CCCApply Standard/CollegePromise/International App Enterprise Data Dictionary V2
| Domain | Table(s) | Description | Number of Columns | Joins: list of <foreign key from this table> = <foreign table>.<foreign key> (INNER JOIN UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED) | FROM: Table.Column | TO: Table.Column | Notes: |
1 | application | application | Current values/responses to in-progress application. | 34 |
2 | application | application_ni | Current values/responses to needs and interests for in-progress application, by app_id. | 4 |
| application_ni.app_id | application.app_id |
3 | application | college_message | Custom message from college that displays in the Apply app to all applicants. | 7 |
| application_ni.ni_id | needs_and_interests.ni_id |
4 | application | college_rules | Specific, custom rules a CCC may have applied to their application via the Administrator. | 6 |
5 | application | content | The XML content of a college's supplemental questions. (T/hese are optional questions a CCC can add (via Administrator) to the CCCApply app. | 12 |
| content.college_id | college.college_id |
6 | application | email_template | A college's email template HTML source, as created by them in the Administrator along with template ID indicating target email receiver type (i.e. Veterans, Tittle IX, etc.) | 5 |
7 | application | messages | Help or hover text that displays when the student applicant hovers over specific fields/buttons in the application. | 4 |
8 | application | residency_calc_step | Label and description of the various residency calculations (?) | 8 |
| residency_calc_step.app_id | application.app_id |
9 | application | post_submit_process | The type of process applied to an application once submitted (?) | 8 |
9.5 | application | race_ethnicity |
| 6 |
9.75 | application | race_group |
| 5 |
10 | application | rule_source | College info for custom application rules as designed by the CCC in the Administrator. | 34 |
11 | application | temp_application | In-progress student application in its current state, with all values supplied so far; may be a security-protected table. | 33 |
| ||||||||
12 | application.xap | xap_application | Historical CCC student applications submitted by students prior to the implementation of the CCCApply application (the XAP application replacement). | 186 |
13 | application.xap | xap_quesiton_response | Historical CCC student responses to supplemental questions that may/may not have been added by the CCCs. | 147 |
| ||||||||
14 | college | college | Contact information for the college. | 19 |
| college.district_id | district.district_id |
15 | college | district | Contact information for the district. | 13 |
| ||||||||
16 | student | app_properties | Summary app status info numeric values for student such as personal info status, residency status, enrollment status, education status, app submission status (assume 0 = not submitted); not sure what numeric values for others represent. | 5 |
| app_properties.app_id | application.app_id |
19 | student | needs_and_interests | Student responses, if any, to the needs and interests portion of the application; these are a series of check boxes of defined options. | 4 |
23 | student | question_response | A student's responses to any CCC supplemental questions. (?) includes an encrypted_response element. | 8 |
| question_response.app_id | application.app_id |
| ||||||||
17 | | contact | Contaact information for the student; address, permanent address, etc. | 32 |
| contact.app_id | application.app_id |
| ||||||||
18 | student.demographics | personal_info | All of a student's responses to the personal information section of the CCCApply application (parent/guardian info, name, ethnicity, etc. | 34 |
| personal_info.app_id | application.app_id |
20 | student.eduhistory | colleges_attended | Previous colleges (if any) the student attended prior to the current CCC they are applying to. | 17 |
| colleges_attended.app_id | application.app_id |
21 | student.eduhistory | education | A student's educational history, including high school, etc. | 29 |
| education.app_id | application.app_id |
25 | student.eduhistory | school | Student's high school information, ceeb, etc | 10 |
| ||||||||
22 | student.academics | major | A student's intended major as selected from a drop-down list in the application. | 16 |
| major.college_id | college.college_id |
| ||||||||
24 | student.residency | residency | A student's residency status as determined by their responses and the calculated outcome. | 49 |
| residency.app_id | application.app_id |
| ||||||||
26 | term | term | Term info for the CCC that the student is applying to. | 13 |
| term.college_id | college.college_id |
| ||||||||
27 | database | databasechangelog | Internal log file used by Unicon to trach changes to the database. | 11 |
28 | database | databasechangeloglock | Internal table used to track the lock status of the log file, and, if locked, who locked it. | 4 |
29 | database | schema_version | Internal table to track schema changes by script name and ordered by version number as well as version rank. | 11 |
| ||||||||
30 | submitted_application | submitted_application | A student's completed and submitted application. All other Apply tables hold the in-progress application data (i.e. prior to submit). | 290 |
31 | submitted_application | submitted_question_response | A student's submitted responses to supplemental questions added to the application by a college. Not all colleges may have supplemental questions. | 159 |
| submitted_question_response.app_id | submitted_application.app_id |
32 | submitted_application | survey | Student responses to submitted CCCApply app survey re: their experience, if they'd recommend the app, and freeform comments (optional). | 8 |
| ||||||||
33 | user | authz | Authorization table... | 7 |
34 | user | eppn_mappings | Authorization table... | 5 |
35 | user | report_authorization | Authorization table... | 4 |
36 | user | eppn_suffix |
| 2 |