

  5. Note: Per MIS, 7 = 21000 - Adult Education Special Admit

  6. Help text language has been updated across the High School Education section where necessary.

Note: All new and revised onscreen text changes have been made in English and Spanish.

Last School Attended

Itemized Changes

  1. The Last High School Attended section/question label was revised to: Last School Attended

  2. The format of the question was also changed from radio buttons to a dropdown menu format.

  3. A new response option and data value were added to this data field <hs_attendance> to include an option for adult schools:

    1. Response Option: “I attended an adult school”

    2. 5 = I attended an adult school

  4. The response option text for the data value “4 = I did not attend high school and I was not homeschooled” was revised to accommodate adult schools. The new response option reads: “I did not attend high school or adult school and I was not homeschooled”; however, this text change does not affect its corresponding data value (4).

  5. Help text has been updated across the Last School Attended section where necessary.

Note: All new and revised onscreen text changes have been made in English and Spanish.

School Finder Table
