CCC Administrator: User Management
User management for the CCCApply Administrator, CCCApply Report Center and other CCCTC staff tools and utilities, is a privilege granted exclusively to authorized CCC college and district staff and administrators.
This guide is applicable to CCC college and district staff who have been granted authority to manage other users for their college or district.
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User Types
There are three types of users (roles) available in the User Manager module in the System Administrator within the new, central CCC Administrator. Two of these user types can be assigned to an approved college or district staff member for each individual application accessing from the CCC Administrator:
Basic User
CCC Admin User
Superuser (Assigned to CCC Tech Center support staff only)
Colleges determine which of their faculty and staff should have basic user access and which are approved to have the additional privilege of managing other users for their college or district. Both of these roles are set up by the primary CCC Admin user from the college or district, who is established by an Enabling Services Support representative at the CCC Technology Center.
The Basic User
The basic user role allows users to launch (access) approved applications and administrator tools specified in their user account. Permission to access applications is granted by authorized separately by a primary user with the same or greater authorizations (scope) as the user being created. Within each authorized application, the basic user is allowed to create, revise, update, and delete data (permissions) for the college or district identified by their MIS code. (The majority of college and district staff users approved to access the CCCApply admin tools will be provisioned with the basic user role.)
The CCCAdmin User
College and district faculty and staff who are authorized to manage users for your college or district will be assigned an additional "CCCAdmin" role to each basic user role already assigned. Authorized "CCCAdmin" users will have two roles for each application they are authorized to access.
The approved college and district staff should be permitted access to the User Manager module in the System Administrator within the new, central CCC Administrator.
As a best practice and for security purposes, it is recommended that colleges keep the number of staff who are permitted to add, edit, and delete your CCCApply data and settings to a "need only" basis.
Example: The following example illustrates the roles and applications that should be assigned to Jane Doe, a college Admissions & Records staff member at ABC College. She is being authorized to access the CCCApply Standard Application, the CC Promise Grant Application, and the CCC Report Center, and she is authorized to manage other users for her college for the Standard Application and the Report Center.
Name | EPPN | MIS Code |