CCC Data Warehouse - Frequently Asked Questions

CCC Data Warehouse - Frequently Asked Questions

The purpose of this document is provide current and accurate information about the CCC Data Warehouse data products and services, and will be updated regularly.


Most Frequently Asked Questions

What is CCC Data?

A part of the Data Services Program initiative from the California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office, CCC Data provides the necessary infrastructure to the California Community College System to aggregate data across disparate systems to an enterprise data warehouse. 

Who can access CCC Data?

Access to the data is provided to institutional researchers, college and district administrators, and other decision makers across the 115 California Community Colleges, district offices, and the Chancellor’s Office, where these critical data may be used to support instructional and institutional decision-making aligned with the Chancellor's Vision for Success. 

What is the scope of the CCC Data 2.0 release?

CCC Data 2.0 supports the ability for authorized colleges and districts to implement direct site-to-site VPN connection to the CCC Data Warehouse (Redshift) for the following data sources:

The direct connection supports access to the following data sources with this release:

  • CCCApply: Application (Credit and Non-Credit App)

  • CCCApply LGBTQ (AB620)

  • CCCApply: International Application

  • CCCApply: College Promise

  • Multiple Measures Placement Service (MMPS)

The purpose of CCC Data Warehouse Direct Access Connection is to support direct access to the CCC Data Warehouse (Redshift) for colleges that have a local data warehouse and prefer to use their own local analytics/business intelligence tool as an alternate to or in addition to, using the Data Warehouse Report Server.  

For colleges (or districts) with a local data warehouse, the CCC Data Warehouse is not to be used as a staging ground for data distribution to your local data warehouse; this usage will not be permitted as it places an undue load and cost to the CCC Data infrastructure. Data from the CCC Data Warehouse may be connected to your local data warehouse by setting up these data as external tables within your local data warehouse.


What is the CCC Data 2.0 Pilot?

To confirm that colleges and districts can successfully connect to and run queries from the supported data sources in the CCC Data Warehouse, a college pilot project will commence on October 2, 2020.

The pilot will be structured in two phases with two colleges will be selected for this first phase. Once these colleges have completed their pilot testing and a retrospective has been conducted, the pilot will proceed to the second group of remaining pilot colleges.  

What are the benefits of direct access connection to the CCC Data Warehouse?

CCC Data Warehouse Direct Access Connection allows colleges to leverage their local analytics/BI (business intelligence) software in support of research across different/more data sources.

What is the difference between CCC Data Warehouse v.1.4.1 and v.2.0?

The DW 1.4.1 release provided authorized access to the CCC Data Warehouse data sources via the Data Warehouse Report Server - a branded version of TIBCO Jasper Software.

The DW 2.0 release supports a direct ODBC / JDBC connection to the Data Warehouse data sources.

What is ODBC and JDBC connection?

ODBC is an SQL-based Application Programming Interface (API) created by Microsoft that is used by Windows software applications to access databases via SQL. JDBC is an SQL-based API created by Sun Microsystems to enable Java applications to use SQL for database access.

What data is available in the Data Warehouse for direct ODBC/JDBC connection?

The following data sets are available to authorized users in the CCC Data Warehouse for both Data Warehouse Report Server users and by direct ODBC/JDBC connection:

Product / Application

Data Warehouse Report Server

ODBC/JDBC (Redshift)

Data Set

Date Available


Data Available


CCCApply Standard & Noncredit Applications

21 Aug 2020


Pilot Release 25 Sept 2020


CCCApply LGBTQ Data (AB 620)

21 Aug 2020


Pilot Release 25 Sept 2020


CCCApply International Application

21 Aug 2020


Pilot Release 25 Sept 2020


CC Promise Grant Application

21 Aug 2020


Pilot Release 25 Sept 2020


Multiple Measures Placement Service (MMPS)

21 Aug 2020


Pilot Release 25 Sept 2020


Will additional data sources be added to the Data Warehouse?

Yes. We will notify colleges as additional data sets are scheduled to be added. These additional data sets will include, though not limited to, COCI, C-ID, MyPath, and Canvas data.

