
OpenCCC Maintenance Release 2.3.5 deploys:

  • To pilot environment: August 28, 2024

  • To production: August 29, 2024

No database or data delivery changes were made in this release.

On This Page

Release Summary

  • Student Name Logic Enhancement

  • Technical Updates

Student Name Logic Enhancement to OpenCCC

An enhancement was made to the OpenCCC system to support colleges using Ellucian SAAS Banner or Colleague who are reporting some student First and Last Names are being delivered in all capitalized letters in their application data.

The enhancement implements string-comparison logic that compares the names originally entered by the student with the names returned by  If the strings match, the names entered by the student are retained and stored in their original format (which includes all caps if that’s the way the student entered their name).

If there is a mismatch between the student-provided name and what’s delivered back from, the student’s status remains Verified but the name entered by the student will be overwritten with the provided values.

This change will not solve all instances of capitalized lettering, but it should represent a meaningful improvement for Ellucian SAAS Banner and Colleague colleges.

Need Help? Colleges can reach CCCTC Staff Support at for assistance.

Data Access & Delivery

There are no new or deprecated data fields being implemented in this release (OpenCCC 2.3.5). The information below provides general information about CCCApply data access and delivery.

Superglue for Apply

As new features and functionality are developed for CCCApply and other systemwide technology applications, it may be necessary for colleges to upgrade their existing Superglue College Adaptor schema to the latest version. For information about the Superglue College Adaptor and your current schema version, please contact your College Experience Manager at Enabling Services for assistance.

Data Warehouse Access

All CCCApply and Student Success Suite data fields are ultimately stored in the CCC Data Warehouse which can be accessed directly via the Data Warehouse Direct Access Connection service and/or, for authorized admins and staff, through the Data Warehouse Report Server.


No data element changes were made in this release. The latest OpenCCC and CCCApply Data Dictionaries and User Guides are posted in the CCCApply Public Documentation space.Documentation Sites