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This is a change management planning worksheet.


The data field behind this question is “Dependency Status” = <dependent<dependent_status> status> and the values are defined in the DED.


Change: “By California law, qualification for resident tuition is based on the residency of your parent(s) or guardian(s) until you are 19 years of age, except in certain special circumstances. The following questions will be used to determine whether or not you need to provide parent or guardian information for the purposes of determining residency. Your response will not affect your admission to college.”

TO: Determining your California residency for tuition purposes is based on the residency of your parent(s) or guardian(s) until you are 19 years of age, except in certain special circumstances. Nonresident students who meet eligibility requirements may apply for nonresident tuition exemption (AB540 / SB68). This information is protected by federal and state laws and will not be shared or used outside of the admission process.

Enter the name of your parent or guardian below, or check the box indicating you do not have a parent or guardian.”

NO CHANGE is needed to the <dependent_status> data field or the parent info fields. The proposed changes would be strictly cosmetic.

Reference: Legal Information

Everything below is for reference only.

From the SAAM:

  • Self-Supporting Student

  • Two-Year Care & Control:

  • Residency for Minor



The father or mother with whom the minor resides; or, if both parents are deceased, the minor’s legal guardian.  Reference: EC 68014

"Parent" means the parent with whom the minor resides; or, if both parents are deceased, his or her legal guardian. Language from Ed Code: 68014. 

Determining Residency

  • f. The residence of the parent with whom an unmarried minor child maintains his or her place of abode is the residence of the unmarried minor child. When the minor lives with neither parent, his or her residence is that of the parent with whom he or she maintained his or her last place of abode. The minor may establish his or her residence when both parents are deceased if a legal guardian has not been appointed. 

  • g. The residence of an unmarried minor who has a living parent cannot be changed by his or her own act, by the appointment of a legal guardian, or by relinquishment of a parent’s right of control, unless the student qualifies under the Self-Support exception (EC 68071) or the Two-Year Care and Control exception (EC 68073 and T5 54047). 

  • h. An noncitizen, including an unmarried minor noncitizen, may establish his or her residence unless precluded by the Immigration and Nationality Act from establishing residence in the United States. See Note in (f) above. 

Reference: EC 68060, 68061, 68062, 68071, 68073; T5 54022, 54045, 54047


Review & Feedback


< from Patty to Mia Keeley, CCCCO >
I am bringing this to your attention because you have been so helpful in other recent change discussions.  I'm hoping you can help with a few more (see list below) or guide me to the appropriate person in the CO who I should be working with.

Also, I copied several key people who have either already played a role in this discussion, or have been instrumental in changes to this particular question in the past:

  • Mitch Leahy - representing Admissions & Records needs from Santa Rosa College

  • Betty Glyer-Culver - representing research needs from Los Rios district

  • Nancy Jodaitis - representing undocumented and other non-U.S. residents from Immigrants Rising Organization

  • Debbie Raucher - representing foster youth minors - from the John Burton Foundation (who was very instrumental in changes to this question made last year to better support foster youth)

My hope is that this is the right group to provide feedback on the changes proposed. If not, I'm open to suggestions.




Debbie Raucher, Burton Foundation re: Foster Youth

Thank you Patty for giving me an opportunity to weigh in. I read this with the lens of the potential impact on foster youth and have the following thoughts.


  1. Regarding the sentence “Enter the name of your parent or guardian below, or check the box indicating you do not have a parent or guardian.” I would recommend adding to that sentence “…or otherwise qualify as an independent student.” It’s a little confusing for someone who is in foster care (or potentially someone qualifying as independent in some other way but who has a parent), because that first sentence implies that the box should be checked only if you don’t have a parent or guardian.

  2. You say that if someone enters a parent or guardian name, the box below with options for independent status disappears. This is concerning to me. I could easily see a foster youth entering a name in that space not realizing that if they go further down, they can check the box for being independent, despite the instructions. Once they’ve completed those fields, if the checkbox disappears before they get to the place where they’re reading the qualifications for the check box, they may not realize they should have checked the box. As we’ve discussed before, many enter “guardian” as a default when they don’t live with their bio parent, which then triggers additional verification. Could there instead be an initial question that offers two check boxes – one for I have a parent or guardian and one for I qualify as independent? That way they have to make a choice between two options and might be less likely to inadvertently check the independent box?

Mitch Leahy, Admissions & Records, Santa Rosa College

 I am concerned with item #2 when you say “Could there instead be an initial question that offers two check boxes – one for I have a parent or guardian and one for I qualify as independent?”.

Through the lense of non-foster youth 18 years olds, they feel that they do qualify as an independent which is incorrect for the purposes of residency determination. This results in barriers for the majority of our non-foster youth students who have to followup with more paperwork.

Mia Keeley, CCCCO

I have the same concern as Mitchell. Do want to schedule a call? Will that be easier than discussing by email?

Debbie Raucher

In lieu of a call, I have another suggestion to offer. What if there was a sentence after “Enter the name of…” in bold that says something like “Do not enter a name below if any of the special circumstances described below apply to you.”


Reference: Legal Information

Everything below is for reference only.

From the SAAM:

  • Self-Supporting Student

  • Two-Year Care & Control:

  • Residency for Minor



The father or mother with whom the minor resides; or, if both parents are deceased, the minor’s legal guardian.  Reference: EC 68014

"Parent" means the parent with whom the minor resides; or, if both parents are deceased, his or her legal guardian. Language from Ed Code: 68014. 

Determining Residency

  • f. The residence of the parent with whom an unmarried minor child maintains his or her place of abode is the residence of the unmarried minor child. When the minor lives with neither parent, his or her residence is that of the parent with whom he or she maintained his or her last place of abode. The minor may establish his or her residence when both parents are deceased if a legal guardian has not been appointed. 

  • g. The residence of an unmarried minor who has a living parent cannot be changed by his or her own act, by the appointment of a legal guardian, or by relinquishment of a parent’s right of control, unless the student qualifies under the Self-Support exception (EC 68071) or the Two-Year Care and Control exception (EC 68073 and T5 54047). 

  • h. An noncitizen, including an unmarried minor noncitizen, may establish his or her residence unless precluded by the Immigration and Nationality Act from establishing residence in the United States. See Note in (f) above. 

Reference: EC 68060, 68061, 68062, 68071, 68073; T5 54022, 54045, 54047

Note: The conditions in (f) apply unless the Immigration and Nationality Act precludes the minor from establishing domicile (residence) in the United States. Language from Ed Code: 68062:  

Foster Youth Status

Set the value for this field as follows:

0 = The response to “Have you ever been in Court Ordered Foster Care?” is No.

Set the field based on the option selected when Foster Care question is Yes and the additional question text displays with radio buttons:

1 = I am currently in foster care (including extended foster care after age 18).

2 = I aged out/emancipated from foster care or exited voluntarily on or after my 18th birthday.

3 = No longer used

4 = No longer used

5 = I exited the foster care system before my 18th birthday.

6 = I am not sure at what age I exited foster care.


From CCCApply Standard Application Data Dictionary v.2019.3)