Who is authorized to access the Data Warehouse (Report Server) data?

Approved IRPE researchers at each college or district will be established as the authorized user and “gatekeeper” for their organization (MIS Code) upon confirmation from their college or district Vice President. Gatekeepers can then request access for additional researchers at their organization (MIS Code) by submitting an email request to ES Support Services with the information below.

Is there a release roadmap for all CCC Data Warehouse services?

Communication will be provided as additional data sources are scheduled for release.


What is SuperGlue?

SuperGlue is the software infrastructure that is the single point of contact for data exchanged between software deployed by the California Community Colleges Chancellor's office and the software enterprise systems at the 114 individual community colleges across the state.

SuperGlue encompasses master data management (MDM) and supports student success by delivering pertinent, timely data to students, faculty, and staff.

What is Master Data Management (MDM)?

Master data management, one of the technologies that makeup SuperGlue, synchronizes data across software platforms, applies configurable business rules for what data gets shared where, and notifies and delivers that updated data according to those business rules.

What is the Data Warehouse?

The Data Warehouse is a structured master data source that can be used to generate data marts, reports, and analytics. It also encompasses a broader set of data products, including a data lake, data marts, and enabling technologies for SuperGlue and MDM.



Help & Support

How do I contact CCCTC Enabling Services to get started with direct data access?


How do I contact College Support Services for college staff?

The best way for CCC staff and faculty to contact the Support Services team at the CCC Technology Center is to visit CCCTechnology.info, the online support community for faculty and staff, and post a comment, ask a question, submit a change request, or make a request for technical assistance. Support engineers are monitoring every incoming post between Monday and Friday, 7:00am - 4:00pm PST. Reporting an outage or incident with a staff- or student-facing online application, you can send an email directly to Support Services at staffsupportccctc@openccc.zendesk.com.

How do I request help accessing the CCC Data Warehouse?

  • If you are already an approved user with an authorized user account for the CCC Data Warehouse Report Server, please contact the CCCTC Support Services at staffsupportccctc@openccc.zendesk.com.

  • If you are seeking authorized access to the CCC Data Warehouse Report Server, please contact the CCCTC Enabling Services office for assistance at crms@ccctechcenter.org.

How do I report a bug or issue with the Data Warehouse Report Server?

Support is available to authorized Report Server users in our 24/7 online support community CCCTechnology.info - where college and district staff can share ideas, ask questions, and report bugs and issues for all the CCC Technology Center online applications. Our experienced support engineers monitor all incoming posts and comments, Monday - Friday, 7:00am - 4:00pm PST. Depending on the nature of the issue or comment, support engineers will respond within 24 hours to critical issues regarding production applications.

How do I request user access to the CCC Data Warehouse?

IRPE Researchers: The identified lead IRPE Researcher at each college or district will be established as the authorized user and “gatekeeper” for their organization (MIS Code) upon confirmation from their college or district Vice President. Gatekeepers can then request access for additional researchers at their organization (MIS Code) by submitting an email request to ES Support Services with the information below.

Process for Gatekeepers to Request Additional Users
Authorized gatekeepers may submit an email request with the new user’s name and email address (.edu) to CCC Technology Center Enabling Services - Support Services at staffsupportccctc@openccc.zendesk.com.

Chancellors Office & Other External Stakeholders: All requests for access to the Data Warehouse Report Server from the Chancellors Office or other external stakeholder, must be directed to Mark Cohen, Product Manager, CCC Data, mcohen@ccctechcenter.org who will obtain approval from Vice Chancellor, Barney Gomez, bgomez@cccco.edu.

How do I get my user account credentials for the CCC Data Warehouse Report Server?

Authorized users of the CCC Data Warehouse Report Server are provided their account credentials and password during the implementation process between the user and the CCCTC Enabling Services implementation team. For more information, please contact your College Relationship Manager (CRM) at crms@ccctechcenter.org.

Are there any training materials available for the Data Warehouse Report Server?

The Data Warehouse Report Server - User Guide includes “quick start” information specifically for authorized Data Warehouse Report Server users.

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